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File: 68 KB, 960x976, sprouts-farmers-market-1384157965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8819335 No.8819335 [Reply] [Original]

What's the down low on Sprouts? One just opened near me and Publix is literally shitting its britches over it

>> No.8819349

Went yesterday, left almost immediately because it was crazy crowded. It might get better after the newness wears off but at this point I will stick to Publix.

>> No.8819351

Lakewood Ranch, Florida

Calling it.

>> No.8819352

Excellent produce, deli/bakery, and god-tier self-serve bins.
It's organic/health focused so it's not the best place to buy packaged food since many items are noticeably more expensive. Alcohol selection is mediocre.

>> No.8819356

Pretty close, it's the one on Tamiami Trail in central sarasota.

I work at Publix and I can tell you, everyone is flipping out.

>> No.8819359

It's an overpriced Whole Foods knockoff, with a faux farmers-market feel.

I hate Sprouts.

>> No.8819366

that's the feeling I got too.

Still they're undercutting publix by a large margin, at least with this week's ad. Only time will tell if that's their actual prices or if it's just a "Grand Opening" fuck you to Publix

>> No.8819370
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Well good thing Publix is closed today. Anyway Detwiler's Market is still better, or hit the farmers market downtown on Saturday.

>> No.8819374

>What's the down low on Sprouts?
overpriced organic memes.

>> No.8819381

That would be my guess: that's it's more a promotional thing.

However, my experience with them could have just been an isolated/regional thing (mid-west, USA); but I really never did see an advantage to shopping at Sprouts

>> No.8819383

>What's the down low
Are you by any chance a 1970's New York street hustler?

>> No.8819387

I've never been to Detwiler's but all my customers rave about it. "Detwiler's this", "Detwiler's that". Just go there instead, jesus christ.

Is it really that good or is it a local meme

downtown farmer's market is pretty based though

>> No.8819403

No it's legit awesome. Their produce is top notch, all their fish is less than 48 hours old. The deli...meh. I'd rather hit The Butchers Block on 17th street for deli and cuts.

There's one down off Cattleman and one up on University. Both are excellent.

>> No.8819440

You just need to shop the deals. They have fine prices on their produce.

>> No.8819464

I live in Silicon Valley and the Sprouts I go to is a pretty decent quality grocery store. Decent selection on various foods, vegetables are fresh, people are helpful; but as another anon mentioned, their alcohol selection is very poor. To me Sprouts seems to be a compromise between a Trader Joe's in terms of price and a Whole Foods in terms of quality.

>> No.8819699

>Sprouts seems to be a compromise between a Trader Joe's in terms of price and a Whole Foods in terms of quality.

This. More variety than Trader Joes and cheaper, in general, than Whole Foods. The vitamins are still shit expensive though.

>> No.8819716

Actually I was just about to come in and say that their prices are a LOT more reasonable than whole foods.

I go their for my fruit usually because they have a wide variety and it's about the same price as going to King Soopers or even Wal-mart, but it's not shit. Apples for example.

It's nice for a few things here and there. It's just like trader joes or whole foods: you go there to pick up a few higher quality things of stuff you enjoy. You're an idiot if you blow your whole paycheck on it.

Also just picked up a jar of this butter masala curry mix that I think sounds tasty from there.

>> No.8819722

sprouts is cheaper than wholefoods and have deals every week, hell this week they've got talenti gelato for $3 less than walmart of all places.

>> No.8819726

What I particularly like about Sprouts is that they tend to avoid food from China. Shiitake, for example, is from the US whereas in other supermarkets, I would see it being from China and minimally, Korea.

>> No.8821191

check out their clearance section in a few weeks

$0.99 14oz organic cashew butter, almond butter, etc.

>> No.8821211

Sprouts is based

>> No.8821221

had a sprouts closeby when i lived in fort worth and it was the ONLY place i would buy produce.

organic/packaged bullshit/whatever else: skip it
normal produce: the cheapest shit you will ever buy ever, i could fill up a huge grocery bag with produce for like ten bucks

also they have a great bulk section if you're into that

it let me eat so cheaply and i really miss living near one

>> No.8821235

Sprouts has good, cheap produce and bulk bins. They sometimes have nice deals on meat too. Their other shit is usually expensive though.

>> No.8821244

Its great if your into that kinda stuff (vegan, no gmo, ect). They have a good bulk section (nuts, grains and the like).

>> No.8821267

>had a sprouts closeby when i lived in fort worth and it was the ONLY place i would buy produce.
hulen? camp bowie?

aldi is making a killing now
wincos are popping up too

>> No.8821290

How does one know where a store gets its produce? Not stocking from china is pretty nice

>> No.8821297

ALWAYS go to Sprouts to buy produce. Cheap organics, good selection. It's also a great place to buy dairy and non-dairy products.

>> No.8821308

The price tag lists where the produce came from.

>> No.8821425

My go to. Local for me, solid produce at a good price (literally the same shit as whole foods, gelsons, lazy acres, etc), pork and chicken is cheap (beef is a bit over priced), seafood is okay, nuts are fairly priced in bulk, and you can get all your shitty organic overpriced stuff. They got a fuckton of fairly priced olive oils which are pretty good in my experience. Also sell animal fats and meme oils like almond and red palm. Tried some of their coffee it was okay I don't drink much so I can't really say. Some of their hard loafs of bread are good. Can spend less than twenty for produce and meats for the week and I don;t have to drive far, it fits in perfectly for me. Yes I'll shill for them.
I went to both of them the same day to compare. Same produce and sprouts was cheaper on all accounts. The faux farmer market feels is true though, but I don't fret over it. Cheap is cheap.

>> No.8822820
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Too bad you're a fucking idiot otherwise you could be saving on some groceries you dumb fucking cock sucking retard kike nigger faggot.

>> No.8822845

They have some whole-foodsy ripoffs, but they also have some good deals if you pay attention and ignore the hipster decor.

>> No.8822849

>vitamins are still shit expensive
That's because people dumb enough to buy snake oil are dumb enough to buy expensive snake oil. Just be grateful they're subsidizing the produce.

>> No.8823748

yeah, hulen. i was there when the first winco opened and i checked it out once, but i never went to aldi. i lived a few streets down from magnolia and sprouts was about as far as i'd drive for groceries.

>> No.8823752

I like this guy.
Not many people realize that b vitamins are not snake oil, but snake venom.
Carry on my friend.

>> No.8823837

Califag here, it's all right. Between 5 minute walk to Safeway and 10 minute drive to Sprouts I rarely choose Sprouts because the quality of staples is only half a notch better and I almost never buy their fancy packaged shit.

Their stock changes pretty often so it's good for variety, but bad for predictability if you tend to cook same stuff in rotation.

Butchery, deli meats and cheeses are pretty good. Fuck their "bakery" though, I was so disappointed when I saw them loading literally still half-frozen sourdough loaves on the shelf.

If you're into coffee then they have a nice selection of beans that you can grind to your liking to go with your machine.

Decent beer selection but check the dates, I once bought a 4 months expired six pack of something. I guess not many people buy their alc there so there's no rotation.

tl;dr, it's decent but overrated and you can end up paying stupid premium on basic stuff you can get anywhere else.

>> No.8823857
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These fuckers are popping up all over the place now that "organic" is the new craze.
We just got two new organic stores. One of them is called Fresh Thyme "Farmers Market".
I swear this organic thing is just a meme to get people to buy overpriced produce. Also how do they get away with calling themselves a "farmers market"? Last I checked the farmers market was the farmers themselves selling the shit.

>> No.8824686

My local one has dim lighting and all the goods and aisles are so tight that it gave me an autism attack and I couldn't process what i was looking at

>> No.8824948

I agree that organic is marketing bullshit, but what obscure shithole do you live in where organic food is suddenly a new craze? This is like when the flyovers thought avocado was a new thing a couple years back.

>> No.8825334

I tend to spend $60 - 90 at Sprouts on average every week. I'd say it's pretty good, the only downside is it doesn't have cheap-ass name brand stuff if you want something that's not Sprouts brand.

>> No.8826087

>This is like when the flyovers thought avocado was a new thing a couple years back.
to be fair avocado only reached meme tier food a little while back

>> No.8827979
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I feel you bro. I want to shop healthy but it seems the more a grocery store caters to my dietary preferences, the more likely the environment triggers an internal spergisode. I regularly do two weeks worth of shopping at Whole Foods every other weekend, and after spending an hour in there I kinda get how Eric Harris must have felt about going to school.

I try to minimize the time I spend in there by preparing a shopping list at home and organizing it by location in the store, like literally memorizing where things are down to the location on the aisle, and writing my list in the order I'll walk through the store. That way there is no time spent dicking around, no retarded purchases because you want to get tf out of there, and no backpedaling to get something you forgot to get the first time.

A Sprouts opened near me recently and I thought it was a cool store, but unfortunately fails to hit all the marks if you're trying to do a complete grocery shop (ie. one that will last a week or two). It overcompensates for the produce and lacks in the meat/dry goods/deli/bakery departments. At one point in my life I'd do my shopping at 3 or more different stores because it was better for my budget. Now I gladly just shop at Whole Foods and pay more just to get it over with at one place.


Shopping at health food stores sucks dicks unless you're a social butterfly/freak of nature. If you don't like grocery shopping, organize your shopping list by location in the store for maximum efficiency. Sprouts is a really good store if produce is the only thing you intend to buy, but if you need to buy stuff from all departments, it's worth it to shop at Whole Foods and pay marginally higher prices for everything IMHO.

>> No.8829056

>but if you need to buy stuff from all departments, it's worth it to shop at Whole Foods and pay marginally higher prices for everything IMHO.
i hope someone fucking shoots you
whole foods is the most overpriced trash available

anon don't listen to this asshole, seek organic food from elsewhere

>> No.8830107

this. pretty sure they're pandering to wonder bread moms who want to feel cultured

>being poor

>> No.8830541
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>money is an issue for me

Yeah, don't listen to me. If you can't afford Whole Foods then you can find a lot cheaper organic produce in the compost bin BEHIND Whole Foods. Much more aligned with your financial restraints.

>> No.8830551

it's overpriced trash
you can throw your money away, go for it, but don't act like it's smart to do so

>> No.8832479
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You SRQ too? Lmao

>> No.8832488

It's good

>> No.8832510

The only Vitamin difficult to acquire from purely diet is Vitamin D3

>> No.8832532
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Yeah man, I live like 2 minutes from that very Publix. Haven't checked out Sprouts yet..

>> No.8832722
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>money is an issue for me: the sequel

It's only "overpriced trash" because you can't afford it. Period. If prices are the only way factor in deciding which grocery stores you disparage, you should try having more money.

Kek, Whole Foods probably just hikes up prices to keep sweatpants wearing, PBR drinking, whiny little shitfucks like you from shopping there. It's kind of like gentrification but it kicks out poor people instead of blacks, and I'll gladly pay extra for that.

pic related

>> No.8832739

Its pretty good if you only buy produce, the meats too when they are on sale. Everything else is overpriced.

t. Employee

>> No.8832795
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they tend to blow the fuck out of mainstream grocers prices for veg

don't listen to this retard here. it's more like a reasonably priced whole foods WITHOUT the farmers market feel. theres almost no sampling, no in store restaurants, just a trimmed down deli. they tend to have decent specials, one day there was 16 oz blue berry containers for 1.99 or maybe it was 24 oz, I dont really remember, they where the size of the larger strawberry containers. either way you don't have to give a shit about muh organics to shop there, they have decent deals and offerings that are worth shoping for.

as >>8819352
mentioned they have a very good veriety of bulk drygoods.

>> No.8832822

On a side note, I'm always amazed how well cared for the dogs of street bums seem to be. They usually look in a helluva lot better shape than their owner. Wonder why?

>> No.8832844

you sound like an asshole in the internet

>> No.8832848


I bet homeless people with dogs are more likely to receive handouts because people sympathize for the dog.

>> No.8832854

One word: exercise. Hobo dogs are constantly on the move.

>> No.8832858


Because you clearly overlooked the context, I'm responding to a guy who expressed a desire for someone to shoot me all because of where I choose to shop for my groceries.

>> No.8833197

I have a Sprouts, wholefoods, traderjoes and a super HEB near me. I usually get 90% of my groceries from HEB.

>> No.8833275




>> No.8833293


In america we have refrigerated shelves, meaning they don't require an insulated door to keep the cool in. We just fan that shit from the top down.

>> No.8833362

Makes sense. I'm not around urban centers much anymore and never gave normal street bums money when I was, but I did usually throw a dollar at one with a dog. So I guess they use the extra to feed their dependent friend.

>> No.8833453

cheap electricity being utilized to make shopping tiny bit easier is truly a wonder