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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8884726 No.8884726 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that every fucking curry place thinks it's okay to charge $15 for every dish? Curry should not cost that much. $4 for fucking naan, Pajeet? What the hell?

>> No.8884742


Last time I got curry, I asked for it "spicy." Spicy is one level below the hottest you can get at this restaurant which is "Indian spicy." I wanted to see if I could handle spicy so next time I could try Indian spicy. Well those fuckers didn't put ANYTHING spicy in my curry. Not even some crushed pepper flakes or Tabasco or fucking anything. It tasted milder than mild. I bet those racist shitters didn't think this WHITE BOI could handle spicy curry.

>> No.8884744


That seems pretty damn expensive, anon. Most of the places I've been to charge $10 or less. The only exception that I can think of is a specific one involving jumbo shrimp that they charge $12 for. Oh, and naans are free with the meal.

>> No.8884748

be less white and try again

>> No.8884753

white people don't know the difference and will shell out big bucks for "ethnic" food because they're used to being overcharged on everything

>> No.8884754

The Indian place by me gives you free plain naan with your meal, but charges extra for Peshwari naan. Which is fine, because Peshwari naan is amazing.

>> No.8884760

Well maybe I keep getting jewed by Pajeet because all of the curry places I've been to have been the only curry restaurants in their respective towns. When Sanjeev has no competition, he likes to jack up them prices.

>> No.8884762

Make your own, I find the curries I make contain 100% less poo and costs far less.

>> No.8884770

then learn to cook curry, you pussy

>> No.8884775

I do make my own curries, which is why I know they shouldn't cost anywhere near $15 plus tip, but I like to get curry for date nights and the atmosphere is usually pretty chill at these places.

>> No.8884780

Can you blame him? We should all take business lessons from the Jews. Make it yourself if you don't like the price, cracker.

>> No.8884781

I ask the people at the Chinese place I order from to make my food spicy and I just get 1/4 a jar of red pepper flakes. This shit isn't funny

>> No.8884783

>crushed pepper flakes or Tabasco
Because that's a stupid thing to do with Indian food.

>> No.8884789


I agree that tabasco would be stupid, but using red pepper flakes wouldn't be that far out there. Many curries contain red peppers of various sorts. I use dried Naga Morich chilies whenever I make a hot curry.

>> No.8884790

I feel you man. I love curry but cant afford to pay the prices at local restaurants.

I worked in Bahrain for a year though and it was incredible. You could get a huge sack of samosas, dal, naan, and an entree for about six bucks. Food was unreal....but Id rather not think about the sanitary conditions in those kitchens.

>> No.8884792

why the fuck are you taking your date somewhere that will ensure you aren't getting any pussy, much less anal unless you like shit on your dick

>> No.8884793

I know, but I'm just making the point that I couldn't even get that measly level of heat in my curry. My date that night got her curry mild and it was legit tasteless. Like I don't think they even added salt.

>> No.8884796

Ask for specific food and not just "curry", I guarantee a vindaloo will give you a real ring stinger.

>> No.8884798
File: 111 KB, 1024x724, 1480974562785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever worked with a tandoori oven? Shit is dangerous. That thing gets so hot half the time you don't even feel the burn. Once left my arm in contact with the side for too long, pulled my arm away and the skin stuck to it. Had to stop making naan to scrape it off and sanitize the entire thing.

Also, this >>8884742
Didn't start getting true Indian hot till I started working.

>> No.8884800


Stop fucking going to that restaurant then idiot.

>> No.8884803

Get fucked faggot

>> No.8884806

We'll I don't ask for "curry" like some absolute madman I just order off the menu since every item has a description.

I did nigger. That was a while ago.

>> No.8884808

your pol memes are really out of date whitey

>> No.8884811

Well what dish did you order then?

>> No.8884814

why the fuck are you even taking your date out to overpriced pajeet places in the first place? everyone knows pussies get the wettest when you Demonstrate Value by showing you can cook

>> No.8884815

There's only one Indian place in my town and it's also one of the cheapest places. Maybe you're just easy to swindle.

>> No.8884825

they can charge that much because that's how much people will pay
You're a dumbass who doesn't understand how the free market works.

>> No.8884839

Yeah that sounds like a problem with that place. Try making the stuff at home, there's normally lots of ingredients and that can be intimidating at first but the cooking methods tend to be quite simple.

>> No.8884840

I don't remember, but each dish can be made as spicy as you want. It said so right on the menu. I'll take your vindaloo advice if I ever go back.

I certainly don't go anymore after getting burned three times at three different places. I have managed to get some actual hot curry before, but they've all been overpriced as fuck. I do make my own curry and serve it to her. It's not rocket appliances.

>> No.8884866

>that spoiler

What could you possibly spoil on /ck/? Kitchen nightmare episodes? Fuck outta my thread, Pajeet.

>> No.8884878

>I don't remember, but each dish can be made as spicy as you want.
Well that was their first lie, a tomato based dish for example will almost always be hotter than a cream one. Never trust Sanjay since they will always lie or try to cheat you but you should also do some research before ordering.

>> No.8884894

Maybe your autism leaked out when you referred to the owner as a Pajeet and they simply swindled you and fucked your food, white boi.

>> No.8884906

People use it ironically retard

>> No.8884926

It's a meme. It makes sense now that you're the type to pay 15 dollars for poorly-made curry.

Either you're trolling or you made a thread specifically for everyone to laugh at you, which we are.

>> No.8884948

Man there's a lot of Pajeet in this thread. Nice job defending $15 curry

>> No.8884960
File: 32 KB, 518x355, reactionimagejaypeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try out Little India, a chain of Indian style restaurants
>15.99 for curry chicken
>order online
>wait 40 minutes and go pick it up
>the subhuman brown-skinned bartender is rude to me upon pickup
>get home and it's about a 20 oz cup
>served with a small 16oz box of rice
>first bite in a nice tender piece of chicken and some decent sauce
>dig into the container
>40% of the dish is potato as filler
>never go there again
>make this post
>add a stupid attention grabbing image
>scratch my balls

>> No.8884962

nobody's defending $15 curry, they're defending an autist getting swindled by pseudojew pajeets. it's a shame every restaurant doesn't do this to you until you're forced to become a shut-in.

>> No.8884967

While we're here, can we talk about how fucking oliveniggers think they can charge for falafel like its meat?

>> No.8884969

$15 is a good price for decent curry, just choose the dish better next time.

>> No.8884973

Well jokes on you faggot, everything I've birches about ITT happened over 2 months ago. I don't go to any Indian restaurants near me because I've been to all of them and they're all jews.

>> No.8884976

the vegetarian plate at my local lebanese place is almost twice the price of the gyro/beef/chicken shawarma plates, but it's the only one with delicious fried eggplant so it's worth it

>> No.8884979

>gets jewed by every indian restaurant in town
>"well jokes on you faggot"

>> No.8884985

Yeah, we are the dumb faggots and not you, you sure showed us.

>> No.8884989

There's no way for me to identify their jew prices until I go there at least once. I can at least say I tried. Other people ITT have better luck with their local Indian places.

>> No.8884990

>going on dates

Just get a hooker, it's cheaper in the long run

>> No.8884994
File: 124 KB, 990x590, 1493735881120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have indian curry for dinner last night
>this is pretty good desu
>wake up this morning
>have to poo
>doesnt feel right to do it in toilet
>hold it and continue with day
>walking along a little later on
>feeling comes on strong
>loo.exe not found
>poo in street behind dumpster
>developing strong opinions on dog shit pakistan
>cricket seems like an interesting game
what is happening to me chaps?

>> No.8885001

Is your life so boring that you had to go two full months back to find something worth making a thread about?

>> No.8885002
File: 40 KB, 200x200, 1426531837333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't get the hot food i order because the color of my skin


>> No.8885004

Are you also having urges to stalk women online and send declarations of love to porn stars?

>> No.8885010

There's no stopping the transformation now. You might as well pick up book on computer hardware because that's your job now. Welcome to Intel.

>> No.8885015

Yes. I'm actually thawing some chicken to make curry tonight, so that's what reminded me of the curry jews.

>> No.8885018

post nonjewed curry recipe fag

>> No.8885021


see a doctor immedeately

you'll start to smell of onions and become shorter, you're desire to rape women will become unmanageable. If left untreated, your entire wardrobe will turn into pastel colored sweatpants and windbreakers

>> No.8885050

Ginger/garlic paste
Tomato paste
Chili powder
Garam masala
Coconut milk
Curry leaves
Maybe leave a bay leaf in there I dunno.

Serve on basmati

>> No.8885053

are you remembering the saffron for the basmati?

>> No.8885056

Oh and some chopped up red chili peppers because HEAT

>> No.8885060

Saffron is expensive

>> No.8885063


>he genuinely thinks that he's making it SOOPER SPICY by adding some red chili pepper!

>> No.8885068

it's also delicious and essential to good basmati

>> No.8885075

I never claimed such a thing. Enlighten me on some meme peppers to make it hotter.

>> No.8885214

dont forget $4 for plain fucking rice

>> No.8885219

Yeah all the Indian places around me charge way too much to order off the menu. Either make it yourself or go to an Indian buffet instead,

>> No.8885221


if u dont eat everything with ghost pepper ur a pussy cuck

>> No.8885229

tiny portions too

>> No.8885230

>Maybe you're just easy to swindle

Do you seriously fucking haggle on menu prices?

>> No.8885233

>he doesn't haggle on everything he buys
god america this is why everyone hates you, you're so fucking stupid

>> No.8885238

Nice to see you're catching on pajeet.

>> No.8885242

>doesn't even use saffron in his basmati
>criticizing anyone else's cooking methods

>> No.8885243

This is what real racism looks like. Niggers don't know shit.

>> No.8885266

When did I criticize anyone's cooking methods you retard? This whole thread has been about the price.

>> No.8885279

man i could go for a good biryani.

>> No.8886163
File: 113 KB, 893x771, juri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question to all burgers ITT. What's with the shitty joke in all tv shows these days like family guy where apparently eating curries or Mexican food makes you shit blood and have diarreah for a week? It sounds like such bullshit but most jokes tend to have some root in reality.

Your average burger can't have THAT shitty a digestive system, right?

>> No.8886470
File: 350 KB, 672x1005, Diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normally when I go out and eat, my stool is nice and stiff and comes out like a rabbit's

it hurts a little, and some times it takes a while, but it's clean, healthy and there's barely anything to wipe away afterwards.

Eat fucking mexican/indian food and the shit just gets squeezed out of you, and then you sit there wiping your ass for ages afterwards. Literally just one step above the runs.

>> No.8886496

Indians are literally the new Jews.
I learned this when I used to work a retail job across from a credit card call center.
I miss not being racist.

>> No.8886534

you can go back!
just judge individuals individually and avoid applying easy generalizations to groups regardless of whether or not you believe that it applies to a noteworthy percentage

>> No.8886545

>t. reddit
Probably a vegan too.

>> No.8886552

> uses epithets
> complaining about racist indians
learn to cook
Wa La!

>> No.8886553

I eat meat, I just limit my intake!

>> No.8886638

>Well maybe I keep getting jewed by Pajeet
You really just seem like a racist and disrespectful prick. Who talks like this?

>> No.8886680

Don't complain, that's normal in Germany... I recently visited Switzerland and they charged 15 CHF for the most basic kebab, it's absolutely insane,considering that a 1 hour drive away it'd be less than 5 €.

>> No.8886681

>I ask the people at the Chinese place I order from to make my food spicy and I just get 1/4 a jar of red pepper flakes. This shit isn't funny
Ask for chili paste when you pick it up, they should have a little container of good stuff, and then you simply dip into that like a condiment. Good chili paste is so much better than dried flakes. A thai or vietnamese restaurant will have sliced raw chilies, but chinese? No, might have some dried bird chilies they can stir fry with your food, or paste only.

>> No.8886722
File: 180 KB, 364x600, saffron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saffron is expensive
Not really. It's expensive by weight because it barely weighs anything at all. It's almost as light as air.

I calculate it adds $3 per 4 person serving of rice. That's what? Less expensive than an eggplant? Or a couple tomatoes? Yea, it's not expensive. at. all. You didn't do the cost breakdown per dish.

Pictured if $3.79 at my grocery, and you might use half of the container for 2-3 cups of uncooked rice, though you could use all of it for a simmery saucy dinner like pollo fricasse or for like a big paella batch.

>> No.8886790


It's expensive enough to encourage counterfeit saffron markets.

Spain produces about 1.5 metric tons of it a year, and the counterfeit market produces and sells over 7. Supermarkets are more likely to carry counterfeit safflower than saffron.

If you bought it for that cheap, it's probably not real. The costs are too prohibitive.