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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 6 KB, 200x200, chicken_drum_sticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8828121 No.8828121 [Reply] [Original]

i have chicken drumsticks what do i do with them

>> No.8828128


just roast them with salt and pepper and make some dipping sauce on the side

>> No.8828146

Buttermilk marinade and deep fry.

>> No.8828156

1. Grill chicken in pan, dont overcrowd, add spices if u want, cook 2/3s the way there
2. Get your favorite beer and deglaze pan after taking chicken out
3. Reduce it a bit and then add some garlic and potato starch
4. Put back chicken and fully cook it

Or make fried chicken w/e

>> No.8828161


what flavours do you like senpai?

>> No.8828169

play the chicken drums

>> No.8828186

I'm in the mood for something pretty light n savory. I just dont want somethin super dry right now

>> No.8828257

chicken cacciatore

>> No.8828412

Second that. Easy and godtier flavor.

>> No.8828425


>> No.8829332


when I was a kid I put them in warm water and rubbed two of them on my dick

feels good

>> No.8829341

French em, soak em in buttermilk, and fry the fuckers.

>> No.8829343

>season with salt, pepper, coriander, garlic powder, onion powder
>deep fry
>toss with bbq sauce

>> No.8829356

Season with your favorite spice rub. Place on a lubed-up foil-lined sheet pan. Stick it in a 400F oven for an hour. Maybe add fifteen minutes if they're large. Flip them once somewhere in the middle. Consume voraciously, damn the sauce.

Yeah, seventy-five minutes. The meat will end up buttery tender and basted with rendered fat, the flavors concentrated, the skin crisp beyond mortal ken.

Also works with thighs.

>> No.8829386
File: 135 KB, 1200x1200, 59cbe4348e8ea90208d6ecaf061cd0f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8829402

Make a teriyaki bro. Slow cooked

>> No.8829422

Or beer braised. Dope as fuck as well.

But make a honey, dark soy, ginger and garlic marinade. Needs some sweet vinegar as well. Let it marinade for half an hour (at least) in the fridge. Then take them out (leave the marinade in the bowl) and fry the drum stick on high heat till brown on all sides. Lower the heat and add the marinade. Let it reduce till sticky. Enjoy

>> No.8831599

have you tried eating them?

>> No.8831618

stick into pooper

>> No.8831628

remove bone to make superior tendies

>> No.8831630

You're a fucking idiot, son.

>> No.8831657

not my fault you fucking peasants are trying to make tendies out of drumsticks, maybe if you weren't all failures you would have got a better cut of meat

>> No.8831675


>> No.8831681

What the fuck does Mr. Cogito ergo the Dick have to do with chicken drumsticks?

>> No.8831684
File: 8 KB, 134x101, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was only pretending to be retarded.
Nice damage control, fuckwit.

>> No.8831696

the only damage here is in your brain son. tendies are the best and you are all too afraid to admit the truth

>> No.8831734
File: 215 KB, 697x838, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever wonder why they call them tenders, retardo?

>> No.8831737

tendies*, you fuckwit. you absolute shitmaster

>> No.8831742
File: 53 KB, 500x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever wonder why they call them tenders, retardo?

>> No.8831745

Brine with salt and pepper
Cook on a hot grill
Baste with favorite hot sauce when almost done

>> No.8831749

>tenderloins come from the leg
Fucking hell, /ck/.

>> No.8831750

tendies*, you fuckwit. you absolute shitmeister

>> No.8831760

The asterisk comes at the beginning of the syntax correction, anon.

>> No.8831777

*tendies, you fuckwit. you absolute shitmaster

>> No.8831785

Well done.
Trips confirm intellectual growth.

>> No.8832094

This is someone else but I'll be trying this tonight anon, thanks.