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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 458 KB, 500x375, oh god.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8880916 No.8880916 [Reply] [Original]

There's going to be a potluck on the final day of one of my classes. Only one window in the room but it NEVER gets opened and I don't want to be rude in opening it, making it obvious I think the food fucking reeks. I can't miss the final day, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to compose myself for it either.

I'm extremely sensitive to certain smells I know will be there, and I also have a phobia of contamination from these same foods. This is going to be a fucking nightmare for me. What can I do? I'm literally considering putting toilet paper up my nostrils - but I'm sure I'll still be able to "smell" it through my mouth. I really don't want to have a panic attack on the final day and be forced to leave class early. Just a hint of the smells from these foods is enough to send me into a panic - being stuck in a room filled with them...I just don't think I can do this. I'm going to be crying by the end of it.

>> No.8880926

I say go with toilet paper with a overpowering scent that you can handle.
Also I say bring your own food and just say that or make up some bull shit about not feeling well and not eatting

>> No.8880937

I think you should just kill yourself, that way you never have to smell anything ever again.

>> No.8880984

I have no idea what the fuck is wrong with you, but that's totally fucked up. Get help.

>> No.8881028
File: 91 KB, 755x615, 1481494572021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking glad I don't have autism. Holy fuck.

>> No.8881070

>phobia of contamination from these foods

what foods?

>> No.8881091

Show up, pretend you're feeling very ill, ask to be excused, go home and shitpost on a Congolese arms smuggling forum

>> No.8881107


>> No.8881112

What the fuck could be SO offensive yet so common that you know for a fact it will be there?

>> No.8881117

Buy a sample of the cold virus off the internet, and infect yourself with it so your nose will be stuffed up. Also, remember to be a good party guest, and mingle with all the other party goers. being sick is no excuse to be rude.

>> No.8881121

You dumb
white guilt
piece of human garbage.
Now get me my FUCKING enchiladas.

>> No.8881136

Open the fucking window. If you have to leave early, then leave. If someone asks, tell them that ethnic food makes you gag.
>I'm going to be crying by the end of it
Deal with it, whitey. One step at a time. If this is that important to you then crying is a minor hurdle to deal with.
IMO you shouldn't be able to get a degree, what the fuck would happen if you had to go to an OFFICE potluck?
"Whoops, sorry boss, can't come in today, I know Pajeet will be there and his curry gives me seizures"

>> No.8881148
File: 24 KB, 236x280, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animal products. Any meat or dairy or eggs.

Eggs are most tolerable but still nasty. Dairy smells like rotting feet, chicken is indescribably disgusting smelling - both are tied as the worst smelling animal products. Pork and fish are a close second. Beef smells like cooked menstruation.

I also have a phobia of contamination because it's literally the flesh and secretions of tortured animals. After watching hundreds of undercover investigations, it sends me into panic mode just being near animal products. Mostly it's that they're just fucking disgusting though.

Been vegan 8 years and after the second year I couldn't tolerate the smell anymore. Non-vegans have no idea how gross this shit smells.

>> No.8881155


just kys already and help preserve the gene pool from your obviously defective genetic makeup.

>> No.8881162

Unsure whether to think better or worse of you now that I know it's actually because you're vegan.
But in any case, given the liberal shitholes that schools are, nobody's going to give you shit for saying "I'm a vegan and the smell of animal products makes me gag" and anyone that does can probably be put on academic restriction for violating your safe space or some shit

>> No.8881165

Why don't you just... not go to class?

>> No.8881168

So, what, you must just eat pb&j sandwiches and Amy's frozen vegan dinners? You need to nut up, dude, this is intensely pathetic.

>> No.8881177

>After watching hundreds of undercover investigations
Those are almost always fake. Try visiting a real farm some time and see how they really treat the animals. Hint: Stressed animals produce poor quality product.

>> No.8881178

go, try to toughen up, and be a better human being

otherwise, you're such a waste of space it's laughable

>> No.8881184

yes but the few dozen extreme cases are OBVIOUSLY how the entire industry is, dont you see!!!! /s

>> No.8881190

can't you read? it's the final day of class
it's probably exam day or something they can't miss

>> No.8881191

>I'm extremely sensitive to certain smells I know will be there, and I also have a phobia of contamination from these same foods

You're one of those weirdos that get completely naked to take a shit, aren't you?

>> No.8881216

It's a community college, so there are lots of stupid people who I think would definitely give me shit over it. Or if they didn't say anything to my face, they'd be thinking it or talking shit behind my back.

I don't want to make a spectacle of myself. But at the same time I want to wear a gas mask....

I don't want to have to make a big deal out of it and ask the professor to make accommodations for me. I also like a lot of people in the class and my professor is cool too, so it would be nice to be able to say goodbye.

I don't use the break room or cafeteria either because of this (the smell of cup of noodles - fucking nope), but I so wish I could write a complaint about cooked animal products being allowed at school. That would be incredible.

Any time some douchebag brings hot (animal based) food to class, I can't focus the entire time and am constantly on the verge of vomiting. I really wish how disgusting their food smelled and how inconsiderate it is to force everyone to smell it.

It's the final day. I mean I might be able to send my final paper through e-mail, but other reasons mentioned above. I don't want to have to miss the final day. I may have to though. I just know it would be really hard to keep myself from crying, so it seems like missing it is the only realistic option unless I want to have everyone's last memory of me being me excusing myself to go cry in the bathroom. (I have PTSD and generalized anxiety disorder and my emotions get out of control and I have cried in class before for less reasons.)

>> No.8881218

>What can I do?

Get a grip.

>> No.8881223

I used to work with farmers... and have personally known government hired inspectors....

Fuck off, shill. I know they're real. They're standard practice..

>> No.8881227

>I don't want to ask for reasonable accommodations even though I'm completely miserable and can barely physically manage myself
Stop being a bitch and stick up for yourself a little.
You have a right to be able to EXIST.

>> No.8881229

i have ptsd and anxiety too, and let me tell you:

you're embarrassing. you know the answer is 'just tough it out'. stop whining on the internet for someone to validate your fears. you know it's stupid, we know it's stupid, start dealing wihth your problems instead of avoiding them

>> No.8881234

That actually sounds kind of fun! I'm gonna try that next bm.

>> No.8881236

You're living in a fantasy world buddy

>> No.8881240

You don't understand... I've moved twice this past semester primarily because I couldn't tolerate the smell and contamination from animal products. Thankfully I'm finally in a vegan household....

It's not about toughening up.

Standard practice is animal torture. Stop making obnoxious assumptions.

>> No.8881245

>Stop making obnoxious assumptions
nigger i fucking grew up on a farm, kys you fucking veggy faggot.

>> No.8881248

'i moved twice instead of seeing a psych and helping myself'

yeah, that's called avoidance and it makes your problems worse. that's called, 'i refuse to toughen up'

i get that your feelings are real, they're tangible and unpleasant, but they really aren't REAL. they aren't going to harm you. stop being a pussy

>> No.8881251

Here is a pro tip, dude: you don't need to worry about your classmates talking shit behind your back in class, because they definitely already are talking shit behind your back. You sound like you're one bad day away from trying to cleanse the city of dirty meatbags.
How do you have ptsd? Your white middle class life been just too tough on ya bud?

>> No.8881261

Would you be able to sit in a room while people gorged on the cooked flesh of children and drank fermented jizz, likely spilling bits of flesh and jizz all over the place?

If you say yes to that question, you're mentally ill, and if you say no to that question, then you have no reason to judge me.

>> No.8881265

So... I'm actually gonna try to hear you out instead of insulting you, but I really want a solid answer. Are you just REALLY sensitive to the scent of dead animals or do you actually have some form of autism?

>> No.8881268

>conflating human flesh and semen with food that has been eaten by humans for millennia.

really tickles the noodle.

>> No.8881271

>people and animals are morally equivalent

Anyway, why would there be animal semen in food? That stuff is expensive, companies aren't going to just give it away by adding it to other products.

I have eaten bull testicles already, for what it's worth.

>> No.8881272

yeah, but the thing is, they're not children. they're animals. it's nature. it's normal. meat is food. milk is food. even jizz isn't that gross. but i'm a medical fag so i guess i'm bias. it's all just biology to me.

the fact that you place 'children' with 'animals literally designed, propagated, and ensured by nature to be consumed' is bizarre. it would be weird if NO animals got consumed. life evolved this way, very particularily and decidedly my guy.

>> No.8881276

First of all, I'm female, not a dude. Secondly, people are really friendly with me but sure, maybe they talk shit about me behind my back. I have poor impulse control and say things in class that I probably shouldn't, so it wouldn't surprise me.

And I have ptsd from being physically abused nearly daily for over a decade of my life, and being homeless the other days. Homelessness didn't give me PTSD though I should say. I live in California so homelessness here actually isn't so bad.

>> No.8881277

This is just (you) bait, right? Seriously, a person like this couldn't function enough in society to leave the house. Right?

>> No.8881283

>female (male)

>> No.8881285

Everybody is a dude, dude. Don't be sexist.

>> No.8881289

I work in a biolab and have been fully immersed in cultured bacterial media. It was smelly, and I got a mild case of pink eye, but Im still alive. You'll be fine. Just keep telling youself that "anon is fine, so Ill be fine".

>> No.8881293

I'm actually just REALLY sensitive to the scent of dead animals. You would be two if you went vegan for two years. I know that's not a good advertisement for veganism, but it's the truth. Dealing with the smells is without a doubt the hardest part about being vegan. People being idiots and harassing me over it is even more tolerable than the smells. It's fucking torture getting stuck in a place where animal products were cooked.

>> No.8881296

>You would be two
this HAS to be bait...right?

>> No.8881297

Haha epic reference!

>> No.8881299


>> No.8881300

I've known people who were vegans for ten years who weren't this sensitive.

So, yeah, this probably is just bait guys. Nothing to see here.

>> No.8881303

none of my vegan friends are like you. not one of them. they're all bros and very enjoyable.

you though, make excuses to be a pathetic human being and cry over shit that everyone has to deal with b/c you dont know how to get attention any other way. literally your life is so easy and so boring that you made up 'smells make me ptsd triggered' to be less bored


>> No.8881305

Sometimes I accidentally type words that sound the same instead of the word I actually mean when I'm typing fast. Sorry. Call it a typo.

>> No.8881312

This, I have 2 close friends who are vegan, and another 2 pescetarians.

none of them have problems around meat, they just don't want to eat it.

>> No.8881316

I really wish this were the case.

And those vegans are probably just plant based, or they don't want to offend you by telling you your food reeks. Most vegans I know understand my struggle for the most part. I might be more sensitive than the average vegan, but they ALL acknowledge how bad it smells.

>> No.8881323

Peppermint oil. Dab a little bit under each nostril and repeat as needed. You're not liable to smell anything else. If people question it, tell them that you're congested and it helps clear your head.

>> No.8881324

This HAS to be bait
Here, have a (You)

>> No.8881328


Just tell the teacher your father was a Nigger who's religion and culture forbade him to eat any meats.

The proceed to call the teacher a racist and any other meat eater in class a racist.

Argument over.

You win.

>> No.8881330

my friends tell me my food smells great. we all work in the same kitchen together.

>> No.8881344

It's not even a matter of me being "fine". That's not why it sends me into a panic. I don't think my life is in danger.

It's more the fact that I'm being forced to inhale the flesh and secretions of tortured animals, and the fact that someone might have dropped some on the thing I just touched. Imagine if your mom was butchered and you had to live with her murderer as he ate her flesh all over the house, getting bits on everything you touch. That's exactly what it's like for someone who cares about animals. No matter how you justify it as "muh food chain tho" or "muh animals are bred to be eaten". That doesn't change the reality that they're fucking tortured and have their flesh and secretions consumed by the masses, and some people are justly disturbed by that.

>> No.8881348


This. Want to make any white schools or teachers cower in fear?

Just casually call them racists and watch them scramble & apologize. kek

>> No.8881354

Alright then either don't go to school or just put some stuff like tissues up your nose and BE A MAN HOGAN! YEAH!

>> No.8881355


You're trying waayyy too hard, nigger.

>> No.8881361

>It's more the fact that I'm being forced to inhale

no, you're not

>Just tell the teacher your father was a Nigger who's religion and culture forbade him to eat any meats.
>The proceed to call the teacher a racist and any other meat eater in class a racist.

This is all it takes.

btw: this is an obvious vegan crying thread in disguise...

>> No.8881363

Allowing veganposting on /ck/ was a mistake.

>> No.8881364

Grow a pair you cheeky cunt

>> No.8881373
File: 36 KB, 487x352, Black on Black Genocide 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just tell the teacher your father was a Nigger who's religion and culture forbade him to eat any meats.
>The proceed to call the teacher a racist and any other meat eater in class a racist.
>Argument over.

When poorly disguised vegan threads go wrong...

>> No.8881399

You actually are.
Any kind of smell is caused by inhaling atomized particles of whatever it is you smell.
If you smell poop in a bathroom, it's because you're inhaling it.
If you smell meat in a kitchen, it's because you're inhaling it.

>> No.8881414

Real men have evolved to love the taste of tortured animals. The more tortured the animal, the longer the hunt, the bigger the thrill.

Kinda like how Real Men don't mind dirty jobs and love the stank of pussy juice, a nice cigar, or aged cheese.

Only a faggot would stick a face in a vagina and squeal "eeeeewwwwwww!"

Real men get their spoons & dig in.

>> No.8881424
File: 16 KB, 279x180, 'Merica! Fuck! Yeah!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When poorly disguised vegan threads go wrong...

>> No.8881437

I'm female and any man who eats meat is a child to me, not a man.

And any man who uses the term "real man" is an insecure beta trying desperately to overcompensate by creating trivial definitions for "man" that he can easily apply to himself if he just continues acting like a degenerate.

>> No.8881460

Its community college you pussy you will literally never see any of them again and they already do talk behind your back.

t. Community College grad

>> No.8881504
File: 108 KB, 396x385, 1489637868356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would also suggest feigning illness.

I don't have autism but I can sort relate. I work for a school district and sometimes have to go to elementary campuses, sometimes during lunch. The entire school has that putrid smell of shitty school cafeteria food that smells like hot garbage and the air is thick because it's always so god damn warm and stuffy at elementary schools, it's fucking suffocating. Mixed with the general smell of hundreds of snot-nosed kids and their sickening breath, it's nauseating

>> No.8881544

How can people like this actually exist?

OP for sure has a mental illness, but not the one he thinks he has. First off - animal products don't smell that bad, so you're imagining some debilitating smell every time you're around animal products. There's an easy way to prove this: if you thought some food was vegan you'd think it smelled nice until someone told you there was meat in it. This is why vegans can easily be tricked into eating animal products: they love the taste until they find out it's non-vegan.

Also this mental illness is clearly causing you significant distress, to the extent that it's impacting your ability to function in daily life. It's time for you to visit a psychiatrist and get some help.

>> No.8881569

Yeah no. People have accidentally given me animal products mixed in with food before and I could tell right away. It's real.

Ordered a "dairy free" soy hot cocoa once and took a sip and couldn't drink it - tasted putrid. So I asked the person who made it if they used dairy by accident, and they went and looked at the hot cocoa mix ingredients and they apologized because it had dairy in it. I didn't ask if the chocolate part of it was vegan so I didn't bother asking for a new one....just had to throw it away. Lesson learned.

I don't eat at restaurants anymore unless they're vegan because of this, and won't accept food from people even if they claim it's vegan. It ruined my whole day every fucking time.

>> No.8881583

You're one hell of a snowflake, can't wait for you to melt.

>> No.8881610

Okay, that's the thing: milk doesn't taste putrid. I could even understand not liking the taste of milk, but finding it putrid? That's not normal, even for a vegan. It suggests you've got some sort of mental illness when it comes to food.

>> No.8881624


wow the extremely mentally ill person is a vegan, who could have seen this.

>> No.8881625

You may be becoming a ghoul from Tokyo Ghoul with how you're hyperbolically talking about the way normal things taste.

I would suggest psychiatric help or maybe turning to cannibalism.

>> No.8881659

Put some vaporub in your nostrils

>> No.8881662

No. Go vegan for two years, try some butter, you'll have to brush your teeth afterwards. (Accidentally ate a butter roll instead of a vegan butter roll once on Thanksgiving, could tell right away and gargled with grapefruit juice then brushed my teeth because even that didn't work.)

You can't claim it doesn't smell putrid, because you're so conditioned to the smell of it you have no idea what it actually smells like. Like homeless people who don't realize people can smell them 15 yards away.

>> No.8881666

Is vaporub vegan though?

>> No.8881669

We used to use vicks vaporub on the ambulance, in case you run into something putrid. I wouldn't eat anything though.

>> No.8881682

>Is vaporub vegan
....seriously this is bait right?

>> No.8881690

You should stop eating altogether. It would be better for all of us.

>> No.8881714

Depends. It's got petroleum jelly in it, which may or may not be vegan depending on whether or not you think crude oil is vegan (as it's made of plants and animals that have been decomposing for tens of thousands of years)
It's also made by Vicks, which is owned by P&G, who still do animal testing, so it's definitely not cruelty-free even if the product might be technically vegan.

>> No.8881720

So your theory is that animal products smell disgusting? You're telling me that our sense of smell, which evolved to help us select the right food, somehow evolved to find animal products, the best source of food for prehistoric man, to be disgusting?

Use your fucking brain, there's no logic in what you're saying. You're not very intelligent, are you? But I guess that goes without saying, seeing as you're studying some humanities degree at a community college.

There's also inconsistencies in what you're saying: you said plant-based dieters don't think animal products smell disgusting, only people who are vegan for ethical reasons. But plant-based dieters avoid animal products too, so why would they not become unconditioned from it and start to think it smells disgusting?

>> No.8881725

Pluck your nose internally you autistic faggot. Stop being a special snowflake and ruin the gathering for others.

>> No.8881736

Plant-based meaning they probably still eat animal products occasionally.

And for the majority of our ancestors evolution, we were vegans. It makes no difference. It's a very real reality that animal products smell foul to anyone who hasn't been consuming them for a long enough time.

And I'm not studying humanities.

>> No.8881738

>brushed my teeth with a toothpaste containing no less than 20 petroleum based chemicals

Obviously, this is a false flagger portraying vegans as loony nutbags (which clearly a certain percent are) but I have to gib muh upboat because he hasn't fallen out of the character even once.

>> No.8881750

I use Trader Joe's toothpaste.... No animal products. And I may have a couple mental disorders but they're all a natural response to my environment. And the reason I have an issue with animal products is because I'm sane enough to be disturbed by tortured animal flesh and secretions, and I'm been vegan long enough to gag from the smell as well. Nothing to do with mental illness.

>> No.8881758

What breeds this kind of weakness? Fifty years ago teenagers were sent thousands of miles away and dropped into the jungle where they were taught to kill, including woman and children. Fast forward to today: a college student goes on the internet to ask advice on how to avoid a potluck because he "is sensitive to certain smells" and "doesn't want to cry or have an anxiety attack."

We need a new plague.

>> No.8881769

>I live in California
Why am I not surprised.

>> No.8881775

You know what I've noticed about vegans? How desperate they are to convince themselves that animal products are disgusting. You don't want to drink cow's milk? Fine, don't drink it. But why are you so desperate to go around calling it "mammalian secretions" etc. instead of just calling it milk?

Note that if I hated the taste of a particular vegetable, e.g., carrots, I wouldn't go around calling it a "rotting plant carcass grown in dirt", I'd just call it a carrot. Yet I've seen vegans refer to meat as "rotting animal carcass".

So why are vegans so desperate to use the most disgusting terms for meat that they can? The reason they do it is that they're trying to force the association in their minds, desperately trying to convince themselves that animals products are disgusting, because deep down they crave a nice juicy steak washed down with a glass of milk.

>> No.8881779

You realize those teenagers had emotional issues as well? Often much more severe? Be thankful all I do is cry.

Oh wait I just realized this is a troll. lol I fell for it.

Also I'm a she.

>> No.8881780

>Trader Joe's toothpaste
nice, so it tastes like shit AND doesn't clean your teeth.
truly a patrician choice.

>> No.8881790

Why are you so desperate to avoid acknowledging what it is: mammalian secretions?

Meat is also literally rotting animal carcass....

We just call it what it really is.

>> No.8881795

IDK, seems to do its job fine to me.

>> No.8881796

Then you're eating rotting plant matter covered in dirt. Why can't you just acknowledge that?

Anyway it was fun talking but I've gotta go now, good luck with your pathetic life. Why is it that every vegan I've met has severe mental issues?

>> No.8881826

They don't. You're the one who's mentally ill.

But to humor you, a lot of vegans go vegan out of empathy for the animals. A lot of times that empathy stems from the vegans being physically abused themselves, and they're unable to disconnect themselves from the animals' suffering because of this. It's more real for them than it is for other people. And not surprisingly, a history of physical abuse can cause anxiety and depression, along with the fact that people like you treat vegans like shit and it's fucking exhausting being reminded of animals being tortured every day and having that mocked.

>> No.8881840

You deserved the abuse you got. I bet you loved it too, you little slut.

>> No.8881853


Whatever you do, do NOT procreate.

>> No.8881868

I want to believe this is a troll

But if not then i'm not surprised that this amount of autism is from a vegan

>> No.8881893

This is probably the most effective troll thread in recent /ck/ memory. Good job.

>> No.8881950


Wait, so is the argument literally:
>Physically abused people are more likely to go vegan because physical abuse causes mental illness

Because that's how it reads, and I can't decide which side of the vegan agenda this troll thread is actually on, anti or pro

>> No.8882039

You guys are acting like mental illness makes someone illogical. If you're being tortured, stress is a normal reaction. If you've been abused, you're still completely sane, but seeing others being abused is likely going to stress you out more than people who have lived in a bubble all their lives and can't relate. It's more of a mental illness to not give a shit. But in our society it's backwards, and people who give a shit are treated like they're mentally ill just because they don't go along with a culture based off torture.

>> No.8882052


are all vegans schizo?

>> No.8882097

It's a troll thread
Man, you got me

>> No.8882297

>mental illness makes people illogical

No, mental illness makes people irrational. There's a difference. You can build a logically consistent belief system grounded on irrational premises. We're seeing it at the highest levels in the US now.

>> No.8882314

OP, you have two choices.
Explain to your professor, that maybe they could RSVP a conference room/second room by email before class, so that someone can set up the food in there, and while in class/doing exams, you can be free from your distractions of food smells. Go ahead and email the professor from some anonymous email if you really want to be discreet, but it'd be better to speak to them in their office hours instead.

Or, do like physicians and medical workers. Stop up your nose's ability to work by sucking on strong peppermints. It's what they do when changing diapers, or pus-filled bandages.

>> No.8882320

Dude, everyone on the Internet is a dude. Women are just men pretending to women and children are actually undercover police officers. Don't you know the rules?

>> No.8882364

Lmao OP you pathetic piece of shit. Thanks for the ego boost

>> No.8882366

Fuck....... I just typed a really long response to this and then pressed backspace and it sent me back three pages and I lost it all.....

Not typing all that out again. How the fuck do I make it so when I press backspace it doesn't take me back to the previous page? This has happened to me too many times now.

>> No.8882373

about:config, search for stuff that looks related, delete or enter random values

>> No.8882748

Chrome doesn't go back on backspace anymore

>> No.8882755

>I don't want to be rude in opening it
... Are you in England?

>> No.8882772



>> No.8882810

I was vegan from day 0 to year 5. Five straight years of being vegan from the day of my birth. And I eat meat regularly now. You're not only trying to blame your neurosis on other people, but you're trying to pretend everyone should be on your side too.

>> No.8882823

Boil some bleach in a pot, add aluminum foil and anti-freeze. Breathe in the fumes for a couple hours the night before.
You will disrupt the function of your olfactory receptors and won't smell anything until they grow back.

>> No.8882831

Yep. Milk is mammalian secretions. And so is the milk from your ma's titties that you drank as a baby.

You are literally assigning an insult to something that you are. A mammal.

>> No.8882850

Just talk to the professor. Colleges love catering to disabilities and weird problems, it makes them feel progressive

>> No.8882985

Did you just assume their species? Fucking homosapien-centric shitlord, check your privilege.

>> No.8883051
File: 36 KB, 500x332, tumblr_ohmdnwedV91vu9v0vo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a similar problem when my anxiety gets really heightened in a classroom type setting, or a place where i can't leave easily.
My senses become really oversensitive, and smells and sounds become really intense and give me stomach aches which give me panic attacks because i feel like i'm not going to be able to escape if i have to vomit,,

so i just put some icy hot or vicks vapo rub under my nose and on my stomach

>> No.8883058

you have to be 18 years or older to be on this website

>> No.8883075
File: 59 KB, 480x476, 1435516650445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op is this you


>> No.8883252

just talk to the instructor

they aren't going to force you to do something so trivial that will put you into so much of a state

>> No.8884074
File: 1.83 MB, 320x240, i dont believe you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8884079

Yeah except I was a baby back then. Would you suck on your mom's nipples now that you're grown? That'd be fucking creepy. Even creepier sucking the fluid out of another species nipples... Fucking degenerate man babies...

>> No.8884108

Yeah, I read that anxiety causes heightened sensitivity to smells, and I do have severe anxiety. (PTSD/GAD/Just the reality of what I'm inhaling)

I wish that solution would be all I needed. But it's also the phobia of contamination. The particles entering my body through my nose and mouth, shaking hands with people who at animal products, touching something someone who just ate animal products ate.

Stressed out just thinking about it.

>> No.8884373

You're a burden to everyone around you
And no one Respects you or your dumb beliefs
Fuck off.

>> No.8884382
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>this whole thread

Man, mental illness coupled with food disorders are a hell of a business. Get treated, sooner the better.

>> No.8884568

Kill yourself faggot