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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 682 KB, 841x838, C-MpcyRWAAEWXFY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8853689 No.8853689[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Yo i wanna fuck the Wendy's girl

>> No.8853744
File: 86 KB, 680x744, wendy-thomas_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder this is what Wendy Thomas looks like irl.

>> No.8853751

She's still alive?

>> No.8853752

As do we all

She'll always be 2D in my kokoro

>> No.8853755


>> No.8853768


Is there anyone in America that isn't fat? Honestly, this is getting so fucking old. It's like visual pollution everywhere I go on the internet.

>> No.8853771
File: 25 KB, 244x294, 1488967987234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8853783
File: 27 KB, 360x540, tumblr_m9otmjlmLQ1r7syf1o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when they put that fat cow on commercials like one time before sales dropped and they replaced her with this babe?

>> No.8853820

>year of our GOD 2017
>still jerking it to subhuman pasty skin with no ass.


>> No.8853847

What are you gonna do about it, fucboi?

>> No.8853852 [DELETED] 

Not be a nigger.

>> No.8853858

I'm 5'10" and 135lbs of skinny-fit, so no.

>> No.8853876
File: 73 KB, 720x960, sushi nachos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like visual pollution everywhere I go on the internet.

>implying the internet isn't already overflowing with visual pollution

but yeah fat people are fuckin gross, it's becoming a problem because of the fat acceptance movement and whatnot

>> No.8853879
File: 597 KB, 1268x1995, thicc wendys final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy from /cock/ sends his regards

>> No.8853906

Are you a small dicked asian that can't handle a full bodied woman, by any chance?

>> No.8853910

Keep trying, I guess.

>> No.8853930

But I like the T H I C C women...

>> No.8853981


THICC means small waist and wide hips. Not whale-waist and dumbo-hips.

>> No.8854002

Yeah I'll have a Dave's Triple

>> No.8854013

I'll take a baconator with a smalll fry and a root beer, Oh and hold on the loli, trying to watch my calories here,

>> No.8854167
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x900, wendys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8854205

taken from fj
I imagine eating her shit would be like burger rolls, but would drinking her diarrhea be a chocolate milkshake?

I imagine thrusting into her cheesy (cheddar) pussy, putrid enough so that bits of gunk smears and sticks to you as my plunges quake her body. I'm spiritually excited as her strawberry lemonade urine gushes out in delightful unison with my desecration of her body. Ebb and flow.

The moment seemed all to ephemeral, as my raw urges kicked as the pressure and friction between doubled in intensity. You'd think her grease stricken, sweat painted body would give easier to my weight force, but she remained stationary, ever so eager to please with her vile tendencies. Her aptitude in her wickedness made me grow leery, and yet the body cared not

>> No.8854219


>> No.8854225

Oh, yeah no whales.

>> No.8854232

she doesn't look that skinny. And it looks like she definitely has an ass.

>> No.8854248

>I want to believe the person running the Wendy's twittter account is a smug anime girl...

>> No.8854521

Wendy's isn't that old a franchise m8

>> No.8854628
File: 135 KB, 1000x1356, gjsmf3mcdlty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8854650

>3 big titties
>2 rotundular squigglindee gluteus maxami

>> No.8854666

That's fat, retard.

>those proportions

I think you should kill yourself, bucko.

>> No.8854681

>12 midnight
>go on cooking board
>savagly critique fast food based porn drawings

Truly THIS is Satan.

>> No.8854683

It's 9:22 you east coast dwelling piece of human garbage.

>> No.8854835

Gonna be honest: I'd much rather trust the top lady's opinion on cheeseburgers than the bottom. I know which one of the two is more likely to know her way around a burger.

Also, the real Wendy is pretty cute despite her weight. If she hit the treadmill regularly, she'd probably be pretty damn hot.

>> No.8854842

Does that really change anything?

>> No.8854843

I don't think the fat acceptance movement is what's causing the problem. People in America (Europe too) are getting fatter and fatter, because lots of cheap food and no one gives a fuck. The fat acceptance bullshit is a consequence and symptom, not the disease.

>> No.8854850

>has an ass
Cushion for the pushin', lad.

>> No.8854853


>> No.8854854

I only go to wendy's for the chili and they've been slowly making it smaller and smaller over the years

>> No.8854870

Yeah I think she is in her early to mid 50s.

>> No.8854901

>hurr hurr don't trust a skinny chef
Bullshit. The implication is "fat people only eat the most high-quality foods!" but in reality fat people are fat because they're shoveling crap into their faces all the time.

>> No.8854906

Too many hamburgers

>> No.8854910

Is Wendy's good?

>> No.8854923

Pretty good imo, but they get squished between BK and Carl's Jr in terms of quality and price.

>> No.8854934

Or you've just gotten bigger you amerifat

>> No.8854948
File: 28 KB, 306x423, article-2216254-15752EED000005DC-192_306x423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Well shit, she looks like Dave, no surprise there. maybe when she was younger she w-



>> No.8854954

Shad is based

>> No.8854955

>im autistic enough to unironically believe everyone in america is fat identical copies of eachother

>> No.8854962

No, he's a retard who draws shitty porn. People that think he's "based" are probably crossposting newfags.

>> No.8854965

70% of american adults are overweight.

>> No.8854971

No, I've noticed it too. For a while, anything on their dollar menu especially had really thin patties or filets. It may have changed after people called them out on their shit, but I only eat Wendy's when I'm on the road and I haven't taken any long road trips in a while so I wouldn't know what they're doing now. I think I had a chicken-sandwich-of-the-month a few months back and it was fairly thick, but otherwise wasn't too impressive. I don't remember what it was. The Spicy Ghost Pepper Monterey Bacon Double Gouda Sriracha Old Bay Fagboi Chicken Deluxe, or something.

>> No.8854992

Definitely autistic

>> No.8855152

A real woman has curves, not that you'd ever be able to handle a real woman, schweetie

>> No.8855278

I used to jerk off to this all the time. There's also a gyaru version of this.

>> No.8855327

>tfw no fat american gf to forcefeed burgers and fuck all day

>> No.8855535


>has no idea what autism is
>american facebook-based education

>> No.8855590

>hurr hurr don't trust a fatass chef
Bullshit. The implication is "thin people gotta know what's up cuz 'muh metabolism n shieet" So many skinny-ass bitches are thin because they eat on deficits and sit out while fatass patty and beer gut gus stuffs their mouth with some curly fries and soft serves. Who can you trust to know what kind of burger is good when the usual suspects for burger whoring is the doughbags that eat them the most? Lard ass trash eaters know exactly what burger gives them the meat sweats and bread fever when they dine out, exceptions abound, as to be expected, for anyone with a brain

>> No.8855601

>Who can you trust to know what kind of burger is good when the usual suspects for burger whoring is the doughbags that eat them the most?
Fat people will literally eat any burger because they don't give a shit.

Thin people who consider that burger to be an occasional treat will choose carefully because it's their one cheat meal that week.

I'll listen to the thin person over the fat person because they actually thought about it.

I've been to restaurants with enough fat people and seen them throw embarrassing adult tantrums over the most trivial bullshit to know that they cannot be trusted in matters of good taste

>> No.8855646

t. Shadman

>> No.8855669

Who the fuck doesn't????????

>> No.8855673

Sadly, she is one of the thinner women in the usa

>> No.8855674

YOO satan's trips!

>> No.8855812

>135 lbs
you're a fucking skeleton, that's what you are

>> No.8855814

Shad is fucking horrid

>> No.8855815

>I'm thirteen and just discovered rule 34 and think shadman is the only one who does it
AW, honey

>> No.8855943

Actually I've read that at least in America, the obesity rate is starting to slowly fall

>> No.8856232
File: 20 KB, 500x375, 1481009815899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like AIDS infested child beating upright baboons

Remove yourself

>> No.8856235

Well yea, obese people tend to live significantly shorter lives on average, and the "recent" "influx" of migrants isn't helping the obesity rates.

>> No.8856433

They redid their fries a few years ago, fucking favorite regular cut fries now. Burgers are good for their price point.

>> No.8857746

So, uh, is this where all the Wendy's content is going to go from now on? I was in the thread on /co/ last night.

>> No.8857794

I was in that thread.

>> No.8857820

>Shad does a series of pics about lolicon Hillary Clinton
>this makes him based
/pol/ needs to get the fuck out and stay out.

>> No.8857870

I wanna fuck her on a pile of baconators

>> No.8857877

I hope /co/ never leaves

>> No.8857898

People jealous that a westerner draws anime porn and is able to financially support himself. It's a hate bandwagon, none of these faggots know a thing about art, and if they did they wouldn't be bitching about anime tier fan art. Its hilarious. I don't even fap to shadman but there is no reason to hate him like everyone does.

>> No.8857910

>I don't even fap to shadman but there is no reason to hate him like everyone does.
how about that his art is terrible and he acts like an edgy thirteen year old

>> No.8857923

Okay reddit. Can't handle a little loli?

>> No.8857928

>unzips dick

>> No.8857934

What do you think her favorite thing on the menu is? The Baconator? Dave's Triple? The Bacon Ranch Fries?

>> No.8857938

easily the best out of the big 3 fast food chains

shad regularly draws gay interracial porn, you think /pol/ likes him? he's an uber degenerate.

>> No.8857958

>shilling a fast food company
>for free

>> No.8858085
File: 530 KB, 731x960, le girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their food is disgusting, their mascot is a qt and their twitter is good, though

>> No.8858100
File: 469 KB, 1024x768, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as do i http://i.imgur.com/8yKdN4G.jpg

>> No.8858308

God bless this thread.

>> No.8858312


>> No.8858342
File: 668 KB, 500x279, cry-eat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw we will probably never have comfy /cock/ again

>> No.8858696

Honestly the best thing about /cock/ was the fact that it sort of ended up giving birth to /d/-lite when it came to fat girls. And /cock/ had many good things about it.

And that was my delight alright.

>> No.8859218
File: 978 KB, 2454x2242, 1493168920699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8859228
File: 471 KB, 300x300, 1472522581621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh god
that is pretty tempting

>> No.8859286

The country's adults are now 74% fat. And the children are catching up. Additionally, you're more like to find an obese person than a normal weight person

>> No.8859301

>dat baconator ass
id fucks wit dat on my cheat day

>> No.8859341

Its mostly
I can't handle shitty proportions and shitty use of 3 colours max to draw character without clothes
Also cranking edgynes to the limits

>> No.8859363 [DELETED] 

Why are there suddenly Wendy's threads on /co/ and /ck/?

>> No.8859368

the /cock/ union remains strong despite the board dissolving

>> No.8859572

>Wendy's shills are on this site RIGHT NOW

>> No.8859733


75% Morbidly obese, 20% body builder, 5% grossly underweight.

>> No.8859763

who is this artist

>> No.8859867



>> No.8859904

I thought arms in op were a dick like a candy cane sweatered dickgirl dick u know wot I mean

>> No.8859908

with armless amputeeism

>> No.8859918

Yuck, what's with those alien garbage scooping arms?

>> No.8859939


I think I need sleep.
I swear to god from the angle I was staring at this image from...She was slowly morphing into Chris-Chan.

>> No.8860101

/pol/ is pro-fag these days, though
where have you been?

>> No.8860165

This, the are friends with /mlp/

>> No.8860180

>where have you been?
actually on /pol/
i'm purple square and don't have any problem with them but there's still a ton of wehraboo LARPing faggots that cry about them

>> No.8860283

Who blocked them? McDonald's ?

>> No.8860302

>i'm purple square and don't have any problem with them but there's still a ton of wehraboo LARPing faggots that cry about them

Go to /pol/ search /ck/
> get 0 results
Go to /ck/ search /pol/
> get 65 threads

Why are ck kids so obsessed with /pol/ when pol literally couldn't give less of a fuck?

>> No.8860309
File: 3.16 MB, 2195x2052, 1493214596263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I love Wendy's now

>> No.8860310

>Why are ck kids so obsessed with /pol/ when pol literally couldn't give less of a fuck?

Basically, some snowflakes accidentally wandered over to /pol/, got truth raped & triggered so hard that they spend the rest of their 4chan days hiding on other boards taking pot shots at /pol/.


>> No.8860418


>> No.8860462
File: 205 KB, 1152x900, 1490806191861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8860466


Bulla from GT is th3 only fuckable anime character. Period. Canon or not.

>> No.8860468
File: 817 KB, 1200x900, 522951 - Charlie_Morrow Wendy Wendy's mascots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes there is

>> No.8860640


>> No.8860801

same here.
she looks like my mom.

>> No.8860955

*blocks your patreon*

>> No.8861011

Here. Wendy's porn thread.


Note that's on /aco/ and is Not Safe For Work.

>> No.8861199
File: 85 KB, 500x667, 4fbd98676acc2c399233ed9ab1ca6ace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present for your pleasure. Dolly Little.

>> No.8861212

No, thank you.

>> No.8861252

She'd look cute if she undid those pigtails.

>> No.8861266

ugly as shit

>> No.8861268
File: 416 KB, 623x527, 1401217096557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, talk about an ego complex.

>> No.8861524

ayy lmao

>> No.8861533

and her faggot brother from the documentary started crying because muh dad! he was always working and I didn't see him much!!

oh yes, I feel so bad for you, your dad didn't have time to play catch with you while he was making your family billionaires

>> No.8861564

I quit going there because they redid their fries. They used to be my favorite before they decided to "class up" the menu.

>> No.8861569

Did you forget we're married? I remember when /mu/ tried to cuck it up. But the /cock/ remained strong!

>> No.8861588

yurocucks BTFO

>> No.8861597

they didn't survive in my country, the top ones are McDonalds as they no matter how bad does the restaurant do keep them open or remodel them, KFC and Subway/quiznos.

My only experience at a Wendy's was eating a burger, which was ok, and then a homeless woman walk up to me and said "you will never be alone" while walking backwards and promptly exiting the restaurant

>> No.8861624

>got truth raped
Oh boy keep drinking that kool aid like the nigger you are.

>> No.8861636

Daaaamn I'm feeling it.

>> No.8861654

I wish I had secret admirers like that homeless woman

>> No.8861665

Because you fucks cross over into this board and shit every thread up. Between the /pol/ and /b/ spillover, I'm about out of here. Although, I always say I'm quitting, but wind up like the al/ck/s here.

>> No.8861669

>Basically, some snowflakes accidentally wandered over to /pol/, got truth raped & triggered so hard that they spend the rest of their 4chan days hiding on other boards taking pot shots at /pol/.

in bongland, we call these 'cowards'

>> No.8861673

>Go to /pol/ search /ck/
>> get 0 results
>Go to /ck/ search /pol/
>> get 65 threads
>Why are ck kids so obsessed with /pol/ when pol literally couldn't give less of a fuck?

Just a couple of triggered cowards hiding here in their safe space, taking shots at other boards.

>> No.8861676


Something over how Hardee's was claiming their version of a 4 for $4 deal was better then the Wendy's original. She told them "Name the fourth man on the moon without looking it up"

>> No.8861677
File: 952 KB, 310x310, Muh Pa Tri Archy Archy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8861718

It's really because no one from /ck/ goes to /pol/ shitting up threads talking about food, while you tards come over here and start shitting up threads with sturmdrumpfen and conspiracy trash and get called out on it.

There. Have a truthpill, fucknut.

>> No.8861917
File: 1.37 MB, 320x240, 1387476565265.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't have to bring them into this just because you forgot refrigerators existed for a second there.

>> No.8861959
File: 102 KB, 422x408, 1470806397614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm at In and Out, what should I get

>> No.8861977
File: 1.92 MB, 500x281, bsr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these fucking blowouts

>> No.8862002

No it's because faggots like you end up circle jerking over the same topics, then go to other boards just to shitpost and derail threads.
You are LITERALLY worse than furfags

>> No.8862173

You just fucking know they treat their twitter guy like a fucking superstar. dude probably has a corner office a private bathroom, secretaries and all that shit just to walk into work, pull out your phone and start fucking with some people on twitter

>> No.8862180
File: 110 KB, 552x314, 1432846184893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you lick her butthole

>> No.8862189

XD the viral marketers learned the way to go was from SICCCC BANTTZZ brah can't you catch these burns? don't you want a wendy's now? don't you want a wendy's now? don't you want a wendy's now?

>> No.8862195


>> No.8862201


>> No.8862238

>stop putting memes in media

>> No.8862266

You know how there's always that one guy that thinks he's hilarious but actually painfully unfunny and generally unlikeable? That's you, anon.

>> No.8862315
File: 6 KB, 306x40, 2017-04-26_19-27-57.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8862327

Just went out and bought Wendy's

the marketers have won on this day

>> No.8862636
File: 111 KB, 1200x882, 1492649039862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want some loving wendy femdom, is that so wrong?

>> No.8862786

Why wouldn't she be? She was a little girl when Wendy's was established in the late '60s, which would make her in her 50s now.

>> No.8862810

only the one you posted

>> No.8863055

no, only 2D recent meme wendy

>> No.8863158
File: 811 KB, 1021x1569, 23423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not what she looks like in the Wendy's tv ads. I feel lied to.

>> No.8863167

Go away, literal nigger

>> No.8863235

Well, now I have a weird confluence of foot fetish and smug girl fetish. I HAD NEITHER BEFORE GOD DAMMIT WENDYS WHY CANT I EAT FAST FOOD WITHOUT PUKING

>> No.8863269

I fapped to that earlier today

>> No.8863458
File: 425 KB, 573x1122, wendy_s_by_scottytheartistdb2631x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8863500 [DELETED] 
File: 1.08 MB, 999x1464, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8863501

Good. Shit was cringy

>> No.8863511
File: 3.44 MB, 4000x2667, check'd those chromosomes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least we know they use fresh cut potato.

>> No.8863529



>> No.8863547
File: 22 KB, 252x249, checked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8863579
File: 337 KB, 593x635, grin-and-bear-it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know the guy who forgot what a refrigerator posts on /ck/

>> No.8863971

/cock/ never died. :')

>> No.8864160
File: 2.38 MB, 1916x1074, 1390277319154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8864251

Double dubs of truth and justice

>> No.8864265

yeah all the merged boards are now """""""improved"""""""" because of the merged populations.

>> No.8864297

Not complaining but what is with all the Wendy's meme shilling?

>> No.8864356

She gets free Wendys for life, are you really surprised?

>> No.8864364
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1080, 1492160282663.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8864411


>> No.8864421

>Go to /pol/ search /ck/
>> get 0 results
>Go to /ck/ search /pol/
>> get 65 threads
>Why are ck kids so obsessed with /pol/ when pol literally couldn't give less of a fuck?

just tested this. you weren't lying.

>> No.8864448


>> No.8864449


(Not spam)

>> No.8864457

such societal commentary

>> No.8864478

Seriously, the bullying against /pol/lack members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since /pol/lacks are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only /pol/lack who finds it hard to take pride in his board after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming repills from insecure losers here. Why not bully /x/philles or /s4s/? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful little board? /b/tards get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites on 4chan.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful !
Would you call a aut/o/bot a "BMWdriver"(disgusting word) to his face? Would you say to a kind,peaceful and hard working salt of the earth /seagull/ that they are a "cuck LARPer"? Would you say those words to your fellow anon ? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?
Your destroying chanpride, your dividing anons against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support

>> No.8864481


>> No.8864485

Dude just stop crossboard shitposting lol

>> No.8864502

And yet /pol/sters are bashed for having the courage to leave their "safe space" and are constantly attacked and bullied for it, but still they persist in the face of adversity while welcoming all newcomers to their home.
Imagine my shock when the tolerant left turned out to be the true bigots.

>> No.8864511

This is what delusion looks like.

>> No.8864530

>Just a couple of triggered cowards hiding here in their safe space, taking shots at other boards.

>Just a couple of triggered cowards hiding here in their safe space, taking shots at other boards.

Nobody gives a shit... just round up all these /pol/ reject cowards and put them on their own containment board where they can spew hate at /pol/ all day

>> No.8864533


Agreed. Round up all the fucking /pol/ rejects and ban them. If they want to talk shit at pol, they can go over there.

>> No.8864568

Alternatively you could follow the global rules and keep /pol/ in /pol/
Really got me thinking

>> No.8864573

>Alternatively you could follow the global rules and keep /pol/ in /pol/

/pol/ is actually pretty good about staying on pol. it's the liberal snowflakes that wandered over to /pol/, got fucking tirggered and now shit up /ck/ and every other board talking shit about pol.

>> No.8864590

I don't find her hot, but her pawn shop scene was pretty good.

>> No.8864617
File: 767 KB, 880x946, 1493260641369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to get wendy out onto a tray

>> No.8864707

>implying I still wouldn't

Who do you take me for, a faggot?

>> No.8864787


>> No.8864861


>> No.8864875

It's kind of cute that Dave named the restaurant after his daughter, even if she is creepy looking.

>> No.8864879

More like this

>> No.8865213
File: 167 KB, 600x496, indulgence_by_anonymouz_angel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8865228

I don't know why you would just go on the internet and tell lies.

>> No.8865318

animefags ruin everything

>> No.8865792

You seem to forget where you are.

>> No.8865953
File: 102 KB, 500x600, 193a0ff56f258f0ced067dcbea14394f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita Wendy has always been a cutie.

>> No.8865965
File: 324 KB, 1054x748, 1484264554152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8865976
File: 46 KB, 600x674, Smug-Wendys-Mascot-Illustrations-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8866015
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>> No.8866017

4chan is a place for weebs to talk about topics related to Japan. 4chan is also a place for weebs to talk about topics not related to Japan.

>> No.8866035
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>> No.8866047


>> No.8866098

>135 lbs
That's normal m8. I'm a skeleton. I'm 115 lbs

>> No.8866189

>visiting the UK (I'm from France)
>my friends want to take me out for dinner at Nando's
>agree to it cause memes, muh cheeky Nandos
>we sit down
>waiter tells us it's Cheese Day
>I freak the fuck out and ask my friends why they didn't tell me it's Cheese Day
>they tell me to calm down
>I yell "FUCK OFF" and storm out of the restaurant
>pick up some KFC and eat it on the way home
Was I in the wrong here? My friends still don't understand just what the problem was, they act like I'm the unreasonable one.

>> No.8866261
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>> No.8866313

No, you come into this board and start political topics for no reason while this board is trying to shitpost, talk food, and wallow in alcoholism. You come in here unannounced and fuck things up for no reason. You're just as bad as the jews you constantly whine about.

>> No.8866319

shut up you dumb fag no one cares that you're offended

>> No.8866396

This seems like fake shit meant to bait responses to continue said story in order to get attention

But I'll bite.

What's so bad about Cheese Day?

>> No.8866405

>dumb eurocuck believes everything he sees on TV

Dam Europeans really are stupid as fuck