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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8869834 No.8869834[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some meals for MGTOW men?

>> No.8869858

cyanide in a red capsule.

>> No.8869873
File: 425 KB, 2560x1920, MGTOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak in cast iron
Reddit potatoes
Chicken breast with microwave frozen vegetables
Sardines mixed with whatever you have lying around, particularly eggs and pasta
Craft beers of all kinds

>> No.8869877


>> No.8869882

Is this some new kiddie acronym?

>> No.8869884


>> No.8869892

i think you misspelled faggot

>> No.8870082

Some Percocets.

>> No.8870089

took 5 posts

>> No.8870131


>> No.8870139

This shit is hilarious

>> No.8870148

>Reddit potatoes
I don't know what these are but they clearly are the true MGTOW food.

>> No.8870149

>all these mad roasties

>> No.8870152

Their YouTube shit is great, you get to laugh at the shitty spoiled sluts they post about, and then laugh at the frustrated virgin comments.

>> No.8870154
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Hamburgers just like Jughead Jones, original MGTOW would eat.

>> No.8870159

Fast food
Microwave meals
Re-heated tins of Chef Boyardee
Canned tuna in water

>> No.8870163

hit me with some of them bro i need a laugh

>> No.8870168

Upvote :^)

>> No.8870171

a bullet

>> No.8870181
File: 157 KB, 600x993, 20120504-jugheaddeath (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bullet

>> No.8870185


>> No.8870205


>> No.8870228


>> No.8870241

Why do roasties get so triggered when they're told they're fundamentally worthless outside of being a warm hole to fuck? The truth hurts.

>> No.8870264


That woman is awesome. She's spot on. Why the fuck is that guy wearing a turtle neck?!?!

>"I honestly couldn't tell if she liked me"

This guy needs to just kill himself and get it over with.

Probably 95% of guys even considering an MGTOW lifestyle should kill themselves.

>> No.8870270
File: 49 KB, 605x412, 1420404925629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that ugly girl in high school that wasn't getting any attention from boys, so she turned into a "lesbian"? This is literally that, all over again, with dudes

>> No.8870286

It's the same reason people become liberal numale betas. They can't compete with the alpha capitalists, so they retreat into their safe space. Similar to how men who can't get girls become traditionalists.

>> No.8870291

Yeah, she had her moments, but seemed like her bitchiness was mostly in fun. Those MGTOW guys just don't understand the fundamentals of dating.

>> No.8870313

I get why cunts would have a problem with MGTOW but what's the rationale behind guys of having less competition on the relationship market and thus better leverage in social interactions? Do they enjoy the idea of other men fucking chicks or what's up with that?

>> No.8870326

Do you not call your buddy a faggot when he acts like a faggot?

>> No.8870329


The funny thing is, that girl has a good job that probably pays very well.


They aren't as successful as her, and wouldn't even begin to know how to dominate her in bed the way a girl like that needs...

It's super obvious for any alpha watching... just fucking pitiful.

>> No.8870333

microwaving a hot pocket

this shit mgtow is fucking dumb. everyone wants a partner to fuck and rely on. its marriage that is stupid

>> No.8870336

Why do you want other guys fucking the holes you could be having an easier time fucking, are you a cuck?

>> No.8870342

this. so. much.

>> No.8870348

>sits down
>immediately asks about her ethnicity
fuggin kek couldn't even sit through this cringe to hear the guy talk about it at the end

>> No.8870352

Lots of single food that was cooked with rage and sorrow

>> No.8870355

By their very nature, they aren't a threat. MGTOW isn't a noble choice, it's babies throwing a fit and denying what they want the most.

>> No.8870356

This label isn't changing anything. These MGTOW guys wouldn't be fucking "the holes" even if they didn't have their club or if people do or do not make fun of them for being the male equivalent of a radical feminist

>> No.8870371

Men are even more worthless. Not even good for sex since fucking machines and dildos exist.

>> No.8870374

>By their very nature, they aren't a threat.
Then why are you getting so triggered about it? By their very nature, them being like that is beneficial to you and you opposing this makes no sense outside of some cuckoldry fetish where you enjoy the thought of other men fucking cunts.

>> No.8870381

> These MGTOW guys wouldn't be fucking "the holes" even if they didn't have their club
So what, having them compete would still tilt social interactions with women to your detriment so you opposing them, once again, leads back to cuckoldry.

I think this pointless shit talking is just a way to distract from that

>> No.8870387

Because they're vocal about this trash and it gets irritating.

>> No.8870388

Wat? I was simply responding to your inquiry.

>> No.8870390


We're not triggered. We're making fun of them. It's called comradery. It's the comradery of hetero sexual males that still like to fuck bitches and are ok with admitting it.

>hey bro dude, look at that faggot over there. he's isn't part of our group - but we are part of our group. bro comradery high five!

>> No.8870391

What's the deal with this? Are these the male equivalent of radical feminists?

>> No.8870396

>Because they're vocal about this trash
Looking at this thread it's pretty obvious who's crying louder, buddy.

There's no harm to them doing their thing, yet you and your cuck comrade here >>8870388 act like it for some reason

>> No.8870398
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>girl has a job
wew lad

>> No.8870404

I like yer style, dude.

>> No.8870405
File: 100 KB, 1024x730, patrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even care anymore, I just hope all MRAs "going their own way" and tumblr feminists all get ass cancer. What's the point of arguing the same fucking shit for years and years with people who are just looking to reinforce their own victim complex? They can't be reasoned with.

>> No.8870406

why didn't he talk about himself
why didn't he ask about her work or something
why did he wear a turtleneck

>> No.8870410

<3 4chan for the funny ass descriptions

>> No.8870413
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>> No.8870417

>They can't be reasoned with.
Try it, it's not like there's any argument you could come up with against MRA issues :^)

>> No.8870432
File: 37 KB, 960x540, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally nothing wrong with a turtleneck

>> No.8870440


Might this be the most most MGTOW sound there is?

As an alpha, if I make 300k a year, and my wife makes 300k a year - that's 300k more a year than if i married some NEET girl that didn't deserve me.

The best relationship anyone can be in, is one in which they barely meet the base criteria for keeping their partner happy. A relationship that pushes both participants to be better, and achieve more.

How is arguing that the girl having a job is a positive thing - not just fucking common sense?

You neet mgtow asshats couldn't keep a tomato plant happy. So I can see how you would think that a woman with a high paying job is a huge threat and an insurmountable challenge to your capability of "wewing" her.

>> No.8870442

Might this be the most most r*ddit post there is?

>> No.8870453

On the contrary. MGTOW was created by feminists as a way of tricking the disgruntled men (potential redpills) into committing genetic suicide

>> No.8870465
File: 100 KB, 640x640, 1490597685845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>empowered guuuurrrlllll slut "going out" to her "job" is better than staying at home and raising your children properly as it has been for thousands of years up until recently
Yeah bro you're so alpha and totally not the literal definition of a nu-male! Nice reddit spacing by the way. Time to help with the dishes yet?

>> No.8870468

it's a tactical turtleneck

a tactilneck

>> No.8870474

>implying girls don't do hypergamy
You need to go back.

>> No.8870478


I do the dishes and help raise my daughter proudly. We both work from home in the mansion that we can easily afford. The kids are in day care most of the day where they get to socialize with other kids their age and learn.

All three of my children went into kindergarten able to read and solve word problems.

I am 100% sure that your 400 lb bon bon eating wife accomplished the same with your children after watching her soaps and still not keeping the house clean.

Face it. "Old School" fuck bois like you are losing ground in todays world. You can't keep up. You can't even earn my wifes salary, much less an alpha males salary.

Call me whatever you want. I'm winning on levels you didn't even realize existed.

>> No.8870482

not even that guy but
>not cleaning as you cook
most of the time the only dishes you should have to do are yours and whoever else joined you for a meal, which should just be two for a couple. cleaning two plates of pasta and associated cutlery doesn't make someone a numale, especially on the COOKING board.

>> No.8870484

Think of a meal you'd make for two. Portion for 1/2 to 2/3. Enjoy.

>> No.8870485

Is this a new pasta or a reddit one?
Either way you need to go back.

>> No.8870488
File: 9 KB, 250x250, NU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>allows woman the same status as the man in the relationship
So alpha!

>> No.8870493
File: 12 KB, 250x145, 250px-McD-McChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Either way you need to go back.

>You need to go back.

For me, it's gotta be "you need to go back". The best thing to say when you don't have anything to say.

>> No.8870496

>doesn't know what a cuck is

>> No.8870498



>> No.8870500

No one is triggered here but you, friend.

>> No.8870504

What other guy said

>> No.8870505

you can't be a cuck if you're not in a relationship retard

>> No.8870506

that's how the anti-mgtow crowd sounds, if male.
I can understand women not liking the idea of men just walking off but if you have a dick and aren't a faggot, then you have no excuse for this shit

>> No.8870517

what's even your argument here?
who cares what mgtow faggots think or care about
why do you care so much?

>> No.8870521

You're just angry that everyone is making fun of you for being the male equivalent of a radical feminist

>> No.8870527

There is no one on the planet who thinks of MGTOWs as bulls, regardless of gender, MGTOWs themselves included.

>> No.8870528


Wow, you really don't get it. Allow me to explain what you would have picked up if you had ever left the basement.

Alpha is a term used to compare one male against another male, or one female against another female. Alpha males attract alpha females.

Alpha males can't help but attract women that are so amazing they make beta males look like shit. It's not even a choice.

I'm not giving these women anything. I'm not giving them status. You beta fuck ups aren't representing for our sex, and you are allowing them to take this status from you. Alpha females have higher standing than beta males in today's society because you beta, neet, mgtow fuck ups allow it - because you can't help but allow it - because you can't compete.

Who am I to complain if my wife takes one of the beta male jobs out there. Instead of you making that money, my wife makes that money and brings it home to me.

i don't know.. maybe if your dad had taught you how to be a man, or maybe if your mom hadn't coddled you so much. maybe if you had an ounce of ambition or weren't so scared of failing you'd have tried harder and gotten better with practice...

>> No.8870533

>male equivalent of a radical feminist
Radical feminists want a political and social change, MGTOW don't. Nice meme though

>> No.8870535

Who cares what you think of it, when you boil it down that's what it is though: the desire of some males wanting other males to engage in sexual intercourse for some odd reason.
I don't get this faggotry, so help me understand

>> No.8870536
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>alpha female
Stopped reading there

>> No.8870537
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>don't want social change
are you retarded?

>> No.8870541

>this is how a nu-male rationalizes his "relationship"
>all that projection
not even hum but that was a good chuckle
here's a (you)

>> No.8870547

>a decentralized movement of men without any politicial aspirations or cohesive social involvement wants some change
are you?

>> No.8870556
File: 2 KB, 125x125, poorCore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You might as well. You will, literally, never even have a shot at one.

This is the kind of poorCore™ thinking that makes people think their honda is a great car, and any idiot that buys a bmw or porsche has wasted their money.

Enjoy your miserable existence at the bottom of the barrel. I'd say kys... but it's clearly


>> No.8870559

>go to youtube
>look up mgtow
>all results are videos of men either crashing feminist rallies or a 40 min video rant about how society is shit and how it needs to change
do you even do research before talking?
btw I have nothing against mgtow, just pointing out that you're wrong

>> No.8870564


This is how loser's make themselves feel better when they see more successful males fucking bread winning females.


>> No.8870566
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whatever you say beta

>> No.8870568
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>still bragging about your wife being the man in the relationship

>> No.8870569

>/pol/ leaking into /ck/

please...no...this is literally the last board not infected by you scum