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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8816071 No.8816071 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to supermarket
>Buy chorizo and egg breakfast wrap for $9 thinking it would be good
>idiot behind the counter microwaves it with the wrapper on (but I did not know that because they usually grill it)
>Get home
>Wrapper is stuck to the tortilla
>Try to pull it off gently
>No use, tortilla rips
>Filling of the breakfast wrap falls out
>Complain, get my money back
>Go to bakery to buy nice quiche lorraine

Should I have just stopped being ungrateful and ate the breakfast wrap?

>> No.8816081

For 9 fucking dollars, holy shit, I'd be pissed

If I'm paying 9 bucks for a breakfast wrap, the cook better suck my dick 1st also

>> No.8816090
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No, you should have made your own breakfast wrap like a real man.

>> No.8816094


I'm actually female and super tired because I worked all night at the office (because my boyfriend just lost his job so I am doing tons of overtime) and I needed a little something easy t eat for breakfast cause my boyfriend is an idiot who can't cook.

>> No.8816097

>I'm actually female

Hey, not to be one of "those guys on 4chan"....but could you show some pics of your fuck holes please, preferably a gaping anus pic

>> No.8816107
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Bitch please, my girlfriend is a night nurse. She works 14 hour shifts and is completely capable of cooking her own breakfast after one.

She'll be hanging your radiation in oncology and then coming home and making eggs when you get cancer you lazy fuck.

>> No.8816109

Nah it's good. If I paid $9 for some retard to microwave my food, I'd get a refund too.

>not to be one of those guys
>gaping anus plz

off yourself /b/tard

>> No.8816123


>my girlfriend is a night nurse

I have news for you. Every time I work nights I fuck my boss at the office, your girlfriend is definitely fucking Dr Dick on her 20 minute coffee break in his office.

>> No.8816130

Her boss is female...so that's kinda hot actually.

>> No.8816139

>Just because I do horrible shit, means everyone does it

You're none too bright, are you?

>> No.8816160

>they dont know everything posted on 4chan is a shitpost
>they dont know discussion on 4chan has been dead since day 1

lmao @ u seriousposting on this shithole

>> No.8816174

>she still tells her female boss Doctor Dick

>> No.8816177


>> No.8816507


>> No.8816530

post pictures of Dr. Dick (female)

>> No.8816537


There is no where else I would find such stuff besides 4chan. What the fuck

>> No.8818249

T. Reasonable request

>> No.8818324

Every night, Anon's girlfriend is pounded by her futa boss.

>> No.8818346

That's a dealbreaker if I've ever heard of one

Bitch you needa gtfo of this relationship

>> No.8818369

I have a couple questions,
>are you fat?
Continue if no
>do you need a man who can cook?
>will you be willing to allow a man to wash all the dishes if you date me?

>> No.8818402

She is obviously unattractive. No girl in 2017 works overtime after their boyfriend gets fired. She is probably fat. Or a methhead... or both if that is possible.

>> No.8818412

well if that's the logic, then fat would be the only viable option as meth heads don't eat.

>> No.8818414
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>should I just accept getting fucked in the ass for 9 bucks
No. And who the fuck charges 9 bucks for that anyway, you can get actually freshly made breakfast for less than that.