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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 600 KB, 900x637, potato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8887141 No.8887141 [Reply] [Original]

I was hoping for fast answers from you smart people who can give simple answers to someone dumb like me:

Are these things good for me or not.

Its like eggs. When I ask google, I get a million different answers. I was hoping to lose some weight and go on a diet. My meal plan had one of these baked every night.

idk what to think. People say white food is bad and that its all carby.


now Im thinking about cake dammit. Food is the only thing that gives me a few moments of joy and of course now I have to give that up too.


anyways thanks in advance will read everything

>> No.8887148

I've heard sweet potatoes are healthier than potatoes.

>> No.8887159

potatoes are near nutrient complete and provide high satiety

depending on what you're looking for, they're pretty good

>> No.8887172


Thanks. I appreciate it. They fill me up well and I dont get hungry for a while, I can make them tasty by spraying that fake butter oil on them

>> No.8887189

I eat a hamburguer or fries with hot dog and a coke every other night. I'm thinking doing something like this could stop me from eating at night and it'll be cheaper.

>> No.8887232
File: 38 KB, 600x584, Original-Spray-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A big baked potato, I've found, has some advantages; you decide how much or little flavor you need and can control it with non-butter, salt, chives and modest cheese. You get to control the portion of 'bad' stuff and its filling.

The key, I learned, is in the careful application of flavor so that its spread out. I discovered this when I realized spray butter substitute was what I needed because I would mash the baked potato flat and still couldn't apply butter in a modest way. So I looked for spray butter and found this, and it was surprisingly a good substitute.

After that, it doesnt take much to make ti tasty, just a bit of TLC when you apply the topping.

You get flavor, volume and roughage. The volume is important to me. Being able to control the flavoring is important too. What I am uncertain about is the carbs and how they are metabolized.

I take the same approach to oatmeal, where I can flavor it myself instead of having it dumped in when pre-made.

>> No.8887238

No. They're very high in carbs and glycemic index. It doesn't have enough nutrients to make up for all those carbs. Eat in moderation with plenty of organic meat and grass-fed butter to lower glycemic impact.

>> No.8887261

potatoes have been a staple of world diets for 500 years

don't worry about it bro

skip the famous amos cookies and soda, that shit ain't real.

potatoes grow in the ground, you won't die.

>> No.8887296
File: 87 KB, 452x610, quinoaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried quinoa?

>> No.8887344


This is all useful, thank you. Its hard to make conclusions.

I've been working from a premise that says youre both right, that maybe they arent perfect, but better than the alternatives. Im not good at meal planning, I dont have much ability, space or resource to cook so I am just trying to improve what I can as I learn


I think so. My recollection was that it was tasty but didnt stick to my ribs as well. This has always been an ongoing issue with me and vegetables as well. Its not that I dont like them, its that I get hungry again so fast.

I have learned that meat, especially beef, lets me go very long periods without being hungry

Compared to other foods, the effect good beef has on me is near magical, probably because I was raised on it so much. Its like some sort of weird power food; it makes me feel better, more clear and focused. It must have something in it that engages my development somehow. If I was raised on fish, maybe I would feel the same way about fish.

I only really notice it if I go a long time without it, beef that is.

>> No.8887365
File: 140 KB, 401x299, pulses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat more fibre.

>> No.8887377

everything in moderation is the key to everything.

>> No.8887378
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I am, and thank you. I have some issues that make beans a little bit of a challenge, but I do like and enjoy them.

Lately, I have been enjoying these for a fast, tasty and hopefully nutritious, fiber friendly breakfast


>> No.8887385

One large baked potato only has 63 grams of carbs. If you watch what else you eat during the day, you can stay well under the top of the "sweet spot" for weight loss of 100 grams of carbs per day.
Also, potatoes are quite healthy for you, nutrient wise.
I say go ahead and eat one, just watch what you put on it, and watch for other carbs you eat during the day to stay under the 100 gram point.

>> No.8887392

I try to not do carbs at night. I usually do meat and veggies of some kind for dinner. I do my big meal for lunch. This is usually where I get my carbs on, whether pasta, potatoes, or whatever. For snacks, I do cottage cheese or yogurt with frozen berries, walnuts etc. I think I've heard the key to staying full is protein, fat, and fiber. Try to get more veggies in your diet. Cut back on soda and sugary shit, and your tastes will change. You'll be alright if you stick with it. It'll become routine eventually.

>> No.8887395

Those have a single gram of fibre. Might want to try whole wheat bread.

>> No.8887406

Good for you in the sense that they are a starch and when combined with veggies and protein make a complete meal
I'd say they're better for you than white bread if you don't cook them with a fuck ton of butter/oil

>> No.8887407

You can always get your fiber from leafy greens and things like carrots, celery, etc.

Also, potatoes are very good for you: one average size potato has more vitamin C than an orange and more potassium than a banana. You pretty much can't go wrong with taters

>> No.8887427


>> No.8887430

>I'm fat wot do

>> No.8887433
File: 27 KB, 543x487, hippo and unicorn cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you. I guess I need to moderate more. I have challenges in life like everyone does, and the humble comfort of a meal is a lot for me to be grateful for.

So when things feel hard, I indulge more treats for balance. Its not a lot, and its not terribly obvious, but the effects are the same medically.

Theres more to it, a miserably reclusive and thus sedentary lifestyle, much of it hiding from the horrible weather here. But spring is (sort of) here so maybe I can get some mobility back


Thank you, I will factor that too. My breakfasts will be oatmeal, bananas and yogurt or cereal, lunches are salad and tuna or beans, and dinner is the potato, veggies and presumably beef, chicken or salmon.

Like I said, I dont have a lot of resources, so meal planning is a bit dull, but I will find ways to adapt variety.


Thats good information, thank you. It is indeed amazing how quickly you can repair some metabolic issues just by moderating soda alone. I dont think there is anything morally wrong with soda as some suggest, but that its shouldnt be an all day habit every year of your life.


Oh. I will look more closely. I thought thats what they were, ty.


i try to go light on flavor.


Thats helpful too. I make enormous salads full of so many veggies, shrooms, peppers and such that you can barely wedge in a leaf of lettuce.


Awesome, will read next, thank you.

Thank you all again very much, I really appareciate the information, and will re-read it all again to take it in while planning.

Have a great week, all, and be blessed.

>> No.8889052

that is a myth, they basically have the same nutritional value

>> No.8889114

Potatoes are undoubtedly one of the best foods you can eat. The failed Jewish scientist and media whore David Ludwig at Harvard has been bashing the humble potato for decades because he built his career on the failed idea of the glycemic index and the failed carbohydrate-insulin hypothesis of obesity which has been repeatedly debunked by famed expert of metabolism and obesity Kevin Hall. Meanwhile, potato consumption has been declining across the Western world and we are seeing an epidemic rise in obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease - something virtually unknown in populations that depend on the fantastic potato for most of their calories. Potatoes provide a vast array of nutrients, good fiber, and are extremely filling. Potatoes provide an extremely balanced amino acid profile that includes every essential amino acid in the correct proportions.

Potatoes and other carbohydrate-rich plants are excellent weight loss foods. Notorious trash man and part-time magician Penn Jillette lost all of his excess body fat by starting on a diet of plain potatoes, and then expanding to a diet of plain potatoes and vegetables. This diet is known to work long-term and keeps you in good health.

>> No.8889177

what on earth makes you trust people on 4chan over anyone else

>> No.8889321

The Irish peasant thrived on a diet almost exclusively of potatoes and dairy until the english infected ireland with blight in an attempt to eliminate them. Then they starved.

>> No.8889679

Fuck of with your low GI shit, potatoes will make you feel full longer.