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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8870542 No.8870542 [Reply] [Original]

how can i eat to maintain this level

>> No.8870551

Looks like he's taking a poop

>> No.8870595

Good god, what a gross body. I'll take my skinnyfat bf over that shit any day.

How do you even cuddle with that thing?

>> No.8870599

Eat 5000 cals of literally anything and juice.

>> No.8870600
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>> No.8870602

0-5 wings and fries
6-9 egg grilled cheese
every day

>> No.8870604

you'll have to speak louder, all I heard was "mooooo"

>> No.8870613

shakes, it's formula for grown infants.

>> No.8870615

Become a malnet

>> No.8870620

I'm like 5'1" and 109 pounds.

>> No.8870624

>has a skinnyfat good for nothing and can't get a decent Chad
sure you are, honey

>> No.8870630

>decent Chad

Who would fucking ever want one tho?

>> No.8870633

My gf is 5'1" and 90 lbs with a little pooch belly. Nigress, you fat.

>> No.8870636

I don't want one, thanks. I'm happy with mine.

>> No.8870639

lols your girlfriend has no tits.

>> No.8870640

Be 5' tall and take steroids

>> No.8870648


pls go back to /fit

>> No.8870662
File: 98 KB, 500x750, you(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dudes thanks to all your good home cooking tips, i've attained the ideal body and saved myself millions of euros

>> No.8870693

Holy shit it's Wojack

>> No.8870704

Lower the tren and up the test

>> No.8870712

I'm 50% sure I know what arm this guy faps with.

>> No.8870720

he could beat your bf up and rape you though

>> No.8870738

A cup, it's nice and no sagging down the road.

>> No.8870746


Yeah, but then he'd end up in jail getting raped by the big black cocks. You do understand that once we decided to live in a civilized society, things like muscles and strength didn't matter as much as brains and an ability to make money legally?

>> No.8870767
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The fuck is this bitch really on about being unhealthy and useless?

I feel like I'm being trolled but it's pretty believable some lazy dumb cunt thinks fitness is overrated.

>> No.8870781

>thinks bulking up is the only way to be healthy

this is low quality bait

>> No.8870782

>He doesn't know

>> No.8870789

>not using your muscles and strength to make money legally
>then teaching other people how to have muscles and strength for lots of money later in life
think with the big head, anon

>> No.8870801

We live in a concealed carry state. Get rekt.

>> No.8870810
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I just hand nignogs a pepsi and say "peace my brother"
works every time thank you pepsi

>> No.8870812

>hasn't heard about working smart instead of working hard

For the stupider people out there, there isn't an option to work smart I suppose.

This is why muscle bound fuck ups get classified into the "that guy must not have a single useful brain cell" camp.

The rest of us were smart enough to realize we should be spending our time doing better things than bulking and lifting. Even my great, great, great, great, great ancestors had grown civilized and moved beyond being able to lift heavy objects. I have a 4 ton jack out in my garage and other machines that have the power of thousands of horses.

Work smart, not hard. Eat well, do some cardio, you will be healthy.

>> No.8871017

What did it mean by this?

>> No.8871028

manlets when wil they learn

>> No.8871717
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>> No.8871738


>> No.8871744

Why would you'd assume he'd be a shitty enough person to start fights or rape people?

>> No.8871774

Dairy makes my shits clog and my nose stuffy. I can't really have that much

>> No.8871907

>You do understand that once we decided to live in a civilized society, things like muscles and strength didn't matter as much as brains and an ability to make money legally?
this is on the same level as
>where do you work out? the library

>> No.8872120

Any tips on a diet to lose some fat (not much) on belly (lower part)

>> No.8872183


Eat less.

You can't influence where you'll lose bodyfat.

>> No.8872289

>fat not counted in this unhealthy shit shake

>> No.8872510

You should remove yourself from the genepool.

>> No.8872532

LoL all of the women on here who say "eww thats gross" are the first ones to cheat on their ugly weak boyfriends.
I went from 6'2 350 pounds to 180 pounds, to now a lean 210. The same girl that thought i was a "nice guy" and fine the way i was, swallowed my load while her boyfriend was at work.

>> No.8872574

Lifting weights is pretty great for your bones as you age if you lift with proper form, actually, which makes it something that if you're into fitness you really ought to incorporate. Besides, at a beginner/intermediate level its like 4 hours a week max, and it becomes a habit, not to mention how good it feels afterwards. It's incredibly pretentious and in the nicest way possible, you come off sounding like a insecure pseud when you suggest that people who lift weights just spend all their time in the gym and don't have time to pursue other passions. Live a balanced life, anon, or at least don't shame those who do.

>> No.8872594

With that? His microdick?

>> No.8872717

Because it's a bulking shake dipshit, you're supposed to eat a lot of fat too

>> No.8872718


How did she find your dick under the loose skin?

>> No.8872764

That's fair, but why bitch about someone taking pride in the maintenance of their body? There are enough people out there who don't take care of their body already.

>> No.8872787

urine diet

>> No.8872789


>> No.8873025

I have flax seed, bananas, and peanut butter and tomorrow is arms and chest day. I've never made a smoothie before. Will it turn out fine?

>> No.8873042

i think this mixture will probably kill you, and when everyone sees your corpse they will know you missed arm day and laugh at your triceps

>> No.8873050
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My triceps are indeed laughable.

>> No.8873154

one thing is to have a moderate bulk and then there's this shit

>> No.8873421

lean muscle is generally what you're shooting for, yes

>> No.8873423

peanut butter is usually of sugar

>> No.8873447

As opposed to "fat" muscle, lol.

>> No.8874391
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>all these insecure /fit/fags
Every time.

>> No.8874484
File: 92 KB, 500x371, IMG_6793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>этo thread
Like every twelve /ck/ threads my dude. I don't understand why it takes up to three threads to discover that you can use spices in chicken breast and eat solids on gomad.

>> No.8874517

what part of it is so unhealthy

maybe the cocoa powder
whole milk could be replaced with skim if you're so worried
greek yogurt could be low fat

other than that it's pretty much unsaturated fats and probiotics from legumes and yogurt + whey protein

>> No.8875008

absolutely revolting i would never fuck this monstrosity

>> No.8875206

Whaaat don't say that anon.
Enjoying eating kills your gainz brah.

Looking at food threads in /fit/ makes me want to kill myself. All those steamed broccoli or white as snow chicken breasts really rustle me.

>> No.8875218


You need get at least two servings of stretch armstrong fluid every day

>> No.8875490

>250mg test a week
>750mg tren a week
>5000 calories a day of literally anything

>> No.8875813


I'm 5'10 140 and im fat as fuck, ye cow

>> No.8875927

I'm 5'6 and 135, and I'm skinnyfat/skinny.
Sounds like you have Cerebral pares or you're full of shit.

>> No.8875944

Ask /fit/. They're more knowledgeable on bulking.

>> No.8875949

Lean chicken breast meat and nothing else ever.

>> No.8875986

>do gomad bro
>just dirty bulk bro
lol, /fit/ is fucking terrible if you want to be anything other than a subpar bloated natty powerlifter

>> No.8876084
File: 245 KB, 448x458, 1227751815935[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, there's fitness and then there's that.

>> No.8876119

Can confirm except I was only skinny fat.
As soon as my transformation was noticeable, this one girl who wouldn't give me the time of day started to get friendly.
A lot of you said this would happen but I never believed lol. Sad part is that she had a bf but claimed later that it was "complicated". I still fucked her on and off for about a year. I didn't feel shitty about it since it was the first time in my life I felt like a "Chad".

I guess women do subconsciously find muscles to be very attractive even when a lot of them are saying it doesn't matter.
Anyway sorry for the blog post.

>> No.8877795

put your head in water and wait for a few hours. Don't try to breath. This will fix your metabolism....

Calorie dense food. Calculate your maintenance calories dipshit. Make sure you're getting enough nutrients.

>> No.8877850
File: 249 KB, 700x1005, 1435681152725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8877915

>posting a /co/ infographic

>> No.8877956


>> No.8878153

What's a good glute exercise that I can't possibly screw up and maim myself?

>> No.8878176


No seriously that infographic is bad and you should feel bad.

>iggy pop


>> No.8878179

lowbar squats. just don't be a retard.

>> No.8878246

Then why not display it, faggot? They advertised protein and carbs. Why leave out a macronutrient accounting for a vast percentage of the calories?

>> No.8878256

barbell hip thrust

>> No.8878273

>other than half the ingredients in the product, what's so unhealthy?

You answered your own question. 500 kcals of this shit is fat. If it was olive oil on bread with protein powder people would lose their shit.

>> No.8878274

Yeah, this is for people who are actually going to burn the fat for energy you fucking lardass

>> No.8878449


>> No.8878462

>just don't be a retard
No promises.

>> No.8878565

literally every girl wants an alpha

>> No.8878762

Not him but

>normie sees the word fat
>he/she/xe avoids it because fat is constantly demonized in every normie tabloid
>picture is dead in the water, and the troll shake can't claim another victim

The shake is legitimate autismo. I don't know how people claiming to be /fit/ can believe this shit, especially if they've been exposed to the magic of scoops.

>> No.8879549

>thinks girls carry 20lbs of tits.

Lean athletic girls > all.

>> No.8880854

did you go to a doctor and get diagnosed?
your one of those "muh lactose intolerance" fags.. I can't eat dairy something we have eaten for thousands of years

>> No.8880975

>Rib cages are fun

A cups are the worst because the girl is always insecure as fuck and makes you "play" with them and lick their chest nipples and exorbitant amount of time and pretend you're getting something out of it. Its boring as fuck

>> No.8880988
File: 10 KB, 232x194, 1447199156538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many insecurities in this one thread

I swear it's the /fit/ threads that bring these people out of the woodwork.

>> No.8881192
File: 9 KB, 276x183, 2017-03-09-16-40-02--1616465521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she likes ass play

>> No.8881205

As opposed to chicks with horrible cow udders shoving those meat bags in your face all the time and acting like they're anything but a turnoff?

A cup is the most patrician cup, you'll realize this when you're finally out of high school