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File: 210 KB, 448x415, hero_mcdouble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8848553 No.8848553 [Reply] [Original]

>McDouble is now $2.19 at my local MickeyDees

For me, it's not the McDouble.

>> No.8848558

Whats a mcdouble? Basically a double cheese with only one slice of cheese right?

>> No.8848561
File: 17 KB, 216x571, pure-wate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's not the McDouble because for me it's a pure glass of water.

>> No.8848569

Yes. In high school I used to get them by the half dozens. Something about the ketchup and onions.

>> No.8848848

Most American thing I read today

>> No.8848906
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rag-tag group of farmers beats world's undisputed military super power
>in a few short years becomes the world super power
>saved pussified home land in not ONE but TWO world wars


>> No.8848935

What's even the point anymore. This was created for the dollar menu, it should have been retired when it couldn't be a dollar anymore.

>> No.8848953

Wait is the mcdouble not juat a double quarter pounder?

>> No.8848970

>american revolution 1776
>USA becomes world super power after WWII in 1945
>in a few short years

>> No.8848985
File: 106 KB, 800x515, 800px-Scene_at_the_Signing_of_the_Constitution_of_the_United_States.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American independence was just the beginning of the dismantling of the British empire resulting in the shreds and tatters fluttering in the breeze today.

>> No.8848995

>America won wwI without being a super power
Ok so, you just made yourself look like a complete fool... Enjoy those Muslims literally raping your pussy country and stabbing you to death cuz you gave up your right to bear arms.

>> No.8849001

i get that they had to raise the prices but they lost the value game

you could get like a day's worth of calories for $5 at taco bell. seriously they would hand you a paperbag that weighs 5 lbs

you can get a whole pizza for $5 at little caesars

or you can get two plastic cheeseburgers for $5 at mcdonalds

THEY LOST. and so i ask, what purpose does mcdonalds serve now?

>> No.8849006

Stable careers for chefs and heads of household

>> No.8849010

they are still the biggest name in fast food, and they're still succeeding on that alone
they are one of the biggest symbols of capitalism and the USA, easily the most iconic fast food chain

>> No.8849023

The meat weighs 3.2 ounces frozen before cooking. So after cooking it's probably only 2 or so ounces.

>> No.8849025

Huh, that's a good ass point. My local taco Bell is over priced so a regular taco is 1.30 and a potato burrito is over 3 dollars. My local little ceasers is a scummy piece of shit.

McDonald's wins at the available game. Every town has a McDonald's regardless if size. It's at every single exit on the interstate. Some McDonald's operate at a loss but are held up by the ones in cities.

McDonald's is a brand. McDonald's wins by being everywhere.

Besides, double quarter pounder with large fries and a swimming pool of coke is like 7 bucks so idk where you get more for less tbqh.

>> No.8849047

Russia won ww2 for you actually, you did nothing and then swept in at the last minute when Germany was distracted and took all the glory like typical obnoxious fatasses.

>> No.8849140


no, the mcdouble is a version of the small double cheeseburger (not quarter pounder), but with only one slice of cheese instead of two, and less pickles. It was created to put on the dollar menu when the double cheeseburger got too expensive to put on there.

>> No.8849197

>mcdoubles are $1 during baseball season if the local team gets a double play the day before

Feels good man

>> No.8849203

>a few years later loses to a ragtag team of farmers


>> No.8849209

How is forcing this shitty meme working out for you so far?

>> No.8849213

>Rag-tag group of farmers beats world's undisputed military super power

Are you talking about Vietnam here? I can't tell.

>> No.8849214

it didn't lmao.
>what is isolationism

i'm american btw

>> No.8849221

Is there anywhere that offers both the McDouble and the Double Cheeseburger?

>> No.8849257

Yes, I went to McDonald's last night since it was the only close place open at 1am. They have both the mcdouble ($1.80) and a double cheeseburger ($2.10)

I didn't realize they got so fucking expensive. Any other fast food place has a better value Burger based on both cost and taste

>> No.8849258
File: 119 KB, 700x661, 1467652299072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8849295

they're both on the menu, the double cheeseburger is just more expensive. the reason for the mcdouble was to not have the double cheeseburger on the *dollar* menu.

>> No.8849334
File: 41 KB, 800x502, P39-Kingcobras-for-Russia-px800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babby's first WWII argument

Russia would've lost without lend-lease material support.

Russia probably lost if America didn't force Germany to divert a huge portion of its forces to france, North Africa and Italy.

Japan avoided dishonoring the truce and invading East USSR because it was preparing to fight USA.

>> No.8849345
File: 404 KB, 1024x786, 4892680989_69aee7b178_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also don't forget American strategic bombing on Germany and the Balkans, which crippled Germany's industry and infrastructure, while also diverting much needed Luftwaffe resources away from the Russian front.

Pic related. A REKT wehraboo lady cries as superior USA USA USA bombers destroyed her city.

>> No.8849356

>some mcdonalds operate at a loss

In burgerland are they not mostly franchised? It would make 0 sense for a franchised restaurant to operate at a loss, are there lots of company stores or something?

>> No.8849359

Vietnam wasn't lost militarily, it was lost diplomatically. We kicked their shit in until they signed a peace treaty, but then we said "Mission Accomplished," pulled out of the country completely, and the North rolled into the South because they no longer had our protection. If we had stayed, we would have actually been able to enforce the treaty, but we didn't, so we couldn't.

>> No.8849363


Maybe the upper level subsidize the loss to keep them afloat

>> No.8849364

Lost is lost.

>> No.8849370

This triggered more europoors than I expected. Well done anon

>> No.8849374
File: 129 KB, 950x638, 6084137612_26022b11cd_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If America was given the green light to invade North Vietnam, the war would've been over in an year.

Of course they wouldn't though because threat of escalation from the bigger Red dudes.

>> No.8849378
File: 107 KB, 573x599, 573px-Fotothek_df_ps_0000048_Blick_in_einen_öffentlichen_Luftschutzraum_mit_243_Leiche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t-thanks America

>> No.8849380

They took the quarter pounder w/ cheese of the mcpick 2 for 5 at my local mcdicks.

>> No.8849426

Britbong projecting about his lost empire detected.

>> No.8849431

I've never heard of mcdicks doing that anywhere else in the world, but it could be true for chubbyland

>> No.8850073

I played football. Or handegg for you Euros.

>> No.8850253

Lmao ikr. I was afk in the hot tub then came back to find at least a half dozen Europoors triggered that America is the world cultural and military super power for the last 100 years.

I legit can't understand how they can't even wrap their eu brains around the fact that America could literally blow them off the map with no reprecussions. Even Syria was "under Russian protection" and ate a ton of tomahawks with no retaliation.