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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 81 KB, 426x640, pluot bare root.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8905496 No.8905496 [Reply] [Original]

>buy plum tree online for $25
>two days later, a get a literal stick in the mail


>> No.8905507


A decade from now you'll enjoy this purchase. My siblings and I planted pinecones in our garden one year, now dozens of 100ft trees line the perimeter of the estate I was raised on. All good things take time.

>> No.8905582 [DELETED] 

>State buys land next to you
>demands you trim the branches on half of your pine trees
>costs you thousands
>trees lopsided, slowly die

Thanks Obama!

>> No.8905600


Did you imagine they were going to ship you a 10' tall tree?

>> No.8905612

Well the online shop said these particular plants were ~9ft tall. Maybe I'd young one, maybe something with budding fruits in a pot... What I did not expect was a stick.

>> No.8905639

I dont know what kind of smoke you are inhaling my friendo but obama hasn't been prez for months.

>> No.8905692

You'd have to go to a nursery to get larger trees. Ordering trees on the internet you always just get 2 foot tall sticks. They grow fast though.

>> No.8905770

It's just a meme.

>> No.8905789 [DELETED] 

thanks for coming to my defense m8

you want my small collection of Emma Watson changing room pics?

>> No.8905913 [DELETED] 


>> No.8905924 [DELETED] 

Please give this to me.

>> No.8905957 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8905998 [DELETED] 

She's giving me a plum tree with that plump ass, I'm growing fast

>> No.8906009 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8906012
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how do i make tacos meat, /ck/ ?

>> No.8906013 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8906021
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i wanted to create a new thread

>> No.8906023 [DELETED] 

Gross, she's like half naked and stuff

>> No.8906026 [DELETED] 

Hmm, bigger butt than I would have expected.

Just delete it, bro.

>> No.8906039 [DELETED] 


>> No.8906044 [DELETED] 

We've had to wait 16 years but now she's willing to get on camera in underwear.
I think we're getting close to porn guys.

>> No.8906045 [DELETED] 

Oh, RIP.

>> No.8906048
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Eminent domain doesn't exist in my country. I live on a 57 hectare plot. Handed down generation to generation for longer than your country has existed.

>tfw Americans have to worry about their own government telling them what they can do with trees.

>> No.8906049 [DELETED] 

You can do anything you put your mind to.

>> No.8906051 [DELETED] 

You can post this on a blue board.
I don't give a fuck what Mrs Moody says.

>> No.8906192 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 540x540, back_to_back_world_war_champs_eagle_poster-r13715f1e1978499ca6f1adddc6e49661_fsnd1_8byvr_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize your entire country has to worry about what American government says they can do because they aren't a world power

>> No.8906205
File: 31 KB, 467x600, 85293847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My country is neutral and doesn't deal with America much, especially your food, most of which is illegal due to toxicity and carcinogen laws.

>> No.8906213

“Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”

You done good OP

>> No.8906215

theirs is your problem

>> No.8906293 [DELETED] 

>implying neutrality is a viable long term plan

lmao, you will be destroyed or enveloped sooner or later

>> No.8906354 [DELETED] 
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>He doesn't know

Those images are part of a leak that include homemade porn

>> No.8906401

Well, this thread went places.

>> No.8906773

I've bought several trees from online nurseries, they all come like this. They trim the foliage and make the tree think it's time to go dormant for the winter. It holds up to shipping better this way.

Give it a week or two and it will come to life. It will actually grow pretty quickly, most fruit trees take really well to transplanting. Expect it to grow two large branching trunks where it was cut on top.

>> No.8906812
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Where do you recommend to buy from and up to when ca I plant them? I want a cherry tree in my yard FOR JAPANESE BLOSSOMS WHAT DO I BUY

>> No.8906828

your grandchildren will enjoy it

>> No.8906868

Try this:


It'll ship as a bare ass stick like OP's pic shows.

>> No.8906901

Best time for planting trees is fall, but early spring is ok too. As far as what kind if you want japanese cherry blossoms, idk, maybe japanese cherry trees? Any of the major sites with decent reviews will work. Just search for "japanese cherry trees for sale."

>> No.8906965

Thanks a lot guys!

>> No.8907149

You think they would do well in pots too? Thinking of getting some other fruit tree and keeping it mobile.

>> No.8907595

Certain dwarf fruit trees do well in containers. Meyer lemons and other smaller citrus come to mind. Most edible fruit trees have too expansive of a root system, they'll get rootlocked in their container and get deprived of nutrients. Plus you'd be watering it like crazy.

You'll find a good number of ornamental fruit trees for container growing, but the fruit is garbage. Meyer lemons are the only one I have any experience with, and they're god-tier.

>> No.8907617

well at least it looks like it was created by grafting and not grown from seed.

fruits trees from seeds usually don't produce edible fruits, and they take years/decade longer to start making inedible fruits.

>> No.8908143

should have planted plums

>> No.8908165

it'll grow

my dad bought a peach tree sapling and i was such a pessimist, i told him he straight up wasted his money, that he planted it in the wrong place, that it wasn't watered enough, etc.

he has peaches now

you can't always be a smart ass bitch, mother nature will do things the right way

>> No.8908178

life finds a way

>> No.8909138

>threw cherry pits out the window in 2008
>on started growing
>first cherry fruit last year
>this year looks like it will be dozens
my bby is growing up ;~;

>> No.8909189

Are you all aware that one part pee in ten parts rainwater is like manna for plants

>> No.8909206

I live in South Carolina and my soil is clay and I'm on the edge of 150 acres of pine forest so it's acidic, clay and sandy. I can't get anything to grow. Any ideas?

>> No.8909213

Get a really big flower pot.

>> No.8909221

I was thinking using 2x10s to make boxes like 8x5 feet and filling with soil but it would cost a lot in the end but at least I could grow stuff I guess

>> No.8909229

Radishes, peppers and sweet potatoes thrive in acidic soil.

>> No.8909231


>> No.8909252
File: 233 KB, 1024x768, pottedfruittrees003.jpg~original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it would cost a lot in the end
Not really... Was looking into this last night. Evidently, growing fruit trees in pots is a thing. Hell, you could just use one of those giant buckets if you fancy.

>> No.8909268

Those dont like pots.
More like small garbage cans

>> No.8909277
File: 702 KB, 1292x1747, DSC3718-e1353343852886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure they'd like infertile soil a good deal less but, again, growing fruit trees in pots seems to be a thing.

>> No.8909434
File: 56 KB, 300x282, 1318297217565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> buying a tree
> online

>> No.8909447

mail order plants have been a thing since before the internet my man

>> No.8909469

Nothing wrong with that at all. We bought several green tea bushes (camellia sinensis) online and they are doing quite well. We also bought a couple pear trees that are producing nicely. But you have to expect them to be 1 or 2 feet tall, like OP's. If you want a 10' tall tree, you have to go to a brick and mortar nursery and pay a buttload of cash.

>> No.8909481

Fuck you.

>> No.8909483
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>> No.8909485

Aren't you a little old for 4chan faggotron?

>> No.8909534

Wtf? Because I planted a few trees and bushes that are producing after 6 years? Most people have learned how to use a shovel by the time they're in their 20's.

>> No.8909562
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>140 acres
Cool story bro.

>> No.8909569

You have to be at least 18 to post here. Something tells me you're about six years early.

>> No.8909599
File: 12 KB, 262x192, 'MERICA! FUCK YEAH!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw you realize your entire country has to worry about what American government says they can do because they aren't a world power

>> No.8909617
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>> No.8909643

order beautiful flowers online. get a bag of onions in the mail.


>> No.8909664

>Barely did anything in World War 1
>Call himself champion

So this is the world famous American "Education"?

>> No.8909680

Terraced beds will work, but to your point, probably cost prohibitive. Maybe approach it scientifically: till up several small plots with soil/manure and the native soil and try different mixes with the same plants and see what takes?

>> No.8909685


oh its a whiny pol shitpost. we dont have enough of those already.

>> No.8909686

you had to peel them

>> No.8909722

You should cook with them. Flower onions are super tasty despite not actually being onions.

>> No.8909734

>Buy plum tree

You already fucked up buying shit fruit tree, they did you a favor to just send a stick.

>> No.8910327

I love peppers. Maybe I will try some of those and sweet potatoes and see what happens.

I didn't know this is an actual thing. I may look into it, thanks. It seems better than building boxes and cheaper since they're just plastic.

>> No.8910343
File: 525 KB, 1120x1680, IMG_20170508_144153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dutch iris?
Just plant them. No they are not edible. I have two.

>> No.8910350


>plant an oak tree with my siblings twenty years ago
>it grew up slanted and is eventually going to fall down and smoosh our house

That didn't turn out well

>> No.8910362

Couldn't you see that coming while it was still manageable?

>> No.8910391
File: 93 KB, 388x600, 388px-Huckleberry-finn-with-rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only three letters we need are:
Sucks to suck, scrub.

>> No.8910504

>Be grandma
>Plant magnolia in front yard
>30 years later the roots have grown under the foundation and are attempting to split the house into two distinct pieces
>Can't cut it down or kill it because LOL IT'S THE STATE TREE, that would be ILLEGAL
>Will cost tens of thousands of dollars to have it transplanted

>> No.8910517

Just kill it.
Fuck anyone that wants to defy you.
I ripped one out in WV and it was a fucking nightmare, growing into the basement and splitting the brick.

>> No.8910560
File: 136 KB, 1300x957, flower-bulbs-11922124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah some other scam. You order a bunch of "flowers" and they send you a bunch of onions. It's a huge racket during springtime.

>> No.8910592

>illegal to kill a magnolia in MS

G-g-good thing the one in my flower bed died, ummm, "naturally."

>> No.8910617

It was a joke about how OP'd be dead by the time that thing became a tree. I know the internet is serious business 100% of the time but try to turn off your /pol/ goggles from time to time.

>> No.8910664
File: 480 KB, 738x1312, 7529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwww this is very cute! I had a lilac bush outside my grandmother's room where we lived. It was killed and moved because it was in the way, but my nine year old self learned about plants in school so I planted a tiny single rooted stem behind our house and its grown into a full blown tree. Shes dead now so its a good reminder of her. I got a picture since it was flowering! All from a tiny stem! If anyone knows how I should trim it let me know, it had a mold infection last year and those pats died.

I worked at a greenhouse and they usually dont sell the small ones. They sell decent sized trees in large pots so they cost over 100. Plus thats heavy and hard to move. This seems much smarter honestly.

>> No.8910711

Nice bush but that fungus did a number on it. It should be a lot fuller. As far as trimming, cut out the dead branches that were killed by the fungus. It looks like you have vinyl siding, but I can see where it has scraped paint off your window frame. Trim it back so it isn't scraping the house. Also, you may want to talk to a nursery about getting a fungicide for it. That fungus is still there even if currently dormant.

>> No.8912083

Blueberry plants also

>> No.8912184

You should have gone to fastgrowingtrees.com and gotten a couple of specimens of the Santa Rosa variety. Earlier in the year they were shipping at 6-7 feet tall.

>> No.8912221

>Eminent domain doesn't exist in my country.

It exists in every country.

>> No.8912245

I suddenly want to go picking sandhill plums. I guess I need to find out when they're in season.

They aren't great on their own, but they make fantastic jelly.

>> No.8912257

Oh, thank you very much! I was surprised anyone replied!

>> No.8912261

Eminent domain is okay when Obeezy does it!

>> No.8912278

>less than a quarter section

>> No.8913486

When I grew up, our neighbor had a plum and an apple tree growing right next to his fence and the branches hung over into our yard. My father built a fake wooden pirate ship play place with a crows nest that was in the trees branches. My neighbor really didn't mind that he had two boys crawling all over his trees and that was how we got all our accidentally thrown to far toys from his yard. Every year we had plums, apples, and blackberries in our crappy suburban yard. When he died and his douchebag family members moved in and cut down the two trees so they could make space for their RV. Those people should be shot. An adult fruit bearing tree in a suburban backyard is like a fucking unicorn around here. At least by brother has an avocado tree in his apartment complex no one has apparently noticed is an avocado tree and reaps the benefits. Although competition with raccoons is fierce.

>> No.8913505

Then again avocado trees are incredibly fecund. You can only make so much guacamole. When I am a homeowner I am planting as many fruit trees on my property as space allows, leaving only room for an herb and vegetable garden. Lawns are for fags. I'd rather see my potential future children climbing and dodging around trees than scampering around a lawn. Also recently a mexican family moved into next to my childhood home and started growing a shitload of straight up corn in their front lawn. It's actually successful. Looks weird compared to the rest of the block but hey, tamales. No explanation required. Also I'm pretty sure they keep the crows away by giving their kids air rifles. I fully support this decision. That reminds me of another house on the block owned by a older turkish gentleman, he used his front lawn as a garden for mostly leafy greens. Cabbage, kale, chard, lettuce. He would always gift veggies to surrounding properties. Same story as the original one. He died, shitty family moved in and had the garden paved over.

>> No.8913548
File: 168 KB, 1024x486, Freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Americans really believe this?

>> No.8913789

Is that someone's house in the middle of an airport?
Are there any pics of the inside?

>> No.8913865

Anyone got advice planting with very limited space? HOA is a huge bitch and wont let me plant into the ground, so its all planters for me. Also, pretty much anything i grow will have to have a short season, late may to mid september is the cut off.

>> No.8913937

Globalization at its finest, don't let /pol/ read this post.

>> No.8913944

This is normal. As to keep shipping costs down. In reality you will probably want to prune the tree even lower because the roots might have been pruned to make them fir the box.

What kind variety of plum is it? It looks like a davewilson tree.

What rootstock is it.

In 3 years you should have fruit if you give it proper care and have adequate pollination.

>> No.8913981

lol u tk him 2 da bar|?

>> No.8914000

Holy shit, HOAs are complete garbage. Talk about freedom, right?

>> No.8914002


Well you could always buy your shit at the store like a normal person

>> No.8914006

Bravo! There are enormous amounts of land in any suburban neighborhood that could produce most of the vegetable needs for a small family. But what's done with it? Plant a worthless grass that needs buttloads of chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides to meet the 1950's definition of beauty Big Chemical brainwashed us into believing. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.8914018

Another route would be to organize enough of the neighbors into rescinding that kind of godawful rule. Given it's america suburbia I'm not very optimistic, however. Most of those troglodytes think they're living in a "Leave it to Beaver" episode.

>> No.8914039


Legally, the state cannot force you to trim their trees, they would have to do it, only the ones on their side, and if they do enough damage can end up paying the owner treble value of the fully grown trees if you're in Massachusetts. Trees are serious business.

t. Lawyer.

>> No.8914531

Why not plant something that's green all year round like thyme or rosemary? You could also get a strawberry plant. Those things just continually shit out berries all summer then go dormant for the winters. They come right back on their own the following spring.

>> No.8914615

I hope he doesn't give you any peaches.

>> No.8914627
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Hey its
And I was wondering about a few things! I went to a nursery today and a kind lady who has lilacs got me some organic compound blah blah. She said she uses it and to wait until the flowers die, as its a leaf and stem problem. I trimmed all the dead and mostly dead bits, but how extreme do I have to be? She also said that this mildew doesnt ever go away its permanent but can be controlled to not matter.

Posting the buds from last year, as the mildew hit in April last year and thats when half the bush got wiped out. This year I have yet to see any mildew though, I have found a few of the dead bits that look like this. I hope they are from last year, and am unsure of what to do if they are not.

And also I do participate in traditional cooking threads, I have plots for herbs and things too but Ive never had problems with those like this bush. Any more insight would be appreciated.


I did rosemary and it attracted tons of bees to my lawn and it also frankly has not been fun to cook with at all. I have about a five by five foot square of oregano that I take down and dry for all winter long each year. And of course the green onions were up a month ago by now. You can do lots of herbs easily, oregano is basically a weed and so are onions in a lot of places.