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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 106 KB, 1280x720, cartons_rich-creamy_mint-chocolate-chip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8899246 No.8899246 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's mint chocolate chip. The best ice cream flavor.

>> No.8899251

Was this ever in question?

>> No.8899254

I eat Butter Pecan, for me, it speaks depths about my inner soul

I will also eat the hot fudge sundae with vanilla ice cream and hot fudge and chop nuts

I will also eat the banana split with no yellow topping, when I do this I pay tribute to Lickety Split because of her namesake

>> No.8899315
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Variety is life when it comes to ice-cream. There's near endless possible variations. Why limit yourself to one?

>> No.8899327

That's true.

>> No.8899348

Daiquiri Ice from Baskin Robbins 31 flavors is the best. Shame they don't sell tubs of it

>> No.8899354

unironically this

>> No.8899377

Mint is a shit-tier flavor and should only ever exist in toothpaste or gum.

>> No.8899379

>he doesn't like mint chocolate chip


>> No.8899399

>have a bucket of this in the freezer
>never eat more than one scoop at a time
>no space for more

>cold peanut butter and chocolate gives me the worst diarrhea

>can't find confetti cake flavor Schwann man used to bring my parents

>> No.8899505

>Mint flavor
>Best anything

For toothpaste maybe.

>> No.8899529

For me It's blue moon since I can get better than some Edy's bullshit around here.

>> No.8899530
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For me it's the Golden Gaytime.

>> No.8899535

I used to get bubblegum ice cream from Baskin Robbins. It came with little pieces of gum like Chiclets and for some reason I ate the gum too. Looking back I'm not sure that was intended.

>> No.8899547
File: 49 KB, 500x388, ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood the "gum in ice cream" meme
What the fuck am I supposed to do with it, suck it off and then stick it in my pocket? Chew it at the same time I eat and swallow the ice cream? It makes no sense, just use pieces of candy or something

>> No.8899557

>mint chocolate chip

Inedible. Horrible.

>> No.8899567

>lick ice cream away from gum
>suck gum into mouth
>push into cheeks like a squirrel with nuts
>finish ice cream
>chew gum
It's a good way to thin out the retard population.

>> No.8899574
File: 101 KB, 1080x774, superman ice cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Superman ice cream. The best ice cream flavor.

>> No.8899576

the only ice cream I eat is the fat free no sugar added variety from walmart

Second ingredient is sorbitol, but, I actually don't have any problems with it, digestion wise. And it tastes like ice cream!

>> No.8899595

>using a picture of MCCI with green food dye while defending it
who hurt you?

>> No.8899630


Yeah that's what I did except I ate the gum after I was done with the ice cream

>> No.8899640

The green color makes it PERFECT

>> No.8899719
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>> No.8899727

green tea is pretty god tier, which it was possible to get normally

>> No.8899731

mint chocolate chip is the goat, vanilla bean a close 2nd

>> No.8899747

It's mint chocolate, not your mother's hariy cunt.

>> No.8899824

My man

The only thing I hate about is getting my mouth all blue and feeling like a goddamn child

>> No.8899857

Lemon Custard. I know Baskin Robbins used to sell it, but I haven't seen it in years.

>> No.8899890

pistachio is the right answer

>> No.8899896

That's not a meme you millennial fuck

>> No.8899913

Yes it is, and you're a millennial too. Unless you're literally an old man, which you'd have to be to qualify as a Gen-Xer

>> No.8899922

A meme is any cultural idea that is spread you autist

>> No.8899923
File: 564 KB, 1600x1060, Cookies n Cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but everything else is garbage by comparison.

Tell me, what's it like to live with mediocrity?

>> No.8899931

Cookie dough is better

>> No.8899933

No, the best ice cream flavour would be banana chocolate chip.

>> No.8899935

It's okay to be ignorant, anon.

>> No.8899938

you faggots are pathetic. get a real ice cream flavor and keep your shitty cookies out of it.

>> No.8899943

We used to have this ice cream flavor at my high school called "Dinosaur Crunch" it was blue and had crunchies in it. Tasted like nothing I had ever had before.

>> No.8899969

Looky looky miss cooky

>> No.8899980
File: 91 KB, 900x900, Tip-Top-Ice-Cream-Jelly-Tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never EVER have Jelly Tip ice cream

>> No.8899983

Sounds like a sex toy desu

>> No.8899986
File: 419 KB, 450x440, 2L_Tub__0013_Goody_Goody_Gum_drops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In no timeline will non-New Zealanders ever (at any point in time) have goody goody gumdrops

>> No.8899990
File: 78 KB, 850x445, lrc_ice_cream_range_shot_by_forest_cantina_landscape--850x445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless you live within the Realm of New Zealand you will never EVER EVER have Lewis Road Creamery Ice-Cream
Wow lads just end it???!! lmao

>> No.8900043

Mint chocolate chip is unironically the worst ice cream flavor.
It is overly sweet, tastes like toothpaste and mint x chocolate is a bad combination in anything except Thin Mints.

For me it is almost anything but mint. Turkey Hill makes a FANTASTIC Deep Dark Chocolate ice cream that is nearly black and very rich, but you can't find it all places. Oberweis makes a phenomenal Coconut Chocolate Almond. Breyer's Rocky Road is the king of Rocky Roads because it uses candied, chocolate-covered almonds instead of shit-tier peanuts. Talenti makes the best pistachio gelato out there.

In the midwest, we have a brand called Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream, I'm not sure if it sells outside of the midwest. They have just a handful of shops but they sell it at Kroger near me. They have a Goat Cheese with Red Cherries flavor I will be trying soon, and might also cave and buy the Gooey Butter Cake flavor as well even though they're $9 a pint.

Are you the girl I work with? She was just talking about this today.

>> No.8900078
File: 27 KB, 247x300, 7df19567-0fce-4da7-a541-5f312ed4d496.jpg.w960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignoring the meme man that is the poster child of Americone Dream, this is the best ice cream

>> No.8900231

this right here, you fucking idiots

>> No.8900241

What if we had mint without the chocolate chip?

I have never seen this done.

>> No.8900638

it's peach. it was always peach

>> No.8900663
File: 51 KB, 600x600, sorlands-is-krokan-2l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almond brittle.
Simple, timeless and classy as fuck.

I tried the Ben&Jerry's shit that's started popping up in stores here. Overpriced and nauseating.

>> No.8900826

I legit hate it.
Maybe I've never had a good one .

>> No.8900859

not enough meme

>> No.8900862

>all these plebs itt
vanilla is the one true flavour

>> No.8900865

it's unironically pistaccio

>> No.8900868

For me, it's the overused meme phrasing. The best meme language.

>> No.8900880
File: 212 KB, 1032x1600, 5-20150603_192446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is far and away the best mint chip ice cream I have ever had.

>> No.8900896
File: 73 KB, 1024x576, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here ever try the Quarterback Crunch? It's really good from what I recall. It's only served in September which is a shame since it's my favorite ice cream.

>> No.8900929

I cut dairy out of my diet because it was making my acne worse. My skin has cleared up a lot since doing it. But mint chocolate chip was also my favorite flavor before I did. If anyone knows of vegan ice cream that doesn't taste like shit, that would be great

>> No.8900937

sorbets don't have milk

>> No.8900952

>architecturally inspired

holy shit nice buzzwords

>> No.8900958
File: 12 KB, 640x640, 1475293208458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>what is mint tea

>> No.8900968

I wish they'd sell buckets of mixed flavours besides the basic ones.

>> No.8900980

It's not tea, for a start

>> No.8900991

Surprisingly it's the same price as Ben and jerrys

>> No.8901334

This x1000 holy shit

>> No.8902258

I haven't had ice cream in a year but in the depths of my fading memory I only remember this flavor as worth the saturated fat.

>> No.8902419
File: 128 KB, 700x1050, Green-Tea-Ice-Cream-II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had matcha ice cream once.

Normal ice cream can't even compete.

>> No.8902458

Mint tea is shit. Also, people who smoke menthol cigarettes have absolute shit taste.

>> No.8902825

I agree. I like red bean flavor too but it's even harder to find in America

>> No.8903304
File: 675 KB, 616x592, 1492449737649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no cookie dough

>> No.8903401


>> No.8903533

become as gods

>> No.8903656

Yeah they sell Jenni's at my local Whole Foods. Their ice cream was on sale this week and I picked up a pint of brambleberry crisp and darkest chocolate. I wish they carried some of their weirder flavors.

>> No.8903700

>meme man
Stewart and Colbert are the only good things to come out of Comedy Central in its entire existence, you gay.

>> No.8904098
File: 23 KB, 320x320, IMG_0592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8904412

green tea GOAT

>> No.8904428


>> No.8904431

Mah nigga

>> No.8904433
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1382131189003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's nogger choc. the best ice cream bar.

>> No.8904437

We get it in Australia you retard.

>> No.8904446
File: 385 KB, 2000x1766, 001645377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this or peanut butter cup ice cream are the shit

>> No.8904465

spend some time on /tv/ and then try to tell me he isn't a meme man

>> No.8905528
File: 815 KB, 1004x752, katz0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dr katz was pretty good

>> No.8905967

My fucking nigga

>> No.8906015

Someone older than me here. Now I don't feel so bad. Enjoy a nice fruitcake at Christmas time?

>> No.8906668

my dad refused to buy me this when i was younger. I had to get chocolate or vanilla. i think it's because he thought daiquiri ice was a gay flavor.

>> No.8906674

Your dad was a smart man.
Now you don't have to take cock up the ass as an adult.