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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 6 KB, 220x293, 220px-Milk_glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8821902 No.8821902 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on milk. Is it actually bad for you?

>> No.8821912

Milk is great for you. Plenty of protein and calcium. Very important for muscle growth and strong bones.

>> No.8821913

ss + gomad

Gotta drink big to get big

>> No.8821915

>redpill me on X

Too much is bad
Too little can either kill you or be ideal
Consult your friendly neighborhood Google for correct dosages, then follow up with actually peer-reviewed studies if the results seem to be contradictory.

>> No.8821919

>t. Big milk shill

>> No.8821920

The only food that was created with the sole biological purpose of nourishing other organisms
It's why we mammals are so cool

>> No.8821926

It's bad for you if you're not white.

>> No.8821937
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>> No.8821956

Haha gross xD

>> No.8821962

Ew I need to put coconut oil in my eyes after reading that. Milk is so disgusting and racist. I can't believe that people buy the Monsanto lies! Wake up people! Milk is the reason people are getting cancer!

>> No.8821966
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>> No.8821967
File: 92 KB, 1024x672, bloodborne sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milk is bad for you, but it isn't as unhealthy as playing one of the easiest games in the history of gaming franchises. Seriously each area following the "chosen hunter" and his excessively buffed weapons from assorted game locations as he fights brainless enemies has been indistinguishable from the last. Aside from the handholding, the game's only consistency is providing you with absolutely retarded, unchallenging enemies and allowing you to run through all of them without any motive to stay in place or fight them throughout the course of the entire game, all to make the difficult feel easy, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when From Software voted to make the game a PS4 exclusive; they made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody. Bloodborne might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the normalfag game in its refusal of challenge, skill and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the Dark Souls games were good though
The enemies were easy; the bosses were unfairly hard. As I played, I noticed that every time a enemy went for an attack, he spent an unrealistic amount of time telegraphing his swing.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every moment the enemy put his arm back. I quitted only after I had marked the envelope a several dozen times. I was incredulous. Miyazaki's mind is so governed by outdated game design philosophies that he has no other style of challenge. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Dark Souls by the same Kevin-V from Gamespot. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Bloodborne at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Mount and Blade." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Bloodborne" you are, in fact, trained to play Mount and Blade.

>> No.8821989

I Love You.

>> No.8822038

>igf1 raising animal protein and galactose that cause prostate cancer and accelerated aging
>estrogen and hormones from pregnant cows
>promotes acne
>dairy industry aggressively markets MUH CALCIUM when it is proven that people who drink more milk have greater fracture risk

Almond milk is much better for you

>> No.8822063

christ are you on every board?

>> No.8822066

>greater fracture risk

You're fucking loony, son. I drink at least a pint of milk with lunch and dinner and have done so for many years. Never had a fracture and have one cavity only. In fact, the dentist said he's never seen an american my age with only one cavity and suspects it's because I don't drink soda and drink a lot of milk instead.

Consider yourself BTFO, moron.

>> No.8822083

>carbs are bad for you
>fat is bad for you
>salt is bad for you
>eggs are bad for you
>gluten is bad for you
>milk is bad for you

when does the momscience ever end

>> No.8822140


Shoo shoo

>> No.8822177


>> No.8822192

How old are you mister? Ahuk

>> No.8822195

Truckers test milk at pickup. Any containing pus is rejected on the spot.

>> No.8822235

Friendly reminder there are both big milk and big vegan urging to delude and brainwash you at every turn. Don't get gaslit. Milk is fine, you can get the nutrition elsewhere. That said, it you're white you have a moral duty to drink the stuff.

>> No.8822246

Everything that grows out of the earth has feces in it. You use cow shit to grow crops.

>> No.8822249
File: 131 KB, 1174x801, Cadre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8822252


>> No.8822254

The only thing wrong here is the use of bullet points.

>> No.8822259

wtf I hate milk now

>> No.8822261

>American milk

>> No.8822264

Top kek

>> No.8822368

these stats are all for a 16 oz glass

gotta love misleading propaganda

>> No.8822394

if you wanna get acne and become fat at the same time it's great else stay the fuck away from that shit

>> No.8822402

I bet you ride bicycles with a group

>> No.8822421

are you that harry potter meme guy from /tv/?

>> No.8822480
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I like milk in its superior form

>> No.8822497
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Your dedication is so fucking autistic that I can't even help but laugh about it.

>> No.8822588

I love cooking with milk but I hate it by itself. I am going on a diet though, whats a good alternative?

>> No.8822917

I know one thing for sure, I can't stop drinking it. I've always liked it. I have several glasses of 2% a week. I've tried to go without before just because of fat intake, but I always end up buying a gallon sooner or later. I put a bit of milk in my eggs as well if I scramble them, but I usually have sunny side or over easy.

>> No.8822979

pick one. milk comes from titties you fucking dork

>> No.8823002
File: 12 KB, 314x252, Almonds+they+aint+got+no+titties_29afd9_4516232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8823020

I've read that milk is actually bad for your bones. I've read that the whole ''drink milk because it has loads of calcium, you will have strong bones :DDDD'' is a complete lie.

Can anyone confirm?

>> No.8823078

Can confirm you're wrong

>> No.8823121

Do you have a source for this by chance

>> No.8823122

It is if you're lactose intolerant.

>> No.8823817

lately I keep hearing it's bad because of growth hormones

>> No.8823842

Milk gives you bad breath.

>> No.8824198


>> No.8824679
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>> No.8824695

this isn't true for pure, delicious Canadian milk

>> No.8824701
File: 65 KB, 720x539, 1442561591788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you ever want to leave humanity behind you need it

>> No.8825555 [DELETED] 

I didn't make the eggs and milk threads some faggot did

>> No.8825563


Meat, dairy may be as detrimental to your health as smoking cigarettes, study says
Animal Protein and the Cancer Promoter IGF-1

Harvard School of Public Health » milk is NOT the best source of calcium
Eating less meat and dairy may help reduce osteoporosis risk, Cornell studies show.
Milk–the promoter of chronic Western diseases
PMID: 19232475
Dairy product, saturated fatty acid, and calcium intake and prostate cancer (PMID: 18398033)
Acne, dairy and cancer (PMID: 20046583)
Hormones in milk can be dangerous By Corydon Ireland
Milk consumption: aggravating factor of acne and promoter of chronic diseases of Western societies
Milk Consumption and Prostate Cancer
Dairy Linked to Acne Development
Understanding the Problems with Dairy Products
1. Osteoporosis 2. Cardiovascular Disease 3. Cancer 4. Diabetes 5. Lactose Intolerance 6. Vitamin D Toxicity 7. Contaminants 8. Health Concerns of Infants and Children

>> No.8825569

This. Also tastes better. (Although cashew is my favorite taste wise.)

>> No.8825573

Are you just posting links hoping nobody will actually read the non-clickbait ones?

>> No.8825581


>> No.8825582

Milk is for ladyboys.

Too much estrogen.

>> No.8825591

Read every single one. I'm really sorry you're so defensive over how unhealthy your food is. You must cry a lot. I suggest switching to cashew milk to help control your hormonal rage.

Best wishes.

>> No.8825593
File: 76 KB, 620x372, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally all of those are medical journals are articles written by doctors/medical professionals

You seem to be making a snide dismissive remark because you cannot and do not want to confront and refute your preconceived biases

You want argument points without actually getting into any finer, technical points of the argument

>> No.8825602

Or you know you're misrepresenting what's in the articles entirely, knowing people aren't going to read all of them on 4chan so you can go "lol i won dumb brainlets"

Even these posts are absolutely nothing pseudo-intellectual shitposting. If you want someone to take you seriously try not to just resort to fallacies and namecalling

>> No.8825615

>admits to not reading all of them
>claims they're being misrepresented anyway

lol okay.

>> No.8825621
File: 48 KB, 960x960, smuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or you know you're misrepresenting what's in the articles entirely, knowing people aren't going to read them all

How would you even know this to be true if you hadn't even read them let alone even skimmed through them? You're basically saying "lol i win!!!!" because of another preconceived bias that people are trying to deceive you and that you don't want to confront these biases

>pseudo-intellectual shitposting
From the person that seems to have completely figured out what's in the articles without having even read them and knows we are sneakily tricking him!

Name a single fallacy that was committed, you are actually committing one by not even engaging in the argument and just making stupid assumptions

Grow up, pussy

>> No.8825639

That's not the slightest bit true lol. There's a limit to how much pus there can be, but it's like an eyedropper full of pus per glass of milk. Pus is definitely in milk. You think they can breed them to overproduce milk and milk them all day with machines and none of them will get mastitis? Sorry bro, you're drinking pus. A lot of your meat had pus too. They burst the abscesses before packaging. But that's nothing compared to the fact that a lot of chicken is literally coated in feces. Yum yum.

>> No.8825656
File: 11 KB, 130x96, .08 77777 dias de fiesta 2269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah its meant for babies

Cows milk for calves

Goats milk for kids

Manmilk for your mom
Grow up have a beer

>> No.8826088

being unable to appreciate milk is a sign of immaturity

you grow up, famiglia