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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 226 KB, 720x720, gardein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8896465 No.8896465 [Reply] [Original]

This is a continuation of the continuation of the Vegan Food Thread.


Post your favorite vegan recipes and products here.

>> No.8896472

I'm a big fan of cauliflower.

Not a vegan. But still, big fan of cauliflower.

>> No.8896475

Just had some Boca chick'n nuggets and they were very delicious.

>> No.8896491

What's your favorite vegan way to prepare cauliflower? One of these days I want to try this:

also this:

>> No.8896495

Mashed Cauliflower.

Head of cauliflower, boiled until soft. Drain it. Then into a food processor with margarine (or whatever a vegan version of that is if theres shit in it you dont want), garlic, and almond milk.

Blitz it until its fully blended but not so far as to make puree.

Has the general consistency of Mashed potatoes. Good with toppings if you like that. I eat it almost every night as my side.

>> No.8896496

If being vegan was a valid and healthy way to live, a baby wouldn't starve to death from being raised vegan.

Also, if you're vegan does that mean you don't believe in breastmilk?

>> No.8896497

I wanted to see if vegan mayo worked as well as real mayo for frying a grilled cheese sandwich. It does. (The cheese was also vegan.)

>> No.8896530

I used to babysit for a vegan family and all her incredibly healthy, happy, and bright children were raised vegan since conception. The vegan mothers who kill their children are the retarded ones who do things like only feed them carrots or something equivalently stupid. Also there are a ton of omnivorous women who unintentionally malnourish their children - way fucking more than vegans. Only reason child malnourishment has become a meme for vegans is because it's easy for people to stereotype when they have no knowledge on a subject. If you read the stories about the omnivorous mothers who were pressured to solely breast feed and ended up killing their babies by accident, you'd just be like, "oh wow that poor woman had no idea she was starving her baby, now she's spreading awareness, good on her." But if a vegan somehow starves their baby you want them locked up and demonize them.

Parents should be required to take a course on nutrition in my opinion, but that would be difficult to enforce.

And breastmilk from your own species is fine if there's consent, fuckwit.

>> No.8896535

Just Mayo is delicious.

Never heard of frying a grilled cheese sandwich. That sounds disgustingly unhealthy but really good at the same time. I think Daiya would be perfect for that because of the creaminess of it. IDK, I think it'd be perfect for fried foods.

>> No.8896553
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>> No.8896561

It's just a pan-fry, not a deep-fry. You only use enough mayo to lightly coat each side of the sandwich. It sounds fat as hell, but it's not worse than just having a regular sandwich with the same amount of mayo.

I used Follow Your Heart provolone. It was beautiful.

>> No.8896883
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>> No.8896890

What spices/ingredients do you people use for hummus? Besides the classic chickpeas, pepper, olive oil, cumin, tahina, garlic, salt, lemon and the occasional chili?

>> No.8896892

Would eat.

>> No.8896893

that's all you really need

>> No.8896895

I personally am not the biggest fan of hummus and I usually just buy pre-made hummus. But roasted red bell peppers. Also olives. Artichokes. Onions. Pine nuts. Parsley, etc.

>> No.8897278

Indian vegan food is tha bomb

>> No.8897295

>/pol/ is that way ->

>> No.8897323

>buffalo wings
Is it leftovers day or do you usually eat like this?

>> No.8898485

Why the fuck are you even vegan if you're gonna replicate every fucking meat dish there is?

>> No.8898518

Fuck veganism

>> No.8898567
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>> No.8898571
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>> No.8898578
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>> No.8898634

Yeah because every vegan family feeds their kids nothing but soy milk and apple juice.

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.8898639

Except there are countless omnivorous mothers who have killed their children doing the same thing and all you guys do when you hear about that is feel sorry for the mother for being misguided.

>> No.8898649

Radical Christian retards are not representative of all vegans. There are countless happy, healthy, incredibly bright children who've been raised vegan since conception. They would have killed their baby regardless of if they were vegan or not, because they refused to treat a treatable infection.

You people are shamelessly brainless. The ADA approves vegan diets for all stages of life, and there's a shitload of evidence it's good for all stages of life, so long as you understand basic nutrition and don't refuse to take your children to the doctor when they're obviously ill.

>> No.8898678

What about all the omnivorous women that literally murder their children?

Or the omnivorous woman who left her child in a wal-mart parking lot garbage can?

>> No.8898690

>Or the omnivorous woman who left her child in a wal-mart parking lot garbage can?
Surely that action stemmed from her diet, like the one in >>8898567 .

Otherwise you'd be a retard.

>> No.8898706
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I'm not 100% sure this is vegan, but it's vegetarian at the very least.

>> No.8898724

>killing your child by forcing your diet on it
>just stabbing it because why not I guess
one of those things is connected to diet, care to guess which?

>> No.8898745

Fuck I wish I could get those Chik'n strips in Canada.

They're fucking amazing.

>> No.8898757

No, they both have equal correlation.

Apple juice and soy milk is not a diet, it's lacking in everything. Just eating meat isn't a diet either, as you're lacking in major nutrients.

A vegan diet does require some amount of thought, so idiot parents that get their children killed through neglect are exactly the same.

There's nothing wrong with giving children a vegan diet from birth, but there's everything wrong with not giving children enough nutrients.

I'm not arguing whether or not it's more difficult to get those nutrients into the child through whichever kind of diet, only that it is possible, and people that cite these kinds of news stories as proof for a vegan diet being bad are lacking the capacity for basic cognitive thought.

>> No.8898764

It's a matter of the parent being an idiot, not a matter of the diet.

>> No.8898769
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I quite like trader Joe's soy Italian sausage, and it doesn't have a bad texture either, like sausage but less stringy.

>> No.8898774
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Reminder that these vegan threads are by a pathetic coalition of a dozen bored antifa thinking they're going to "take 4chan back."

The unintentional hilarity is welcome.

>> No.8898775

sounds tasty

>> No.8898793

If only there was a vegan diet that provided solid food. Oh well, better go back to preparing my soy milk for dinner.

>> No.8898851

Is it actually vegan though? I thought it was just vegetarian. Could be wrong.

>> No.8898872

Take it back from what, all the normies that flooded in when people started using /b/ for activist bullshit?

>> No.8898904

I'm not even sure I know what antifa means...

And I have no intention of "taking 4chan back". (Back to what???)

I hate SJWs... Which I define as people who pretend to care about issues for the image, the ones who don't care about real issues but will harass the fuck out of someone over non-issues, like if they use "faggot" as an insult.

I get SJWs calling me racist because I think people who eat dog are scum...And Asians eat dog. They're a plague on humanity, much like people who watch anime and make bacon jokes.

>> No.8898979


I didn't even need to look it up, but it means "anti-fascism," which of course is now used as an insult by /pol/tards since any right thinking human would oppose it. In the US, it would be opposing the established reign of corporations controlling our "representative government" and bending the citizens over while offering the morsel of "muh guns."

>> No.8899055

Vegans are queers, just kill yourselves you degenerate subhuman fucks. 100% of vegans like things in their ass. How many of you own vegan, gluten-free dildos to shove up your ass???

>> No.8899330

>They're a plague on humanity, much like people who watch anime and make bacon jokes.
>Watch anime.
How about fuck you and get off my Mongolian fingerpainting forum? Where the fuck do you think this website came from? And where the fuck do you think you are?

Also stir fry has always been a personal favorite of mine.

>> No.8900106

it's not my pic, you moran

>> No.8901051
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Doomie' s big mac

>> No.8901098

Seriously you faggots have such a hard time committing to your fad diet that everything you make is a faux imitation of the very food you are childishly protesting. Pathetic.

>> No.8901152

>the very food you are childishly protesting
You make it sound like veganism is just an arbitrary decision to not eat meat.

>> No.8901160


What else would it be?

>> No.8901181

A divine revelation?

>> No.8901219

>tfw fell for the vegan meme
>bloody stool and have acid reflux
>been on a 20 day water fast cause everything else hurts
thx internet

>> No.8901272

Blame yourself for being a gullible fool, not the internet.

>> No.8901278

it was this faggot who got me

turns out im one of the few faggots who can't digest beans, flaxseeds and lentils

>> No.8901283

Look out for IBS symptoms if they fit you and FODMAP.

FODMAP is actually a way better "diet" or "general plan" than ketoshit or veganism.

>> No.8901293

FODMAP removes a lot of beneficial foods and shouldn't be used unless they have an actual problem.

>> No.8901294

>im allergic to eggs, omelettes are a meme!

>> No.8901354

t.person who hasn't experienced the pain

>> No.8901364

>FODMAP better than veganism
>FODMAP better than literally fucking anything

I've made meat dishes for a fructose-intolerant person and for a vegan. Turns out you can make a better chili without meat than you can without FUCKING ONION AND GARLIC.

>> No.8901506

Anybody know any place where I can buy seitan? Or do I need to make it myself?

>> No.8903158


>> No.8903172

You can buy it at places like Whole Foods or health food stores, maybe Asian markets (actually no idea if it's an Asian thing though). Or but the wheat gluten itself instead.

>> No.8904925

The difference is that many of the vegan versions have better textures. I'm not even vegan and I prefer vegan burgers and breaded chicken for quick lunches

>> No.8905611

>Why the fuck are you even vegan if you're gonna replicate every fucking meat dish there is?
Some people switch to a vegan diet to correct health problems created by the standard diet and poor quality of meat.

>> No.8905643
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Thanks to anon who posted their tofu saag recipe last thread. Finally have results to show. Apologies to anyone who actually knows how to make saag, I just winged it but it tastes fucking good so here you are.

Coconut milk
Onions, +garlic if you have it
Tofu, I baked with chili and creole seasoning before adding in to get it tougher. Just overseason with whatever you have and you're good.

I recommend about 1 can milk to half/1 block tofu to 1 large bunch of greens.

Turmeric, approximately a fuckton
Ginger, just a little
Garlic powder, if you realize halfway through that you forgot to buy the garlic
Salt, or the saltiest seasoning blend you have if you can't find the fucking salt because you haven't cleaned in months.
Just a little paprika
Coriander if you have it, which I did not.

Serve with whatever grain you're trying to get rid of and try not to eat it all in one sitting.

Also getting yogurt starter tonight, so whoever recommended last thread that I make my own, you may get to see me fail at that soon enough.

>> No.8905848

Gardein is godly. I would pay them a fortune in both money and body parts just to keep doing what they do. Follow Your Heart is also godly. Everyone try their vegan egg if you haven't yet.

Cauliflower buffalo wings are great. A little finicky for how fast they get eaten, but I love them.

>It sounds
delicious as hell.

>Practical recipe
You got me though, maybe some lazy weekend.

I laughed. This thread bumps just about often enough to barely stay on the board, usually by trolls. If there are a DOZEN antifas running it then man, you all are great at keeping your mouths shut.

Now that's what I call a quality contribution.

Anon, I'm so jealous.

>> No.8905988

>Gardein is godly
Soy protein isolates. Highly estrogenic. This shit is almost as problematic as the meat it's replacing.

Beyond Meat uses pea protein isolates which is a much better alternative but they use vegetable oils, maltodextrin, and MSG in their ingredients.

>> No.8906074

Give me some sources to read if that's true. The last info I saw stated that soy protein could take estrogenic forms but didn't actually interact with the body in that way, just passed through like normal. As far as I know, the science says the estrogenic effects on the body are only anecdotal so far.
In any case, I don't eat gardein as a staple, more as a luxury every once in a while. All the pea protein stuff I've tried so far has been really great, it just seems harder to find than soy.

>> No.8906076

Maltodextrin now, too? Those health magazines are really running out of things to scare people with.

>> No.8906121

Soy raises IGF-1 3x more than cow's milk.

Maltodextrin's glycemic index is higher than sugar.

>> No.8906147

They don't have any sources that aren't from loons' blogs.

It's been shown that soy has no effect on hormones.

Dairy on the other hand, has been proven to have a real impact on estrogen levels. Dairy has real estrogen, soy has phytoestrogens.


>> No.8906155

Where did you read that soy raises IGF-1 more than cow's milk does? Because I've read the opposite. Are you sure you didn't skim read and got the two mixed up?

>> No.8906168

>It's been shown that soy has no effect on hormones.
>Dairy on the other hand, has been proven to have a real impact on estrogen levels. Dairy has real estrogen, soy has phytoestrogens.

>> No.8906177

>study was 10 years ago
>people still drink milk

Yeah I'm sure they were really on to something.

>> No.8906193


>Maltodextrin's glycemic index is higher than sugar.

It has less than 2% carbohydrates, there can't be all that much in it.

>> No.8906206

>Big business giving a fuck about the population's health
>Diabetes, heart related deaths, cancer the highest they've ever been
We're doing fiiiiiine.

>> No.8906738

someone give me a good recipe I should have for supper

something salty and savory/kumami

>> No.8906882
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I made this for dinner. If you make it, too, we'll be dinner buddies.

>> No.8908097

Thanks for these.

>> No.8908599

Damn, the ones in that link look good.

>> No.8909704

Been vegan for almost 2 years.

Still have craving for meat and cheese ._.

>> No.8909844

:/ that sucks anon, I'm sorry. Out of curiosity, did you give up animal foods all at once or slowly?

>> No.8909867

>tfw caved in one weekend

>> No.8909890

kidney beans with nutri yeast
try it

>> No.8909953

vegans r gay and dumb

>> No.8910038

>Crown Shakur
That little shit was doomed since conception

>> No.8910693
File: 130 KB, 500x250, betterthanyouall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want you lot to be aware of why someone would be hesitant to join a community so self righteous and supercilious. I rarely call myself vegan anymore, not due to negative connotations associated with the life style, but because the people involved will ostracize you for any reason whatsoever.

The other day for example, my sister was in town for a bit and she's the furthest thing from vegan I've ever known. I have no strict rules in my house about meat consumption like others I know, "if you eat with me you eat vegan" or whatever, but she's well aware of my feelings on supporting animal consumerism and their various industries. Towards the end of her stay apparently her cravings get the best of her and she buys a pizza while I'm out to stave off her "cheese addiction". Long story short she leaves and a couple days later my vegan girlfriend of 2 months, now ex, finds the half eaten pizza in my fridge that I had no idea existed until that very moment. I tell her numerous times I don't know how that fucking pizza got there but she doesn't believe me. Now she's saying I betrayed her and the animals, screaming at me cow statistics "20,000 die. every. single. DAY, DANIEL." how I don't respect mothers, how I support rape culture, what if she was the cow, etc.

After she leaves I eat that fucking pizza so fast. I felt like garbage but it was worth it because fuck you all and your moral fucking indignation. You realize that unless you were vegan since birth you contributed more to animal suffering than some fat fuck who was born lactose intolerant right? You realize eating a pizza that would go to waste is better for the environment and the animals than buying avocados and soy milk every fucking week, right? Seriously fuck you and every other vegan who watched a couple youtubers and thinks they know how to save the fucking world. You don't know shit and you couldn't save shit if you were vegan fucking superman. Fuck off.

>> No.8910705

Calm down Daniel.

>> No.8910740
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>what if she was the cow
did you tell her she was?

>> No.8910776

dammit daniel

>> No.8910800

nice pic, what vegan documentary is he from?

>> No.8911105

I would never call myself a vegan or vegetarian, though my diet doesn't consist of much meat. Most recipes that don't try to replicate meat are fucking wonderful.

>Accused of supporting rape culture

The fuck?

>> No.8911119
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>I tell her numerous times I don't know how that fucking pizza got there but she doesn't believe me.

fukin vegans lmaooo

>> No.8911156

How do you think cows make milk? They need to be pregnant. Farmers won't wait on bulls to fuck them whenever they want, they forcefully inseminate the cows with uncomfortable long tubes. I've even seen farmers take a bucket of steer jizz, dunk their fist in it and stick their hand in the cow's cooch. His girlfriend might be a bit over emotional but her concerns were coming from a good place.

>> No.8911177
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You're obnoxious and it's obvious you're not a real vegan. Nice try though.

Here's the difference between people like you and vegans:

You insult people over trivial bullshit like other people caring about something you don't care about.

They insult people over destroying what it is they care about.

The key point of this is you're completely self-centered, which is why right now you're trying to insult the entire vegan movement just because your girlfriend had a problem with the product of tortured animals being in her fucking fridge (you should consider yourself lucky she didn't dump your narcissistic ass). And why you're not trying to help anyone or anything, but are just venting about something that is a non-issue because you're personally offended.

>> No.8911248

What would you guys bring to a vegan potluck? Brunch time vegan potluck. Could be breakfast food, could be lunch food. Could be snacks. Could be some sort of sweet but I prefer something more savory.

>> No.8911355


Bring two bags of cape cod jalapeño chips. I would worship you.

>> No.8911396

I am sorry to say I don't enjoy spicy food. I'd have to bring tissues. My nose runs like crazy after eating spicy food. They do sound tasty though.

>> No.8912212

You dodged a bullet. You don't want to date any woman who thinks eating leftover pizza is supporting rape culture. I don't care how crazy devoted to veganism you are, that shit is irrational.

>> No.8912847

Pretty sure the whole thing was a fake story written by a meat eater... Either way the dude is way more obnoxious than his supposed girlfriend.

>> No.8912912

>Pretty sure the whole thing was a fake story written by a meat eater

We have a vegan right here on this board who was gagging out of open windows because she could smell the trace milk ingredients in a vegetarian faux meat product. There's no amount of hysterical vegan overreaction that's unbelievable, really.

>> No.8913023

That was me. And I wasn't gagging out of open windows. I was having a panic attack, yes, because it's fucking disgusting, smells like pus and cooked rotting feet, and just the fact that I'm being forced to inhale particles of the product of tortured animals is not fun to say the least. I would have dumped that douchebag on the spot. But I probably never would have gotten into a relationship with him anyway because I'm pretty sure his shit personality would be clear from the beginning.

>> No.8913060

Update: I think I'm just going to do some basic Tofurky sandwiches with the hickory smoked slices and Just Mayo, then I'll do a cucumber sandwich, and maybe some strawberries with coconut whipped cream.

Wanted to do ants on a log but I wanted to do something specially vegan and not something your typical omnivore eats.

What do you guys think?

Considered making a sweet potato cashew cheese casserole I tried before that was amazing, but I'm just way too lazy for that.

>> No.8913192


+1 delicious on the cauliflower mash.

I've cut down on my meat consumption over the last 2 years and just took the plunge and have gone 3 weeks without meat. In lactose intolerant and I can go weeks without eating any eggs so just by dumb coincidence I think I became vegan.

I eat a wide range of food and have noticed increased energy.

My wife isn't as thrilled since she has to cook her meat separately for herself. But cuz of me she's cut down 80% of her meat consumption too. She's amazed how skinny she's gotten.

>> No.8913479

/r/vegan in a nutshell

>> No.8913561
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>> No.8913567

>She's amazed how skinny she's gotten.
when will this meme stop. tell your wife to stop overeating

going vegan doesn't cause you to lose weight

>> No.8913568

who gives a shit about muslims and jews?

>> No.8913596

It causes you to eat deliberately instead of passively inhaling whatever crosses your path.

>> No.8913610

sounds like fat people problems

>> No.8913613

can vegans answer me one question. You believe the animals in the food industry are mistreated, but without it they would never get to live. Is it better to live and then die, than to not live at all? You are against their very lives

>> No.8913670
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>> No.8913948

So which did she have, tattoo of a cow or a leaf?

>> No.8914133
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>being vegan
>subsist on processed boxed foods

>> No.8914158

They are tasty.

>> No.8914254
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>when you've been vegan so long
>that even cardboard taste good

>> No.8914274

It's not just "live and then die", they're tortured and then die (the death is often torture too). Plus, they're killed when they're only babies.

Would you rather not be born or be born solely to be tortured then killed when you're still just a baby?

Why do meat eaters always think they're original or making a significant point with these kinds of questions.....I could write a book on how retarded this question is, but they couldn't take one minute to reflect on the answer to their own question....

>> No.8914343

>when you've actually been vegan for 8 years
>you think the things you used to eat no problem taste like absolute garbage and feel sorry for people who don't understand what real food tastes like.

>> No.8914344

>they're killed when they're only babies

That's a good thing. They die before they've developed what little awareness and capacity for memory they'd ever have in the first place.

>> No.8914369
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>tfw eat clean and left processed garbage behind
>tfw see vegans eat processed meat-imitations and claim it tastes good
>tfw too smart to fall for half way solutions

>> No.8914382

If only you had been killed as a baby.

>> No.8914416
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There's that vegan compassion in action. I appreciate that you wish I died when I was precognitive, instead of right now when I would be facing death with fears, regrets and awareness.

>> No.8914512
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Why do people like imitation meat so much? I never cared for it and just ate veggies/legumes/beans/fruits/grains.

>> No.8914580

It's convenient. Adds a different texture to your diet. I like dense foods with a savory yet not overpowering flavor. Vegan meat improvements are great for that. Legumes and grains are what they're made out of, so I don't understand why people complain. It's just forming it into a certain shape typically associated with meat. It's really weird when people get all snarky because you formed your food in the same shape.

>> No.8914593

I'm a utilitarian. Had you died as a baby, countless other babies would have been saved. And we wouldn't have to listen to your nonsensical ramblings.

>> No.8914602

Cravings, transition period, social acceptance and an easier way to start the diet. Telling people to stop eating al lanimal products won't work but providing vegan alternatives might.

>> No.8915138

How about a little something that wouldn't be carbs?

>> No.8915225

If you have any of that super-hot hot sauce, a drop of that in hummus will really make it sing.

>> No.8915229

>using a slave labor computer
>drinking out of a literal owl

not even 90% vegan

>> No.8915234

see >>8900106

>> No.8915247

why post it

>> No.8915253

Bumping with content, presumably.

>> No.8915324

>Parents should be required to take a course on nutrition in my opinion, but that would be difficult to enforce
No, It should be part of everyone's education.

>> No.8916171

Tofurky products are fucking disgusting. Can't you make some grilled veggie and hummus sandwiches?

>> No.8916194

my gf is vegetarian but due to health issues (lactose intolerant, mildly allergic to eggs) she mostly easts vegan

I'm a big fan of meat, but I've started eating and cooking more vegan friendly things, as well as buying vegan meat alternatives, to keep in the fridge for when she stays over

I'm a big fan of
>vegan hotdogs (not so much the sausages though)
>good quality fake chicken/mince
>veggie burger patties
>general cauliflower useage
>beetroot burgers (get like 4 of them in a pack and they're fucking great
>using big mushrooms in burgers instead of meat
>general vegetable only meals (stir frys, roast veggies, salads, etc.)

anyone got nice easy/tasty/fun vegetarian meals they make fairly often?

I think I could do vegetarian fairly easily, if the meat alternatives were cheaper/more exciting ways to get protein from

no way could I give up milk/eggs/cheese tho

>> No.8916472 [DELETED] 

You must not have tried their hickory smoked deli slices. They're delicious. Just tried out a Tofurky hickory smoked deli slice sandwich with Just Mayo, cucumber, lettuce, and a little salt, pepper, and garlic powder on some fluffy whole wheat bread and it was killer.

Who makes grilled veggie and hummus sandwiches? I'm not serving that coffee shop crap.

Also decided I'm going to give them brownies as well. Just made some incredible brownies using Duncan Hines chewy fudge brownie mix, Vegan Egg (using less water than it calls for and less "egg" than the Duncan Hine's box called for as well), with Guillardi semi-sweet chocolate chips, and melted Earth Balance instead of oil. Yum. Not sure if I'm going to bother now with the strawberries and coconut whipped cream, because this will be a lot of food.

>> No.8916477 [DELETED] 

You must not have tried their hickory smoked deli slices. They're delicious. Just tried out a Tofurky hickory smoked deli slice sandwich with Just Mayo, cucumber, lettuce, and a little salt, pepper, and garlic powder on some fluffy whole wheat bread and it was killer.

Who makes grilled veggie and hummus sandwiches? I'm not serving that coffee shop crap.

Also decided I'm going to give them brownies as well. Just made some incredible brownies using Duncan Hines chewy fudge brownie mix, Vegan Egg (using less water than it calls for and less "egg" than the Duncan Hine's box called for as well), with Guillardi semi-sweet chocolate chips, and melted Earth Balance instead of oil. Yum. Not sure if I'm going to bother now with the strawberries and coconut whipped cream, because this will be a lot of food.

>> No.8916480

You must not have tried their hickory smoked deli slices. They're delicious. Just tried out a Tofurky hickory smoked deli slice sandwich with Just Mayo, cucumber, lettuce, and a little salt, pepper, and garlic powder on some fluffy whole wheat bread and it was killer.

Who makes grilled veggie and hummus sandwiches? I'm not serving that coffee shop crap.

Also decided I'm going to give them brownies as well. Just made some incredible brownies using Duncan Hines chewy fudge brownie mix, Vegan Egg (using less water than it calls for and less "egg" than the Duncan Hine's box called for as well), with Guittard semi-sweet chocolate chips, and melted Earth Balance instead of oil. Yum. Not sure if I'm going to bother now with the strawberries and coconut whipped cream, because this will be a lot of food.

>> No.8917087
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>> No.8917170

Jesus. If I make you a vegan hate thread on /b, will all you debate team assholes go over there and let me have just this one single food thread in peace?

Update on this if anyone cares
>I recommend about 1 can milk to half/1 block tofu to 1 large bunch of greens.
Do not listen to me. This is great for a one-meal situation, but if you're looking to prep for a few days, it's too heavy. Less coconut milk if you're going to be eating it repeatedly.

Not sure what kinds of meals you're looking for, but make some stews. Get a slow cooker if it's easier.
Try >>8896491 cauliflower buffalo wings.
Personally, I just really like having a lot of grilled veg to use as sides because you can use it to make a meal out of pretty much anything you have lying around. Brussels sprouts, asparagus, zucchini slices. Salt and bread your zucchini with some panko crumbs. Don't meal prep with them though
Veggie burgers - I like regular old bean burgers, but my dad is really partial to the Beyond Meat ones. You sound like you'd probably enjoy them, it's a pretty good imitation.
Pasta genovese, one of my favorites and a lot more interesting in my opinion than your standard tomato sauce:
>Chop up potatoes and green beans
>Boil them, boil pasta
>Toss with pesto
This one takes more time for me because I make the pesto myself, but if you're going to be adding cheese anyway I'm sure you can find some at the store.

I think those tofurkey sandwiches sound good too, but you're willing to make cucumber sandwiches but not grilled veg and hummus? Not sure it makes a huge difference. Just go with whatever will prevent soggy bread the best.
Anyway, post an update on how those brownies hold up/go over if you can. I love vegan egg but I still can't seem to figure out the ratio I need for baking (mostly coffee cakes, they need to be super moist and fluffy). Always come out way too dense. Do I need to be whisking way more before I add to the batter, or what?

>> No.8917240

Hey guys just bought a high speed blender, fucking love it.

I make 3 green smoothies with,
1. Kale
2. Spinach
3 Banana
4. Carrots
5. Apple.
6.Mixed berries
7. Silverbeet.

Do I need to worry about oxalates? I drink them throughout the day in between my meals.

Fucking love the blender, its sooo damn easy getting all these nutrients in rather than eating them.

So yeah any problems with oxalates or anti nutrients or is this just being blown out of proportion?

>> No.8917291 [DELETED] 

>Do I need to worry about oxalates?
Maybe I've been out of the health food community too long, but I've never even heard about this. Wikipedia tells me it's a kidney stone thing? Seems like just a fad to me. If you want an easy way to check kidney function, ask for BUN and creatinine tests the next time you get blood work.
> The New England Journal of Medicine reported acute oxalate nephropathy "almost certainly due to excessive consumption of iced tea" in a 56-year-old man, who drank "sixteen 8-ounce glasses of iced tea daily"
Unless this is you, I think your health is better overall for having those fruits and vegetables than not having them.

Unless you are
>a 56-year-old man, who drank "sixteen 8-ounce glasses of iced tea daily"

>> No.8917292

>Do I need to worry about oxalates?
Maybe I've been out of the health food community too long, but I've never even heard about this. Wikipedia tells me it's a kidney stone thing? Seems like just a fad to me. If you want an easy way to check kidney function, ask for BUN and creatinine tests the next time you get blood work.
> The New England Journal of Medicine reported acute oxalate nephropathy "almost certainly due to excessive consumption of iced tea" in a 56-year-old man, who drank "sixteen 8-ounce glasses of iced tea daily"
Unless this is you, I think your health is better overall for having those fruits and vegetables than not having them.

>> No.8917307

Vegan food proponents must address this:
Double baked BBQ bean grilled SOY with EXTRA MAYO AND WYLD SYRUP

If you're vegan....
Have an Avocado. Have some spinach. Eat an artichoke.
Taste the actual food you are putting into your body; for nutrition.
If veganism is the argument, NUTRITION is the outcome.

Just eat good food
Or eat shit and stop pretending.

>> No.8917320


Thanks for chiming in bro.

I've been googling this all day and I'm at the same conclusion. Unless you get oxalate stones forming its kinda pointless worrying too much about it.

So far I feel fantastic. Wish I bought this and started earlier. I honestly feel this feel good feeling 15-20minutes after drinking my concoction.

Take care. Peace!

>> No.8917581

You're forgetting the environmental side and the "it's wrong to hurt sentient beings" side.

That said I'm on the nutrition train too and funnily enough I've gotten shit for that from other vegans.

>> No.8917645

>Everything is like TAKE ME TO FLAVORTOWN BRUH

Really? Because when I started looking for vegan recipes, everything was like GREEN SMOOTHIE DETOX FOR GLOWING NOURISHING VIBRANCE SIS.
Double-activated pureed ALMONDS with extra COCONUT AMINOS and STEVIA. Even Thug Kitchen is some nutrition bullshit, for all the cursing they do. "Look at us TOUGH MOTHERFUCKERS with our BROWN RICE and NO HARD TACO SHELLS, EVER. Why not white rice? Because FUCK YOU, we traded our TASTE BUDS for a MARKETING GIMMICK."

>If veganism is the argument, NUTRITION is the outcome

Plenty of delicious garbage is vegan. Oreos are a meme for a reason.

>I've gotten shit for that from other vegans

Because orthorexics who literally eat grass make veganism look bland and impossible to people who care what food tastes like.

>> No.8919027


>> No.8919046

>vegan food

You mean non-food? /pol/ is that way you faggot ->

>> No.8919069

>vegan food made to look and taste as close as possible to meat
why even be a vegan?

>> No.8919073


>> No.8919086

to make yourself feel better than, whatevs.

>> No.8920245
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You can make it yourself; it's not very hard as long as you have wheat gluten available, though you may have to make it 3 or 4 times before you get the hang of it.

Pic related, some homemade seitan steaks

>> No.8920623

Well, grilled veg and hummus sandwiches would be more clean up and more time preparing. But I just made the Tofurky sandwiches. Everyone liked them who tried them. First person who tried them went back for seconds, and he didn't even know they were vegan and there was a ton of other food there like donuts and taquitos and bagels, etc. (really glad I didn't make the taquitos after all because of that). Another person asked me if maybe one of my friends switched the Tofurky for actual turkey because it tasted exactly the same. (I think it tastes better, but I'll take it.)

And the brownies were really tasty, but they did fall apart a bit too easily for my liking. I prefer using black beans typically. Probably should have used a little more Vegan Egg in retrospect and baked them longer. They're perfect for serving with coconut whipped cream and strawberries though. Perfect level of softness for that purpose, and in that use it doesn't matter if they fall apart a little.

I'm not an expert on Vegan Egg, I just know you need to add less water and possibly also a little less Vegan Egg when it comes to baking things like cookies and brownies. (Messed up two batches of cookies doing that before I learned my lesson and just eyeballed the amount so it looked like about the same amount of egg/moisture as an actual egg.)

For coffee cake you might want to try apple sauce or baking soda and vinegar (and I personally like to add coconut milk in place of any water when I'm doing that, makes it extra moist and decadent). Apple sauce was my first thought because when I think coffee cake I think of it as something slightly dense (I don't think apple sauce would make it too dense though), and apple sauce is pretty heavy. I think I know what you mean about it being too dense though. Maybe try adding more water to the Vegan Egg, if you want it less dense. I'm far from an expert baker though I just know if I ever add too much water it makes things more cake-like with cookies.

>> No.8920624

What kind of stupid question is that?

>> No.8920629

What brand of coconut milk do you use? The last can I bought tasted like the can.

>> No.8920633

All food is processed unless you're synthesizing nitrogen from the atmosphere, chubs

Even that's a process!

>> No.8920649

Gross. wtf. Part of me wonders if it literally tasted like the can or maybe you're especially sensitive to the taste of can and even if I recommend a coconut milk brand to you, you'd still taste it, just because I've never experienced that before.

I just get full fat coconut milk. I like to keep them around because if you're not using it for baking, it's great for coconut whipped cream if you put it in the fridge overnight and scoop out the top, too.

I'll have to start paying attention to the brands though, because they definitely do differ in texture at least. Which is important when you're making coconut whipped cream.

For this purpose though I would just go with any brand as long as it wasn't the last brand you tried, and you should be good. Also watch out for "coconut milk" with the main ingredient "coconut extract". I'm not even sure what that really means but unless it's just another term for coconut milk, I doubt it's very good.

>> No.8920670
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Vegans praise imitation meat because they legitimately don't care about what they claim to stand for. The only thing they want is to have some label to desperately cling to in hopes of feigning some sort of purpose.

Imitation meat is always manufactured in a laboratory with heavy influence from actual animal products. Constant side-by-side taste tests involving the real thing are an absolute must when creating an imitation, so like it or not actual meat is used quite a bit in the process, just not included in the product.
It doesn't stop after the product is "perfected" either, since daily quality assurance has to be done, which still involves those taste tests.

Even the ad campaigns are full of things like "you'll never notice the difference", all but begging buyers to compare for themselves and perpetuating the cycle.

Vegans like to overlook this and parrot things like "not my problem :^)" when it's inevitably brought up.
It really is just a way for them to feel smugly superior without in any actual effort for their "cause".

>> No.8920675

Is it really possible for someone to be able to type coherent sentences but also be so severely retarded at the same time?

>> No.8920679

Lol you must be that one mega sperg who was thoroughly convinced imitation meat was helping the meat industry

Youre still butthurt and stupid


>> No.8920754

>Constant side-by-side taste tests involving the real thing are an absolute must when creating an imitation

Doubtful. If fake meat companies were bothering to check the taste of the original, they wouldn't be so wide of the mark 99% of the time.

>> No.8920953

Looks amazing. Could you post your recipe?

>> No.8921340


The seitan was very simple:

> Wheat gluten
> Water
> Yeast
> Salt

I kneaded well, proofed it until doubled, punched down, rose a second time in the fridge, kneaded a second time, and shpaed into a log. Fried in some oil until it had a golden brown crust, then wrapped in cheesecloth and cooked in an electric pressure cooker on the 'bean' setting for about 35 minutes in some broth. Allow to rest overnight in broth, then slice and fry the slices individually.

>> No.8921382
File: 109 KB, 576x383, Grilled-veggie-kebabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBQ question.

I'm trying vegan food and it's going well and all.
But now I have been invited to a BBQ this weekend and I wonder what is usually good grilled.

I'm thinking skewer mushroom, onion, tomato, paprika?
Corn and butter without butter, would oil work?
Maybe some potatoes in foil?

Anyway just give me some ideas of good things.

I'm not particularly interested in "fake meat/sausage" .

>> No.8921391

Pro tip for any New England vegans. Cumberland Farms now stills Greek snack packs with pita hummus tabbouleh and Kalamata olives's not too bad definitely a godsend if you're on the road

>> No.8921641

>Corn and butter without butter, would oil work?

Buy some Earth Balance

Other things to BBQ:

> Fruit
Especially peaches and watermelon

> Vegetables
Marinaded eggplant is also good, so is sweet potato! Rub with seasoned oil and grill

>> No.8921714
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Shipping here takes time so I'm not getting it this time but I will add it to the list.

Fruit sounds interesting, will look into that.
Eggplant sounds highly suspicious compared to what I have used it for before, but it's cheap so I will give it a try.


>> No.8921977

What about grilled tofu?

You could make Mexican style corn with Just Mayo.

Never tried it myself but you could make a grilled carrot hot dog that I hear is good. I'd just use a Field Roast hot dog myself, but if you insist on not using "fake meat/sausage", then a carrot could work.

>> No.8923303

>solely breast feed and ended up killing their babies by accident

Hate to break it to ya but that's literally impossible. A person could consume nothing but breastmilk their entire lives and be fine :-)

>> No.8923866

is lab grown meat vegan?

also what did vegans eat a thousand years ago?

>> No.8923963
File: 35 KB, 450x450, aroy-d-aroy-d-carton-of-coconut-milk-500-ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not get coconut milk in the cartons? They're supposedly fresher than the canned version too. There's also the powdered version, but I've never tried those so I can't attest to the taste or texture.

>> No.8924019
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I... I don't know anymore, man... Is this bait? I know there are people in this world this crazy, but 4chins is so advanced on metatrolling I'm starting to feel like I don't belong here anymore.

I think /v/ broke me.

>> No.8924101

Vegan miso soup with kale, red and spring onions, and leek dumplings.
>big pot 1/3 full with water, add 1-ish tsp veggie “better than bullion.”
>bring to a boil and add frozen veggie/vegan dumplings
>simmer for 3-5 minutes, then add chopped lacinato kale (3 stalks, de-ribbed), ½ sliced red onion, and 1 tsp grated ginger
>around this time, take about ½ cup of the broth out of the pot and stir in 2-3 tbsp red miso until it's dissolved
>once the dumplings are fully heated up, turn off the heat stir in the miso mixture
>sprinkle in chopped spring onions


>> No.8924129

spicy vegan cauliflower & chickpea soup:
1 cauliflower, de-cored and chopped
1 large can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1 can diced tomatoes (undrained)
1 medium onion, diced
1-2 carrots (or a bunch of baby carrots)
diced garlic, minced (however much you like)
1 32-oz box vegetable broth (or water, or whatever broth you prefer)
1 small can chipotle peppers in adobo sauce (peppers minced, sauce reserved)

>In a large soup pot or Dutch oven, sauté carrots and onion in a dash of olive oil on medium heat until onion is translucent
>Add garlic, sauté an additional minute
>Add minced peppers and the reserved sauce, tomatoes, broth, and cauliflower
>Bring to a boil, reduce heat, simmer covered 10-15 minutes until cauliflower is cooked
>Add chickpeas, cover and cook on low an additional 5-10 minutes

>> No.8924142

Soy-chorizo red lentil & bean chili:
Olive oil
1 large bell pepper, diced
1 medium onion, diced
an equal amount of carrot, diced
3 or 4 large cloves of garlic, minced
2 jalapeño peppers, de-seeded and minced
2/3 cup red lentils, rinsed
1 small (14.5 oz) can diced tomatoes (not drained)
2 cans mixed chili beans, drained and rinsed
1 package soy-chorizo crumbles
4 cups broth
a fuckton of spices: 2 tablespoon-ish each of cumin, coriander, ancho chili powder, blended chili powder (just pour some in, taste it, add more if needed)

>In a large soup pot or dutch oven, sauté onion, bell pepper, carrots and jalapeño over medium heat until soft
>Add garlic and spices, sauté an additional 2 minutes
>Add soy-chorizo, broth, tomatoes, and lentils
>Bring to a simmer, reduce heat and cover
>Cook ~30 minutes, stirring frequently
>Add more broth or water if it starts to look dry
>Once lentils are soft, add beans, stir, cover, and simmer an additional 20 minutes (stirring frequently, adding more water if needed)

wa-la. it's excellent with avocado or vegan cheese.

>> No.8924408
File: 150 KB, 680x1016, bean burger beetroot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying some vegan foods and so far my favourite has been Bean Burgers, i think even meat eaters would really like this and should give it a try.

>> No.8924413

Not if they're not producing enough breast milk or are deficient themselves, you fucking genius.

>> No.8924416

The coconut milk in cartons is usually more for drinking, while the canned stuff is much fattier and better for things like baking or making ice cream.

>> No.8924422

I feel like I'm the only vegan/person who isn't a big fan of bean burgers. I guess it would depend on the particular bean burger, since I like tortas, just not the particular bean burgers I've tried.

>> No.8924441

Only if you buy western brands. I've bought this stuff before, it's literally the same as the stuff in a can, minus the metal.