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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.95 MB, 1700x1098, mad-magazine-524-secret-fast-food-menus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8905664 No.8905664 [Reply] [Original]

>hear about "secret menus"
>think it'll be some super secret employee-only stuff like a special type of McNugget made with beef or a special KFC curry
>Look it up online
>It's nothing but stupid shit like "order these two items and put them together yourself" or "order this one thing and a box of fries, it's basically the same as this other thing they serve but it costs $0.10 less"

Are there any actual, legitimate secret menu items out there, or is it all meme trash?

>> No.8905673

it's all meme trash and half the employees think you're retarded because they've been working there for a week

>> No.8905676
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>mcnugget made with beef

>> No.8905681
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>Mass Grave

>> No.8905684

Glad to see Mad Magazine is still a thing.

>> No.8905688

secret menus are a meme that originated from restaurants like chinese and thai cooking occasionally food for themselves and friends that are more like what they eat instead of americanized and hence, off the menu. If you see it in a non ethnic restaurant you are probably observing a gimmick even if they have creative stuff on it.

>> No.8905689

A lot of them have these absolutely ridiculous names that sound like shitty in-jokes that'd apply to precisely one employee who worked for two months at a joint on the other side of the damn country.

>> No.8905703

Chick fil a will make you a quesadilla, but that might be a regional thing.

Other than that yea its all bullshit.

>> No.8905719

I always wonder how much of these are less of a "secret menu" thing and more of a "taking pity on someone that doesn't realize he's not at Taco Bell" thing.

>> No.8905807
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I can only imagine how infuriating it must be to have idiots ordering non-existent burgers, or asking you to lower the price because they ordered a big mac with just a bun and some sauce squirted on it.

>> No.8906062
File: 1.50 MB, 1728x2592, McDonald's Septuple 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the sextuple cheeseburger. The best secret menu burger

>> No.8906137

Imagine saying "McGangBang" out loud to a female cashier half your age

>> No.8906227

We call it the McBitchin here, but if you're not an idiot you just order a mcdouble and a hot and spicy.

>> No.8906308

Lol bro like serious you need to check out cracked's website, the best in original and progressive online comedy.

>> No.8906351
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I don't think you know what that word means.
I think you're a milleniel and thus a bit thick.

>> No.8906408

I hope you are kidding and not honestly shilling the fact that a once great website got taken over and ruined by left wing writers.

>> No.8906424
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>he doesnt know the difference between left wingers, liberals and communists.
Lurk moar.

>> No.8906447
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No difference at all to me, just varying levels of degenerecy. Liberals, left wingers and communists all deserve to be labeled as traitors to this great country and either rounded up and gassed or killed by firing squad. Long live western civilization!

>> No.8906453

Which country my edgy 'not ready for /pol/ yet' friend?

>> No.8906465

Lol bro like serious only a racist wouldnt go to their website to add to their pageviews. You arent an overpriviledged white supremacist are you?

>> No.8906504
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I don't go to the website because every article is hastily written and is pushing a political narrative, unlike five years ago when the articles were well researched and generally were about interesting historical episodes or scientific research. Now it's just a left wing opinion website.

In before everyone I don't agree with is racist.

>> No.8906550

>Order a big mac without burger patties

>> No.8906561

>western civilization

Marxism developed in western civilization with roots in western philosophy, you numbnutted retard.

>> No.8906574

Some franchised McDonald's and In-And-Out Burger places will make you a neapolitan milkshake.

Even if they don't, at least you won't sound like an idiot ordering them.

>> No.8906598

Not wanting his country destroyed by people who get their political opinions from social media and comedians is edgy now guys

>> No.8906606

>crispy prince albert

holy fuck i laughed

>> No.8906611

>10 year old girl working the register

geezus, no

>> No.8906612

The Frankfurt school see western civilisation and culture as a problem in the path of international communism and seek to erode it gradually. How the hell did you not know that?

>> No.8906627


>> No.8907191

there is no difference any more

>> No.8907278
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Chipotle offers a "quesarito." It's a burrito wrapped in a cheese quesadilla instead of a tortilla. Sometimes they'll charge you the price of a burrito and a quesadilla, but some places will give it to you for the price of a burrito. That's the only real secret menu item I know of.

>> No.8907334

The guy who wanted to gas all Jews grew up in a Jewish household, what's your point senpai?

>> No.8907432

>frankfurt school

Entirely based on Marx, Hegel, Weber, Kant, Freud and Lukacs - all western philosophers. I'm sorry if not every interpretation of western philosophy promotes your view that 5-10% of the population should subjugate 90% into slavery to corporate fascism at the expense of individual growth, freedom and well being. But you're a corporate sycophant. Support ideas against your own interest, boi.

>> No.8907439

Grilled cheese isn't a secret menu thing, it's from the Happy Meal.

>> No.8907463

For me, it's Leninism. The best of the absolutely insane untenable Marxist political theories.

>> No.8907471

Some Taco Bells still serve the Chili Cheese Burrito a/k/a the Chilito. It was discontinued nationally. My local serves it, but it's not on the menu.

It's essentially a burrito skin filled with liquid chili and cheese. You eat it kinda like a gogurt. I usually add sour cream to it. It's my legit favorite Taco Bell offering.

Does that count?

>> No.8907516

Jamba Juice gummy bear smoothies are legit tasty as fuck, though

>> No.8907542

God, that looks like fucking cancer. I love it.

>> No.8907567
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>you're fat enough to order this

>> No.8907578

they just reply with
>no we don't sell that here

>> No.8907590

I'd say so Anon, that sounds kinda good.

>> No.8907650

7x7 steak and shake for 7.77$ cheaper burger per dollar on the market.
Also soft tacos with sour cream. From tacobell. Game changer.

>> No.8908281

>Jacksonville Lube Job
My sides

>> No.8908303

Get back to your board you cuck

>> No.8908441

Any legitimate "secret menu" item will just be a combination of ingredients they already have on hand, it can't be a complete surprise.
Why would they waste money stockpiling ingredients for an item they don't openly advertise?

>> No.8908488

Chicken McFlurry sounds pretty good if they used McChicken sauce instead of barbeque.

>> No.8908492
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>> No.8908493

The best is Wendy's triple baconator. It's not on the menu anymore, but it's still in their system and can be ordered easily as long as the cashier isn't on their first week of work.
I used to eat one around noon and be full for a day and a half.

>> No.8908531

there was a mcdonalds near my home that had a secret menu item wich was ordering a quarter pounder meal and getting another quarter pounder burger for free if you told them you went to the nearby highschool because everyone working that mcdonalds was an ex student from there

>> No.8908539

Atlanta Dip sounds like it could be good if you used the Coca Cola syrup as a sauce.

>> No.8908541
File: 59 KB, 374x510, 1485569780751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>voluntary exchange is slavery
>codes of conduct and (negotiable) wages are fascism

How's that creative writing degree going, pal?

>> No.8908557
File: 293 KB, 800x643, DUI-JIMS-BURGER-PICO-RIVERA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Order the DUI at Jim's Burger in LA.

>> No.8908560

If you stuck one in the fridge it'd firm up a bit and was amazing to eat when you were drunk as hell.

>> No.8908618

this nigga knows what's good

>> No.8908625


>> No.8908658
File: 272 KB, 1024x768, 421D7F25-7455-4E65-A28A-37CA6E9FDC2A-193-00000016D5EFE63A_zps07ff1ec1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8908669

Jimmy Johns has a Gargantuan with double meat and cheese. It's still on the POS at some locations but I can't remember the name.

>> No.8908680

Back in the day, "secret menu" actually meant what you thought it were. Like you had to know it was a thing, before you could order it, sometimes places would demand servers to say that something ordered didn't exist 2 times, before finally giving in and letting the customer have whatever secret menu item, they were ordering

>> No.8908691


>Arby's is the most palatable by far

hey just like real life

>> No.8908699

Get that thing on sourdough(toast), staggered, with 2 eggs and pepper jack cheese.
Explosive diarrhea

>> No.8908707

In-n-out's secret menu is pretty good, my favorite being adding chopped chilies to burgers and animal fries

>> No.8908926

There's no such thing as "secret menus", any place place let's you customize your order how ever the fuck you want. It's just retards that want to feel like they're part of some secret club.

>> No.8908930

That was just them trying to cope with your autism.

>> No.8908935

Get the fuck out of here you faggot stop ordering chopped chili's like heat makes you special. You just have terrible taste so you need it to be hot so you can taste anything.

>> No.8908950

Bro, let the dude have his peppers

>> No.8908967
File: 1.07 MB, 266x268, 1404616909012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you've upped your variety of laughing blonde woman images.


>> No.8909052

What is that thing in the top right? The sliver thing with buttons. It looks almost like a telephone or something but no touch screen. Is it some kind of fancy TV remote?

>> No.8909076
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>being this new

>> No.8909085

>the guy who wanted to gas all Jews
Citation needed

>> No.8909129
File: 22 KB, 266x290, IMG_1362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop spamming McDonald's threads you butthurt retard.

>> No.8909399

>>think it'll be some super secret employee-only stuff like a special type of McNugget made with beef or a special KFC curry

I want to live in a world of op's design.

>> No.8909414

>Not sure if trolling or just american

>> No.8909420

Are you really so butthurt that you had to reply to me twice? And not only am I not the one spamming McDonald's threads, even I was, you would have no way to prove it, as opposed to it being painfully obvious that it's one guy, i.e. you, making worthless shitposts every day with the same surprised blonde woman.

>> No.8909474

>same surprised blonde woman

What, you don't like blondes? That's a bit racist.

>> No.8909529

The only things i know of are you can get jack in the boxes sourdough bread on any sandwich and taco bell will grill any burrito.

>> No.8909549

Back then there wasn't really any difference between east and west, so what you're saying is making pretty much no sense

>> No.8909554

Not him but you need to stop getting so easily triggered, it's just a meme.

>> No.8909558

No, I'm actually being quite serious. This was a thing, but people have taken the term and bent it into something it isn't

>> No.8909808

T-taco bell has a quesarito on menu

>> No.8909814

This looks like absolute shit. I work at a taco bell which serves this. The messiest item to make

>> No.8909829

>think it'll be some super secret employee-only stuff like a special type of McNugget made with beef or a special KFC curry

How can you honestly be this stupid? That would imply that McDonalds and KFC are adding different products to their huge worldwide supply chain, and then not selling them.

>> No.8909958

It's called like the JJ Gutbuster or something. Was 16 bucks or so when I worked there. Hellacious mess of a sandwich.

>> No.8909978

It's super delicious, though. You are doing God's work every time you make one. Bless you for your hard work.

>> No.8910538

Animal burger at A&W

>> No.8910544

I suppose this is something associated with fast-food bars?

>> No.8910585

I don't know if you've really looked at 4chan recently, but the Frankfurters might have a point.

>> No.8910605

I work at a coffee place that isn't Starbucks and I hate the amount of faggots that come in and try to order a Starbucks secret menu item. I'll make you whatever you want if you actually know what's in the item and we have the ingredients, but they never know and act like I'm the one being ridiculous when I can't make them a "mermaid frap" or whatever.

>> No.8910614

Just a heads up they get reaaal pissed if you order this when they're busy.

>> No.8910681

>implying leftists make any distinction between right-wing ideologies and don't call anyone left of karl marx literally hitler

fuck off

>> No.8910718

kek I have some communist friends that will flip their shit if you call them a liberal.

>> No.8910748

So? As long as they'll make it, and I pay for it, who cares? Besides, they'll be pissed for, at most, 3 minutes afterwards, then they'll forget about it

>> No.8910772

>left of Marx


>> No.8910786
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>being this dumb

>> No.8911484

do you really go up to the counter and ask for a mc gangbang? I've always been to nervous to ask for that, what if its a qt and she thinks im sexually assaulting her?

>> No.8911568

No, just order a McDouble and a McChicken, put it together yourself. Otherwise, expect to explain what you mean and get told to put it together yourself.

>> No.8911599

oh wow, i never thought to assemble it myself. do you have instructions? i've been wanting a mcgangbang for a couple years now since i've heard of it. Do you use all the buns or are some for waste?

>> No.8911635

You can eat the jr chicken buns or you can not eat them it doesn't matter

>> No.8911657

>Gargantuan with double meat and cheese
fuck me, I gotta try this

>> No.8911800

it's pretty fucknig obvious he's being sarcastic, dipshit

>> No.8911806

Sounds like you haven't heard of Posadism.

Leninism is basically normal in comparison.

>> No.8911809

Just like everything else in life today.

>> No.8911831
File: 220 KB, 1343x1007, 20150929_214444-1343x1007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a pic of the correct assembly

>> No.8911908

this looks like if a 10 year old tried to invent a sandwich

>> No.8911940

You're not far off

>> No.8911956

>3 buns

>> No.8911960

This is a pretty hot scenario

>> No.8912001

When I worked fast food, I always pretended not to know any "secret menu" shit just to embarrass the people asking for them

>> No.8912036

Based anon

>> No.8912372

The proper term is actually "McDank"

>> No.8912569

I'm so sorry for you, anon. I used to work at a real coffee place and now work for the siren and we can't even make half the crap these people ask for because it's either discontinued or were out.

>> No.8912645

Chicken McFlurry sounds kinda good.

>> No.8912675

Employees are just the worst.

>> No.8913170

>implying you're not forced to work anyway
>more like gasoline that keeps you alive

you're a fucking retard

>> No.8913240

What the fuck. If I want to make a living I only have to work 24h/week on a wage barely above minimum. Did 1.5 years full time work and now I get to travel for 3 months on the extra cash. If I find a non retard gf then we can both work 20h/week and have a good debt free life. Are you stupid with money or something? Under communism or other inhumane system Id be worked to death by the state.

>> No.8913280

I mean, if you don't drive/live in a place with a roof you would be making some sense

>> No.8913291

The two cheeseburger meal is on the fucking menu board.

>> No.8913309

2 bedroom appartment in a small-medium sized city. Dont own a car or ever plan to own one. public transport and cycling cover all my needs

>> No.8913362
File: 42 KB, 700x484, comic.php.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the boob man secret menu for Taco Bell

>> No.8913366

>how to be a well rounded wagecuck in 3 easy steps
I'm already part of the somewhat higher class, I'm an engineer earning 7-8 times what the minimum wage is for an unsettlingly low amount of work.
Homewer, that's exactly why I believe I am so eager to criticize this system, it's uneffective, a fucking social disaster and one of the most inefficient way of doing things.

The only thing capitalism is good at, is giving more money to those already have everything. On every fucking other aspects it's the most retarded thing to have ever come to existence.

If you seriously belive that everything that isn't capitalism is fucking goulags and massacre, then I can ensure you that you have been successfully brainwashed by the society, to the point that you can't even distinguish reality from propaganda.

>> No.8913374

If yo're right, you're alright.

>> No.8913410


>> No.8913455

That thing does make sense though.

Here, at KFC, instead of a bucket of strips get 5 B-smarts, you come up 10% cheaper and with twice the amount of fries. Just with 5 boxes instead of one convenient bucket.

At a local pizza place, instead of [fancy pizza name], order Margharita with the following extra ingredients: [read ingredient list of fancy pizza]. Their base price on Margharita is something like 2/3 the price of any next pizza, and unless the ingredient list is ludicrously long, you'll come up well ahead. In case of pizzas with a short ingredient list - way ahead.

>> No.8913880
File: 1.38 MB, 845x784, 1488117275512.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>French Fries

>> No.8913908

This is the most incoherent rambling I have read all day, but I have also only been awake for three hours.

>> No.8913916

Taco Bell, from both reading and first-hand observation, will serve you any discontinued menu item as long as they have the ingredients in-house. I think even though it leaves the outside menus the internal system still keeps records of all the weird seasonal crap which allows you to buy it if you remember what its called.

>> No.8913920

>At a local pizza place, instead of [fancy pizza name], order Margharita with the following extra ingredients: [read ingredient list of fancy pizza]. Their base price on Margharita is something like 2/3 the price of any next pizza, and unless the ingredient list is ludicrously long, you'll come up well ahead. In case of pizzas with a short ingredient list - way ahead.

what the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.8915435

anyone remember how McDonalds used to have that cooler dollar menu with $2 stuff that included a white cheddar and grilled onion cheeseburger? I used to get it with mac sauce. Figured it would be a good basis of how animal style at In N' Out was like. Was okay, but was a lot greasier from the grilled onions and sauce.