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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8864923 No.8864923 [Reply] [Original]

Even in' /ck/
So do you think your body "knows" when it's needing certain nutrients? Obviously you know when your thirsty, so on some level it does. But I will sometimes want a specific random food like radishes. Not talking about that feeling you get when you say to yourself "I want Mexican tonight, etc." but when you crave a very specific thing.

>> No.8864930


>> No.8864979

I don't see how any of that applies to a guy who has an occasional craving for radishes or say, grapes but OK anon thanks for playing today

>> No.8865008

There's plenty of reason to think you suddenly have a taste for foods containing nutrients you're in need of. But I don't think this system operates well in a world of artificial flavors that trick your sense of taste.

>> No.8865026

>but when you crave a very specific thing.

I've had very specific food cravings before, but I doubt it had anything to do with nutrition in my case. I eat a vary varied diet. I get plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc and I take a multivitamin/mineral tablet daily. I very rarely eat junk food or fast food. I can't claim my diet is perfect but I seriously doubt I'm missing any critical nutrients.

>> No.8865038

"My body craves for me to put synthetic chemicals into it."

I really hope you're joking. You sound dumb as a rock.

>> No.8865053

What synthetic chemicals? Only thing I mentioned by name was radishes

>> No.8865075

You directly referenced the synthetic chemicals that have only existed for 70 years of human history. You do not need to eat synthetic chemicals to survive.
Ain your discussion towards naturally occurring versions of vitamins and I will most likely shut up and leave.
There is a huge difference between the two and I need you to understand how dangerous the synthetic versions are.

>> No.8865086

hoooo boy

>> No.8865090

Somebody hit the hooch early today

>> No.8865093

Meat. More specifically, protein. Everyone crave protein, but we just eat it all of the time so that our body doesn't say anything

>> No.8865105

Let's go full circle.
"My body needs synthetic government manufactured chemicals because the food pyramid and the FDA told me so."
"There is no possible way that the government sells these chemicals because that would be a conflict of interest."
"I get my information from wikipedia."

Rock. Dumb. Can't think for self. Can't Google the actual chemicals. Blindly claims his body needs it to survive.

>> No.8865115

You're now replying to different people. I'm the one who said it sounds like you've been drinking

>> No.8865121

Does the hospital know you've escaped?

>> No.8865131

It's all the same shit. You guys eat up toxic waste that the government can't legally bury anywhere and then come here claiming you're healthy. It's fucking asinine. Especially because you have access to google and can type in these things yourself.

>> No.8865139

This is why I only eat clay and paper.

Keep those nutrients out of my body, scientists!

>> No.8865146

I don't think you know what a nutrient is.

>> No.8865150

clay is probably full of nutrients

>> No.8865152

Only because the government is trying to poison me.

Thanks for the redpill, I'm strictly on a paper diet now.

>> No.8865154

Not only are you punching at shadows, but everyone is laughing at you for the weird tangent you've gone of on. Are you by any chance using the internet in a public library?

>> No.8865169


>> No.8865177

Not sure about that. When you're thirsty, are you craving the "taste" of some drink? Or do you just need some water

>> No.8865182


No anon, nutrients are synthetic government mind control chemical waste! Do try to keep up.

>> No.8865190

I don't think thirst is like the other cravings.

>> No.8865192

I've had that craving for vitamin D, when I moved wayyy north and had never experienced a cold, dark winter before then I had random cravings for anchovies, herring, kidney beans, and strangely, olives.

Not sure about the olives part but I did notice that I wanted salty fish and beans. Previous to that I never really ate anchovies or canned fish before.

>> No.8865198

Add liver paste to that too. Never really ate before, but after then I noticed every winter I had a massive craving for it.

>> No.8865205

Wrong board steve

>> No.8865206

>post evidence of the body craving certain foods in response to nutrient deficiencies
Clearly you lack brains. Try eating a bullet, that might help.

>> No.8865208

This. We can tell what we need. But things like refined sugar REALLY fuck that up.

>> No.8865217

Disinfo agent.

The "nutrients" are quite literally government manufactured chemicals that they pur DRVs on and made you think you need them to survive. 90% Of them are rated hazardous to humans.

If the FDA put a DRV of 1500mg on glyphosate, you people are so fucking dumb that you would claim you need to eat glyphosate to survive.

This is the truth. Get butthurt if you will, you are supporting a black industry of chemical manufacturing and sales and claiming with avarice that people will die if they don't eat the toxic waste pumped out by government owned cameo chemicals.
You are a retard who has lost all power to think and choose for himself. Plain and simple.

>> No.8865219

One is eating dirt and one is for pregnant women.
You're body is right now telling you that you need a nutrient to make you less angry.

>> No.8865225

>Disinfo agent.

That's right anon, we're everywhere. We're watching you right now. We've been watching you for years.

>> No.8865229

Think about it like this: Just over a century ago many rural Americans would get spring fever (scurvy) after surviving the winter on storehouse foods. As soon as the first dandelion (or skunk cabbage) greens popped up they'd run out, harvest them, cook them up and eat them. These might not be nearly as desirable as the late spring and summer greens they'd raise in their gardens, but their vitamin C starved bodies were craving them enough that they'd go out even before the last snowfall melted to forage whatever edible greens were poking up. Other cultures solved this problem by developing a taste for pickled cabbage. All of this happened long before we knew what vitamins were.

>> No.8865235
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, IMG_1739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look it's you
>pic related

>> No.8865241

Makes sense

I'm going to start paying attention to what my cravings are. Like the radishes one. Maybe there will be a common theme...

>> No.8865246

Yeah I get it for olives and olive oil frequently. Only green olives though

>> No.8865249

Huh? You don't think females visit ck do you lol

>> No.8865251


>> No.8865253

You're right, but consider the rating of 2/4 for hazards to humans that citric acid has.
This is the chemical version, not the naturally occurring version. There is even a shitbusters episode where their citric acid container has skull and bones printed on it.
The synthetic versions of these chemicals are NOT safe to eat. The natural ones are.

>> No.8865255

Females are the majority of this board

>> No.8865261

i wanna call this a meme but i'm female so i just don't know

>> No.8865263

/ck/ has the highest concentration of middle-aged women out of all of 4chan. Quite a lot, in fact.

If you've never seen the threads where a 37 year old housewife admits to shitposting when she's bored you haven't lived.

>> No.8865264


It doesn't matter if it's the "chemical" version or the "natural" version. Both are identical.

The reason why the "2/4" hazard rating exists for the "chemical" and not for, say, a bag of lemons is that the "chemical" purchased from a lab supply company is pure, whereas lemons contain only a small amount of the citric acid among all the other things that make up a lemon. The difference lies in the concentration.

This is true for just about any nutrient that the human body requires. Small amounts of it are necessary for life. Larger amounts of it (i.e. highly pure) can be toxic.

>> No.8865267

>squeeze citrus fruit
>add hydrated limelime
>get calcium citrate
>add sulfuric acid
>get citric acid

I'm sure you can see how this is not the same thing as naturally occurring citric acid. Eating hydrated lime and sulfuric acid is not exactly the same thing as eating an orange.

>> No.8865268

There's a difference between constant, excessive salt intake vs. feeling like a few radishes once or twice every few months tho

>> No.8865271

nigga the naturally occurring version of citric acid is a "chemical" too. They are identical in molecular structure. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

>> No.8865273

It's way different dude, check the synthesis. You are not so much eating citric acid as you are eating hydrated lime and sulfuric acid.

>> No.8865275

The real answer is: the brain is too nuisanced, and so is diet. It could be xause by literal billions of factors and it really doesn't matter

>> No.8865276

Not being argumentative, but how would you even know this?
I don't believe it...

>> No.8865277

I suppose. Never been one to take vitamins or eat vitamin enriched products. I just eat a variety of foods and generally do fine. I do avoid artificially flavored foods as well, because I think they're garbage.

>> No.8865280

>I'm sure you can see how this is not the same thing as naturally occurring citric acid.

No actually I can't. Citric acid is citric acid. It's either citric acid or it isn't.

If I combust Hydrogen in a pure Oxygen atmosphere, I get pure water. It's identical to "natural" water. Because it's the exact same fucking molecule.

>> No.8865282

I think the word youre looking for is "nuanced," anon.

>> No.8865287

No I mean the kid died without his daily metric ton of salt whereas I'll be ok without a few radishes every 4 weeks

>> No.8865296

In the case of >>8865267 I think we can agree that his brain is nuisanced.

>> No.8865301

Yeah but I am typing on a phone and too retarded to check myself before I rek myself

>> No.8865302

How are you today, federal department of agriculture?

Made anyone else think they need to eat synthetic chemicals to survive today?

>> No.8865303

i'm a 32 year old basement dwelling woman and i've been shitposting on /ck/ for years. i know "no girls on the internet" was the joke forever, but we showed up here when you did (just, perhaps, in smaller amounts) and have been growing up with you all this time. i'm sure there are a ton of female newfags too as internet communities become more mainstream. i'm just saying, it's not outside the realm of possibility

>> No.8865308

>How are you today, federal department of agriculture?

Bored. We're outside waiting for you to leave the house, and Frank really needs to pee. Could you maybe make a trip to Arby's again and he can use the bathroom while you scream at the pigeons?

>> No.8865330

Not what I asked. They were posting this as a fact and I'm not aware of any method for 4chan to obtain that data so I asked how they knew.

>> No.8865333


Found the vegan

>> No.8865335

>They were posting this as a fact

Merely a strongly inferred opinion. I've seen a few of those threads, and you can tell from the way they post that they're genuine. I see no reason for even the most basement dwelling male to pretend to be a middle aged housewife, so I tend to believe them on balance.

>> No.8865341

Google plus accounts,

>> No.8865343


Any person who paid attention in a high school chemistry class could tell you why this is ridiculous.
Then you start to realize why all the paranoid government conspiracy folk go hand in hand with uneducated trash.

>> No.8865349

I don't really like liver but every once and a while i want it. like i neeed it, the whole time i'm eating it i'm like, why body...why.

>> No.8865353

You can believe what you want I have no issue with that I just thought there might have been some statistics posted or something. Moot used to post some website stats now and again but there was never any age/gender data (and I wouldn't know how there would be).

>> No.8865356

Don't try to pull the captcha meme shit

>> No.8865363

my tongue protests but i feel better and it doesn't happen again for a good long while.

>> No.8865373

That's interesting to me because the cravings I have are always for things that are good (I happen to like radishes) but you get it for stuff that doesn't seem palatable to you. Huh

>> No.8865378

You're just the same person posting the same thing over and over again.
Cool. You showed him.

>> No.8865381

now and then the warmth of a innocent soul near my body warms the cold of a ancient un-moving weight of time and knowledge. my very being craves the contrast now and then. i'm unsure if it signifies deficiency though.

>> No.8865395

You're correct in a broad sense, but the vitamin industry does work hard to move product. Look at D for example. Many labs have been increasingly flagging people for having low vitamin D when they're at levels which would not have raised eyebrows a few years ago. And much of the D supplements sold are D2, which is not the same as the D3 your body produces in response to sunlight. So what people are being sold is not the same as the vitamin they're lacking.

You don't need conspiracy theories to explain this. Money is being made, and that's enough.

>> No.8865414

Different anon here, but I never get a craving for vitamins

>> No.8865415

absolutely your body and mind tells you what you need. the problem is learning how to read.

>> No.8865428

Sure, vitamin D is different than D2 and D3, but citric acid is citric acid, regardless of where it originates.
And you are right that there is an industry pushing you to ingest certain things, but that's true of literally any product in a capitalist economy. As well, supplements are never as good as the real thing, eating natural foods contain counterparts to certain vitamins etc. that will assist in breaking it down in your body.

Eating an excess of any vitamin isn't going to hurt you either, unless you are consuming it in insanely excessive amounts (i.e. eat an entire polar bear liver). Your body is very good at filtering out excess/unneeded materials. You can probably make a case for trans-fats and hydrogenated oils though,
The only way to be sure of what you're eating is to inform yourself; pointing fingers and shouting "muh govt conspiracy" won't get you anywhere in life.

>> No.8865443

>Eating an excess of any vitamin isn't going to hurt you either,
Not true. I have 50,000 IU caps of D my doctor prescribed me. Pretty sure a handful of them would fuck me up real good.

>> No.8865452

read the entire sentence, anon.

>> No.8865453
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>> No.8865459

Yes it's called pica.

>> No.8865464

Ok dipshit go ask your mom then

>> No.8865470

I don't blame you for not reading the thread but we've been over this already

>> No.8865480

Don't get upset with me because you're pregnant and eat dirt. Not what the thread is about.
>being this mad on /ck/

>> No.8865481

What's it about again genius?

>> No.8865483

I call bullshit but I am also a female so I can't say.

>> No.8865489

I believe random men claiming to be female is why the tits or GTFO meme started sir

>> No.8865495

Okay, what the fuck. You keep mentioning radishes and I don't know why, is that because you are identifying yourself as OP?

Literally the only thing you do is get a craving for radishes once in a while. I think you just like them. I get cravings for all kinds of foods and there is no way I am deficient in anything, or that my body "needs" anything.

>> No.8865496

Women are 50% of the population but no everyone on here is a man or a man pretending to be a woman.

>> No.8865503

Does an occasional craving for a specific food (like say radishes) indicate your body is telling you you need nutrients contained in said food

>> No.8865513

People posted repeated instances of that happening, OP is just trying to get help with the rest of his homework.

>> No.8865515

I am OP. Radishes is just the example I picked don't get fixated. Also, I have had 2 radish cravings in the last 4-5 weeks and that rarely happens.

>> No.8865517

My point is that once things are in pill form understanding the dose is less intuitive. This is why so many kids OD on prescription pills they take recreationally. It's pretty obvious you shouldn't drink a gallon of vodka, but less so when it's just numbers on the label of a bottle.

As for vitamin supplements what's sold is usually the cheapest version of a particular vitamin, not necessarily the kind we ought to be getting. (For example there are six kinds of vitamin E, so while citric acid will always be citric acid vitamin E is not always the same thing). Then there's the whole issue of bioavailability, and which nutrients increase or decrease the adsorption of other nutrients.

>> No.8865520

It's also not really relevant to the topic but you do you

>> No.8865523

I'm just stating what the thread topic was for angry dude, not asking the question over again

>> No.8865544

Right I don't disagree with your first paragraph at all. Your second paragraphs just reiterates exactly what I said. So I don't think we're even arguing anymore anon.

>> No.8865583


Totally incorrect

>> No.8865621

Nah. I was around back then. It means something else now but either way it's not relevant. Sir

>> No.8865807

... and sometimes I drink warm water out of the tap. dunno, dont like the feel of cold water in the early morning.

>> No.8865948


>> No.8865952


I can't gently finger my own anus enough for this post. I'm fingering..

>> No.8865972

you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.8865974
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What does it mean when I crave black Liquorice /ck/?

>> No.8866003
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>> No.8866028
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How long have you been waiting to post that

>> No.8866034

You might be Danish

>> No.8866042

There are no women on the internet. It is Known.

I just lost The Game

>> No.8866059
File: 157 KB, 1581x726, it's around here somewhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as long as I've been waiting to post this

>> No.8866215

what a waste of 157 KB

>> No.8866225

Yeah, a little vitamin V(odka).
I used to eat paper when I was a kid. Turns out I had an iron deficiency. Got it corrected. Desire to eat paper went away.

>> No.8866243

You sure you weren't just retarded?

>> No.8866260

>2010 was 7 years ago
what am I doing with my life

>> No.8866262

I think you'd be more at home on (eight)chan.

>> No.8866748

he probably can't figure out how to get there

>> No.8867215

Wanna fuck? I make a mean glass o' water

>> No.8868285

You want sex with a dude?

>> No.8868322

did you just assume their genders?

>> No.8868743

No, presumably you did. How many do they have anyway?

>> No.8868757

>i'll take a crab juice

>> No.8869776


>> No.8869860

I think that last one is Mtn Dew