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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 358 KB, 3648x2736, no1inside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8839198 No.8839198 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here ever eaten inside of a Chinese restaurant? It seems kind of pointless that there are tables and chairs inside since I never see anyone eat inside of them.

>> No.8839230
File: 15 KB, 160x236, 160px-Antisemitic_caricature_1873-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to one on Xmas sometime. It's standing room only for you know who.

>> No.8839237

I saw a family having a fight in there once.

Good place for a new mom and dad to realize how unprepared for having a child they really are.

>> No.8839249

Has anyone here ever eaten outside of a Chinese restaurant? Please help, I have been trapped in here all my life.

>> No.8840204

You realize there are other types of chinese restaurants right?

>> No.8840217

Fuck off plebbit.

>> No.8840218

Single, lonely dudes like yourself?

>> No.8840220

I've tried a couple of times, but they always give me the food in a to-go bag and I feel too embarrassed to open it there

>> No.8840225

All the restaurants I get take out from are always packed with Chinese families.

>> No.8840249

many times in our store but still pretty rare

We reward people who eats in our place by filling up a large dish worth of food regardless of wether they ordered a large or small and we put more meat, more veggies in dishes to try and get them come back and eat inside again

free tea during meals and free orange slices after

sodas still cost though unless you're law enforcement, firefighter or other emergency personale

>> No.8840279
File: 211 KB, 327x316, 1449307969102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nu-males got so scurred of memeing on 4chan that they're too afraid to sit down at a restaurant alone

this is the saddest shit I've ever seen lmafo how do you let yourselves get cucked so thoroughly by a nigerian millionaire consortium

>> No.8840290

I would feel the same.

>> No.8840293

At least that's a good sign for the food quality.

>> No.8840294

That's nice of you!

>> No.8840296

Dude are you having a stroke? You sound like a sentient twitter account.

>> No.8840300

One time my friend and I ate in one that looked exactly like the one in your pic
It was raining pretty hard so we just ate in there instead of going back out into the rain to drive back home
The people working there were just chilling out in the back watching TV waiting for more customers and not bothering us

>> No.8840309
File: 52 KB, 545x480, 20101023-BabbySitting_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice meme nu-male

>> No.8840405

I think he's probably aware and just phrased it wrong, but I've encountered more deeply stupid people on /ck/ before

>> No.8840409
File: 42 KB, 491x491, 1420142904886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8840432
File: 83 KB, 761x629, 14709852005472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to chinamen restaurant
>can't pronounce most of the menu items
>order orange chicken for the thousandth time

>> No.8840735

I like honey shrimp with cream of sum yung gai
Try it next time

>> No.8840757


I'm sitting here thinking that looks exactly like the Chinese place I got to in Spring Hill, TN. But then I realize they probably all look the same anyway.

>> No.8840770

If I've got time sure usually get some nice tea

>> No.8840787

Is this in Wilmington DE?

>> No.8840805

Love me that free tea

>> No.8840843

I've been and eaten at 3 places that look similar to this. Why do they have the same layout?

>> No.8840921

We have an authentic chinese place here that's always full of asians. I never see white people eating inside.
I kinda want to go in and try it but the menu is all in chinese.

>> No.8840931


Jews, you idiot.


>> No.8840941

I've eaten in them on my lunch break. This older Asian lady was eating across from me. She spilled her water all over her table so I offered to let her sit with me. Gave me a handjob in the restaurant and I ended up dating her

>> No.8840950

>not just ordering with the number on the menu

>> No.8841105

Nah, I think it's just lonely racists who need someone to blame for why they're spending Friday night on a 4chan cooking board.

>> No.8841123
File: 66 KB, 600x611, 1469416757329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's friday night everywhere right now
>he doesn't know enough Jews to be aware of the "Jews watch a movie and eat Chinese food on Christmas" meme

>> No.8841163

I do all the time. It's nice because the wait staff at those places usually minds their own business unless you signal for them so you can meet with your associates and talk about whatever without the waitress calling the police.

>> No.8841190

Did I make you mad crybaby? You sure are sensitive for a big tough racist shitfuck.

>> No.8841192
File: 335 KB, 760x995, Vilhelm_Pedersen,_Kejserens_nye_klæder,_ubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh neato! I'm on an anonymous silkworm breeding forum and can accuse him of being a weekend shut in while timestamps indicate I'm a fucking shut in.

Do you real, much?

>> No.8841204

>getting this butthurt this quickly
Long week bud?

>> No.8841207

So the answer to my question is yes. Just making sure. You should probably get off the internet before mommy comes home.

>> No.8841212

jews literally fucking eat chinese on christmas, you dipshit


>> No.8841214

>>defending racists
Keep it class retard.

>> No.8841223

Its literally not racism if its actually true Jews watch movies and go to Chinese restaurants while everything else closed on christmas

>> No.8841236

you seem to think the offense comes from being called racist and not dealing with an absolute dipshit

>> No.8841250

last time I picked up an order there was a table of 4 high school girls, and a table with a very old man eating with his neckbeard grandson.

i could see doing it like a quick meal with a friend or colleague, but not me. prefer to eat in the comfort of my own home

>> No.8841253

No one is making you respond yet here you are.

>> No.8841255
File: 437 KB, 1508x1493, 1490938931821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8841260

Oh cute you're the kind of racist that knows it's not cool and makes it about other people not understanding your 'joke'. Your life must be so fulfilling.

>> No.8841284
File: 10 KB, 275x183, IMG_1967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8841287


Holy fuck, are these posts the result of vegan detritus? How did this infest /ck/?

Someone posts a well known truth about our friendly neighborhood shekel hoarders, and people start fucking screaming that the sky is falling.

>> No.8841295

Literally just reddit being reddit. They get mad at le racism or jew jokes but forget they can't just downvote and hide the "nasty mean old comments!"

>> No.8841301

I think it's someone pretending to be retarded baiting for easy replies, possibly a few drinks in

>> No.8841318

>It seems kind of pointless that there are tables and chairs inside since I never see anyone eat inside of them.

So people are TERMITES now?

>> No.8841323

I don;t get how you could even think it is racist to eat chinese food and watch movies, it's neither negative nor positive. There isn't anything funny about it that people would bother making jokes about, just a random fact, like Jews eat kosher foods. What's your malfunction?

>> No.8841589

>wouldn't make jokes about it

Umm, I beg to differ. I made a silly joke about it in the first post with the antisemite pic. It's the kind of joke that gets a smirk from even your normal reformed jew. But apparently there was an orthodox autist from reddit that felt like it was worse than Hitler.

>> No.8841593

Chinese restaurant - yes
Western Chinese buffet - yes
Western Chinese restaurant - no

>> No.8841908
File: 92 KB, 1000x750, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to one for lunch almost every other workday since it's a two minute drive between work and back, and let's just say eating in that restaurant has a less depressing atmosphere than the break room. Also it's got good value, $7 lunch plates that are enough to feed two people, and the food doesn't suck dick like most of the other places around here.

>> No.8841915

I got sick from a Chinese restaurant once. Fucking chinks need to learn health code violations.

>> No.8841925

Reddit is what brought the edgy racism here.

>> No.8841962

I think that kind of atmosphere is nice. Do people think it's considered bad service if you're not constantly bombarded by staff like in "upscaled" places?

>> No.8841965

How old is she?

>> No.8842075
File: 154 KB, 875x886, we ai now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sentient twitter account

>> No.8842080

In Tennessee that is
t. Athens, TN

>> No.8842086

Probably around 4x older than you.

>> No.8842201

She was 80 years old?

>> No.8842290
File: 30 KB, 1058x892, 9N0N1ys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8842534


I imagine it would be awkward. Seeing as how the gook chink cashier would just be standing there and watching you eat.

>> No.8842550

toronto fag here.

i noticed that chinese restaurants are either take out only or you have to wait 15 minutes in line to get a table cause they are busy as fuck.

chinese restaurant near my house was like that. they had seating for 60 people and a bar and shit but almost everyone did take out. it was kind of cozy eating there cause they played nice music and it wasnt a bad ambiance.

>> No.8842557

There's a difference between a restaurant and a takeaway.

>> No.8842567

>has anyone ever eaten inside of a Chinese restaurant?

Am I dreaming? Or am I really confronted with the platonically ideal
Flyover question? That is the most flyover thing I have ever fucking seen.

Yes anon people do sit down and eat in Chinese restaurants. You should visit a city with a large Chinese
Population and go get dim sum some time.