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File: 115 KB, 1500x1125, mozzarella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8908513 No.8908513 [Reply] [Original]

this is the most overrated cheese of all time

>> No.8908519

That's not cheddar.

>> No.8908524

>the only dish with moz is pizza

Why do americans do this?

>> No.8908530

It's hard to grate.

>> No.8908532

>sliced moz
>cherry tomatoes or decent in season tomatoes
>olive oil
i'd say no op

>> No.8908542

Wrong faggot. There's also mozzarella sticks.

>> No.8908619

>not basil

why? you have everything else that constitutes a caprese but instead of basil you put sand on it?

>> No.8908622
File: 80 KB, 672x530, ciliegine_st-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is the best

(I don't know the brand, just the product idea)

>> No.8908629


yeah mozzarella is actually one of the blandest cheeses
basically can't be eaten by itself

>> No.8908633

Aren't you supposed to eat the entire thing in one day when it's fresh?

>> No.8908635


Moz is great with everything, fresh basil or oregano (though I lean towards basil)

You shut your whore mouth.

>> No.8908637 [DELETED] 

Cheddar has it beat

Then Swiss and then Colby Jack

>> No.8908745

usually I have access to better oregano(have it in garden) than basil so I guess I associate it more with it, but yeah basil is great also

>> No.8908758

What else are you gonna put on your 'za faggot

>> No.8908796

side note

why do americans and american chefs still pronounce it or-egg-ano, it's or-ay-garno

>> No.8908808

Of course you plebs never had high quality mozzarella or even buffalo mozzarella but what you can expect from a bunch of teenage americans

I'm sorry boys, you don't know what you're missing

>> No.8908818

ah yes noone here has had buffalo mozzarella, readily available at any supermarket in the developed world

pull your head out of your arse

>> No.8908867

There's buffalo mozzarella and there's buffalo mozzarella anon, out of the 6 available to me locally only aldi supreme range mozerella come close to what I get in the med

>> No.8908906

I kind of agree. Mozz is somewhat bland until it browns up in the oven.
Still good stuff tho

>> No.8910821

>basically can't be eaten by itself
My ass. I buy like 2 pounds at the cheese shop and eat it plain.

>> No.8910828

Don't forget the balsamic vinegar.

>> No.8910830
File: 442 KB, 2048x1260, 15RECIPE20DIN-superJumbo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget lasagna.

>> No.8910874


>> No.8910881

You say that, but then there's paneer.

>> No.8910894


>> No.8910900

If a fucking mozarella costs 1 dollar dont fucking buy it, idiots

>> No.8911023

you've obviously not had good mozzarella.
sounds good, swap oregano with basil and it's also godtier

>> No.8911038


>> No.8911056

Did you froget what ricotta looks like OP?

>> No.8911076

pastas and soups can be topped with mozzarella

>> No.8911103


>> No.8911201

except for on pizza, melted mozzarella tastes absolutely disgusting to me

>> No.8911261

The first time I tried it to see what the fuzz is about I was let down.
Then once in Italy I had a real one, made freshly that day and it's one of my favorite things since.

>> No.8911280

nothing triggers me more than those gay threads

>> No.8911451

ricotta is not cheese

>> No.8912961

since when?
did they re-classify it like they did with pluto?

>> No.8912969

Mozz is a good pleb filter if you need to get a glimpse of who someone is. If they use mass produced shit made in a factory you know they have shit taste

>> No.8912973

>not American cheese
>not literal processed plastic pressed between more sheets of plastic

>> No.8912987

i doubt anyone thinkgs of "american cheese" as an actual cheese.

>> No.8913796
File: 646 KB, 866x553, caprese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only buy it in the summer to make pic related

Except I'm a heretic so I cube everything and toss it like a salad, rather than neatly layering slices.

But I'm not such a heretic as to defile it with balsamic vinegar, let alone the corn syrup, white vinegar, and caramel coloring that passes for 'balsamic' in the states.

>> No.8913802

If you're a dirty fucken paki maybe

>> No.8913818

caprese might be the #1 dish in taste/work required ratio.

>> No.8913835 [DELETED] 

god, that moz milk leaking out is

>> No.8913995

Put in freezer for 10 minutes

>> No.8914008

Is there a cheese that's like mozerella but with a stronger taste?

>> No.8914049


Abadobbibomi it's Greek and it's the next pizza meme cheese.

>> No.8914054

>pizza meme cheese
What cheese do you put on pizza that is not a meme?

>> No.8914077

I don't eat pizza, I'm not American or fat.

>> No.8914123

you sure about that chief?
never heard of that cheese and google got 0 hits.

>> No.8914140

Well played, sir! I thought it sounded fake so I'm glad you cheked.

>> No.8914141
File: 330 KB, 500x667, 6a00d83451f83a69e201bb0924e0bc970d-500wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Brined, smoked buffalo mozzarella is God tier.

>> No.8914153

you forgot the balsamic vinegar and it's supposed to be basil not oregano

>> No.8914161

I almost looked it up too, even though it sounds like Fred Flinstone named it

>> No.8914162

>basil not oregano


> balsamic vinegar

1. That's probably not balsamic you're using, it's likely a mixture of white or red-wine vinegar, corn syrup, caramel coloring, and artificial flavoring

2. Either way it does not belong in caprese

>> No.8914229

kill yourself

>> No.8914236

That's not american cheese

>> No.8914353

It's a new cheese, the milk of desperate displaced refugees.

>> No.8914565

>these americans thinking oregano only comes in dried form

>> No.8915248

Been eating this with a slice of tomato, pretty good. Any other easy combinations with mozz?

>> No.8915274
File: 254 KB, 1314x957, healthy-caprese-salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could go for some caprese salad rn

>> No.8915287

t. never had real italian mozzarella

try it and the fucking kys.

>> No.8915288

now THAT is some authentic 'za!

>> No.8915290

>this retard thinks that oregano is acceptable on a caprese salad regardless if it's dry or not

>> No.8915422

Smoked cheeses are the best cheeses on this earth and every last one of you faggots knows it, deep down

>> No.8915433

if you want a better version of mozzerella try scamorza. also just as awesome on pizza, and better by itself.

>> No.8915442

can anyone tell me why leaving leftover caprese salad makes the cheese all weird and grainy after a day or so? something to do with the vinegar or what?

>> No.8915460

Does that go on anything other than pizza?

>> No.8915463


>> No.8915526

Agreed it has no taste. I do love mozzarella sticks though.

>> No.8915532

American cheese is the only cheese that tastes good om burgers.

>> No.8915570

Cheddar. Swiss. Pepper jack. Muenster.

Try again.

>> No.8915575
File: 2.52 MB, 1920x1080, antipasto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8915586

Came here to post this. FPBP.

>> No.8915604
File: 16 KB, 260x328, balsamic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while I would agree that many if not most balsamic vinegars you will find in the average US grocery store are terrible, you can buy pic related for about $12.00 and it last me a long time.

>> No.8915620

>not lightly drizzling it with your 100 year aged balsamic imported from Italy

>> No.8915628

anything american

>> No.8915764

Probably the best you can buy here, but having travelled to Italy and tasted the real stuff, it's shit. Use the internet and get a decent balsalmic if you want to impress a specific golddigging wench.

>> No.8915779

We put them on sandwiches too.

>> No.8915900

Where is it overrated? No one in my state ever has it in their cart or fridge. I buy it a few times a month. Good for pizza.

>> No.8915903

Its the most consumed cheese in America

>> No.8915907

I tried to like balsamic vinegar. It looks awesome on some things and it has some appeal to me as being a condiment option, but I just don't like the taste enough.

>> No.8915921

Lemme figure out something to complain about like a stupid cunt and get back to you. We all need something stupid to complain about because we're miserable depressed fuck ups, so I'll get right on that.

>> No.8915937


balsamic shitfiddler is wayyy to sweet for a caprese salad. You fucking people who use it in salad are the reason people don't eat enough greens. Get 10% vinegar for your salad dressing, screw this barrel aged desert garbage.

>> No.8915938

People saying it's bland are correct but for some reason it's still the nicest cheese. Makes no sense to me but that's just the way it is.

>> No.8915953

I bought some gouda today

Is there literally any difference between it and edam?

>> No.8916017

Well, wouldn't overrated mean its more glorified than its consumed? If its the most consumed cheese, then it seems its rightfully rated highly.

>> No.8916021

No, overrated means it is glorified more than it deserves.

>> No.8916038

But if its the most consumed cheese, it seems the glorification is justified, thus the rating is as well.

>> No.8916169

Like he said, it's good for pizza. Dumbass.

>> No.8916277

It's actually good when fresh made "naturally"....otherwise it is complete shit. I've only found one brand in the past 10 years in a grocery store that comes close to the quality of fresh/natural mozz and it was like 30 bucks a pound

>> No.8916375

White cheddar

>> No.8916384

I went to a restaurant that served this with the best tomato and mozzarella cheese. I'm trying to recreate it but cannot...their tomato was sooo good

>> No.8916450

Hope that clarified any confusion

>> No.8916458
File: 37 KB, 640x640, bufala_mozz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At certain grocery stores they have this Buffalo Mozzarella that's the most delicious shit ever conceived.

Don't eat more than one ball at a time tho, it'll make you real sick

>> No.8918156

best shit ever

>> No.8918163

Where u find dis

>> No.8918204

Usually costco, although I think wholefoods might sell them

>> No.8918496

I'm American and grow my own oregano. What now, Yurop?

>> No.8918517

>not burrata

>> No.8918743
File: 1.62 MB, 2048x1152, 20170510_153036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being american and using so much fresh oregano I grow it as a living mulch in my flower beds (pic related)

Top that yuropoors and wannabee amerilard oregano feeders.

>> No.8918787

dried oregano is better though

>> No.8918795

Mozzeralla is good but it mostly needs something else
I want to say cheddar but really good cheddar is REALLY good. Maybe american? But I feel nobody actually likes that and just eats it because it's there

>> No.8918825

ricotta is a dwarf cheese

>> No.8918829

Or they budget differently, Sir Baron von Fuckface

>> No.8918833
File: 12 KB, 220x293, 220px-Easy_Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its the ezcheese

>> No.8918907

It's great in salads. For any Americans reading:

a cold dish of various mixtures of raw or cooked vegetables, usually seasoned with oil, vinegar, or other dressing and sometimes accompanied by meat, fish, or other ingredients.
"a green salad"

>> No.8918979

God damnit, this is the best looking lasagna I've ever seen. I'm so fucking hungry jesus christ

>> No.8920080

Dry it, grind it, and sell it at your local hs as some dank koosh

>> No.8920090

oh haha I like this post.
I was confused at first as to why you gay a dictionary definition but then I realised what the joke was.

>> No.8920103
File: 31 KB, 1000x604, shutterstock_288297071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this more up your alley Chip?