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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8814706 No.8814706 [Reply] [Original]

Pop or Soda?

>> No.8814714

Soda. I live in Atlanta where Coca-Cola has it's world headquarters, and it's soda.

>> No.8814717

i don't consume sugar. just a glass of spring water for me thanks

>> No.8814728


>> No.8814768

t. faggot

>> No.8814791


>> No.8814797

*t. extremely healthy individual

>> No.8815213

Soft drink or fizzy drink.

>> No.8815216

Fizzy or soft drink

>> No.8815253

which ever one i feel like using because fuck you

>> No.8815264



Had to move to Ohio for a year as a demolition engineer, the lingo and mannerisms of Dixie trash diaspora drove me insane.

Cold cuts = chipchop
Soda = pop
Hillbillie = hucklebuck
Etc etc etc

No dunkin, no good pizza, no deli, no Mexican, no Chinese, no Caribbean. Biscuits and gravy is pig-disgusting, so is Bob Evans, and anything those people like.

I'm grateful the only actual work I was responsible for was easily outsourced to retards happy to do it for nothing more than overtime hours, I just stood there ensuring they didn't fuck it up. Then the EPA shut down the fracking site anyway for hundreds of sanitation and pollution violations.

>> No.8815272


>> No.8815282

WV here.
Shopping cart = buggy
Stream = crick
Creek = creak (creek is not even a word to these people)

This place is fucking lame. Good thing it's only a couple words.
Problem is people get confused when I ask for soda sometimes.
And they fucking talk about doors creaking and shit when I say "creek."
Fucking maddening. And they're all fat as fuck. I see front asses every day and it's foul.

>> No.8815676


>> No.8815682

actually, water can be dangerous if you drink too much of it. it's called drowning.

>> No.8815686

Texas here, soda.

>> No.8815690


>> No.8815693

Carbonated sugar beverage

>> No.8815707
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t. Southerner
I wish Coca-Cola would start selling this here. I really want to try it.

>> No.8815720
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t.North Carolina

Bong speak is acceptable.

>> No.8815858

minnesota here

normies around here call it pop often but I've always called it soda

>> No.8815898
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>Calling it anything but Sodie Pop

>> No.8815902

it's called coke or soda. very rarely soft drinks, but never pop

>> No.8815919
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Why is the midwest outside Milwaukee so wrong?

>> No.8816182

>implying 7up is owned by PepsiCo
It's a shared brand. Like Schweppes and crush

WI here
It's soda. People who call it pop need to be killed by firing squad.

Also we call water fountains "bubblers" but that's only in my city

>> No.8816184

It's called "North Chicago" now.

>> No.8816187

wait what, how come claps don't have Fanta

>> No.8816201

fizzy drinks

>> No.8816237

I call it soda. Its pop where I grew up and many people where I live now call it Coke.

>> No.8816253
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Bubbler is the original and proper term

>> No.8816268
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>> No.8816297

Bubblers were invented by the Kohler company in southeastern Wisconsin, they trademarked the name though, so imitators had to call it something else

>> No.8816388

Soft drink

>> No.8816401

>Norteño: Soda
>Sureño: Refresco
>ignorant Poorfag: Coka

>> No.8816406

Why is wisconsin so shitty

>> No.8817506

It's pop. Hoagies. Yinz. Chipped ham. An at.

>> No.8817519

Coke. All of it is coke.

>> No.8818141


Back in the 19th century they had soda shoppes and soda fountains. Clearly it is called soda and should be addressed as such.

Case closed and lets move along.

>> No.8818357

Seeing as this is a sodie-pop thread, does anyone know of a way that I can buy flat soda other than just buying the syrup?

I dislike carbonation.

>> No.8818362

t. Extremely faggy and healthy individual

>> No.8818388
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Good morning.

>> No.8819099

Bitch it's called soft-drink!

>> No.8819100

buy regular soda, leave open for a while

>> No.8820406

Pop you fuckin confederates

>> No.8820483

For me, it's a crisp glass of Fresca

>> No.8820498


>> No.8820579

Water you fucking diabetic fat slug