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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 72 KB, 1000x562, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8846434 No.8846434 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question? Do Flyover states. I.E (Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa) have middle eastern foods or restaurants? I love being in NYC because the halal guys are a god send.

Pic related.

>> No.8846453

in cities, sure

>> No.8846460

What >>8846453 said
Fun fact: most people in the Midwest live in an urban area.

>> No.8846473

That sauce ruins it and the meal looks unauthentic. Ever seen those mexican webm with ramen and chips and hot sauce and so much more? Yeah that's that that pics look like that. Real middle eastern food are good tho.

>> No.8846481
File: 120 KB, 750x1000, o (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that looks like garbage.
this is the kind of Mediterranean(well, Levantine, but same fucking thing) food we get in the Central Illinois city I live in

>> No.8846484

Halal is pointless barbaric meme food

And you are a trendy lil nigger

>> No.8846485

middle eastern*

>> No.8846486

Now we're talking!

>> No.8846495

It's so fucking good. Really friendly, family run place, too. And they're Palestinian, so they've faced a lot of hardship, which builds character.

>> No.8846497

So do allahu ackbaring too I guess.

>> No.8846503
File: 121 KB, 562x1000, o (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's their falafel. notice the lack of blood and semen, unlike OP

>> No.8846511

Yup. Looks good. I've always liked the way they make their rice.

>> No.8846519

yes but I don't like paying the jizyu tax so I don't go to them

>> No.8846524
File: 161 KB, 1000x1000, o (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked up OP's image, and of course he's from New York. I'm sure there are plenty of places on par with the food I'm posting, but he's too fucking dumb to know the difference.
this is my favorite part of eating there, the plate of yummy dips and pickles, and unlimited flatbread.

>> No.8846537

It's not supposed to be authentic, you buy this at a stand on the corner that some sweaty brown man has been inside all day. I usually get gyros from these stands.

>> No.8846544

That falafel still looks like soggy crap, and whole chickpeas instead of smooth, creamy hummus is trash-tier.

>> No.8846550

t. uncultured flyover trying to give a enlightened new yorker advice.

>> No.8846562

I work in a greek restaurant.

ask away.

>> No.8846563

You posted shit Middle Eastern food, I can get the cheap garbage you seem to prefer here, too, but I get the good stuff, because I have taste.

>> No.8846571

What kind of Greek restaurant? Mostly carryout, or a more expensive sit-down place? Do you use a spit for your gyros or that frozen Kronos crap?

>> No.8846573

obviously I can get better M.E food, that pic isn't even mine, it from yelp.

Being in NYC lets me have a flexibility when to eat a inauthentic version, and authentic version.

>but I get the good stuff, because I have taste.

flyovers can't have taste, it an oxymoron.

>> No.8846582

You're either retarded, or pretending to be, which is also retarded.

>> No.8846591

it's a sit down place, but they do a lot of takeout.. average prices for a greek restaurant.

we're in a very large city and it is the top greek place.. i can tell you that everyone in this town uses delivered spit gyro. a lot of it has to do with the fact that people actually expect that specific flavor in their gyro.

>> No.8846598

that's a damn shame.
What's your favorite thing on the menu?

>> No.8846645

not gonna lie, it's the gyro sandwich. only because we don't get employee discounts, but they cook us good food off the menu for free. would rather spend my money on groceries.

>> No.8846712

Nyc is a godawful concrete jungle. You need to back up a bit and realize not everyone has a fetish for concrete and steel.

>> No.8846741

>le stereotypical New Yorker superiority complex

You seriously need to kill yourself my man.

>> No.8846763

Damn straight. White people have no idea how to make mouth watering food.

>> No.8846770

Halal guys sucks, their quality has been going down for awhile. Any random halal lunch cart is better.

>> No.8846781

Are you kidding? The biggest Middle East population in the country is in Michigan...a Midwestern state

And honestly, all the restaurants I know of here are like sit down restaurants, stuff like that is more like the fast food version of Middle Eastern food

>> No.8847015

Are you fucking kidding me
I'm in a city of less than 100K people in the Midwest and we have at least 3 Middle Eastern restaurants here. We used to have two more, but they closed recently, probably due to the fact that a more established Middle Eastern restaurant was located across the street from them.

>> No.8847053
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All this looks like shit. No wonder Yellowstone wants to erupt and destroy you flyover scum.

>> No.8847112
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>> No.8847290

Why did you only ask about midwest flyovers and not the south? Was it because you realized in the south mosques would be burnt to the ground as soon as the foundation hardened and they started framing construction?

>> No.8847372

>unironically liking the halal guys
no one eats that shit except underaged tourists and construction workers, which one are you, op?
probably because you arr rook same

>> No.8847528

Cheap, good food. Is good.

>> No.8847629

it's cheap
it's not good

>> No.8847832

I studied abroad in Jordan for a semester and the food was godly. Fresh falafel and the smoothest and creamiest hummus you'll ever eat.

>> No.8847864
File: 85 KB, 634x489, 2B2FCE1700000578-3189619-image-a-6_1438970054862[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying yellowstone wouldn't destroy all of murica

>> No.8847876

I go to school in this city, and let me tell you, the lies that were told about this place
Everything closes down at night, except for bars and chain restaurants
There's nothing even remotely threatening in Manhattan, unless you're scared of hobos who try to creep people out by singing out loud
Any food that is affordable, is necessarily garbage.
Few people of means actually enjoy living here. Most commute from places like Connecticut or long island

>> No.8847936

Michigan has the highest number of Muslims in the country. Some of them are bound to spread out

>> No.8848197

ignorant post

>> No.8848236

Dumb flyover.

>> No.8848239

Thickness of what?

>> No.8848251

Don't let the flyovers know our secrets

>> No.8848260

volcanic ash, I imagine

>> No.8848266
File: 38 KB, 500x380, falafel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man you Americans haven't taught your imported kitchen slaves anything have you?

>> No.8848282

illinois here, we already have plenty of middle eastern restaurants so nyc please take your disgusting halal gays mystery meat horseshit back and keep it within your borders

>> No.8848351

>flat bread
They also call it 'pocket bread.' Pita sounds too ethnic and is a sign of sharia law creeping into their communities of 5000 people to rape their daughters and make them get ghey married to their sons and say "happy holidays." True story. And don't you dare ask about naan bread.

>> No.8848397

That looks cheap, low quality, and disgusting, and I'm sure it doesn't taste good.

>> No.8848415

I lol'd because it's true

>> No.8848423

I live in Milwaukee and within 2 miles of me I know of a Shawarma house, an Iranian restaurant,a halal place, a Naf Naf Grill, a few pita places and a specialty middle eastern supermarket

also an ethiopian restaurant too

>> No.8848540

You're right that Manhattan is not dangerous, and wrong on everything else.

There are tons of non-chain restaurants open late. Various diners, delis, ethnic restaurants, etc. are commonly open late.

People love the city, which is why rents are so high.

>> No.8848557

Some places call it Pita, some places call it flatbread. I think it's all just personal preference. This town has a huge Lebanese community(they practically run the government and real estate here), along with lots of Arabs and Indians, so nobody gets too freaked out about things being "too ethnic". Here, Middle Eastern food is as common in bars as burgers and fries.

>> No.8848571

RIP Baba Ganoush though, that place was the best

>> No.8848578

relax it a flyover who thinks he knows about NYC. Probably considers living in NYc because he went on a school trip or something.

>> No.8848585

Why is your English so terrible? Are the NYC public schools really that bad?

>> No.8848628

If he really lives in NYC, then English probably isn't his first language. He's probably a Puerto Rican.

>> No.8848643

they all moved to Long Island, along with the dagos and the micks

if you think you see a rican and it lives in the city, it's really a dominican. the way you can tell is that the ricans speak an almost intelligible form of spanish whereas the dominicans speak in a kind of drunken slur that lacks consonants and the last syllable of any multisyllabic word

>> No.8848652

Yeah there's plenty of kebab shit around here, and I live in fucking idaho.

>> No.8848667

>hurr durr muh authenticity

>> No.8848850


Fuck everyone who uses this buzzword. Authentic =\= better. Come try this authentic Mexican water! Guaranteed to cause intestinal distress and give you some parasites!

>> No.8848879

This is a true but very very misleading fact. Most of the land and communities is rural but just because of chicago it gives us this stat

>> No.8848920

You're fucking wrong. Here are some figures from Census on Urban population percentage, broken down by state.(http://www.icip.iastate.edu/tables/population/urban-pct-states))
>Iowa - 64.0
>Indiana - 72.4
>Nebraska - 73.1
>Kansas 74.2
>Minnesota - 73.3
>Idaho - 70.6
>Wyoming - 64.8
There are two states with urban populations under 40%, and those are Vermont and Maine, and the only other state with less than 50%(49.4) is Mississippi. I don't know who told you your little Chicago misinformation, but it's bullshit.

>> No.8848927

from the* Census

>> No.8848936

Isn't that our enemy? Boy we only have a mcdonalds and walmart in my village. We sure are some simple folk

>> No.8849079

>only lower is MS

Christ, is there any list MS doesn't show up on the bottom of besides number of evangelical churches per square foot?

>> No.8849108

It's interesting, I'm in my mid 30's and grew up/went to college around and in Chicago, and now live in rural SW MI. What's interesting is that everyone worth their salt left this town for an urban area as soon as they could; those that are left are the type that lack the gumption or talent to make it on their own outside their existing social networks. Annecdotal, but in my experience largely uniform across the rural US. Even though there has always been a tension between the urban and the rural here in the US (which is why among other reasons the electoral college exists, for better or worse), losers stay home, those with talent strike out on their own. This is why I suspect they express perpetual butthurt and "pay attention to me" antics globally: they're losers and they know it. Big fish, small ponds. Why we should allow a loser to have an outsized influence on policy is a conversation worthy of a thread on another board, but it's true that 'pocket bread' markets better than 'pita bread' among these knuckle dragging idiots. Call middle eastern food Jesus food and they'd eat it up.

>> No.8849121

>Call middle eastern food Jesus food and they'd eat it up.
Hmm, a religious themed Levantine food restaurant that markets itself as selling the kind of food Jesus ate. That might actually work.

>> No.8849146

The problem with your reasoning is that there are "urbanized areas" full of toothless oxycodono-addicted hicks driving pickup trucks with confederate flag stickers who (assuming they understand the meaning of the word "urban") would get very angry if you called them "urbanites"

They're only "urban" in an arcane technical sense, not by any commonsense definition

>> No.8849159

Well, the other anon backed up his claim with real statistics. You're just throwing a tantrum because you're wrong.

>> No.8849165

How is that any different from the white trash, spics, and niggers in any other city?

>> No.8849179

I lived in Wichita, KS for 6 years. There was an astounding number of ragheads and a correspondingly large number of Middle East/Med style restaurants.

>> No.8849190

Witchata is the NYC of KS m8. Have you ever been to upstate NY?

>> No.8849195

I cant wait

>> No.8849201


>> No.8849235

Not a lot in Kansas. I know of one place in Wichita, I assume some in the Kansas part of Kansas City/its suburbs. Maybe in the big college towns. And maybe in the meatpacking towns out west.

>> No.8849245

And every Habib in Wichita who left his one goat village has more American spirit than every other rolling coal muh freedoms sack of shit in that cesspool embarrassment of a state. The irony.

>> No.8849251

I live in kck and there is a kebab shop run by immigrants within a 5 minute walk of my house

>> No.8849256

>facts are a tantrum
go to the ''''city'''' of youngstown and ask them how they like being sophisticated urbanites
the ones in an actual city consider themselves to be city people and don't speak in a fake southern drawl and pledge allegiance to steven seagal

>> No.8849271

There are people from all social classes in every city in America, retard. I don't care what the lower class retards like to call themselves or what broken dialect they speak, they're all dumb peasants to me.

>> No.8849275

>I don't care about facts, therefore facts aren't real
ok, to each his own

>> No.8849284

Fuck off

>> No.8849291

The facts here are that the poor yokels in New York City aren't eating any better than the poor yokels in Lincoln, Nebraska, and the wealthy professionals in either city are going to have plenty to choose from when it comes to food, ethnic or otherwise.

>> No.8849302

Why aren't you crowdfunding this? It would work in the right areas. Of course it would have to be in wretched shithole towns in garbage states like MS, AL, GA, TX, TN, NC and SC but you should make a buttload of cash.

>> No.8849305

the first part is true

the second is definitely not true

>> No.8849310

>my opinion is a fact

>> No.8849314

Does New York have more? Absolutely, but that's purely a result of population density. There are less people in these cities, so there doesn't need to be as many restaurants. You can still find a wide variety of cuisines and price-points in any city in the country.

>> No.8849318

>Absolutely, but that's purely a result of population density
lol, no

travel more, post less

>> No.8849321

Not flyover trash, i live in jersey, but we don't. all we have is shitty pizzerias

>> No.8849327

I've traveled plenty. Are you saying that a city with a higher population density isn't going to have more businesses in order to meet the needs of more people? Are you baiting, or just retarded?

>> No.8849336


Christ, has it degenerated that far? I grew up there but haven't been back for a long time. When I was there we had some good spic places and there were a couple delis that specialized in russian and polish foods. Never saw a sandnigger my entire life growing up there.

>> No.8849350

Yep, though if you're going to immigrate to a place like Kansas City, Kansas; chances are you're actually just trying to improve your life. The immigrants are actually pretty cool and mostly keep to themselves. It's the second generation spics and hood rats that are the biggest problem now

>> No.8849379
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>not trash

>> No.8849384

New Jersey is the most flyover state there is

>> No.8849391

apparently not plenty enough. rich people in omaha do not have access to the same tier dining as rich people in NYC. sorry, but you're completely delusional

>> No.8849400

Not as many meme places, but any real city has more good food than any single person can take advantage of

>> No.8849403

You are just plain wrong. You might have had a point if it were 20 years ago, but New York rents have gotten so high that many of the people from the rest of the country who moved out there to work in the culinary field have returned and opened the same types of restaurants you can find in New York. Get with the times.

>> No.8849434

>telling a fly to the truth

Guys I thought we agreed to let them live in their fictional bubble of superiority so they don't kill themselves. If we tell them the truth, they will realize how shitty their life actually is and leave and infect our cities and towns

>> No.8849442
File: 86 KB, 682x564, branson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have the fashionable new molten chocolate cake now! can branson be a destination too?

>> No.8849450

Nice strawman.

>> No.8849498

An illustration of the problem is not a strawman just because you find it inconvenient

Of course there are going to be a few random nice places run by good chefs scattered around flyover country, but "there's *a* nice restaurant in this state" isn't the same as having a nice restaurant every 2 blocks like in parts of Manhattan and Brooklyn. It's like saying Chicago is a fashion capital because (I assume) there's a Hermes on Michigan Avenue

>> No.8849501

Isn't Branson a tourist town for elderly people?

>> No.8849513

>giving a shit about fashion
>even knowing what the fuck "Hermes" is
You are just embarrassing Coasties now

>> No.8849517

Thanks for that.

>> No.8849518

I don't give a fuck about fashion, but everyone knows what Hermes is, hillbilly. Are you just pretending to be retarded? Because you're a natural at this

>> No.8849521

There are always plenty of nice restaurants in any city, and I already said there aren't going to be as many, because there aren't as many people. How are you not understanding this? You mentioned Omaha earlier, and there's at least a dozen high quality, upscale restaurants there.

>> No.8849522

Are you going to give me a raise, so I can afford the $17 plates?

>> No.8849529

>eating halal
Enjoy your food poisoning. Though you'd probably like that as its a sign of progressive diversity.

>> No.8849538

You mean like a dozen high end steakhouses, that one joint mindlessly apeing 2009-era farm-to-table, and a foams-and-bubbles joint from a guy who staged at WD50 briefly? Ok, neat. Booking my next gastrovacatoin there now.

>> No.8849540

Do you think most of the Midewst is like Montana? Most midwesterners live in fairly major cities, its rather densely populated. Its not a very rural culture, you are probably thinking of the great plains

>> No.8849548
File: 258 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-04-23-02-05-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to /pol/ with you, cuck

>> No.8849553

No one knows about your favorite "fashion" store. Normal people buy their clothes at Kohls or from Amazon. I have literally never heard of a store called "Hermes" until this thread

>> No.8849554

No, I think it's mostly like Indiana, because it is, aside from the fact that there are fewer blacks as you go north (except directly north of Indiana of course)

White Bear Lake is not a "major city"

>> No.8849558

Hermes is a fancy bag store from France. I don't shop there because I'm not a woman and I'm not really interested in spending $7000 on a handbag. But even Chinese farmers know what it is, how can you have never heard of it until now?

>> No.8849559

No, more like 3 steakhouses, half a dozen modern American restaurants, a few seafood joints, and some French places. Then there's the wide variety of ethnic food that is neither upscale nor expensive, but is high quality.

>> No.8849562
File: 454 KB, 992x793, US_population_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI. Note the dramatic divide between the great Lakes region, and the great plains. Most Midwesterners live in large cities or suburbs of those cities, most plains folk are rural

>> No.8849571

White Bear Lake is also in the same county/metropolitan area as Minneapolis-St. Paul, which is an extremely diverse food scene. Are you being dumb on purpose?

>> No.8849572

I literally could not name a single "Bag Store", no man should be able to name such a thing

>> No.8849573
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that why I know you're a fucking flyover.

You don't have to know about Hermes, but do you know about allen edmonds.

Fuck the handbag, they have legit good scarves though, $600 for a good one, makes you /fa/ as hell in the winter.

>> No.8849574

>I like this car!
>meh, it's ok
>no, it's red! can't you see it's red?
This is what you're doing. Someone having a different impression of the midwest than you doesn't mean they haven't been there

>> No.8849577

Because telling me to go back to /pol/ will ever change your getting food poisoning from unhygienic and barbaric food practices.

>> No.8849579

Even most plains folk like in urban areas.
see: >>8848920

>> No.8849587

White Bear Lake's people are Trump voters. Some yuppie who lives in Uptown or The Wedge is not a typical midwesterner at all.
>men should not know what women like
Yeah I get it, in flyover land you win over a woman by beating her up
I stopped buying Allen Edmonds when I looked at the electoral map of Wisconsin and saw they voted like 98% trump in the district where the factory is located. Not interested in wearing racist shoes, I've switched to European microbrands.

>> No.8849590

>but do you know about allen edmonds.
Yes, they are based in Flyover. Is me knowing that supposed to be bad or good?

If not knowing about obscure french fashion stores is bad to a coastie, I am proud to be a flyover

>> No.8849597

The people of White Bear Lake make up just over half of one percent of the total population of the MSP metropolitan area.

>> No.8849600

Population settlement patterns are a matter of fact, not opinion. This has nothing to do with impressions

>> No.8849603

>I stopped buying Allen Edmonds when I looked at the electoral map of Wisconsin and saw they voted like 98% trump in the district where the factory is located. Not interested in wearing racist shoes, I've switched to European microbrands.
Okay, so you're just baiting. I'll keep replying, because it's funny, but you made that one just a little bit too obvious.

>> No.8849607

And they also represent, demographically, what the "typical midwesterner" looks like and thinks about much better than a few U of MN undergrads sipping artisanal cocktails in a 3 mile radius in the only part of Minnesota that isn't Fargo-meets-Deliverance

>> No.8849613

Northern and Western suburban Milwaukee voted republican because they are highly affluent and educated. They didn't like Trump but they sure as fuck weren't going to vote democrat (note the 30 point Trump loss there in the primary, and how Trump did much worse there than Romney)

>> No.8849619

You really sell women short there, not even most women are going to care about some expensive french store they have never been to. When in your life have you ever even come across the fact that Hermes is a thing? Why should any of us even be aware of it?

>> No.8849624

So you just hate affluent suburbanites?

>> No.8849629
File: 206 KB, 306x306, 1488292686548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh halal guys!

>> No.8849647

>When in your life have you ever even come across the fact that Hermes is a thing?
It's one of the top luxury brands in the world, it is literally impossible to avoid hearing about them. Have you not heard of Rolex? Gucci? Chanel? Do you suppose one has to be some kind of fashion enthusiast to know those names too?

>> No.8849649

What facts? Urbanites aren't sophisticated. Most of the money in urban areas come from the surroundimg suburbs

>> No.8849655

All of those things have way the fuck higher profiles than Hermes

>> No.8849660

OP has to be fucking borderline retarded. I would assume he has some sort of staff caring for him even if it's just once or twice a week to make sure he took his pills, took the garbage out, etc.

>> No.8849674

Someone called him poor or something a while back and he made the same comment about "owning 3 pairs of Allen Edmonds and is now switching to European microbrands" minus the Trump shit.

I think this knob gobbler is for real

>> No.8849684

No, not really. In 2015 it ranked above each of them. You're just living in some weird alternate universe.

>> No.8849685

Except every statistic and map posted in this thread has ran contrary to what you're saying. All you offer is conjecture and insults - nothing of substance.

>> No.8849696

5, but I don't recall anyone calling me poor.

>> No.8849699

Thats a rank of sales numbers, not how well known the brands are. Each of those brands are way the fuck more well know, probably because they have been around for a long time

>> No.8849705
File: 53 KB, 1227x620, 2aa74617f889ec89da81bc3e28bdf560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google trends say otherwise. The only one that's has less activity is Rolex, but they're also a male focused brand, and women spend more money on brand name bullshit than men.

>> No.8849711

>I think this knob gobbler is for real

Not the anon you responded to, but if that's true it makes it all the more funnier

>> No.8849713

It kind of makes me mad that any fashion brand is successful, what an absurdly frivolous way to spend money

>> No.8849714

that* has

>> No.8849716

Hermes: 1837
Gucci: 1921
Chanel: 1910
How much longer are you going to deny that you're just living in a weird alternative reality?

>> No.8849719


>> No.8849721

>older means more well known
That's why Hydrox cookies are more popular than Oreos, right?

>> No.8849725

Even on your chart it outranks Rolex for most of that time period

>> No.8849729

Did you even read the fucking post, retard?

>> No.8849730

Awareness of a brand is a function of many things, longevity very important amongst them

>> No.8849731

>it must be because it's not as old
>oops it's almost 100 years older than any of them
>but hydrox!

>> No.8849735

Seriously though, what the fuck man knows what Hermes is? and who the fuck is giving them all that money?

>> No.8849745
File: 174 KB, 1920x1080, bc880aed8a1f06c19af21a0dd8b8fc46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the one who said that the other brands are older.

>> No.8849751
File: 24 KB, 324x324, custom_message_gold_star_with_gold_glitter_texture_star_sticker-r8c6018b4e6f64bd4b7386ba858eb00be_v9w09_8byvr_324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats on being not that guy!

>> No.8849756

Your reply hinges on the fact that the you thought there were only two participants in your little greentext dialogue. Do you not even understand your own posts?

>> No.8849758

The real question is, why does the midwest have so many mudshits?

>> No.8849761

They come here to work. Most of them are well educated.

>> No.8849764

I like middle eastern food but this looks gross as fuck, like when restaurants smother sushie in mayo and chili sauce.

>> No.8849770

You are way too invested in trying to "prove" that an extremely un-obscure brand is obscure. Would it make you happier if I said it's obscure? Fine, it's obscure. Not like my opinion matters, the facts speak for themselves.

>> No.8849774

They are all over. As soon as one dune coon or street shitter moves to a smallish city or town everyone starts doing things like voting for trump

>> No.8849775

My mudshit neighbor is an astrophysicist. He travels a lot

>> No.8849776

Most of us don't follow the fashion world

>> No.8849781

If that's true, why are their slums such shitholes?

>> No.8849794

Louis Vuitton's website's Alexa ranking is 5,597, Gucci's is 6,058, Chanel's is 12,116, and Hermes is 18,313. More people know about these other brands than Hermes, and that's a fact.

>> No.8849803

Because the smart ones left or are trying to leave.

>> No.8849806
File: 57 KB, 638x479, hermes-china-merchandising-strategy-9-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey like I said before. It's an obscure brand known only to fashion enthusiasts. It's not like DSquared or Cesare Attolini or some famous brand like that. Hermes is like way underground man, you've probably never heard of it :^)

>> No.8849817

I don't know what any of that is

>> No.8849830
File: 56 KB, 1181x608, e67b80c6f54ef2e93acbc6e6c4d8e18e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Chinese, jackass. Since we're in America, let's look at the Google trends for just America. When you narrow it down to just our country, even Rolex - a fashion company geared towards men - generates more interest than Hermes, which is geared towards the much more consumerist women. You're fucking wrong.

>> No.8849833

So them having a handful of stores in China means I should know them? There are surely tens of thousands of brands with at least as may stores as that there, very many of which I would be entitrely unaware of

>> No.8849837

Sorry, still never heard of Hermes until this thread

>> No.8849841

>White Bear Lake
No, I think you mean Edina, Wayzata, and Minnetonka. White Bear Lake is working class

>> No.8849848

I've never been to White Bear Lake, but judging by its lakefront property, and distance from downtown I was assuming it was fairly affluent

>> No.8849852

Do you also have to be a car autist to know about brands like BMW, Audi, Rolls-Royce, Bugatti, and Bentley?

Hermes is well-known, period. Just accept that you're an idiot hillbilly. You probably think Express is fancy high fashion

>> No.8849860

No, because all of their brands are either heavily advertised on television or mentioned extensively in pop culture and media.

>> No.8849864
File: 303 KB, 862x396, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll just continue to manipulate statistics until I find something that agrees with me
Maybe you can narrow those statistics to "people browsing /ck/ RIGHT NOW" and it will even more successfully confirm your biases

>> No.8849867

>Do you also have to be a car autist to know about brands like BMW, Audi, Rolls-Royce, Bugatti, and Bentley?
No because those are all famous brands that have been around for a long time, and quite often referenced in media, and most people at least see BMWs and Audis every single day unlike whatever the fuck Hermes is
>Hermes is well-known
I am sure in your fashinista circles it is, but most normie men aren't going to have any clue what it is

>> No.8849869

those* brands

>> No.8849871

Since nothing outside of America matters, I'd say that narrowing it down to America is perfectly justifiable.

>> No.8849872

Its a pretty damn telling stat, pretty definitive as far as this discussion goes, only thing better would be to filter out women

>> No.8849873

>No because those are all famous brands that have been around for a long time, and quite often referenced in media
You mean like Hermes?

>> No.8849876


None of us care how popular it is in China

>> No.8849877

Name 5 times Hermes has been referenced in well known media.

>> No.8849882

>You mean like Hermes?
Sorry, I don't watch Bravo. I've certainly never knowingly seen any references to it in the media.
Where are you seeing Hermes references in the media that you would expect us to have seen?

>> No.8849891

The point is Chinese ideas about luxury are essentially Beverly Hillbillies or Kanye West tastes, but with slanty eyes and yellow skin. This is not a sophisticated clientele. If a Chinese nouveau-riche in Kunming or some other fourth-tier city knows a western brand well enough for them to want to open a store there, it's pretty damm well known.

Face it, you're just living under a rock.

>> No.8849895

It's well known in China. Not in America. And again, nothing outside of America matters.

>> No.8849897

I mean, Wichita is the largest city in the whole damn state aside from the urban sprawl that is the KC/Overland Park/Olathe metroplex. Most of Kansas City isn't even in Kansas, so it doesn't really count I guess.

>> No.8849900

Every brand that is growing wants to open in China, its a huge market. that has nothing to do with the brand's profile amongst American men

>essentially Beverly Hillbillies or Kanye West tastes
This is literally what people who give a fuck about fashion are though. Kanye is basically the poster boy for the type of people who care about fashion

>> No.8849903

I don't own a TV, I gather that's a fashion program? I see it in print media and web advertisements on a regular basis.
It is well known in America. You're just unbelievably out of touch.

>> No.8849904

There's a fairly sizeable Air Force Base on the south side of the city, so I think you might be wrong.

>> No.8849911

I've already proven empirically that it isn't. And I don't know what kind of faggy magazines and websites you read, but I don't see those ads. I don't see ads on the internet at all, because I use ABP like someone who isn't an idiot.

>> No.8849916

>This is literally what people who give a fuck about fashion are though
What are you trying to say, then? Hillbillies and ghetto folk and Chinese tycoons from somewhere near the Burmese border are extremely well educated about obscure fashion brands?

No. They name drop these things because they're brands that literally everyone has heard of and associates with "fancy expensive shit". They wouldn't name drop them if they were obscure. They name drop them because they're guaranteed to have name recognition.

>> No.8849923

Sorry, not everyone has the inclination to install buggy pajeet roms with special adblocking software. I use my phone as a phone, anything requiring adblocking is done on a desktop with a proper keyboard and mouse.

>> No.8849925

People in America name drop Louis, Gucci, and Prada all the time. I've never heard anyone here name drop Hermes. Not on TV, not in a negro song, not in person. Never.

>> No.8849929


>> No.8849930

>rankings of popularity are somehow a barometer as to why I should be aware of it

When will this shit stop? If there is one thing certain, the currently marketed fashion trends are simply a method to extract goybucks from a gullible female and nu-male base that thinks the way they garb themselves hides the rot that underlies it.

Is it really so hard to block this shit from your pathetically small minds, coastal fags? When you open your latest quarterly fashion mag that tells you this season you need to empty your closet and fill it up with the latest garbage their Bangledesh employees made for a wopping $1.00/hour, you run to the shop to make sure Sue didn't wear it to Chad's pool party in the Hamptons before you, where you can discuss the plight of labor.

You fucking hypocrites, and that's why you lost, faggots.

>> No.8849938
File: 112 KB, 600x450, Hermes-workshop-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who have a smart phone are cancer
The picture is getting clearer. You're living completely off the grid and your primary knowledge of the world above that rock you live under comes from 4chan.
Bangladesh is a fast fashion supplier. Stuff from Hermes is hand made by white people. That's why they can get away with $8000 for a bag.

>> No.8849941

>doesn't own a TV but still reads printed media
haha what? And you think your extensive knowledge of the fashion industry is normal for a man?

>> No.8849943

I have a smartphone, I just don't use it to post on 4chan, because that's fucking retarded.

>> No.8849946

Please screenshot an ad for it. I have literally never seen one for it. What type of sites do you frequent?

>> No.8849949

>extensive knowledge
>one of the most famous brands in the world
I'm posting from a desktop. The ads on this site take up the entire screen on my phone, I think they do it on purpose because mobile posters are pretty much impossible to range ban.

>> No.8849951

Kanye West - The glory

> spent that gas money on clothes with logos
The fur is Hermes, shit that you don't floss
The Goyard so hard man, I'm Hugo's boss

>> No.8849955

I'm sure the brand is not obscure amongst people who care about fashion, but its pretty fucking obscure amongst white American men as are most fashion things besides brands you can get at Kohls and things frequently mentioned in movies

>> No.8849959

Well, I've never seen a Hermes ad on my phone, because I only use the web browser to read the news or look at any links I've been sent.

>> No.8849963

This thread is going to be gone before I see another one. I don't spend that much time surfing the internet on my phone.
For the record, this person is not me. I'm not much of a fan of Kanye.

>> No.8849968

>That's why they can get away with $8000 for a bag.
but primarily because people who care about fashion are dumb

>> No.8849973

You must be into some pretty feminine shit if you are getting targeted ads for whatever Hermes is

>> No.8849974

They may be dumb, but they know stuff by adult white people is more luxurious than stuff made by brown children in a third world country. Besides, you don't get to complain that something is made by brown third worlders and then complain again when it turns out it's made by white first worlders. One or the other.

>> No.8849975

If you have ever spent more than $100 on a single item of clothing, you are a bad person

>> No.8849976

It's probably because I browse watch sites and have the Chrono24 app on my phone. Hermes sells expensive watches and watch bands, some of which are bought by men.

>> No.8849978

Said the guy who just got done grousing about how manufacturing jobs are all overseas now.

>> No.8849981

It's nothing without Yakov.

>> No.8849983

I did?

>> No.8849985

Authentic Mexican and Chinese are better than the Americanized version.

Our food safety is the only good thing in comparison

>> No.8849986

> When you open your latest quarterly fashion mag that tells you this season you need to empty your closet and fill it up with the latest garbage their Bangledesh employees made for a wopping $1.00/hour, you run to the shop to make sure Sue didn't wear it to Chad's pool party in the Hamptons before you, where you can discuss the plight of labor.
Short term memory problems?

>> No.8849998

thats fucking dumb

>> No.8850001

You are quoting 2 different people

>> No.8850007

>made by white slave labor in open shop, non-collective bargaining workplaces is the panacea of largess we permit
>still subscribing to the feminine idea of trying to compete with Mary by covering yourself in cloth that Chad might decide makes you more valuable to fuck.
>let's convince Chad he has to wear makeup and follow the quarterly fashion magazines or we'll reject him

God, american women are beautiful!

>> No.8850234

Not true, there are a shitton of Puerto Ricans still

>> No.8850239

Name 5 times Rolls-Royce has been mentioned in well-known media. Oh wait, the majority of people still know what it is.

>quality is a Jewish meme

>> No.8850267

“I ain’t gon’ tell you again, let’s get ghost in the Phantom/You can bring your friend, we can make this a tandem” – Jay-Z, Change Clothes

“And if a Stutz break down, I make another choice/I will dull my grill in a new rolls royce” – Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, Superrappin’

“Ahh it’s that drop top Phantom chop all gold Rolly tock/F**k your fans, f**k a cop, all my b*tches Betty bops” – Tyga, Heisman

“They rapping bout mansions, but from they momma’s basement/Swear they in Phantoms, but drive a Honda station” – Fabolous, Phone Numbers

“We jeweled out and we racked up, Phantom beep when it back up” – Meek Mill, Wale’s Fitted Cap

“Now hold up, I went and bought a Phantom cause I wanted to/And now I drive the same one some stunnas do” – Meek Mill, Flexing

>> No.8850271

What is that? Sorry we're not all phd candidates in obscure Women's clothing brands

>> No.8850278

Here's every time a Rolls-Royce was in a movie or TV show. There are 140 pages. with 30 on each page. http://www.imcdb.org/vehicles.php?make=Rolls-Royce&model=

>> No.8850300

Rolls Royce is mentioned all the fucking time in media, unlike some womens minor fashion chain store.

>> No.8850301

Also, I've seen and ridden in Rolls-Royces. I've never seen a Hermes bag or been to one of their stores.

>> No.8850317

Yeah they only have them in the most famous gigantic world-class cities, like Shenyang and Cleveland

>> No.8850388

They have one in Chicago, which I have been to countless times. I've probably walked past it and never paid it any mind, because I don't care.

>> No.8850397

I don't think many of us have been to either of those cities
Plus why would we know about some lady store that there might be one of in our city? There are literally thousands of stores in all of our cities

>> No.8850402

You're not fooling anyone

>> No.8850467

what do you fly over it to? the atlantic ocean?

>> No.8850542

You have. They're just not plastered with the word Hermes all over them so idiots like you can recognize it.

>> No.8850625


>> No.8850669

Florida, where all the elderly northeastern jews winter

>> No.8851009

I don't care about bags, and I wouldn't be able to tell any one brand from another, or whether or not it's a knockoff. Do you know why? I'm neither a woman nor a homosexual.

>> No.8851844

I have have a smartphone and post exclusively from mobile.

>> No.8851867

That explains your taciturn and unsightly posts. Same with tablet posters btw.

>> No.8851871

>destroying the west coast
I'm okay with this

>> No.8851887

No, no you misunderstand. Even though the yellow zone will experience the least amount of destruction we will still experience amounts of ash fall that would pretty much make it a 'shit hits the fan' scenario.

>dat Pyrrhic victory though

>> No.8852293

Middle Eastern food is very underrated, fucking hate when my friends prefer to eat out at a mexican grill down here in Texas.

>> No.8852463

Flyovers would gladly shoot their own dick off if it slightly inconvenienced the mean librul coastiecucks

>> No.8852480

We have tons of Gyro shops which is sort of close, I guess. There are like three sit down restaurants that serve true middle eastern food about fifty miles from me. It's really not worth the trip unless I'm already there to do something else.

>> No.8852487


NYC also smells completely fucking awful to anyone who's sense of smell hasn't been raped by it already.

>> No.8852875


Ever been to Washington Heights? Harlem is still nasty as is Spanish Harlem. Not all of Manhattan is safe. Hell even the Bowery and St Marks are sketchy as fuck at night

>> No.8852893


>> No.8852913

Flyover here. My 15 minute trip to work includes driving through Vietnam, Korea, and Mexico. At the end is the Middle East. Bunch of hooka bars, Lebanese and other shit. Never been and it doesn't look like anyone else goes either. Kind of wondering how they stay in business.

>> No.8852960

AKA: "I have a job"

>> No.8853025

t.Scared whiteboi

most dangerous areas in the five boroughs are in the Bronx and Brooklyn

most of the really bad shit moved to westchester and the hudson valley years ago

there are towns in the hudson valley where the murder rate rivals guatemala

but don't let that stop you from feeling like a badass because you saw some old men playing dominos on W 157th that one time

>> No.8853043

Flyover country is actually a desolate wasteland roamed by giant irradiated man-eating hamsters.

>> No.8853147

cazadores and deathclaws m8

>> No.8854418

Are you from MI? There's a god tier Kurdish place in SW MI, I haven't been able to find anywhere on the East coast with such savory lamb and goat stews. Plus we have the benefit of fresh, locally raised livestock and veg so it's affordable and good

>> No.8854499

I'm not a big fan of cheese.

>> No.8854607

Cleveland, Ohio has tons of Lebanese, Egyptians, Syrians, Jordanians, Palestinians, Moroccans, Iraqis and Yemenis. You can barely walk two blocks without passing a Middle Eastern restaurant or grocery store. A lot of them tend to have higher-than-average incomes so restaurants are popping up all over the white suburbs where they go to live. The food is tasty, agreeable, generally healthy, and has plenty of vegetarian and vegan friendly options, so there's a huge demand.

>> No.8855146

pussy. The only unsafe parts of Manhattan are certain parts of East Harlem and Central Harlem, and even then they're really not that bad.

>> No.8855150

yeah this. Even the hood parts of The Bronx, I've been to at night and didn't feel like I was in danger, and I'm white.

>> No.8856508

south bronx has cleaned up its act, real estate values are rising fast

the bad parts of the bronx don't actually look "bad" in a photogenic stereotypical ghetto way, you have to look at the police stats instead of abandoned buildings and burned cars like in the old days

>> No.8856585

Yeah it's crazy how expensive housing costs are getting, the price floor for 1BRs in The Bronx is like 1250 now. Which you would need a good job to afford if you don't want roommates.

>> No.8856593

You mentioned my state (Iowa) by name so I guess I'll weigh in on both your actual question and the state of ethnic foods here in general.

First of all going to have a hard time being Halal in the state where pork is cheaper than water.

Lots of Vietnamese in any population center.

If you live in a college town like I do that draws international students it will draw their foods with them. Even the Chinese buffet here has ethnic foods that the local population has no interest in. The Walmart here sells chicken feet. There's an Indian food stand at the farmer's market but I'm led to believe by Indians that, while it might be adequate-good, there's not a lot of variety there. There are so many Asian grocery stores that sometimes carry middle-eastern groceries as well. The Asian restaurants are actually divided by country and in some cases by region of China.

Then you have the outright weird situations where you can't even fathom how they're still in business but it seems to work so you're not asking questions. I found a Lebanese place out in bumblefuck nowhere once, town of maybe 2000 people, that was odd but tasty.

But seriously OP, why can't you just temper your expectations? Flyover states are almost entirely white, why would you expect them to be brimming with ethnic food? It's really equivalent to going to rural India and bitching that there's no McDonald's. And we all know how you feel about THOSE kind of people.

>> No.8857812

We've got Middle Eastern restaurants all over the place in our decently sized cities. Same with Indian restaurants.

Mother India in Omaha, Nebraska is amazing by the way.

>> No.8857821

I never understood people calling Las Vegas a fly over.

>> No.8859353

What is the official list of non-flyover cities?

So far I have:

San Francisco
New Orleans

>> No.8859395

Ever hear of Dearborn?
Any city/suburb with high immigrant population is going to have immigrant food, regardless if it's in Wiscansen or Commiefornia

>> No.8859402

I live in southern Minnesota

There are fucking way too many Somali and Sudanese people here, so it is not too hard to find african cuisine.

however, outsiders are generally not welcome in halal markets and restaurants

>> No.8859410

i know it's not middle eastern, but it's still strictly muslim cuisine

>> No.8859486

>shithole southern towns having anywhere to eat besides applebees and golden corral

>> No.8859494

Are you blind? They're fucking everywhere. There's even an official Halal Guys restaurant in East Brunswick.

>> No.8859621

you can keep your cat meat

>> No.8860836

>sandnigger food
End yourself.

>> No.8860951


Also add D.C+Arlington, Due to certain laws you aren't allowed to build buildings higher than the national monument. Arlington has all the skyscrapers (Really tall building, 100x bigger than the corn silo for you flyovers out there).