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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8892423 No.8892423 [Reply] [Original]

Why is ketchup on hotdogs regarded as unacceptable, yet mustard is completely fine?

>> No.8892433

Because you touch yourself at night

>> No.8892443

because a hot dog isn't a fucking dessert

>> No.8892457

>dip fries in ketchup
>hahaha i love eating dessert so much

>> No.8892467
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>>dip fries in ketchup

>> No.8892475 [DELETED] 

you fucking sicken me

>> No.8892485

I like my hotdogs with dab of ranch

>> No.8892487


>> No.8892492

Because the autistic permavirgins that make up a large portion of this board are desperate for superiority. They are complete failures in every facet of life. Shitty job if they have one at all, no girlfriend, few friends, no impressive skills of any kind. So they find things most people don't even give a second thought too and adopt the patrician opinion. In this case, it's a fucking hot dog. Ketchup is considered the pleb condiment, so they can attack it as something that is below their refined palate. This allows them to have a feeling of superiority that they will never achieve from anything that actually matters.

>> No.8892521


Mostly true.

>> No.8892532

this also sums up /pol/, /v/, /a/, and most other hobby boards on here.

>> No.8892556

>ketchup on hotdogs regarded as unacceptable
what bizarro universe do you live in?

>> No.8892599

I know a guy that says that shit anytime someone asks a question, fucken annoying.

>> No.8892611

XD haha! upboated my friend! I truly love Family Guy, what a fantastic show!

>> No.8892621
File: 31 KB, 417x489, 17124361_740665412761623_1285071091_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not, ketchup + mustard + relish + onions is MANDATORY

>> No.8892641
File: 29 KB, 605x372, 1480009416548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put ketchup on hot dogs all the time.

Fight me irl faggot.

>> No.8892649
File: 81 KB, 720x960, d83451nm8muy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah plus cheese and chilli

>> No.8892665


>> No.8892666

Because ketchup is sweet. Try and keep up.

>> No.8892675

trips of truth

>> No.8892679

that's not chili, that appears to be diarrhea

>> No.8892682
File: 101 KB, 600x605, 1461742109401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ketchup is only allowed if there is chili. That makes the chili flavor better, but without chili ketchup is punishable by death.

>> No.8892684


>> No.8892689

who mustard, onion, and cheddar here

>> No.8892690

Muster+Ketchup+Mayo master race

>> No.8892720


Barack Obama and Anthony Bourdain both say it's wrong past the age of 8

>> No.8892727

I never tried a chicago dog, are they good? The combination sounds vile.

>> No.8892731

I like ketchup on a hot dog but only if it's with mustard and dill pickle relish, otherwise it's too sweet. And I like ketchup.

However, chili (with beans), mustard, cheddar and onions is the true patrician's choice.

>> No.8892734

It's delicious. To me it's the perfect combination of sweet, sour, savory and aromatic.

Of course it's better with a high quality hot dog, but I love those damn things.

>> No.8892735

>Why is ketchup on hotdogs regarded as unacceptable
I don't think anybody of importance actually believes this.

>> No.8892736


agreed, it is a very special taste and texture to me that I crave at least once a month or so and is just really nice.

>> No.8892745

I'm more important than you. Ketchup on hot dogs is garbage.

>> No.8892779

t. autistic permavirgin
Reddit is down the hall and to the left, kiddo.

>> No.8892817

Then again both of them are fags

>> No.8892822

Personally I'm not a fan but I get why you can like it. It's really an interesting flavor and texture mix. It's like a regular hamburger in hotdog form. A bunch of different crap with individual flavors that stand out and make something greater together. I just don't think it's that great.

>> No.8892827

"Look mom, I made the post again"
Fuck off with the same thread every three days, nobody gives a shit about hot dogs outside baseball games anyway.

>> No.8893039

>Not putting both ketchup and mustard

>> No.8893183

I don't think ketchup meshes with the hot dog as well as other toppings do. I dont care if someone eats it, but I don't really care for it on there. I save it for my potatoes.

>> No.8893221

Those two are both literal homosexuals.

>> No.8894453

Hot dogs are literal children's food. Why suddenly put on airs about the condiments?

>> No.8894854

ketchup is a pleb tier condiment

>> No.8894923

>Using pleb-tier normal Ketchup
>Not using superior Curry Ketchup

>> No.8895221

Because Inspector "Dirty" Harry Callahan deemed it so…