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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 110 KB, 1040x774, Easter Sunday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8821328 No.8821328 [Reply] [Original]

I took my family out to Hibachi for Easter Sunday dinner. We had the entire restaurant to ourselves between the hours of 6:30 and 8:15. I think this might be a new famiry tradition. It was amazing.

But when the bill showed up, I wasn't sure what to do with the tip. Usually I tip 20% everywhere I go so long as the service is even half-way decent. But it seems like at a hibachi restaurant, where they put on an entire show, I should tip more than that?

I don't know... I don't eat hibachi very often. This might have been the first time I had been to hibachi since my 5 year old was born and I just didn't know what was acceptable.

Looking for answers, or opinions on what level tip to give. I tipped 20% as I usually do, but wasn't sure if I should have tipped more.

And, since this is a tipping thread (my apologies in advance), if you are going to be a memetastic edlgelord and suggest that tipping is for fools, that its the responsibility of the restaurant owner to pay his workers, or that you are so awesome because you don't fall for this gimmick - take it somewhere else. This is not the thread to post that bullshit. Obviously a tip should be left. I just want to know what that tip should be.

>> No.8821341

Obviously if any server/cook fulfills your needs and more, would you not tip more? They're going out of their way to please you obviously.

>> No.8821351

At Hibachi restaurants they generally have a Hibachi menu, and a normal plate menu. This price difference covers the show you get from the Hibachi, however if you feel it was especially good service you can always tip more, however 15-20% is normal.

>> No.8821377

If 20% gratuity doesn't suffice as a decent tip for the cook they should find a different line of work. Their financial situation is not your problem

>> No.8821383

>edgelord memeshit

...And here we go.

>> No.8821456

For anyone who is confused, hibachi means teppanyaki in this context.

>> No.8821480

Spotted the D- cocktail waitress.

>> No.8821488

you should of just left them your credit card and pin and told them to take as much as they think they deserved

>> No.8821502

Or maybe people aren't as big of edgelords as you, nigger.

>> No.8821508

No one was ever confused

>> No.8821621

>take it somewhere else.

Ok, I will. But since the entire point of your thread is tipping, I'll contribute. Did you leave enough at 20%? No, idiot, you left 20% too much. How long before idiots realize they alone are responsible for making this nonsense stop?

>> No.8821649

Assuming you're in the US, 20% is standard. IDK how wages work with cooks at hibachi places here, but I assume they get the most of the tip, because they're doing both the cooking and the serving.

>> No.8821659

i tip the hibachi guy like 3 bucks and then tip the normal 20% usually on the bill, but i've always wondered myself

>> No.8821691

>Ok, I will

So not only do you not understand what tipping is, how it works, and why you should do it. You also don't understand simple English phrases such as "take it somewhere else" and "Ok, I will".

Fucking retards around here, I tell ya.

>> No.8821827

When you learn to construct your sentences according to the rules of English grammar, I'll listen to you. Until then, fuck right off server.

>> No.8821858

You what mate

He's saying that 20% tip is fine, and he's right. Why would you willingly part with more than 20% on top of the cost of your meal. Most people tip less, and that's fine too. Tipping is fine, good service should be rewarded with additional dosh, but there is a limit.

Do you just enjoy throwing money at people? If you feel guilty, why not just write them a blank fucking cheque next time you go?

>> No.8822029

How does it feel that 90% of the time you are ((( tipping ))) your SERVER for doing their fucking job. i.e. :

1. Taking your order
2. Bringing you your food and drink

Literally wtf are you giving them extra money for?? Did she suck your dick under the table?

I don't understand why burgers actually throw 20% at serves, can someone please explain this phenomenon??

>> No.8822031

well it is japanese

generally people don't tip at all in japan

>> No.8822078

Fucking guilt. It's the same thing with the shopping for gifts during Xmas that everyone hates doing, but keeps doing anyway, because they feel guilty if they just say no.

I've said no on both tipping and feeding the Xmas jew and I feel no guilt. I feel liberated. More people should try it. I think we'd all be a bit more sane.

>> No.8822459

I truly pity you yanks, tipping is grade-A retarded.

I have never gotten better service from a place in america that I had to tip at, compared to anywhere else in the world.

Sure, in theory they're doing a better job for a better tip, but in practice it's bullshit.

>> No.8822567

Pretty sure Jesus didn't eat hibachi you heretical faggot. And tipping is for rubes. Do you get tipped for doing your job at the dildo factory? Of course not, that's what the little thing called a salary is for: to compensate an employee for their labor

>> No.8822571

Dubs of faggotry

>> No.8822574

Woah its like different counties have different cultures

>> No.8822855

>Sure, in theory they're doing a better job for a better tip, but in practice it's bullshit.
Are you retarded?

The prices on the menu are lower and they're paid less, you're supposed to make up the difference through your tip.

American servers are generally making under $4 an hour without accounting for tips. In some states it can be as low as ~$2.50 per hour.

>> No.8822861


You want me to play a fucking violin for you? I'll cover whatever cost is in the price of the meal until your fucked up system corrects itself like the rest of the civilized world. Don't make your problem my problem.

>> No.8822872

So you're perfectly fine paying for a $20-25 plate of food but if it's $13 and you're expected to provide a tip that suddenly is an affront to your sensibilities?

If you get shit service, don't tip well or don't tip at all.

If you get decent or good service, tip the fucking man, it's literally how he survives.

You might pretend you're acting on some moral principles here, but really in America anyway, you're just an asshole. The business owners understand the tipping culture in the US and are priced accordingly. VERY few restaurants in the US specifically upcharge so they don't want you to tip, so the societal norm is to tip, its simply the system we've come to use, to ignore it, especially when you know about it and understand it, simply because YOU think it's a stupid system, makes you a prick, not smart, not some messiah bringing us heathens the message of how amazing not having to tip someone is.

>> No.8822878

Sorry Hobbes was right faggot, kys yourself

>> No.8822882

>So you're perfectly fine paying for a $20-25 plate of food but if it's $13 and you're expected to provide a tip that suddenly is an affront to your sensibilities?

Yes this is perfectly reasonable. Service will consistently be good, and people who are bad at the job will have complaints lodged against them and won't have the excuse "oh he didn't tip me last time so I did a bad job on purpose"

Plus if the food is worth it at 13 but not at 20 then you don't go and the restaurant is replaced by something with decent food at a price people are willing to pay.

>> No.8822890
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Entitled prick

>> No.8822901

Are you saying the owner would rather I eat at home and not give him business than to come in and not tip?

>> No.8822904

Yes, in the US if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out.

I have met restaurant owners who have asked customers not to come back because they refused to tip on perfectly normal acceptable service.

Sure, it'd be nice if the US tipping culture were to change, but it's been established for decades, trying to change it now just makes you look like a prick.

>> No.8822906

that's a manly arm

>> No.8822935

>owners who have asked customers not to come back because they refused to tip

Horseshit. The owner cares about the bottomline and his profits, not whether someone gave his wageslaves a tip or not. If he cared that much, he would pay you instead of forcing the customer to subsidize your worthless ass. Anyway, rest easy. In the not too distant future, you'll be replaced by a robot.

>> No.8822944

>implying im a server


Just kys europoor.

>> No.8822950

>Horseshit. The owner cares about the bottomline and his profits

Which is exactly why he would care about non-tippers. If people don't tip then the owner has to pay the servers extra in order to meet minimum wage laws. People that don't dip DO impact the restaurant's bottom line for that very reason.

>> No.8822957

this isn't even an edgy "you shouldn't tip" opinion, why are you all so retarded. if you, as a worker, don't want to be tipped 15-20% you should literally just work somewhere else
i usually take a regular tip and give some directly to the chef then leave the rest, a chef at the place i go to said regular tips are split amongst the whole staff, including the waiter/waitress who barely does anything there

>> No.8822966

>you should literally just work somewhere else
As if that's an option for these people?

They're already unskilled labor. It's not like they can just expect to find a new job.

In the US labor participation is at ~63%. So 37% of the country simply doesn't work at all.

With only 63% of people working, we STILL have ~5% of the population actively looking for employment but unable to find it.

So when you say you should "just" work somewhere else, you might as well say you should just starve, stop paying your bills, etc.

It's just not going to happen without getting lucky.

>> No.8822967

a hibachi chef is not unskilled labor. stopped reading there.

>> No.8822974

In fairness, 15% is standard.

>> No.8822976

I'm impressed we made it 3 replies in without someone starting an argument

>> No.8822978

You didn't specify Hibachi chef.

Here let me quote you since you seemed to have forgotten already.

> if you, as a worker, don't want to be tipped 15-20% you should literally just work somewhere else

>> No.8822980

Interesting, really not sure I buy it though. Why would the owner want less customers? He still makes profit from the cost of the meal

>> No.8822982

Not on the east or west coasts.

Maybe in the south or midwest (flyovers).

if you're tipping a flat 15% that generally means you didn't particularly like the service.

>> No.8822986

Because in the US a tipped employee makes $2.50-4 per hour. But minimum wage is ~$7/hr so if you DON'T make more than $7/hr including your tips, your employer by law is paying for the difference.

Usually this doesn't happen at a busy enough restaurant because people are tipping more than enough to cover ~$7 an hour, but if you're working a slow night, or you're working tables of assholes who simply refuse to tip, then the employer is making up that difference out of their pocket.

>> No.8822990

Ok scenario A: customer comes in and eats a $20 meal and doesn't tip. The owner makes $5 profit. Has to pay server to make up difference

Scenario B: no customer comes in. Owner still has to pay the server to make up difference

What am I missing here? Why wouldn't the owner want scenario A?

>> No.8822996

Because what happens 99% of the time in the US is Scenario C: Customer comes in and eats a $20 meal and tips $4-5 as is standard percentage in the US.

This way the owner gets paid, the server gets paid, and everyone is happy.

Restaurants are already running on very small margins. Unless you're very famous, a restaurant is usually struggling to make ends meet as it is. They have some margin to work with, but not a ton. If you suddenly had the owner directly paying the servers, the cost of the food plates would increase to match.

So you're left with leaving the tipping culture as it is since it's the social norm here, or revamping EVERYTHING and upcharging the base cost for everything to compensate.

>> No.8823017

>If people don't tip then the owner has to pay the servers extra in order to meet minimum wage laws.

Except this either doesn't happen because suing is actually more difficult than 4chan makes it out to be, or the more common alternative is that they fire the person for someone more likely to get tips like a cute girls.

>> No.8823022

Servers that don't make the money up in tips are fired so the owner doesn't have to do their legal obligation

>> No.8823023

Depends on the state

>> No.8823026

Servers that think they should get free money for doing their fucking job competently are the entitled pricks.

>> No.8823029

>should get free money for doing their fucking job competently
Then pay them a fucking real wage you moronic cuck.

>> No.8823062

Tipping is fucking retarded and Americans are fucking retarded. Literally a third world shithole.

>> No.8823073

Im 100% for that. Servers are the ones that fight against it since they realize their job is inherently easy/worthless and that any wage they would get without tips would be lower than with tips

>> No.8823075


Suing is irrelevant. This is a criminal matter, not a civil one.

>> No.8823095

>since they realize their job is inherently easy/worthless and that any wage they would get without tips would be lower than with tips

Then in my opinion, you're not
>100% for that

Sorry, but when I say pay them a decent wage, I dont mean the bare minimum the law allows, I mean $12-15 per hour or more for a nicer restaurant with wine service and similar.

>> No.8823251

an unskilled teenager got an hourly job, and you want to pay them $12 or more
waiting tables isn't a career, its a starting job for people to get out on their own while working towards a higher education or trade skill
servers that want to raise a family and earn enough to send their kids to college in the future on that income alone are living a pipe dream, and they bring their resentment from failure to do so onto the customers in wanting more tips

tipping is all subjective, anyone who argues that there's a legal or cultural standard are selfish retards
faggots that post shit like, "How do I tip?" should be flogged on live TV
fucking do whatever you want and fuck all to anyone who turns their nose at you

>> No.8823288

They don't need pin in the US, so that's pretty much literally what they always do when paying with card.
I let you imagine what they do to non-tippers...

Food industry pays below the minimum because people tip ; people tip because servers aren't paid by their boss.
Society has somehow engraved "non-tippers are absolute arseholes and are worse than Hitler" into every 'murican mind so it's impossible to make them realise the system is fucked since they won't even read your explanations. It's beyond their simple minds.
They tried a tip-less restaurant, with 18.5% of prices for service (2% above national average tip), "tips" going to charity. They closed, and their yelp page is full of people thinking the prices were 18.5% too high and that it was a good thing the tipless thing wasn't implemented yet and they could still tip. They are literally retarded.

It's considered offensive, like calling them a hobo or something.

Apparently that never happen, boss can claim employee was tipped enough and is a whiny faggot. That's why we say the system is broken, there is a huge flaw right there.

And yurop is considered socialist for enforcing the concept of salary in the food industry.

>> No.8823520

OP here. You guys, all of you, seem to have missed the part where I said that edgelord faggots can fuck off and take their no tipping bullshit down the road.

Fuck off, the whole lot of you.

I bet that half of you tip 30% out of worry that the owner will chase you out of the store and embarrass you in public. I bet the other half hasn't been out of their parents basement to a tipping restaurant in the last 6 months and when you went your mom's boyfriend took you and paid.

>> No.8823538 [DELETED] 

what's it like being so poor that you can't afford to tip?

>> No.8823626

I think 15-20 percent tip on any service is more then enough, the service provide being above and beyond the norm is probably reflected in the sticker price.
You are giving them your patronage for the show, that should be good enough.

>> No.8823631

Sorry no one could give your the advice you wanted.
I assume your mom was busy and couldn't answer your question that typically only a 7 yr old would ask.
You know what kind of shit you were going to get from this thread.
Fuck off, grow a pair, and make your own god damn decisions.
If you're so morally conflicted by how much extra money you gave some dude to flip utensils if front of you on zombie jesus day, then stay at home and squeeze in your meal time in between home schooling your social retarded brood.

>> No.8823694

I get your point but the owner still benefits if I come and don't tip rather than not come at all. So saying that if you can't afford to tip you can't afford to go out to eat is bullshit.

>> No.8823701

this, the show is why it's so expensive in the first place. otherwise it's just stir fry you could make yourself, without the knife tricks and fire it's nothing

>> No.8823713

>trying to dictate what kind of replies you will get on 4chan
>getting buttmad and making up shit to make yourself feel better
Are you really this much of a newfag?

>> No.8823720

They want a tip? Well here's a tip: Get a better job, loser!

>> No.8823727

LOL epic!

>> No.8823731
File: 14 KB, 333x293, 1469924364995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes goyim, don't be an edgelord! Pay up!

>> No.8823756

Don't waitress' not get a proper hourly wage in America ?

>> No.8823765

This is not OP, I am. I just wanted to take my wife's son out for a nice meal and teach him how to properly tip so that the waiter likes you and doesn't talk bad about you

>> No.8823773

They get paid like $2 an hour I hear, and have to make up the rest in tips. If their end year profits don't match minimum wage then the employer has to pay the difference.

I'm not sure why they do this or how they manage it but I'm personally not willing to take employment on a flawed system
America is fucked up, you should know this by now.

>> No.8823794

>Food industry pays below the minimum because people tip ; people tip because servers aren't paid by their boss.
That's false though.

>> No.8824316

I must commend you on your veiled bait thread. Way to really sprinkle on the storyline so it isn't just a picture of a pizza guy with one line of greentext

>> No.8824338

kill yourself leftist faggot

>> No.8824341

>~5% unemployment
>thinks this is high
Holy lord I'm fucking laughing.

>> No.8824350

The UK has a similar ~5% unemployment rate. However they have a 75% labor participation rate, a full 12% higher than the US.

>> No.8824356

Which is meaningless since the part of the non-participating population that isn't actively looking for a job doesn't factor into unemployment, you absolute waste of braincells

>> No.8824358

If anything, a lower labour participation rate with fixed unemployment makes labour more valuable and therefore is better for the prospective employee.

Please never post again.

>> No.8824365

They're not actively looking because they've been unemployed for so long they gave up looking.

That doesnt mean they don't want employment.

>> No.8824368
File: 1.66 MB, 220x190, 1476995305223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which is meaningless since the part of the non-participating population that isn't actively looking for a job doesn't factor into unemployment, you absolute waste of braincells

So anyone who wants a job can just go out and get one? News to me.

>> No.8824369

>They're not actively looking because they've been unemployed for so long they gave up looking.
Prove it faggot. Plenty of people don't work because they don't feel like it and have other ways of sustaining themselves. The biggest example of this are the retired.

Honestly fucking kill yourself.

>> No.8824370

well if 5% are looking for a job but can't find one that kinda sucks, that's about 15 million, and then you have to think about underemployment as well

>> No.8824372

>I can't read english
News to me.

>> No.8824376

Consider the fact that it takes time in even a perfect market to go from job-seeking to employed and that you are considered unemployed throughout the entire hiring process until you sign on as an employee and summarily shoot yourself in the face.

>> No.8824382

Further, if you knew a single thing about economics, you'd know that a 0% unemployment rate is impossible both practically and theoretically.

Do not ever reproduce.

>> No.8824385
File: 12 KB, 310x433, FT_17.03.06_unemployment_part_time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prove it faggot

>> No.8824388
File: 36 KB, 640x527, FT_17.03.06_unemployment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prove it faggot

>> No.8824389

Hello it's me your old friend the Federal Minimum Wage™ how have you been it feels like you've forgotten all about me. Just checking in to let you know I'm still around and well.

xoxo the Federal Minimum Wage™

>> No.8824400

what the fuck are you so hostile about you spaz, this isn't /pol/ take a chill pill

>> No.8824409

Woah so let me get this straight.. Theres a situation where an employer has to actually PAY their employees??/??/ thats just absurd!

>> No.8824411
File: 34 KB, 720x528, 17992332_313222249094156_2572843369482658869_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow look nearly half of the unemployed population is not unemployed due to being unable to find a job

now spend literally 15 minutes reading up on why the unemployment level can not be 0% and slit your wrists

fuck you faggot this is my normal

>> No.8824422

You better watch it m8, I'll fuckin hook you

>> No.8824424

How come in every single country but america restaurants pay the legal minimum wage and everything is fine? Foods not overpriced and the owners make good money as long as people eat there?

>> No.8824428
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>> No.8824435

because he's fucking lying and many restaurants are horribly inefficient, mismanaged, and still profitable

>> No.8824456

Nah bro i think were just being "Edgelords"(whatever that newfag meme means) by not giving excess money in order to supplement the income of some retarded faggot who agreed to work for $3 an hour

>> No.8824583

I bet you never heard of the lands beyond Murican's borders.

Could you elaborate?

>Foods not overpriced
Are you crazy? It's like 20% more expensive!

>> No.8824720

>Live in the inner city which looks like a bombed out Syrian war zone, have no car or public transportation and am expected to walk a few blocks to my friendly neighborhood reformed Scrooge who happily gives my son medical treatment and me a job with boundless surplus of largess.

Yeah, fuck off Horatio Algier.

>> No.8824763

What in the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8824799

I tip depending on the cost of the food never on service

>> No.8824860

I worked at a Hibachi place for around 2 months (Found a nest of roaches and bailed). The way it worked was all the tips were gathered and equally distributed with the cooks getting a larger sum than the waiting staff. Customers would also tip the cooks after the show when they were cleaning. I never saw anything more than a $5 directly go to the cook.

>> No.8824984

>Be cucknadian
>Servers make $15 an hour
>Forced to still tip 20% or waitress chase you into the parking lot and shame you on social media

dont be us, dont ever be like us

>> No.8825102
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>what are you talking about

The myth of the benevolent corporate owner.

>> No.8825240

No surprises there

>> No.8825389

> no surprises

Then why did you ask, dipshit.

>> No.8825414

This is bullshit. I live in LA and 15% is standard still. If I didn't like my service I'll tip a dollar and they can kiss my ass