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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, 1493213752439.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8863293 No.8863293[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is this legit?

>> No.8863295

what do you mean by legit? are you asking if mads mikkelsen actually ate people on tv? i mean, maybe

>> No.8863300

no i mean is this how cooking of this certain cut of mean should look like?

>> No.8863312

yes its common. essentially osso buco

>> No.8863315

They used orangutan meat it closely resembles human.

>> No.8863337

best cooking show on television. Shame they ruined the latter half of the third season

>> No.8863342
File: 2.39 MB, 1280x720, Hannibal Dinner 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more hannibal cooking webms

>> No.8863346

Wine doesn't explode into flames as shown if you mean that. I guess if it were a shallow pan it'd be more likely for alcohol to flame up.

>> No.8863364
File: 655 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2017-04-26 08:42:15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8863373


>> No.8863808

Would you engage in cannibalism willfully /ck/?

>> No.8863817

>pepper after dredge
Way to waste all your pepper and serve unseasoned people to people, Hannibal.
What a dick.

>> No.8864302

Does he/the story ever explain why he eats people? Other than being psycho, that is.

>> No.8864309

lol what no you can't just kill orangutans

>> No.8864313


When he was a boy, he was trapped during a hard winter with his sister and some men who were holding them.

They ate his sister and made him eat too.

>> No.8864316

Holding them why? So he just craves it like a comfort food from youth or what?

>> No.8864317

In his childhood there was a revolution (?) In his country (Or just the soviets) who burned down his family manor and he and his sister were captured (Or something) and in the long winter (I guess it was soviets, he's Latvian? ) his captors ate his sister (he did too unknowingly) and that trauma (?) Led to all the Hannibal events

T. Read the books but don't recall that well

>> No.8864318


What are they, immortal?

Sure you can, bang, orangutan dead.

>> No.8864319

They're an endangered species. Not to mention basically human

>> No.8864327

>basically human
fucking liberals

>> No.8864344

>not wanting to kill and eat monkeys makes me liberal
basic human emotions are for numales right?

>> No.8864348

If Hannibal cooked it ya. All his shit looked incredible

>> No.8864350

Scientists, am I right?

>> No.8864363


>Wine doesn't explode into flames as shown if you mean that.

yes it does

alcohol is more volatile than water and a relatively strong, low viscosity wine will flame up fine, just very briefly

>> No.8864366

Some people do eat orangutans
Don't promote something degenerate though, only subhumans eat primates

>> No.8864375


i feel like that backstory undermines his mystery as a character

the ability to convince people he doesn't have a psychiatric condition and he's actually just an amoral hedonist is part of what makes him such a good character

>> No.8864383
File: 3.17 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-04-27-14-39-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.8864385

look up 'janice poon art saki zuke' for a blog post from the chick who made the food in the webm OP

blocked from posting the link

>> No.8864389

I was watching a documentary on national geographic the other day, some black tribe were going out into the bush and shooting the orangutans out of the trees with a 22.

>> No.8864392

such proud and noble people

>> No.8864403


yeah feeding the people in your community is so ignoble

>> No.8864405
File: 85 KB, 640x345, feeding-flesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wouldn't want to eat a perfect stranger because I have no idea where they've been or what disgusting shit they got into

>wouldnt want to eat someone I knew because they would ostensibly either be dead or have suffered greatly as a result

This kind of situation would be okay, I guess, so long as it's not actually deadpool. Eating cancer cells just sounds like a bad idea.

>> No.8864407

all of the things humans can do to feel confident and you choose making yourself look like a beta-nu male faggot. How embarrassing for your insecure little ass.

>> No.8864410


Its ok if Niggers slaughter endangered animals to sell parts to the Chinese, because it's "a part of their nigger culture."

Just like it's a part of nigger culture to rob, steal, & rape, right?

>> No.8864413

What happened to the buffalo when white people came roaring through the plains?

Are you a total idiot or just picking and choosing what you get upset about because you're actually an insecure racist shit fuck?

>> No.8864420

It doesn't count when white people kill in large numbers, everyone knows that

>> No.8864426

>Just like it's a part of nigger culture to rob, steal, & rape, right?

I never understood liberals excusing blatant acts Evil just because it's a part of somebody's culture.

Muslims opress their women, don't let them have any rights. Liberals don't give a shit. Make double standards & then go after white people for the same thing.

you'r 'Merican liberal double standards are the problem

>> No.8864427

4chan racists aren't even the good kind of racist that act better than the people they hate. They're like 5 year olds who want to do whatever they want because "the blacks get to do it."

>> No.8864432

Yeah the books with his backstory were the later ones I think the author didn't really want to write them but there was pressure from the movie studio? Or something because I don't think he wanted the later Hannibal movies either. I too prefer him without the backstory but the NBC Hannibal series does work in quite a bit of it

>> No.8864433

You realize that if you're only around people like you most of the time (as I assume you are since you're mentally a child) the only people experiencing the shitty behavior are other people like you right? No one is stopping you from doing anything but good luck with using that excuse in court.

You hate yourself so much you don't even care about the cognitive dissonance that exists in your fucked up head. You believe you're better than a whole race of people but you also feel slighted because you can't do what these "savages" do? Are you missing a brain hemisphere?

>> No.8864434


Are you just being willfully ignorant?

White people are hated for that shit. Every fucking elementary school kid learns that shit in history class.

Niggers on the other hand, get a free pass for doing the same thing, because it's a "part of their culture."

see the difference?

>> No.8864436

Seems like you're doing plenty of hating on your own, you insecure man baby.

>> No.8864438

>White people are hated for that shit. Every fucking elementary school kid learns that shit in history class.
>Niggers on the other hand, get a free pass for doing the same thing, because it's a "part of their culture."

This. The SJWs here are basically making your case for you.

>> No.8864440

The only people I see whining here are you racists.

>> No.8864442

>Niggers on the other hand, get a free pass for doing the same thing, because it's a "part of their culture."

'Merican liberals will excuse the actions of one people and hate the others... just a confused bunch of kids.

>> No.8864443


You realize hating black people won't make your mom love you right?

>> No.8864444
File: 333 KB, 1600x1065, Birth of A Nation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White people are hated for that shit. Every fucking elementary school kid learns that shit in history class.

Why don't your 'Merican liberals see their RACIST double standards and just excuse blacks for anything they do?

>> No.8864446
File: 46 KB, 612x612, 'Merica Fuck Yeah!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't your 'Merican liberals see their RACIST double standards and just excuse blacks for anything they do?

too many sheltered snowflakes brainwashed by a sheltered life. most of these liberals have never actually met any blacks in real life.