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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8838142 No.8838142 [Reply] [Original]

>"and will you have any sugars in your coffee sir?"
>"yeah just go ahead and put a stick of butter in it"
>"a stick of what sir?"
>"you heard me you goddamn europoor. i'm an AMERICAN and as an AMERICAN i have a stick of butter in my coffee"

>> No.8838143


>> No.8838152

>Hourly riminder that gaymericans are obese and retarted

you really need too finish you're sententses properly

>> No.8838153



>> No.8838155

not an argument

>> No.8838157

again your have my pity for you're broken keyboard

>> No.8838163

I'm crying.

>> No.8838181

Butter doesn't come in sticks in Europe, that's why he was confused.

>> No.8838188

So Americans really do this?

>> No.8838221

>again your have my pity for you're broken keyboard
better than having a working keyboard and not being able to type properly

>> No.8838243

>falling for the keto meme

>> No.8838252

As a magyar, I feel that this shitposting with americans being fat and gay is getting out of control.

>> No.8838277

>be American
>jam my jaw with Jube Jube's
>Stuff my speech hole with sweet tarts
>Cram my craw with cookies
>Mangle my mouth with muffins
>Pound my puss with pop-tarts
>Crowd my cheeks with cupcakes
>Load my lips with licorice
>tantalize my tongue with Twinkies
>gorge my gullet with gummy bears
>besiege my belly with brownies
>squeeze my stomach with sugar

>> No.8838302

>posted from my iPhone, created by an american company, on an American website, while thinking about how much I don't care about Americans

>> No.8838312

do americans really do this?

>> No.8838318


>Squeeze my stomach with sugar

That's no an inside action, it's an outside action y fukin flid get t fuk

>> No.8838320

No hablo anglais senor

>> No.8838349

mongol american lol

(meanwhile it's godly for treating tonsillitis)

>> No.8838576

But we still need to go further.

>> No.8838577

I know a Dutch guy who did this all the time.

>> No.8838581


>> No.8838587

but how do they know how big the stick should be? do they measure in inches, cups, or pounds?

>> No.8838590

sticks of butter are measured in tablespoons

>> No.8838601

Did he die?

>> No.8838654


>> No.8838664

As an Australian, I feel as if there is literally nothing that cannot be improved by smoked paprika, Am I right?

>> No.8838758

Talking about coffee and milk products, is it true that colombians put cheese on their coffee?

>> No.8838764

My brother had some sort of 'diet' at some point that involved replacing breakfast with putting a copious amount of butter into his coffee. We are American, I have no fucking idea if this is a real thing or if he just had an aneurysm one day.

>> No.8838812


>> No.8838943
File: 386 KB, 2368x3200, FIUOtXS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"and will you have any sugars in your coffee sir?"
>"yeah just go ahead and put an egg in it"
>"an what sir?"
>"you heard me you goddamn capitalist pigdog. i'm an VIETNAMESE and as an VIETNAMESE i have an egg in my coffee"

>> No.8838972
File: 213 KB, 1062x750, 1491196362090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, Cletus.

>> No.8838989

Keto bruh

>> No.8839067

There is not a single sexy ass in this pic. wtf

>> No.8839078

I have butter in my coffee before my Saturday morning workout. Is gud

>> No.8839085

8 flats and a fat (which is still flat)

>> No.8839086

>be American
>literally never think about other countries and what their opinions are
>became okay with land grabs and imperialistic military occupation a long time ago because it benefits my quality of life
>go back to watching Shark Tank and cruising Amazon

>> No.8839162

Of course that's the first thing you notice. I myself am attracted to their personalities

>> No.8839172

DESU butter tea is actually very good
If Americans made an effort to make it properly it would taste nice
Just dumping a stick of butter in you coffee makes it taste bad

Also has anyone had Vietnamese coffee? They make it with egg instead of butter

>> No.8839175

Also I don't srink coffee but I do make butter tea at home often and I love it
It's very good for you and nice after a workout

>> No.8839180

This is a thing?

>> No.8839185

I've never heard of it going to try it tomorrow morning