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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 800x800, IMG_1330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8827506 No.8827506 [Reply] [Original]

Starbucks introduces the new Unicorn Frap™!

>The chain says the drink was inspired by the trend of unicorn-themed food online and starts out purple with a sweet and fruity taste. It changes to pink and tart after it's stirred to mix in a blue drizzle. It will be available from April 19 to April 23 in the United States, Canada and Mexico, with a 12-ounce size containing 280 calories.

>> No.8827524
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Coming soon....

>> No.8827529


>> No.8827544
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>> No.8827548

Fucking faggot hipsters

>> No.8827633
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>> No.8827640

I wouldn't be surprised if this stains your mouth, tongue and feces a bright shade of pink, it's ALL food coloring.

>> No.8827656

Oh sure, this has to come out when it's cold again.

>> No.8827658

They certainly know their demographic.

>> No.8827687

shit looks like diabetes in a cup

>> No.8829969


>that thumb

>> No.8829981

I thought Starbucks was all about sophistication? This is some Lisa Frank tacky shit. Might as well introduce a bacon drink.

>> No.8830066

What backwards fucking middle of nowhere flyover shithole do you live in where you consider the McDonald's of coffee shops to be "hipster?"

>> No.8830085


>> No.8830088

Oh, ok. Then it's not your location, you're just an idiot.

>> No.8830096


pretty sure your city has the most indie cafes per capita

>> No.8830111

Considering I am naming the location of the hipster coffee shops founding city, making you the idiot, I can argue that you might be the real idiot.
Do you enjoy your shitty gun laws in your shitty tiny California?

>> No.8830133

just keep telling yourself that northern northern california

>> No.8830143

>Implying I live in Oregon.

>> No.8830153


nah oregon is just northern california

>> No.8830160
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>Burn status.

>> No.8830173

Don't samefag. That's not cool.

>> No.8830175

you mean northern california is part of oregon.
go ahead and try to secede, see what happens
>hurr durr the whole west coast will go with us!
bitch you'll be lucky to get anything outside of LA and SF

>> No.8830179

Not samefagging, just grew up in Northern Cali and that gave me a giggle.

>> No.8830182
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lol did i hurt some PNW feelings

it's okay friends despite all the banter i love you all <3

>> No.8830190

>that theme
kys yourself

>> No.8830191

>Unicorn Frap™
I don't fap to unicorns
off to >>>/mlp/

>> No.8830193

I can smell your samefag over here in socal you mong.

>> No.8830196

Hey faggots, you can't blame us for everythi-

I mean, yeah fuck those guts!

>> No.8830200

you retard

>> No.8830201

You are just terrible at this.
Do you want a timestamp and a personal fuck you to your post number?

>> No.8830222

I swear to God, white people eat the weirdest shit.

>> No.8830232

Fuck off Tyrone.

>> No.8830235

>2100 calories

>> No.8830237

Samefagging redditor

>> No.8830238

White "people"*

And only tasteless women and effeminate faggots go to starbucks

>> No.8830257

If you want to think that is the problem, go ahead and go with it.

>> No.8830262

Awww did I touch a nerve, sweetpea? You're dismissed, sugar.

>> No.8830268

...Really? That was kind of fucking pathetic.
Like 15 year old school girl level.

>> No.8830273

I can't seem to stop triggering you, honey. Maybe you should go back to r/cooking where you belong. How about it pumpkin?

Awwwwww you're so grumpy, you need to calm down before you mess your nappy again, babycakes. Try taking a nap, they're good for babies that are cranky like you.

>> No.8830835
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This is the vaporlatte. I've already submitted my idea to Starbucks and I know they'll love it.

>> No.8830844

God that looks awful.

>> No.8830849

You're making a fool of yourself

>> No.8830863

Any Frappuccino is diabetes in a cup.
>Lisa Frank tacky shit
90's will be the new retro fad soon enough. Maybe Starbucks is testing the waters.

>> No.8830933
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>> No.8830940

A bit surprising, but it's supposed to be about 280 calories.

>> No.8830954

As a employee of Starbucks who had to do so many tasting i say it's fucking gross, especially the blue drizzle. So fucking sour

>> No.8830960

>A tall Unicorn Frappuccino made with whole milk and topped with whipped cream contains 280 calories, 11 grams of fat and 39 grams of sugar, according to a Starbucks spokesperson. The beverage, which doesn't contain coffee, is caffeine free.


>> No.8830976


Starbucks is about selling sugary shit to teenage girls now, not adults who want cappuccinos and a scone. Fraps are mostly ice so their profit is amazing, hence all of the push for them above other drinks. People are better off seeking real coffee shops, or maybe the reserve Starbucks locations to get more single-origin blends.

>> No.8830982
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>> No.8830995


Tasted the blue unicorn cum last night, I'd love it if I wanted melted concentrated warheads to drink. Can't wait for this shit to end by Sunday, and I have today off.

>> No.8831017

>/mlpol/ destroyed an entire board just by autistic screeching
Never doubt the power of autism

>> No.8831036

>which doesn't contain coffee
To be fair, neither do any of their other drinks.

>> No.8831114

Can you imagine the meeting where this was pitched? Our brand seems a little weak with preteen girls, autistic NEET men and transexuals. How about something pastel colored and horsey? I heard faggots love unicorns, and we're not doing as well with faggots as we used to.

>> No.8831121


It's a limited offer, so they probably just let this one through for shits and giggles.

>> No.8831137

How does starbucks get associated with afluence and academic enviroments again?

>> No.8831139

It seems like more of a publicity stunt than a serious menu offering.

>> No.8831143

If the drink you're getting from starbucks isn't either some shade of brown or black just kys

>> No.8831221

But all of their drinks are brown or black, because they're shit

>> No.8831312

That shit made me wanna throw up. The frappaccino itself is okay but kinda bland

>> No.8832156


Exactly. It's extremely limited, only enough supplies for a few days since it'll have high demand. They know this one takes off on social media, so it'll get people interested, they'll buy it, snapchat it, and probably won't even drink it.

>> No.8832164


My diarrhea in a cup would be healthier than a lot of what we serve.

>> No.8832192

Vaporwave is the future and if you don't like it than kindly o f f y o u r e s l f

>> No.8832199

Looks like a e s t h e t i c cups.

>> No.8832201

It doesn't. They're building one in the ghetto section of my city.

Now it's just genuinely accepted to pay 5 Bucks for a mediocre Cup of Coffee.

>> No.8832218


But they didn't give us a synthwave soundtrack or force the girls to use hairspray.

>> No.8832221

How can a cup be concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty?
Cups are inanimate.

>> No.8832246

did you just ASSUME it's sentience you shitlord?

Obviously he meant the cup was aesthetically designed by the 9000 man marketing team that designed every facet of it's look.

>> No.8832285

The drink is clearly designed to be photographed more than to be drunk. Perfect for instagram.

>> No.8832317

The perfect "look at me" beverage for the attention economy generation.

>> No.8832324

>aesthetically designed.
Get yourself a dictionary, retard-anon.
Learn to use that word in the correct context.

>> No.8832327

Ignore the vaporware shitheads

>> No.8833555


>> No.8833630
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>Caffeine free

What's the fucking point? As if this drink couldn't get any more irredeemable

>> No.8833642
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>> No.8834127


>Caffeine free
>280 calories, 11 grams of fat and 39 grams of sugar

So it's basically just a fat faggot treat.

>> No.8834160


All of the fraps are. There's no way to make them less diabetic other than the coffee frap light, which replaces half the sugar with splenda.

>> No.8834421

And we'll still order them too.

>> No.8834437

>caffeine free

>> No.8834440

I tried a sample cup of this today. It was interesting creamy-fruity flavor but whatever flavoring they used for sour pooled at the bottom so when you got there you'd grt smacked in the face by an extremely tart flavor that i didn't love.

>> No.8834620

If you want a sweet and fruity taste, why not just buy a smoothie?

>> No.8834637

I miss /qa/. The 4chan happenings threads were actually good for a long while until some months ago.

>> No.8835840

Our store ran out of most of the stuff for it

>> No.8835851
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>basic white girls waiting an hour for color dyed coffee
>lets tell social media i bought something everyone else did too

What's Starbucks endgame? They could sell shit and still make a million dollars a day.

>> No.8835879

This is the same shit they do in Japan. People line up for limited edition items.

>> No.8835912
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hi guys. have one thing to say FUCK you and FUCK all the haters hating on this drink

> vaporwave
> jovial, colorful
> doesnt take itself too seriously
> changes color as you drink

you probably hate it for shitty, pretentious, morose self-important reasons. this is how you sound
> ewww thats so much sugar
> it tastes like pure synthetic chemicals
> high fructose corn syrup? only in America, so backwards
> that drink is so basic, its a drink for stupid people
> its soo sweet, is there even any coffee in it? not like it would be good anyway. i hate starbucks their coffee tastes so burnt
> i only drink coffee with INTEGRITY

if you dont have anything good to say about the unicorn frappuccino then you can FUCK OFF BACK TO REDIT.

>> No.8835917
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Its almost as good as losing a foot.

>> No.8835926

I don't hate that other people will drink it, I'm just not really interested in drinking it myself.

>> No.8835931

this is an acceptable opinion

>> No.8836051

Now that I think about it, this is literally the same concept. Old folks at the time didn't care for it but kids went apeshit.

>> No.8836059

>vapormeme yung lean 2012 xddd
>looks synthetic
>will only ever be drunk ironically
>changes color as you drink (wow)

>sweet as fuck
>tastes like shit
>unhealthy as fuck

>> No.8836061

be my gf?

>> No.8836066

But it's not. Starbucks isn't even trying anymore, just milkshake and food dye.

>> No.8836081

>Fiancee works at Starbucks
>brought one of these home for me just now

Holy fuck it tastes like garbage

People actually pay money for this shit what the hell

>> No.8836095

did your gf like it too

>> No.8836096

She said it tasted like shit and knew I wouldn't like it, wanted to laugh at me when I reacted to it.

>> No.8836101

t. baby boy
Awwwww, look sweetums this is a 18+ website only. You need to go back to roblox where children like you belong, okay sugar britches?

>> No.8836103

>used to work at Starbucks throughout all of 2015

I am getting PTSD just thinking about making this shit.

>> No.8836129

Thats the most gay food ive ever seen
>i want it.

>> No.8836139

I don't really go to starbucks, but I went in anyway and asked for my meme drink.
$5.45 for the large, which isn't even that big.
They were out of the blue sour sauce and the cashier didn't tell me and so when they handed my drink i asked for a partial refund because I didn't get a complete drink, they said no, so I asked for a full refund the stupid bitch scoffed at me and told me to wait in line again for my refund.
There was like 10 people ahead of me and most of them were ordering the same meme drink and the cashier still wasn't telling them they were out of the sour syrup.

Fuck starbucks, I don't even know why I bothered.

>> No.8836150

But it literally is just sour and shit

>> No.8836157

pls be my gf

>> No.8836161

Why the fuck would she not tell? Our store ran out of mango and sour blue drizzle and we made sure to tell the people. Plus it was a benefit to us cause we didn't have to make the drink

>> No.8836163


>> No.8836165

I tried it today. It didn't really taste "sweet" but holy fuck was it sour and very unappealing. Fucking gross sour blue shit

>> No.8836365

why are his nails so long

>> No.8836599

fucking burgers

>> No.8836757

/mlpol/ was actually chill as fuck.

>> No.8836766

Shows you how far we've fallen: old folks then just didn't care, but the adults of today are so insecure and childish that they throw huge fucking fits about it.

This thread is pathetic.

>> No.8836994

Is it like that generic blue raspberry flavor a lot of candy has?

>> No.8837030

It didn't taste like blue raspberry

>> No.8837044

that place is for soccer moms, hipsters, instagrammers, and people who care about brands

>> No.8837052

>unicorn now just means "add sugary toppings and food dye"


>> No.8837614

Actually had it. Was surprisingly okay

>> No.8837624
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>> No.8837905

Is there even any coffee in this at this point?

>> No.8837924

literally no, it's like a mango and sour food dye whipped cream mess.

>> No.8837936

They shouldn't be calling it a frappe. They should be calling it a fruit shake

>> No.8837953

I was going to try getting an ice cream tomorrow at a place that has different and unique stuff but always has fucking unforgivably long lineups.

Should I just get one of these instead?

>> No.8837982

you're a blowhard if you do

>> No.8838019

The last time I went into one is was advertizing sous-vide eggs like that was going to achieve shit. It's about being trendy and overpriced.

>> No.8838098
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Happened to read an NYT article about this thing and apparently this "unicorn" shit originated with someone using beet root and chlorophyll pigment to dye cream cheese pastel colors. They were originally working with healthier foods (no, I know it's fucking cream cheese). Then people called it "unicorn food" and started throwing marshmallows, sprinkles, and glitter onto other food items.

And here we are.

A keeper.

>> No.8838103

No, are you a fucking dumbus?

>> No.8838118
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The combination of the sour sparkly shit and the whipped cream left this absolutely nasty buttery aftertaste in my mouth, like as if I had eaten a whole stick of butter.

It's been 12 hours and i can still taste it.

>> No.8838137

chew a couple coffee beans or eat pickled ginger, they'll cleanse your palette

>you drank it
i'm sorry

>> No.8838145


For scooping coke

>> No.8838272

people that think this is vaporwave don't know that vaporwave is
just because something is light blue doesn't make it vaporwave

>> No.8838322

That's not just gay, it's retarded to boot.

>> No.8838384 [DELETED] 

underrated post

>> No.8838395


The day friendship became magic?

>> No.8838400

You autistics really need to get out more.

>> No.8838406

Allow me to give out a verbal rebuttal in form of text.

>> No.8838485

I'll never not love how well that fits.

>> No.8838493

It's like a dill pickle and peanut butter sandwich.

>> No.8838771
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Except in Japan the LE items don't taste like utter fucking shit

Pic related

>> No.8838780

I hate that drink but I love Starbuck's blonde roasts and always buy them for brewing my morning coffee. Light roasts are fucking hard to find nowadays but at least Starbucks carries them reliably.

I'm also pleased that Starbucks is getting massive blacklash from the LGBBTQQIAAPBBQWTF community because apparent the drink has the same colors as the bisexual pride flag and that's offensive somehow or some shit like that

>> No.8839252
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She ain't pretty no more.

>> No.8839261



nice try starbucks marketing team
go eat a big fat dick

>> No.8839267

how was it danny boy you fucking hairy beast of a man?

>> No.8839272

>destroyed an entire board just by autistic screeching

To be fair, the whole shinding about brony prosecution on 4chan came about as a result of autistic screenching.
February bannings, one thread only policy, GR15, /mlp/ containment,...

They simply returned the favor.

>> No.8839275

>everything is autism


>> No.8839289

jesus christ, dude

shave your arms once in a while

>> No.8839403
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remind me of this don't know why

>> No.8839435

I'm glad my store ran out. Apparently most stores ran out on Wednesday and Thursday.

>> No.8839920
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implying youre not a teen who hasn't even grown more than peach fuzz anywhere besides their scalp and eyes.

>> No.8839995

Nice hand, fatty

>> No.8840003

That hair serves a evolutionary purpose.
It reduces sunburns and you can feel spiders and shit crawling up your arm much better if you don't shave your arms, you twink faggot.

>> No.8840373


>> No.8840403

This is not intended to be drunk. It's a marketing tool used to give Starbucks attention.

Whether you like it or not its
>What the fuck starbucks just made the most retarded shit
>That looks pretty good I should go to starbucks.

>I should go look for a local coffee shop that has reasonable prices and high standards of quality.

>> No.8840418

>People coffee that isn't homebrewed and thermos'd.

>> No.8840447

How is his skin so nice?

>> No.8840475
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>> No.8840521

>>shitting on people having fun
>>being this bitter and having nothing better to do

>> No.8840528

Yeah but the answer is to just ignore the thread.

>> No.8840546

letting a drink affect your actual life and happiness

>> No.8840547

He has as much testosterone as most 12 year olds

He was 17 in some of his very early videos

>> No.8840548

>shaving arms
Really makes me think

>> No.8840550


>> No.8840552

Getting off work and everything including your skin smells like coffee grounds.

>> No.8840553

Is it super complicated?

>> No.8840555

Mommy can only make time to clip nails by appointment.

>> No.8840558

How is cream cheese not a healthy food? Are you one of those insane low-fat only soccer moms?

>> No.8840563

>implying /qa/ wasn't autistic screetching.
all we did was scream at the same frequency but louder. /qa/ was never anything but an excuse for shitposters to demand a board be deleted or changed to suit their autism, or enforce their autism on others with global rules. it deserved death even if as a board it represents everything pol stood for.

>> No.8840582

>He has as much testosterone as most 12 year olds

this combined with the fact he never gets sun exposure or does manual labor

>> No.8840589

starbucks logo in Japan has squinty eyes? TOP KEK

>> No.8840611

No but can be a real pain when having 5 or 6 in queue

>> No.8840762

Sorry mate :(

>> No.8840953

Half of those pony threads and posts were by /pol/lacks who thought it was funny

>> No.8841047

No one who could be called hipster would be seen in a starbucks, even though their daily drip is decent if you happen to want coffee while also not being home.

>> No.8841051

Starbucks baristas need to chill out. Just because a drink is a pain to make doesn't mean you should all go online and tell people not to buy it. IT. IS. YOUR. JOB. You are literally getting paid to stand there and make drinks. I'm a barista too, and sometimes there are drinks that are really complicated and that I don't want to make, but guess what? I don't go online and rant to public and ask them not to order it anymore because it's an inconvenience. MAKE THE FUCKING DRINK. Starbucks has probably lost thousands of dollars because their baristas won't make a fucking drink. I'm appalled.

>> No.8841239

Imagine the guy that wrote this post

>> No.8841243

I think you're the one with issues dude chill the fuck out

>> No.8841271

76 fucking grams of sugar?
holy fuck, there's drinking sweet creamy shit and then theres 500 CALORIES AND 76 GRAMS OF SUGAR AT A COFFEE SHOP WITH NO COFFEE IN IT

>> No.8841274

It is also our job to give an opinion on the drink to customers so fuck off

>> No.8841281

Starbucks is basically an ice cream place now

>> No.8841285

It's just a coffee tee hee

>> No.8841294

You sound like a bitch

>> No.8841298

This is like Subways being health food slathered in meats and mayo

>> No.8841528

holy fucking troll claw

>> No.8841614

This. Starbucks doesn't care.

Don't blame them. Blame the idiot consumers that buy this garbage. I know a shit ton of you would cash in on people's stupidity, because I know I would. If I knew people would pay me for sugary sour unicorn vomit garbage, I'd be charging them all the way to the bank.

>> No.8841625
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>shave your arms
Precisely how many cocks do you gargle per day?

>> No.8841637

How can people handle drinking so much sugar?

>> No.8842949

diabetes hasnt hit yet

>> No.8843022

By being American!

>> No.8843024

God bless your beetus, sir.

>> No.8843029


>> No.8843030


>> No.8843035

So Starbucks is going full horsefucker?
When do we get porn of the the mascot being railed by a unicorn?

>> No.8843055

They're just following the middle class white girl trends.

>> No.8843068

I thought it was NEET 30 year old men who shame their family.

>> No.8843191

>Putting pastry on top of your coffee
>Weebs will defend this

>> No.8843198

it's a pastry to eat with ur coffee is that such a bad concept

>> No.8843330

A question... Do you must have a degree in arts to work at Starbucks?
Considering majors.

>> No.8843336

You just need one on giving up at life.

>> No.8843354

Any liberal arts degree will do.

>> No.8844464


>> No.8844631

Anything in gender studies will give you a boost.

>> No.8846547
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>> No.8846593

Me and a friend went to 3 fuckin g Starbucks stores and they were all sold out.

>> No.8846603

Duh? You're following some faggy trend. The rest of the normies and bronies beat you to it, chump. Be a little more cutting edge next time if you want a hot limited item.

>> No.8846824

Lol post gore and scare the PR fag off

>> No.8846980

Considering I don't own a gun, I don't really care. Cool assumption, tho.

>> No.8847152
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I also enjoyed the Unicorn Frappucino from Starbucks; I hope they bring it back for a longer time in the future; it was yummy. :)

>> No.8847322


>> No.8847359

This faggot still around?

>> No.8847365

>falling for capitalist propaganda
its like you want them to manipulate you

>> No.8847390
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It's associated with academic environments because that's where you end up working if you studied a liberal arts degree.

>> No.8847444

Did you sell that shirt?

>> No.8847491


>> No.8847712

not vaporwave

>> No.8848256

>you can feel spiders and shit crawling up your arm
This actually sucks because the wind blowing through it feels the same way.

>> No.8848979

Calories are not the problem here. These fuckers have 39 FUCKING GRAMS OF SUGAR. Go grab food scale and measure out 39 grams of sugar. you can fill almost 1/3 of the Starbucks cup with 39 grams.

Try it if you want but for fucks sake dont drink it regularly. This applies to the other sugary drinks as well.

>> No.8849351

Starbucks was a mistake

>> No.8849496

that's hardly anything

a 20 oz bottle of soda has almost twice that amount

>> No.8849531

I don't want t contaminate my drug scale with sugar.

>> No.8849668
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But how can you be sure people don't just want to have fun? Sometimes people have fun. I'm referring here to people.

>> No.8849671

Um excuse me but that is an alicorn.

>> No.8850086

yeah i'm also surprised
i legit thought he would be dead by now, he's been picking at a bad infection on his taint for years now and it's all scar tissue down there
no idea how it didn't kill him

>> No.8851849

is the pink stuff unicorn semen?

>> No.8851861

No, unicorn semen actually is just horse semen that has sprinkles in it.

>> No.8851863

>bronies beat you to it, chump.
That was my wife's reaction to news of this. She said, "Wasn't the unicorn thing like six years ago?"

>> No.8851866

Unicorns dont exist you dummies

>> No.8851870

Yes they do, they only come out on Saturdays and on your television if you know the secret time and channel number.

>> No.8851988

>go ahead and try to secede, see what happens
Are you still on memes from January?

>> No.8852005

Is that a pube on your thumb?

>> No.8852100
File: 89 KB, 225x211, 1490223228201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really not okay to go to Starbucks? The Tim Hortons in my town is shit and all the other coffee shops are over in Yellow Springs, which is a bitch to find parking at.

>> No.8852881

>Is it really not okay to go to Starbucks?
Only if you're an untermensch who cares about the opinions of others.