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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8904168 No.8904168 [Reply] [Original]

Tonight I teach youngsters how to make spaghetti dinner, impress your parents.

First we start by throwing your ground chicken breast in Rachel Ray non stick pan.

>> No.8904170
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Looking good, add some black pepper.

>> No.8904173

And msg

>> No.8904174
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Get your whole grain spaghetti cooking in some water and sesame oil.

>> No.8904178
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Now you want to get ready to get that sauce going. Sockarooni is the obvious choice.

>> No.8904182
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Very nice.

>> No.8904185
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when pasta done set it aside and get your aspergers and broccoli ready for the microwave.

>> No.8904187
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what the fuck you didn't even put onion in the ground beef to flavor it.... are there even going to be veggies?

>> No.8904188
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Now we are cookin.

Add orange peel, turmeric, black pepper, cayanne, and italian sp ice blend to your sauce.

>> No.8904190
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Add a shit load of mushrooms, because they are very taste.

>> No.8904193
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Put most of the sauce away for safe keeping. and toss the rest of the sauce with your spaghetti.

>> No.8904196
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microwave aspergers and broc for 1 min 15 seconds. viola.

>> No.8904383

That looks super bland. 5/10, easy lazy dinner but damn. You could do so much more with even 2 more minutes of prep and some actual seasoning. Add another 20 and you can have a nice sauce.

>> No.8904386

>not making your own sauce
also, chicken with spaghetti? the fuck? beef or go home

>> No.8904387

>ground beef
You're a fucking moran.

>> No.8904391

>no garlic or onion
>shitty Newman sauce


>> No.8904394

Wheres the hotdog and ground beef?

>> No.8904402
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>> No.8904676

>throwing your ground chicken breast in Rachel Ray non stick pan


>> No.8904827


You faggots, OP specifically said it was for youngsters who had presumably never cooked anything in their lives. This gets them started cooking without any complexity or scary things like chopping an onion. I suppose the first thing you ever cooked was a souffle with homemade pate du foi gras and a roast leg of lamb studded with garlic cloves and seved au jus.

>> No.8904868
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Looks like ground kids

>> No.8905145

Eating from paper plates is a sure sign that you have lost control over your life

>> No.8905232

I'm a cunt

>> No.8905246

how young are you talking? fucking 8 years old? this is an 18+ website. chopping vegetables and applying heat is not "scary". cavemen could do it

>> No.8905293

I agree it is very sad the level of knowledge most people have about cooking, but you have to realize that most people don't know Jack shit. My 3 roommates both only know how to boil water for ramen. Ask them to properly scramble eggs and you might as well let the eggs it out for 3 days and throw them away.

>> No.8905477

I feel like you're trying to troll, but there are 30 billion ways to make spaghetti and they all turn out fine.

>> No.8905615

Did you break your fucking spaghetti?

Go die in a fire.

>> No.8905665

This specifically teaches you how to make a shitty fucking meal w/ no flavor and an awful texture

>> No.8906672

Is this some kind of troll. I dont understand

>> No.8907287

>Not cooking the mushrooms beforehand.
The taste of them become so much better.

>> No.8907308


im out

>> No.8907327
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>Uses chicken
>No onions or garlic

>> No.8907341

Chicken in pasta ? This is offensive.

>> No.8907418


You're the fucking Moran.

>> No.8907429

You know it would have been cheaper and easier to just fucking make your own sauce right?

what the flying fuck is wrong with you are you retarded?
>oil in boiling water
>to mix in

i give up. fucking reddit cross posting

>> No.8907730

fucking kek

>> No.8908494

This is the most poverty shit I've seen in a while. Ground chicken? Niller plz. Rachael Ray cookware? Shieeeeeeet.

>> No.8909504



Instead of saying "voilà" you say "viola" which means "he/she raped" in french


>> No.8909518

You have to go back

>> No.8909759
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my sides

>> No.8910383

I'm thinking that was the point.

>> No.8911372

You put a bit of oil in the cooked pasta when it's cooling to prevent sticking.
You also toss the noodles at that time to prevent sticking.
What was the point of oil in boiling water?
Also, why not cook the mushrooms and broccoli together and then combine with the sauce when cooked?

Can you explain why you're not using beef?

>> No.8911382

That is 100% incorrect.

Source: am speak France

>> No.8911429

It's actually spanish for he/she/it rapes.

Violar -> viola

>> No.8911476

>ground chicken breast

you fucking bastard

>> No.8911693
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>accepting calls

>> No.8911780

what the fuck is wrong with you? how do you fuck up spaghetti? chicken and whole wheat pasta and a shitty, jarred "for profit" sauce?

fuck you.