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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8838310 No.8838310 [Reply] [Original]

>Americans spend 10% of their disposable income on fast food every year.

What did they mean by this?

>> No.8838313

I spend 180% of my income on fast food

Gotta love them credit cards bro. Free money.

>> No.8838333

It means that your average Tyrone would rather eat fried chicken than send his five kids to college

>> No.8838388

They're not getting a job anyway because jobs are racist. BLM!

>> No.8838389

how are hot dogs fast food you fucker?

>> No.8838419

[citation needed]

>> No.8838424

Which of your criteria for fast food do hot dogs not satisfy?

>> No.8838429

We gotta go fast.

>> No.8838434


>> No.8838437
File: 50 KB, 468x468, OPs fragrance of choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8838567

Das rite man, dem racis aint givin no job to lil jamal!

>> No.8838766

Considering that fast food in the US is generally on par with home-made food, cost-wise, I'd seriously dispute the claim it's "disposable income" here. It's just food spending.

>> No.8839444

amerifats love shitty food

>> No.8839463

I believe it desu. I eat out one meal a day at least

>> No.8839472


>> No.8839478


Frankfurters with kraut are Germanistan cuisine. Don't project that filth on me.

>> No.8839587
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Life is shit in the quasi-first world dystopia that is Ameripoor and stuffing their faces helps Americans forget that. Good food, hell, filling foods are the little bit of luxury they can afford.

>> No.8839705

money spent on not starving to death is now considered disposable income?

>> No.8839713
File: 14 KB, 236x321, 'Merican Niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Americans spend 10% of their disposable income on fast food every year.

10%?!?!?! More like 30% in the 'Merican south.

>> No.8839859

I probably spend like 40% of my income on fast food
10% on rent
10% on gas

And 40%
>on drugs

>> No.8839877

I spend 80% of my disposable income on firearms.

>> No.8839881

I spend my disposable income on basically only drugs food and alcohol, so really it's not that strange. Disposable income means after bills/rent, plenty of people don't actually have that much. 10% of my monthy disposable amounts to like $40. That's p easy to spend over a month considering a fast food meal is like $7-12 now.

>> No.8840291

It means people are poor and stupid as fuck and have next to no expendable income.

>> No.8840315







>> No.8840363

crazy considering how fucking cheap fast food is in the US

>> No.8840380

they're not food

>> No.8840401

opiate of the masses 21st century edition

>> No.8840415

i spent way too much money on food.

like $400 a month.

i live with mom and don't pay rent.

>> No.8840923

I probably spend more than that.

I think last time I checked my Mint bill I paid about 50/50 for groceries and fast food


>> No.8840960

Dude you gotta work on that