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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8810805 No.8810805 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to get Alex Jones levels of paranoia about the quality of food.

Modern agriculture is basically alchemy - make some magical fertilizer in a lab and wa la you have increased crop yields despite having added nothing.

Humans are like this too. How can you possibly grow the human population to 7 billion people? Flesh and bone and brain has to come from somewhere. I believe that just like how increased crop yields have proportionately smaller amounts of nutrients, increased human populations have proportionally decreased the "quality" of the people. We are creating a world where everyone will be a frail malnourished low testosterone drone living on mass produced algae/soy paste.

Why is everything unhealthy? Processed foods with "added natural flavors" in other words you're eating literal landfill trash which is artificially flavored. Meats are raised in little boxes on corn and grains and growth hormones. Water is full of fluoride. Why are sugar and carbohydrates put into everything for no reason?

Help /ck/ I'm scared of food. Don't let it hurt me. I just wish I could never eat again and never worry about this.

>> No.8810815

You have nothing to worry about, my 4chan friend!
We here at the FDA have everything under control!
Have a great day!

>> No.8810816

>I just wish I could never eat again and never worry about this.
You've presented the solution to both your problem and ours OP. Just stop eating, permanently.

>> No.8810828

>We are creating a world where everyone will be a frail malnourished low testosterone drone living on mass produced algae/soy paste.
mate this happened the moment humanity invented agriculture. There's a definitive drop in stature between hunter-gatherers and nomads and agricultural civilizations in the early stages of it.

>> No.8810835
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I only ever really eat during lunch breaks at work and I always regret it. Sometimes I go to Whole Foods to try some new "healthy" food I read about online but I always end up ruining it and hating it and throwing it all away. During weekends I slowly starve and text my mom asking her to mail me some food

>> No.8810854


You'd probably be one of those cavemen screaming about how fire bad.


>> No.8810865

I went to IHOP the other day and they refused to give me butter for my pancakes, said they only had margarine. And then the waiter told me he doesn't even order the pancakes because they smell bad.

I went to some hipster restaurant and I just cant eat anything they serve at all. I asked for a chicken sandwich and they gave me a piece of white rubber with a bunch of pepper pounded into it.

>> No.8810869

Then raise your own chickens and grow your own veggies Jesus Christ op

>> No.8810872

Don't do this! We'll feed you!

>> No.8810877


try cooking if you're worried about processed foods?

produce generally isn't fucked. there are lots of GMOs out there but the drawbacks are questionable and you can always go non-GMO if you want

>> No.8810891
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I can't eat produce. When I eat fresh meat I feel like I'm forcing it down my throat and I start to gag. I was raised on a diet of pastries, breakfast cereals and occasionally processed sandwich meats if I was lucky. I am an abomination, one of the soy-paste eating ant men of the New World. Just kill me and feed me to some pastured pigs to make organic ham.

>> No.8810897

>plant can't reproduce
>pollen blown all over US
>plants touched by GMO pollen
>no longer make working seeds

GMOs are the way of the future!

Fucking hell people are retarded. See you in 10 years when fertile seeds are the most valuable commodity on earth and the US becomes a real life version of idiocracy. But permanently.

Time to start hiding seeds, I'm not joking, go buy any vegetable and you can not grow the seeds. I planted 400 green bell seeds and two sprouted because I got them elsewhere. That's a pretty good success rate for seed germination right?

>> No.8810904

Yes. It's all "real." The question is whether or not you're eating something that's been modified from its original form/source.

GMOs are the future y'all; without em, we are likely fucked for foods as a species. It's gonna be GMO corn and lab grown meat for most within a few decades.

As far as processed foods, well it's either: A. cuz it's cheaper, or B. cuz it's addictive/exploitable.

>> No.8810907

>plant cant reproduce
>makes pollen
youre retarded

>> No.8810919

The 1st gen gmos can still create pollen and infect crops, which Monsanto can test and legally claim they own even if you didn't use their seed. Technically they can reproduce bit the seeds created are designed to grow, so they're shooting blanks.

No, I'm really not sure how it works completely, this is my best guess, but go buy a green pepper and good luck with your crop.
Somehow the pollen is infecting neighboring crops and causing the seeds to not grow.

>> No.8810921

>make some magical fertilizer in a lab and wa la you have increased crop yields despite having added nothing.
>having added nothing.
What are limiting nutrients for 500 alex

Eat my ass fuckboy at least make yourself sound like you know what you're talking about before you bitch about shit like "Flesh and bone and brain has to come from somewhere."

Yeah no shit idiot, crop yields increased due to our ability to manage crops better through industrial equipment and irrigation, and nutrients that were previously limited in the environment (phosphorus, nitrogen depending on this plants) are provided to plants so they can reach greater growth potential. More biomass due to more efficient allocation of limiting nutrients = more human biomass.

>Water is full of fluoride.
My local water treatment plant has never put fluoride into our water. I have been inside it and seen myself.

>Why are sugar and carbohydrates put into everything for no reason?
Not for no reason, they're filling and taste good, doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure that tidbit out.

>I believe that just like how increased crop yields have proportionately smaller amounts of nutrients, increased human populations have proportionally decreased the "quality" of the people.
Can you provide any evidence whatsoever that the "quality" of people has decreased? Do you seriously think the majority of people weren't malnourished skeletons a couple centuries ago?

You're the one drinking the kool-aid dumbass, if you're afraid of industrial food, grow it yourself. I do, no one has stopped me. Instead of going out into the world and engaging with science and educating yourself you just rile yourself up with fear and piss your big boy pants.

Neck urself.

>> No.8810922

Are designed not to grow^

>> No.8810930
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what exactly was the point of this post? you don't have to be mad anon. Let's be friends.

>> No.8810934

Just buy several plants so pollination can still occur (get some rosemary and and Blue Mist so you'll be fucking flooded with bees and butterflies) and grow your own shit, nigga.
If Monsanto's thugs come on to your property without your permission just kill them.
That's what I do, save for the killing part...

>> No.8810940

We've been genetically modifying our food since the dawn of agriculture. Humans have been selectively utilizing the seeds produced by plants of desirable quality for thousands of years. The difference these days is that we don't have to wait for genetic mutation to naturally occur to find those desirable qualities. Also, the human population only hit the massive spike after the industrial revolution, after food production became significantly easier and pesticides became popular. I don't think there's anything wrong with GMOs. If there's anything causing the "quality" of humans to decrease I guess it would be the idea that we only embrace the eugenics of food, not people. However, imo, ALL of humanity has been shit tier from the very start.

>> No.8810943

>rocket surgeon

>> No.8810952

I'm working with a ton of Chinese seed and will be collecting the good stuff later this year.
I'm not letting anything out during flower for gen 1 here, I will pollinate everything myself.
Should have a good 5,000 tomato and 3,000 pepper seeds at the end of the year if I do it right.

I still gotta figure out how the hell and where the hell onions make seeds. But this'll give me untainted crops for many years, even if their pollen hits my next outdoor crops, it won't turn them into GMO vegetables, I'll just forego keeping seeds and grow another indoor generation when I'm getting low.

I really think everyone should get down like this, before their vegetables become said blanks.

>> No.8810970

>I don't think there's anything wrong with GMOs.

Say you own a wheat field and so does your neighbor.
Your neighbor bought GMO seed and you planted natural seed.
Wheat blooms, wind blows.
You harvest your wheat, he harvests his.
You save the seeds for next year happy with your harvest.
Next year comes around and you plant your crop. Last year's was great so you're hoping for good luck again this year.
You plant billions of seeds in your field.
You wait ten days. Nothing. Twenty days. Nothing. Thirty days, still no germination.

Your entire crop was invisibly destroyed and you had no warning. You lose all your money. Game over.

Infertility of crops was the hugest "fuck you" ever given to mankind.

I'm telling you, in a decade, there will be no crops. Monsanto will own 100% of the seeds able to germinate in the US. You have lost all your power to create, modify, breed, seed and plant your own vegetables. Heirloom varieties will no longer exist. All of your vegetables will be the exact same thing forever. All of them will be severely insect vulnerable, forcing you to buy roundup and spray it on your crops, poisoning you and your family.

This is your future.
It's already happened though. You just gotta wait about 10 years. There is nothing we can do to reverse this. They have absolutely eradicated two of god's greatest gifts, life and sustenance.

I'm pretty sure when you get up there he's going to say "Hey, about that 'there's nothing wrong with gmos' thing you said.."

>> No.8810978

Well yeah, word to that. I stand by saying there's nothing wrong with GMOs. But I agree that Monsanto exploiting this science for financial gain is the genesis of an apocalyptic agricultural nightmare.

>> No.8811002

You're right, there don't seem to be any notable health effects, and genetic modification can be used for wonderful things.

But monsanto used it to make plants ignore glyphosate and produce infertile seeds, along with allowing them to infect other crops.
Then they managed to get the government to allow them to copyright the plants, which was a hell of a battle for them, but the US government is not known for it's integrity or refusal to allow the destruction of their people so the battle was won.
Pure evil.

It could've given us amazing crops, new amazing varieties, better yields, stronger stalks, wider leaves to collect more sun, resistance to bugs, anything.

But we got genocide.
It's fucking depressing. I'll retract my last line of my last statement because I was equating your comment to monsanto support instead of actual genetic modification.
Stay safe out there and start collecting seeds, that antarctic seed bank isn't going to save our asses when we start spraying Brawndo on the crops because no one's allowed there.

>> No.8811012

delete this

I don't want my grandkids to grow up on genetically modified algae paste

fucking delete this NOW

>> No.8811037

are you retarded or did you just take a huge swig of whatever insane koolaid they "MUH ORGANICS" crowd is passing around?

>> No.8811051

"Something went wrong"

I guess it can't be undone. Sorry.
Ignorance and acceptance multiplied by farmer greed have got us this far.
The only thing in a supermarket you can grow is the top of a pineapple.
I even tried to root an onion and it refused to grow even though it appeared alive for a week.
Green peppers don't work. Tomato's don't work. Apples and some fruits will work but take ten to twenty years for produce.

You can't even clone them like the onion I mentioned. You can clone pineapples though because all of them are always going to be clones of the last one, that's just how we grow them, so they probably can't break that industry ever because no pollination occurs.

But everything else is already broken and evey vegetable from every farm is GMO.
You have to start your own generations of seeds NOW or forego vegetables for life.

>> No.8811059

>GMOs are the future y'all; without em, we are likely fucked for foods as a species

Why? Why does the human race need to have endless, exponential growth? Why can't we maintain our population at a level that allows everyone to have a good quality of life? Why the rush to turn the whole world into one huge metropolitan shithole with thousands of people living in every square mile?

I'll tell you why: because of fucking baby boomers and their god damned social security pyramid scheme that falls apart without a endlessly expanding population base. Boomers literally set off the destruction of this planet and eventually, the human race.

>> No.8811096

Food is now made from dead Haitian and Mexican babies.

>> No.8811106

>I buy cheap packaged meat that is stuffed with filler
>why is this so nasty?
Just go to a butcher you mongoloid. I get a decent, fresh rib eye for like $12

>> No.8811134
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>> No.8811154

>hurr soy = estrogen
asia has been eating soy for thousands of years and they have no problems with testosterone you blockhead. Fuck off to /pol/

>> No.8811953

>asians have no problem with test

Kek. Back to r/asianmasculinity with you

>> No.8811992

Seek help