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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8833414 No.8833414 [Reply] [Original]

>one unicorn frappuccino coming through

sorry for triggering you, fags. lol.

>> No.8833417

how is it?

>> No.8833425

is it good?

>> No.8833429

instragrammable AF YAAAAAAAASSSSSS

when your drink match yo hair you know you on fleek

>> No.8833434

why can't we eat normal food

why is such decadence allowed?

>> No.8833437

it's fucking fantastic. too bad /ck/ is too autistic to enjoy the shit out of them.

>> No.8833442

what flavor is it?

>t.stupid communist

>> No.8833445

Protip: ask to get it served in a 'chilled cup' (basically a cup they keep in the freezer). It'll be 20% cooler than if they use a normal cup.

>> No.8833448

Ponyfags get out

>> No.8833454

I just yelled this post as loud as possible, and everyone's staring at me. That was fun.

>> No.8833463

>what flavor is it?
mango base + couple of sweet/tart flavors depending on where you suck it in. seriously, it's like drinking magic.

>> No.8833471

I heard it was sour as fuck and tasted like shit.

>> No.8833506

Do any Starbucks sell short size drinks anymore?

>> No.8833616

I've worked at Starbucks over several years and never heard of that being a thing.

>> No.8833634

Sounds like heart disease.
Fruit in your coffee is retarded.

>> No.8833650

Nice try fag, I drive a truck and have a beard I'm not gonna be seen with some queer purple drink

>> No.8833656

You're making an obvious /LBGTQASDF/ post but calling us fags?
It's like trollception.

>> No.8833675
File: 1.15 MB, 1102x1478, screen-shot-2016-12-15-at-7-46-06-am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no idea unicorn desserts were becoming such a meme

>> No.8833686

>not being a quirky fat girl with glasses and an avengers tattoo
Plz quit oppressing me with your existence

>> No.8833699

It doesn't contain any coffee though.

>> No.8833702


there's no coffee in it FAG

i was in starbucks shitposting for 4 hours today and the only people who bought it were literal 13 year old girls HAHA GAY

>> No.8833808

Oh. so it's shit and shouldn't be called a fucking Frappuccino.

>> No.8833855

>wikipedia org/wiki/Frappuccino
>Frappuccino is a trademarked line of frozen coffee drinks sold by Starbucks. It consists of coffee or other base ingredient,
>other base ingredient

mad nerd?

>> No.8833863

I like unicorns!

>> No.8833887

I bet you think you are hip because you either work at or drank over priced fake coffee at starbucks once and once considered yourself a nerd a year or two ago because you wore a belt made out of nes controller and watched Big bang theory.

>> No.8833897

I saw a girl drinking one of these the other day and thought I was having a stroke. The colours are aggressively vibrant in real life.

>> No.8833908

i cant remember the last time i went to a starbucks. it's overpriced hipster trash. i recognized big bang theory as worthless since the first time i watched it; its attempts at humor all boil down to "haha this character is a nerd! *laugh track plays*". i wear a belt which was a gift from my father, and it is purple.

you seem calmer now which is good, but you may still have a stick lodged in your ass. can't tell

>> No.8833931

I actually talk in expletives most of the time and never in a raised voice or irritated manner.
saying fuck and shit all that just rolls off my tongue faster and gives me time to think about what I'm saying while I say it.

It's a stop gap for my thoughts.

>> No.8833961


Ice, Milk, Crème Frappuccino Syrup [Water, Sugar, Salt, Natural And Artificial Flavor, Xanthan Gum, Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid], Whipped Cream [Cream (Cream, Mono And Diglycerides, Carageenan), Vanilla Syrup (Sugar, Water, Natural Flavors, Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid)], Mango Syrup [Sugar, Water, Mango Juice Concentrate, Natural Flavor, Passion Fruit Juice Concentrate, Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Turmeric, Gum Arabic], Blue Drizzle [White Chocolate Mocha Sauce (Sugar, Condensed Skim Milk, Coconut Oil, Cocoa Butter, Natural Flavor, Salt, Potassium Sorbate, Monoglycerides), Classic Syrup (Sugar, Water, Natural Flavors, Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid), Sour Blue Powder (Citric Acid, Color [Spirulina, Water, Sugar, Maltodextrin, Citric Acid])], Pink Powder [Dextrose, Fruit And Vegetable Color (Apple, Cherry, Radish, Sweet Potato)], Sour Blue Powder [Citric Acid, Color (Spirulina, Water, Sugar, Maltodextrin, Citric Acid)].

>> No.8833968

59 grams of sugar in a 16 oz. serving.

>> No.8833984

Sounds like Type 2 Diabetes and a heart attack had gay sex and this is the sloppy mess left after the deed was done.

>> No.8833994

some girls in my class said they tried it and it was horrible

>> No.8834056
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>tfw 22 year old boy and liked it

>> No.8834085

It's ok. Base flavor is mango, and the blue stuff is really sour. There were an awful lot of half full cups of it in the trash tonight so I'm guessing it's not very popular.

>> No.8834099

You might be gay anon.

>> No.8834128


>> No.8834167

Pretty much any semi-busy store likely sold out of it today. I stopped by mine and we sold like 240 of the damn things, glad I was off.

>> No.8834176

I wonder what demographic bought most of it. I'm betting on preteens and "quirky" landwhales.

>> No.8834181


Most likely. Also a lot of moms.

>> No.8834187

Women were a mistake.

>> No.8834210


They just need re-education and more specific roles.

>> No.8834376

We had that, look how that worked out.

Their very nature is a cancer and there are plenty of men willing to enable that nature to increase the chance of getting their dick wet.

>> No.8834407

Oh I just realized my starbucks (spokane ) do it for me special because I has a bad experience when my frappe wasmy cold enough and my family call to complain until they keep chilly cups for me. Hope this helps you find what you are looking for in life

>> No.8834523


i guess soccer moms, fat people, and 12 yo girls are hipsters now

>> No.8834564

While I agree with most critics that BBT humor is formulaic af, SCREW you guys that show is still pretty funny.

>> No.8834587

It has like 4 jokes. remixed and reused over like 10 seasons now.
Big Bang Theory is the Mexican cuisine of Sitcoms.
Except far less delicious and original.
>food analogy.
Fuck you. It works.

>> No.8834609

>poorly researched pop culture reference
>penny/lenerd/jew, ur stoopid
>perhaps I'm stoopi- BAZINGA


>> No.8834811

That one isnt made correctly.
T. Statbucks manager

>> No.8834899

jesus what a silly thing to lie about on the internet

>> No.8835265

are you oke

>> No.8835286

>>poorly researched pop culture reference

Most of the comic book arguments are spot on, the show still isn't that funny though

>> No.8835287


>> No.8835300


He's not lying, I just called up their branch to ask if that was true and they said yes.

>> No.8835308

You are worthless

>> No.8835310


>> No.8835364

Keked hard

>> No.8835368
File: 76 KB, 649x434, 1373584130329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8835484

>There were an awful lot of half full cups of it in the trash tonight
Free samples, nice!

>> No.8835523


>> No.8835550

t. 200 kg merican

>> No.8835555

what is the problem
is obviously a product aimed for kids and teenagers

>> No.8835587

you two are retarded, feminism happened because automation happened. it was no longer possible for the stay at home wife to exist because the work the woman did was no longer needed or possible to do in the home. go be retarded somewhere else if you think history shows women did nothing but shit out kids and clean and cook.

>> No.8835589

t. roastie

>> No.8835592

t. some degenerate history denying cuck

>> No.8835594

>going to starcucks

you're either a broad or a faggot

>> No.8836473

>hear about the 60g of sugar starbucks drink
>come to post a trigger thread
>someones already done it

>> No.8836493


>> No.8836500


I imagine it as being quite good, the sort of thing you have when your sweet tooth is really acting up, but I don't think it is worth the money or the beetus to do that when I could probably have the same calories in the form of home-made pie and enjoy it more/for longer.

>> No.8837025

My manager and I got one today. It really is as fucking awful as everyone is saying.

>> No.8837061


>> No.8837113

I know some Starbucks have mini size fraps once in awhile, I'd imagine some are selling the mini size in this new flavor because it's so weird
Why not do a birthday cake flavor for the unicorn stuff? That'd make more sense and sell way better than sour fruity shit

>> No.8837134

>tfw you see a landwhale drinking this shitty drink and her hair matches the drink
Like pottery.

>> No.8837159

why not sweeten it with aspartame? Tastes just like sugar. I consume vast quantities of aspartame and am no worse for wear.

>> No.8837174
File: 640 KB, 606x1015, 1492368293558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in the motherfuckin hell are you supposed to eat that?

>> No.8837175

with your mouth

>> No.8837200
File: 211 KB, 947x947, 1492016582330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen here you little shit...

>> No.8837207
File: 109 KB, 558x559, 1488068973119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8837237

Pretty sure that sort of shit really isn't intended to be eaten, just posted on instagram.

>> No.8838381 [DELETED] 


>> No.8838392

how dare you call my husband gay you honckey

>> No.8838402
File: 130 KB, 1600x1000, Sir_Bananas_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has it replaced the banana milk meme on /ck/?

>> No.8838618


>> No.8838642
File: 44 KB, 329x399, 1489277212180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8838661

>peny peny peny
fuck you is terrible and you should stick to cooking

>> No.8838662

Good job outing yourself.