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8877165 No.8877165 [Reply] [Original]

Is butter really unhealthy to eat everyday (in normal amounts)? I always see butter substitutes in grocery stores. Why does it get such a bad rep?

>> No.8877169

Define (in normal amounts)

>> No.8877170

Use some butter to lube up your iPhone before you shove it up your ass

>> No.8877176
File: 318 KB, 1220x1488, 1414392172793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturated fat is perfectly healthy! It's the sugar that you have to watch out for, that's the stuff that kills you!

t. meat industry

>> No.8877178

>People bought the "butter is bad" meme
I have a phrase for people like this.

Bad cooks

>> No.8877182


Stick a day

>> No.8877185

>defending sugar

Fuck outta here, Willy Wonka.

>> No.8877191

That seems excessive.

>> No.8877192

Soybean oil is bad for you and if your trying to lose weight your stuck since it adds to your waistline

>> No.8877208

>I always see butter substitutes in grocery stores.
1) It is cheaper. And, for heavy users, a giant country crock from wal-mart is like 1/10th the price of stick butter.
2) It might be better for lactose intolerants who are in greater numbers than you might even guess
3) kosher and other dietary laws, so when frying a steak, yea, you don't use butter, if you're keeping kosher
4) excessive buttery flavor in some brands is something people might even prefer over using real butter
5) "health trends" like omegas or yogurt cultures or olive oil additives might be preferred over people who count fat grams or something else in their strict diet regimen.
6) spreadable and doesn't tear up bread or toast for people who that matters to
7) no refrigeration necessary for hours, so it becomes even more spreadable

>> No.8877223

Like a bit on toast in the morning and say, a tablespoon in whatever you have for dinner

>> No.8877236

The problem with "is X unhealthy?" is that you're generally missing the forest for the trees.

Stay around 15% bodyfat or lower, exercise regularly, eat plenty of fruits/veggies/nuts etc, and avoid processed garbage. Some butter's not going to kill you. The people who get heart disease at a young age are fat sedentary worthless fucks and the world's better off without them.

>> No.8877244

People who fry using country crock or other butter substitutes kind of piss me off. The stuff is basically just a 75/25 mix of water and soy/palm oil with salt and flavorings added. If they just used a quarter of the amount of canola oil and added a bit of extra salt to the meats/veggies they would be much better off.

>> No.8877245

Butter is processed garbage...

>> No.8877252


>> No.8877255

If you are active and spend the calories butter is good for satiety and absorbing nutrients.

>> No.8877269
File: 111 KB, 1300x866, 1483077598306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't typically cook but I've been making a lot of batches of Betty Crocker's chocolate chip oatmeal cookie recipe lately. I've been making a batch maybe every two or three weeks. Each batch uses two sticks of butter. I was worried how this might be impacting my health so I have tried substituting one stick for margarine.

They ended up good. They spread a little more but that can be made up for. I think next time I will squash the butter and margarine sticks together before putting them into the mixer such that it's more evenly distributed. Margarine causes the cookies to flatten and spread out more.

Obviously I should be cutting cookies entirely from my diet, but when I get a hankering for sweets I figure they are better than ice cream or straight up chocolate.

>> No.8877275

Saturated fat has the lowest relative satiety out of anything a human can eat. Butter is basically refined, processed, isolated, concentrated saturated fat.

>> No.8877281

Sweets are ok every now and then.

>> No.8877282

fake news

>> No.8877284

All these things. And I'd add diet fads (marketing). See also Canola/rapeseed oil will kill you! Try PAM! Or EVOO! Etc.

Personally find margarine repulsive and never use the stuff.

>> No.8877288

And I'll add lard is king of cooking fats

>> No.8877294

>Obviously I should be cutting cookies entirely from my diet, but when I get a hankering for sweets I figure they are better than ice cream or straight up chocolate.

Why do you call them "sweets" when they're primarily a bunch of refined fat?
What I would recommend, if you actually desire sweet things and want to improve your diet, is to banish all refined fats from your home and buy a bag of sugar to pour over otherwise normal meals. Sugar goes well with fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and has less than half the calories as fat.

>> No.8877323

You're fine.

>> No.8877324

Once rumor got out coconut oil was healthy the stores got overrun with it too.

Not saying it isn't. It probably is (it better be, considering the price), but as long as there's a demand (..and it's legal), then shops will definitely try to supply you.

So don't take the shit they offer you as a sign that it's good. It only tells you that it's popular. Processed foods and sugary shit is also popular, but we all know it's not exactly healthy.

>> No.8877332

>Why does it get such a bad rep?

That's just reverse-marketing from big guys pushing their (much cheaper) substitutes for higher profits.

>> No.8877352

>Sugar goes well with fruits

Sour fruits/berries + agave nectar is fucking awesome.
Would recommend OP.

>> No.8877357

If it's that big a deal just render it.

I started going it and it's easy as shit. I even save the filtered part, to add to stuff that I don't need to cook on high heat.

>> No.8877397

>Dairy industry shills that saturated fat isn't bad for you goy
>Sugar and corn industry shills that saturated fat is worse than sugar

The reality is that they are both terrible for your health, in any amount. Stop fanboying for one side of the aisle over another and realize the healthiest diets are fruit, vegetable, and legume-based.

>> No.8877435

butter substitutes are way worse for you than butter and exist to kill off poor people.

>> No.8877443

it's not necessary to refrigerate butter either, and it's as spreadable as margarine if you don't. refrigerating butter is an american meme and the entire reason they consume so much margerine for the spread-ability.

>> No.8877449

Those are all either mostly sugar or get converted to mostly sugar in the digestive tract.

>> No.8877457

Yeah no shit, except fruits and vegetables also contain fiber, micronutrients, and take much longer to digest than table sugar. Don't even try to argue that 30g of sugar in a few dates is the same as eating over 2 tablespoons of sugar.

>> No.8877501

Seth Roberts thought butter made him smarter. He often blogged about eating butter, and even held talks at a university where he worked, extolling the virtues of butter.

He died of a heart attack while hiking. He was 60

>> No.8877543

>refined fat

>> No.8877588

milk cheese and butter are all kosher you fuckwit

>> No.8877600

>not doing SOBAD

Enjoy your nogains, lanklet

>> No.8877620


if the room temperature is over 20C the butter starts melting.

>> No.8878616

It's churned and salted m8, it's less processed than your daily fix of tendies