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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 171 KB, 1199x778, drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8818820 No.8818820 [Reply] [Original]

Could someone please explain this to me.

In the UK these things are springing up everywhere, who the fuck drives along and suddenly thinks
>shit i need a coffee badly, so badly i haven't got time to get out the car

I'm a Tea drinker but i have a coffee machine for when i fancy it, i would never buy coffee in a paper cup for four pounds from a chain store let alone bother to go to a drive though to get it.

I've walked past these store in City centres and glanced in, it's full of Mac looking tossers, im sure these people just want to emulate there favourate American sitcom characters.

>> No.8818821

>Mac looking tossers
What did she mean by this?

>> No.8818828
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>> No.8818829

There is literally nothing wrong with drive through Costas. They are the McDonald's of the coffee world.

>> No.8818837

>Drive through coffee

>> No.8818839

I'm not even going to give you that (you), you crave.

>> No.8818840

I'm struggling to disagree with anything you're saying.

I'm from Belfast and it's getting to be the same here. The coffee isn't even good.

>> No.8818843

I wonder if they're writing short stories and poetry, or updating their tumblr transition blogs?

>> No.8818845

>she accidentally spilled hot coffee in her lap after purchasing it from a McDonald's restaurant. Liebeck was hospitalized for eight days while she underwent skin grafting, followed by two years of medical treatment

Fuck me just walk it off Fatty, but this just goes to show how fucked up your claim culture is.

>> No.8818849


> skin grafts
> walk it off
Yeah, ok.

>> No.8818850
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>>.8818845 i always though that about that case. 'Muricans being greedy (her name doesn't help desu) etc etc.
Turns out the woman was genuinely injured by coffee that was somehow super boiling because the McD's were cutting corners or something.

>> No.8818873

>injured by coffee that was somehow super boiling because the McD's were....negligent

>> No.8818874


>spilt it on herself
>blames others

>Mcdonalds cut corners
>super heat coffee to 7000 degrees proving science wrong
>contents somehow find there way to her vagina

Come fucking on, she burnt her fanny how? It's her own fault for resting a cup on her pussy whilst knitting or something

>> No.8818880
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>hurrrr Americans

>> No.8818881


This is i remember it being a meme-level joke back in the day, was in TV shows and stuff.
Turns out McD's got loads of people on board to discredit her story trough the media.

>> No.8818883
File: 14 KB, 200x151, nice vag gran.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doctor can you just lift the undergarment a little higher please, for erm... evidence.

>> No.8818885

Are there really retards out there that don't actually know this story and how extremely in the wrong McD was?

>> No.8818889

Honestly i had know idea until about a year ago.
Was off sick one day and nothing on here was refreshing fast enough so went on reddit by mistake and ended up reading a few comments about this before i realised what i was doing.

>> No.8818893

>Are there really retards out there that don't actually know this story

Yeah me, my IQ is that low i didn't know some old american granny poured a hot drink on her pussy and blamed someone else for it.

I'm enrolling on a maths A level course to improve on my knowledge of americans doing stupid shit and blaming others.

>> No.8818906

The story is well documented and is even in textbooks

>> No.8818910


>American fast food restaurant shills in full effect

>> No.8818914

I'll just go look in my textbooks now, must have missed that one.


>> No.8818923

If i were a shill surely id be supporting McD's?


>> No.8818925
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If you were to go down on one would it be this or Hope Solo?

>> No.8818928

>there is only Mcdonalds

>> No.8818929

Ill have yours thanks.

>> No.8818933




>> No.8818951

>coffee maker was broken and would literally pour out boiling coffee
>woman ofc doesnt expect this since no restaurant on earth is dumb enough to sell literal boiling water
>slight spill is enough to basically burn her skin
>corporate fast food cock suckers will defend this will all their heart

>> No.8819015

Shit lids, insanely hot coffee. They simply asked mcdonalds to pay her hospital bills and they refused. They had every right to take mcdicks to court.

>> No.8819034

The lids melt and warp and for thr longest time the cups were made of shitty paper, might still be, so your hand can get scorched through the cup even at normal serving temp.
I can only get behind her because McDonald's refused to pay hospital bills, which were a couple hundred bucks, but otherwise I would call her an idiot for not knowing that MCD cups will explode at the slightest squeeze.

Is this why the double cheeseburger can no longer be purchased for a dollar?
If so, I'm mad.

>> No.8819038

Literally high school children learn about this, don't get mad because you didn't pay attention or are enrolled in some third world school. Have you ever considered jumping into a lake with a cement block tied to your ankles?

>> No.8819066

Her hospital bills were something like 20000 m8. Skin grafts aren't cheap.
At the same time I don't think you should skimp on costs when it comes to something that can cause third degree burns. And no the mcdouble is more expensive due to inflation and the insane cost of raising cattle

>> No.8819083

>my education system teaches me about a granny who poured hot coffee on her pussy


>today children i'm going to teach you how to hold a cup.

Why didn't the servers hand disintergrate when holding the cup? Why did she spill it on her fadge?

She poured super heated science coffee on her tupance because she was doing something else.

>be me
>want a cup of tea
>boil kettle
>pour it on my dick because i'm clumsy
>kettle is broken so water heat excededs the laws of physics
>sue the makers of the kettle

It's a good job your outlet is only 110v as gun crime would be overtaken by self induced kettle deaths.

>> No.8819106

In school they try to teach you sympathy for the common man, not to become a corporate shill like every uneducated person in America including you.

>> No.8819107

>at work
>crane running shitty, but still works
>maintenance notified multiple times but company still does nothing
>crane malfunctions one day and seriously injures someone
But that wouldn't be the company's fault.

>> No.8819172


It's fucking boiling water you mong, how fucking retarded do you have to be to not throw it over yourself.

I cannot actually believe you're trying to defend this.

>be NK
>have worlds biggest Military crrawling all over me
>fail latest InterContinental ballistic missile test
>cannot into nukes
>lurk /ck/
>hang on are they really that stupid
>serve hot coffee
>america defeated
>world laughs at america for being retarded
>they even learnt how not to pour hot coffee over themselves as little children

>> No.8819179

>like every uneducated person in America including you

Full on thicko.

>Reading comprehension

>> No.8819214
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What company was this?

Something was bound to go wrong, serving coffee via a crane was always going to end badly.

>> No.8819217

>hospital bills
Found the other half of the problem lads.

I went to a costa once.
Coffee was okay, nothing special.
Braying wankers everywhere was not really my cup of tea. (Hurr.)

I can't imagine any circumstance I would ever want to drink stuff in my car though. And yet I see dozens of silly folk driving around holding these little card cups with lids. Frequently on the motorway.

>> No.8819243
File: 514 KB, 1080x792, Screenshot_20170416-111204~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a HUGE, profitable business in Canada where Tim Hortons and McDonalds are competing and giving free coffee away like insane.

>> No.8819245

>be me, an old american woman
>buy coffee in a fast food place cus i'm just to lazy to make it myself but not lazy enough to drive out my way and pay stupid mark ups for beans soaked in hot water
>ahhhhhhhhhhh it burning my fingers
>throw it on my genitalia
>my fingers dont hurt anymore

I really do sympathize for this old dear.

>> No.8819276

>Did it to post on facebook and reddit

This is your coffee drive though customer in a nut shell

>> No.8819297
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>only in Canada, national dish is a pre-packaged American food "stuff".

I bet if some dizzy old bint dropped hot coffee on her growler in Canada it wouldn't be a problem, just pack a bit of snow in her gusset.

>> No.8819418
File: 466 KB, 620x349, jesse-myshak-zamboni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8819424
File: 69 KB, 520x390, timhortonshorseback-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8819428

McDonalds' marketing team ran a smear campaign against her to make sure they wouldn't lose face like she lost skin.

Idiots drank it up.

>> No.8819439

>shit i need a coffee badly, so badly i haven't got time to get out the car

Why put anything but petrol at services or out in the midst of nowhere? Hard to properly divvy up what companies will do when people already drive through burger spots at maximum speed--why not coffee shops too?

>> No.8819469

>be old women
>fall over and piss myself
>sue legs
>sue shoes
>sue trousers
>sue feet
>sue big panties
>sue both socks
>sue bladder
>sue and counter sue myself
>sue asphalt
>sue asphalt quarry
>sue bitumen
>sue local authorty
>sue country
>sue the world
>sue the moon
>sue god

It's not my fault.

>> No.8819493

>be me
>watch the kids eat Easter Eggs, loads of 'Em.
>have no Eggs myself
>sue the Easter Bunny

>> No.8819536


Lol, my wifes called Sue and after she threw red hot coffee in my face i "Sued Sue".

The joke went array as in Court her official name is Suzanne.

Being Male i lost my Children, house, job and car.

I now live in a bedsite, drunk on frosty jack shitposting on 4chan, on a cheap phone about people sueing people called Suzanne.

I'm not even Austrailan.

>> No.8819585

What's a "bedsite?" I've never heard that term. Is it britbong language?

>> No.8819619

le edgy 4chan contrarian i dont' le car about le any1 but me and muh frriends looooooooooool

you people are so normie it disgusts me inside. You're a living, walking meme. kys

>> No.8819640

t. an upset American

A term used but the Sekret club of 4chan
>are so
A term used by children
A term used by children and youtube users

I'm going red just reading that post.

>> No.8819645

Sorry al/ck/

I mean Bedsit, a shitty little room only flat.

>> No.8819658

> t.

How puerile.


>> No.8819659

They're cropping up in motorway services. Caffeine without stopping without losing time gotta move gotta have caffeine gotta keep moving gotta rush gotta be busy can't be a second late can't stand to leave earlier

>> No.8819673

I expected an emoji but women are

haven't you got better thing to do than start an anonymous arguement like check your tits for lumps?

>> No.8819817

OP here.

I work in a specialised area wirhin the railway infostructure so my work takes me around the country. I live in Nottingham but work in Cornwall at the moment, We will leave at 05:00 Tuesday and fuel up locally, some buy coffee others Monster drinks at the station. In that 6 hour drive no one will stop for a an emergency coffee.

I just don't get it still.

>> No.8820007

I'm her fucking Boyfriend!!! I just checked her breasts they're fine. I'll check her testicles when i finish sucking her cock. Asshole.