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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8879494 No.8879494 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite piece of fictional media about cooking or food?

>> No.8879508


Hemingway's description of cooking food... I forget which Nick Adams story it was...

>> No.8879515

Big Night is the only correct answer

>> No.8879538

Any meal from the Redwall series, though thats of course not the main focus.

>> No.8879546
File: 810 KB, 1200x852, Bambino!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some guy recommended me this manga last thread and it was great.

>> No.8879548

I loved those as a kid. not furry

>> No.8879551
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was one of my favorites when i was younger.

>> No.8879643
File: 203 KB, 550x286, stone-soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been partial to this fable. I've even wondered about attempting to do it in real life. Just drive into a neighborhood I don't know with a giant soup pot, build a fire to cook it over, and solicit ingredients to see what happens.

>> No.8879756
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And then the cops come along and arrest you for chopping down someone's ornamental hedge for firewood.

A better fable to try would be Hansel und Gretel.

>> No.8879763

There's a fairly crappy science fiction series called "Sten" (title of first novel in series), The authors have several complete food-prep scenes in each book, with full step-by-step recipes. The nice thing about them is that the recipes are all things that I'd enjoy eating, e.g., a steak sandwich described as "cholesterolcide".

>> No.8879765
File: 387 KB, 770x547, dungeonmeshi_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fictional food from monster parts is fine, too.

>> No.8879780

Wrong board, weeb.

>> No.8879786

wrong website baka

>> No.8879799

God of Cookery and that >>8879551

>> No.8879801

>4Chan is an animu website
Weebs believe this.

>> No.8879803


>> No.8879804


A decade ago this would have been true. 4chan is a mainstream as Facebook at this point.

>> No.8879805
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>> No.8879808

/ck/ has always been full of normies though.
I count myself amongst this number.
Weebs are fucking morons.

>> No.8879830


The hikikomori type weebs that post here have anxiety attacks speaking to a drive-thru microphone, obviously it's going to attract the worst 4chan has to offer. 90% of this board is 18-23yo, in college, and lack even the most basic of cooking skills. 4chan was/is never good in general.

>> No.8879832

That's a photoshopped image that originated on /b/.
Further proof you weebs are fucking gullible and dumb.

>> No.8879834

>too new to search archives

fucking idiot, it happened on /o/

>> No.8879838

It never happened, retard.
You need to lurk moar, newfag.

>> No.8879842

I'm reading the thread right now. Literally just search the archives instead of regurgitating memes and parroting what didn't happen.

Don't ever respond to me again unless you have something to contribute to the thread.

>> No.8879863
File: 49 KB, 386x407, IMG_0340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop derailing the thread you fucking idiot.

>> No.8879913

Babettes feast will forever be the GOAT and if you haven't watched it you have to do it right now.

>> No.8880077
File: 381 KB, 1280x960, Shiawase.Kissa.Sanchoume.full.2142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiawase Kissa Sanchoume, the plot and characters are as much diabetes-inducing as the pastries featured within.

>> No.8880087
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>chinese paedophile cartoons on /ck/.
wtf happened to this board?

>> No.8880096

Dungeonmeshi and Oishinbo.

I don't think they translated Oisinbo so you might have to know Jap moonrunes or Chinese moonrunes if you want to read it.

>> No.8880389

The best part of ASOIAF is the endless descriptions of feasts

>> No.8880390

newfag phoneposters like you happened

>> No.8880397
File: 71 KB, 848x480, [Wasurenai] Yumeiro Patissiere - 11v2 [H264 848x480] [16B2FB1D].mkv_snapshot_20.04_[2016.05.16_17.16.21].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iPhone normies complaining about food-related manga on the cooking board of an anime discussion forum
wtf happened to this board?

>> No.8880417

First two sesons of Hannibal

>> No.8880426

I remember seeing some volumes of Oishinbo at my local bookstore years ago. Looking it up, it seems like random volumes were published by Viz.

>> No.8880460

>random volumes were published by Viz

What an odd thing to do. The best thing about the series is it's long run and host of different food related cases.

>> No.8880461

I started reading it too after seeing it mentioned last thread. I'm still not done with it but I love it so far, there were some parts that reminded me of my first year in the business.

>> No.8880544

is there any other manga about actually restaurant industry rather than retardo over the top tournament cooking?

>> No.8880728
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>> No.8880878


>> No.8881075


>> No.8881113


>> No.8881397
File: 608 KB, 1788x1250, 000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing has like 400-500 chapters and only the first 150~ are translated, and that is probably all we'll get.

A shame too because the artist is really good. His newest series pic related isn't half bad and has plenty of qt naked animu grills

>> No.8881459
File: 2.77 MB, 450x252, worlds best chef.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The obvious choice.

>> No.8881472
File: 45 KB, 259x400, ed694cc68f923d122da813f86fa5c91f_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen this thread a bunch of times over the past few days. What the fuck?

Anyways, this was my jam when I was in high school. I paid $10 a fucking volume and I'd do it again

>> No.8881493

>I've seen this thread a bunch of times over the past few days. What the fuck?
Weebs my friend.
They get absolutely everywhere.

>> No.8881506

Captain Prentice's banana breakfast

>> No.8881516

My problem is it getting deleted repeatedly, actually. I'd rather talk about cooking in fiction than a Jack thread with the same reposted webms or a McChicken thread.

>> No.8881539

The moderation here has been more schizophrenic than usual lately, they're either introducing a lot of new mods, or they're experimenting with new unwritten rules

>> No.8881575


Nobunaga No Chef
Yakitate!! Japan
And your picture.

>> No.8881771

I'm reading this. How legit is it? Will the other cooks beat the shit out of me if I get hired by a fancy restaurant?

>> No.8883331

Not OP, is it something similar? Food Wars was unironically my favourite anime I've ever watched.


>> No.8883822 [DELETED] 
File: 1.39 MB, 996x1458, Screenshot_2017-05-02-01-45-51~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Addicted to Curry is a great manga with plenty of fanservice to boot.

>> No.8883864

>they're experimenting with new unwritten rules
I don't know why the fuck they can't be upfront with this shit.
Like Hiro said there can be one thread on board meta; So why does the OP of any board's meta thread ALWAYS have to be a screencap of that post just so mods don't "forget" that and delete it? Why is Global 8 still "complaining about 4chan on the imageboards may result in post deletion and a ban"?

>> No.8884022
File: 72 KB, 610x660, 3zVzuuE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan was nime based initially and it's always going to have a weeb vibe on every board, hell things are more weeb in a way since moot left and let hiroshimoot step in

>> No.8884024

Im pretty into Ramsey's kitchen nightmares

>> No.8884047

>4chan was/is never good in general.

>> No.8884266

Fucking oath

>> No.8884281

>anime discussion forum
Fuck off.

>> No.8884288

You are so fucking new holy shit.

>> No.8884414

Too bad secondo stopped getting translated. Some group should really pick that up.

>> No.8884421

>8 layers of carbs with a titty on the bottom

>> No.8884424

>muh magical waiter

I wanted them to focus more on the food.

>> No.8884429

kitchen nightmares.

>> No.8884488
File: 609 KB, 1174x1666, [川井マコト] 幸腹グラフィティ 7巻_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koufuku Graffiti is the only cooking series I can remember reading. The main gag is repetitive but all in all I enjoyed it quite a bit.

>> No.8884850

I'm sure they get back to the food eventually.
>muh sicilian mafia cookout