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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8892990 No.8892990 [Reply] [Original]

alright /ck/ I'm dieting, it's chicken and rice for me as far into the future as I can see. post your best chicken & rice recipe, bonus points for freezable & reheatable.
bonus points for green veg

I've had chicken curry every night this week, I need something new.

>> No.8893003

>eating chicken curry every night

kek you're doomed

>> No.8893005

terrible combo. eat chicken and whole wheat bread instead

>> No.8893010

>eating carbs

have fun failing lmao

>> No.8893019
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>> No.8893030

the diet isn't to lose weight anon.

>> No.8893052
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Alright, this is going to be a little rambling because I'm drunk and this isn't an authentic to any race because my Mexican mother developed it while in Saudi Arabia.


>get a medium sized pot (with a lid)
>add enough oil to cover the bottom (neutral flavor is best)
>on medium-high heat, after the oil has heated up, add 1.125 of the longest grain rice you can get of good quality (I enjoy basmati)
>stir well until the rice has "absorbed " the oil and become sort of translucent
>add a can of tomato sauce (the small one, should be like 3oz or something like that)
>stir well for about 2-4 minutes, let some of the water from the sauce dry up and "absorb into the rice
>add two cups of whatever temperature water, it doesn't fucking matter
>add .75-1 tablespoon of Knorr chicken bouillon (in Mexican, Knorr matters)
>stir very well

Before you did all of this, you should have done the following:

>skillet, butter, cubed chicken meat, salt, pepper, nice and hot
>basically brown it
>set chicken aside

This is where shit gets sort of fucky

>add 2 cups water (maybe a little short)
>stir every 3-7 minutes (superstition says that stirring rice makes it soggy, but I find the opposite accurate)
>mix in chkn
>put lid on pot, but at an angle so to let steam escape

Also, if you want to, you can add potatoes when you add the chicken, so long as they are fairly thin, they should cook in the last 30-40 min. I prefer to pan fry them and them stir them in at the end.

But yeah. after all that shit, you should be left with GREAT rice and chicken that is moist, flavorful and relatively healthy. Potatoes aren't necessary, but if you're trying to make an entire meal out of one dish, they're great for that. Otherwise, if you're adding the chicken and rice to beans, it's fine on its own.


Good night, co/ck/s.

>> No.8893061

godspeed anon

>> No.8893119
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>he thinks the term diet relates to weight loss

>> No.8893125

>he thinks adapting to a healthy lifestyle is entirely about chicken an rice
I give you one, two months tops

>> No.8893270

>he makes bold assumptions based on limited facts

>> No.8893613

My spanise grandma makes almost exactly the same thing. It's delicious.

>> No.8894872

Put a can of salsa, black beans, and two chicken breasts in a slow cooker, with any spices you want. Then put it over rice. It's easy and versatile.

>> No.8894926

that is one of its commonly used definitions, yes.

Some words mean more than one thing.

>> No.8894996

Only eat the rice 1-3 hrs after working out. You can eat carbs, just not until a post workout.

What you want to do is make Moroccan tagine. It's the easiest shit ever look up the recipe on youtube. Throw onions, chicken, spices, and squash in a pot (perf a tagine pot). Cook until chicken is done, whatever the recipe says. Add lemon, zest, whatever else you feel like adding.

Eat it like that, in other words without the bread (unless it's "post workout".. then fine w/couscous or very small amount of bread).

For breakfast make an omlette with spinach, a protein (turkey), and small amount of cheese plus spices. No bread. For lunch take chopped vegetables and small amount of nuts, eat them every 2-3 hrs.

Pounds will melt off but only if you're also getting exercise.

>> No.8895021


Take 2 chicken thighs and 2 drums.
Remove skin and debone.
Add to pot with bones, but not the skin, cover with water, add salt, pepper, fresh basil, 4 cloves of whole garlic, equal amount of whole ginger, and an equal amount of whole chili pepper minus the stem. Bring to a boil, reduce, and simmer.

When chicken is done, remove it, and set aside. Remove garlic, ginger, and chili, mince them all together, and set aside. Let the bones continue to simmer in the stock for at least an hour, than remove the bones, strain the stock, and set aside.

Measure out your rice, rinse it, and add 1.5 parts of stock to rice to a pot, cover, bring to a boil, and reduce heat to low for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, chop half a cup of green bell pepper, half a cup of red, and half a cup of onion, and pull apart your chicken. After the rice has simmered for 10 minutes on low, turn off the heat, leave it covered, and allow it to rest for another 10 minutes. In a pan, heat some oil, and saute the onion and bell pepper until sweated, add the chicken and the garlic / ginger / chili mix, and stir it around until fragrant. Deglaze the pan with remaining stock, season as needed, and serve over the rice. Garnish with chopped basil.

>> No.8895094

make this

very tasty

>> No.8895633

Salsa verde chicken:

2 chicken breasts
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 jar salsa verde/tomatillo salsa of your desired heat
Rice or quinoa
Sour cream or greek yogurt, if desired

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Put chicken in a nonstick high-rimmed baking dish
Pour in black beans
Pour salsa verde over top, making sure chicken is covered
Bake for 30 minutes or until chicken is cooked
Meanwhile, cook rice or quinoa according to directions on package
When chicken is cooked, serve over rice/quinoa with a dollop of sour cream/greek yogurt

>> No.8895680

So then what is the best side to eat with chicken to lose weight?

>> No.8895717


Tomato, cabbage, broccoli, carrots, onion, bell pepper, squash, zuchinni, green beans, etc...

>> No.8895757

Have you tried chicken and rice with cream of mushroom? I don't know if that's the universal standard but that's mine.