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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 426x282, Cheese_Quesadillas-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8840311 No.8840311 [Reply] [Original]

Best way to make a quesadilla? For me it's...

>dump cheese
>spoon salsa
>microwave for 25 seconds

Better than any other way I've tried, despite some people being afraid of this food

>> No.8840317

Chicken broth on low heat for an hour

>> No.8840318

corn quesadilla > flour quesadilla

fight me pleb

>> No.8840329

pan fry is always better, fit me RD

>> No.8840345

To me, frying it in a pan makes it flavorless but simultaneously bitter

>> No.8840358

then your tastebuds are broken from eating too much pus

you are suppose to lightly brown it, not burn it.

>> No.8840371

>of just a quesadilla
who the fuck is backwards enough that they're actually afraid of something as common as a quesadilla? what year are you from OP, the 50s?

>> No.8840604
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I would never fight you. That's the only way to eat them.

>> No.8840654

Some royal types are afraid of them

>> No.8840692

beans/cheese 1:1 with garlic, cilantro. pan fry or le grille. I don't care what tortilla (corn/wheat/mixed), as long as its fresh

honest to khorne, man has yet to discover a better way to fuck a meal up/make it totally bland than the microwave.

>> No.8840768

just put the quesadilla on a pan without oil or butter, flip it before it gets burnt. Makes it crispy not all soggy like in the microwave.

>> No.8840817

I got the true quesadilla recipe
>Make corn tortilla
>Fry some meat
>Put in tortilla
>Fry the tortilla

>> No.8840822

For ingredients I usually use a bun, some, mayo, shredded lettuce, a chicken patty and another bun

>> No.8840826

Cheese is a prefference. Tortilla is a prefference. What you add to it is a prefference. To cook it, use butter to fry it, there you go best way to cook it.

>> No.8840835

I lul'd

>> No.8841299

Quesadillas don't have cheese, fuck you Americans and your fake quesadillas

>> No.8841417

>Quesadillas don't have cheese
>cheese is literally in the name

Please drink bleach.

>> No.8841438

Wtf quesadilla doesn't even have a c in it u retard cheese starts with c

>> No.8841449

Quesadilla comes from the nahuatl quezadintzin, which means folded tortilla

>> No.8841454

Isn't this thread some kind of /mlp/ shitpost? I don't understand the reference but I've reported it.

>> No.8841459

Best way to make a quesadilla? For me it's...

>dump cheese into blender
>salsa, tortilla too
>drink shake
>put my stomach in front of open microwave (some modification required) and let the waves go through my body for 25 seconds cooking it inside my stomach.

It all gets blended anyways once you eat it. May as well be more efficient, don't be afraid to try it.

>> No.8841464
File: 17 KB, 634x405, 4c0435366d9910ca50674eefb1f8fa41[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're trolling but please kill yourself anyway

>> No.8841474

>hand made rolled flour tortilla
>cook both sides until done
>put shredded oaxaca cheese in
>fold and return to low heat until cheese melts

>> No.8841476

>Believing the mainstream media

>> No.8841495

>buy tortilla flour mix at walmart
>follow directions
>add a lil lard
>also get quesadilla cheese in mexican cheese section at walmart

make raw tortillas, cook one side of one and set aside. Cook one side of the other until done. Flip. Add cheese and hot sauce of choice. place first tortilla on top (cooked side down.) Once the ..being..cooked side is done flip it. Make sure there is some fresh butter under there. Once its done (not burned and not raw you fucking retard) plate and serve

>> No.8841934

>shredded oaxaca cheese
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8842104

>pan, hot
>olive oil, in
>tortilla, in
>cheddar/jack mix, in
>cumin, in
>smoked paprika, in
>now, just gently, fold it
>until you have this nice, half-circle shape
>you hear that?
>just, you can hear the crispness
>now turn it
>see that beautiful color?
>it's gorgeous
>now, off the heat
>get a nice sour cream dip to serve
>and that, is how you make a beautiful ethnic brunch

>> No.8842175

ITT: Only putting cheese in tortilla and calling it a quesadilla.

Source- kwayso dillers are my medicine!

>> No.8842736

Use butter to fry.
Use giant flower tortillia
Use only fresh grated jack cheese.

Add chicken and green Chile's mix with sour cream if want something more.

>> No.8842742

Almost forgot. One tortilla folded in half taste better than two tortillas stacked on each other.I don't know why it just does.

>> No.8842744

Can you make a grilled cheese sandwich? Congratulations, it's an almost identical process.

>> No.8842747

American cheese are great in these. And microwaveing them instead of frying when using american cheese and only American cheese is great idk why Just is.

>> No.8842754

Another thing American cheese is best in. Cheddar, jack, muenster just doesn't do it.

>> No.8842963

You put the salsa after you cook the quesadilla you dumb fuck, I'm half Mexican so I now this shit. Also if you use flour tortillas you put them like a sandwich, so one on top and one Bellow and it's better to make quesadillas in a pan. If you can use a cast iron.

>> No.8842972

It's not a quesadilla if it has anything other than cheese the "ques" part of quesadilla stands for "queso" which is cheese in Spanish once you add anything else it becomes a "gringa" which is how Mexican people calls American women

>> No.8842978
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1490956544987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're right


>> No.8842985

I meant to type normies not normie

>> No.8843025

They're just so...cheesy.

>> No.8843039

They drop and burn the shit our of the roof of your mough.
You know how hard it is to get out of your mouth with magic when you are fucking dying?

>> No.8843045

Also easier to flip.

>> No.8843056

>heat oil in pan
>lots of different cheeses spread out, over one tortilla, add whatever other shit u want in it
>tortillan on top
>fry until crispy then flip
>cut into pizza slices

I am shit at cooking and my oven was broke at the time or else i probably would have opted for an oven method, this works out well, is easy and tastes good.

>> No.8843482
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x675, 20160822_151757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shredded cheddar and white cheddar cheese
>Grilled/sliced chicken thighs
>Fried bacon strips
>Caramelized onions and bell peppers
>Crumbled Queso Fresco
>Handful of fresh chopped cilantro
>Splash of Cholula
>Another handful of shreddedcheddar cheeses
>Fold and grill both sides
Wah Lah

>> No.8843546

I recognize this as ponyspeak. They are degenerate people anon. You would be wise not to associate with their kind.

>> No.8843589

And how do YOU recognize it Mr. Anon?

>> No.8843620

This quesophobia thread appears here a couple times a week.

>> No.8843637

Well, at least we aren't /qa/

>> No.8843681

People actually microwave quesadillas and consider it a quesadilla?

Fucking lmfao

>> No.8843918

If you're not putting rice in your quesadillas you're a pleb

>> No.8844371

>You put the salsa after you cook the quesadilla you dumb fuck

Why? I don't get that

>> No.8844582

>Why? I don't get that
The salsa is better fresh if you cook it it looses it's freshness and tastes different also if it's a spicy salsa capseisin boils quite low so you lose the spiciness

>> No.8844590

You're looking for the open quesadilla pic.

>> No.8844593
File: 367 KB, 757x564, 1407362982144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>microwave for 25 seconds

>> No.8844595

Ok, so I have some leftover chicken I think I may as well use it in a quesadilla, or chicken tacos (same shit different shape) if I only have small tortillas left

What's the best way to reheat the chicken? Usually with leftover chicken I just make chicken salad and eat cold

>> No.8844613

are you "spewcial"? cut the chicken in thin stripes, put it in the quesadilla and pan-fry it.

>> No.8844644

Technically, it's a quesadilla as long as there's a tortilla and cheese. Realistically, if you don't fry your quesadillas in a pan, you're just lazy.

>> No.8844649

Alright, but what if I mad tacos?

>> No.8844684
File: 61 KB, 456x285, hermit lab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you said it yourself:
>same shit different shape

>> No.8844722
File: 211 KB, 331x352, 1432760984353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hory crap! I did say that

>> No.8844738
File: 333 KB, 596x675, bicorniclops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... and its not even a different shape, its the same only smaller.

>> No.8844876

So wait what heat should I fry it on?

>> No.8844928
File: 43 KB, 150x150, mrhashimoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a quesadiller

>> No.8845065

Wtf is this, looks like instant heartburn

>> No.8845100

I work at a department store. You should consider buying an electric quesdailla maker. They're only like $20 on sale. You can find them on display next to the electric panini maker and electric egg maker along with other devices for people who live in airports and have no spatulas.

>> No.8845104

hmm, am I being trolled here? I'm suspicious of every ever so slightly dump question.
>medium-high, lid closed at first, drop of water to keep it from getting dry af.

>> No.8845110

I've never even had a quesadilla should I?

>> No.8845155
File: 23 KB, 391x209, crunchtaco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daaaaaang bruh, this chicken took so damn long to get hot....the tortillas were burned before the chicken pieces were even just getting warm

Sometimes I just don't get this shit,. Oh well at least its a warm meal

>> No.8845158

depends, do you want an easy-to-make, tasty snack?

>> No.8845163

You put hot meat in a quesadilla gringo

>> No.8845167

what part of <thin stripes> didn't you get?

>> No.8845176

Salsa first to avoid getting cheese stuck in my salsa
then chicken/beef
then fucktons of cheese
then another tortilla because fuck foldovers I'm a big boy and when the fuck else will I use tortillas anyway?
microwave or broil

all those electric things are marketed directly towards college students whose dorms inexplicably seem never to have kitchens in them - it's frustrating as hell and a huge contributor to obesity as students go out for more and more fast food through their college career.

>> No.8845187
File: 11 KB, 254x110, hunks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it into small bits like thusly

>> No.8845193

Super lazy mode?

Shred cheese onto a tortilla, add fresh mushrooms and onions, fold, throw it in the toaster oven until you can smell it from the living room.

>> No.8846049

mushrooms on a diller? nuts

>> No.8846083

>Put meat
I'm so fucking confused are you trying to call him out yet you fucking say that anything besides cheese should be put in a quesadilla, I lived in Mexico City for most of my life and they did sell "Quesadillas" with chicken and beef stripes but even they said they were not quesadillas, they were closer to tacos.

And I say: Que pedo wey, estas pendejo o que wey?

>> No.8846092

Not stripes, shreds. That's how they do it in Mexico they take the stringy nature of chicken and beef and they separate the meat into single or multiple strands

>> No.8846116
File: 68 KB, 200x200, IMG_1231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use pic related as your primary cheese. Put a spoonful of queso dip in there too. Fold one large tortilla, stacking two just doesn't look as nice. Pan fry with butter till both sides are golden brown. Cut into triangular slices. Serve with cold salsa, guacamole, or both.

>> No.8846145
File: 127 KB, 720x960, IMG-20170417-WA0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No mames
Mas bien vete a chingar a tu madre con estos malditos payasadas
Sabes bein o mas bien no sabe ni madre pendejo
De cualquer manera vales verga pinche mendigo defectocio

>> No.8846289

You do realize there are different states in Mexico, right? Just like there are different tamale styles by region, there could very well be different ways to make quesadillas

>> No.8847351

I have traveled around the country and although there are changes there's somewhat of a standard recipe, we are talking about 500-900 year old recipes

>> No.8847823

How do you make tortillias for the quesadillia?
Is it just mixing flour and water and panfry it?

>> No.8848734

I've heard they also have a little salt and lime juice in them.

>> No.8848770


tu manos son gorditos

>> No.8848843

White flour, water, lard, salt and a bit of baking powder. If you live in a hovel in north mexico you can leave out the baking powder, but the other 4 are required.

>> No.8849556

Taco not perfect!

>> No.8849578

nice replay, 10/10 guy

>> No.8850189
File: 75 KB, 694x787, IMG_0875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Pic related.

>> No.8850208

I use small corn tortillas, otherwise I'd fold it
>lightly butter corn tortilla, maybe 1/2 to 1 tsp at most, just scrape it across
>place in heated frying pan butter side down
>add shredded cheese
>add other fillings as desired - jalapenos, meat, whatever
>lightly butter another corn tortilla
>place it on top butter side up
>when butter on top tortilla is mostly melted, it's time to flip it
>cook both sides til golden brown

>> No.8851078


I know chilangos are retarded but that meme went too far