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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8810430 No.8810430[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do my eggs taste like cum?

>> No.8810437

They were fertilized.

>> No.8810455
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Fertilized chicken eggs have red speckled yolks, you'd know if you ate one.

>> No.8810473

How do you know what cum taste like you faggot

>> No.8810475


who hasn't tried their own cum?

>> No.8810479

I haven't.

>> No.8810488

you haven't tried your own creampie?

>> No.8810489


it's not that bad if you eat fruit primarily for a few days

>> No.8810498

No. Have you tried your own piss or shit?

>> No.8810499

Me fag

>> No.8810501


nice false equivalence

>> No.8810504

They're all people-juices. I don't want to taste people-juices.

>> No.8810505


how's it gay to try your own product?

>> No.8810507


but it's your 'people-juice', not someone elses.

>> No.8810509

If you have sex with your clone, is that masturbation or gay sex?

>> No.8810513

I don't care. I don't want to taste my own people-juices either. If it's coming out of my body, I don't want to put it back in.

>> No.8810515


we're not talking about a clone
we're talking about blowing your load in your hand and taking a sip.
there's nothing gay about that.

>> No.8810518

>Never get high on your own supply
confirmed bender

>> No.8810521

Sounds pretty gay to me. Drinking your own semen is still drinking semen.

>> No.8810527


define "gay"

>> No.8810531

a faggot who sucks dick and take it in the ass and drink semen

>> No.8810535

define "define"

If you're asking the other person to define gay, you've already lost fag.

>> No.8810536

drinking semen

>> No.8810540


and implies all those must be true. by your own definition it's not gay.

>> No.8810543


not an argument, he's clearly using a different stan

then you better debate >>8810531

>> No.8810544

>all those must be true
Faggot what? A dude who sucks dick and doesn't take it in the ass is still gay. A dude who drinks semen but doesn't suck dick is still gay.

There's nothing wrong with being gay anon, just accept it.

>> No.8810549

fuck this thread and fuck all you. bunch of morons

>> No.8810552

Good post. Your logic is sound.

>> No.8810556

It's totally gay try to prove me wrong, bender

>> No.8810559

Thanks. Some people just need a little help to come out of the closet.

>> No.8810564

My only problem with your post is
>There's nothing wrong with being gay

Of course there is. But there's also something wrong with being an alcoholic. Don't baby them though, tell them the truth so they can get better.

>> No.8810567

Gay faggot detected. Suck any cocks lately homo?

>> No.8810601

In all honesty yes I have, why are you so boring?

>> No.8810660

>you haven't eaten your own shit, why are you so boring?
>you haven't fucked a dude, why are you so boring?
>you haven't raped and killed a child, why are you so boring

Kill yourself, degenerate.

>> No.8810665 [DELETED] 

why is /tv/ so obsessed with this troll-like uggo? she looks inbred

>> No.8810669

well, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, there's really only one answer you ponce

>> No.8810672
File: 13 KB, 220x283, bawwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avoiding ingredients because they make you feel bad
you're well-done-steak-and-potatoes tier

>> No.8810674

Pretty good shop.

>> No.8810686

>literallty eating shit

>> No.8810689

He's trolling

>> No.8810856

ducks don't quack

>> No.8810995

eggs and semen are basically the same thing, they just cum from different genders
you're gay if you eat female chicken semen

>> No.8811263

Jerking off your own dick is still jerking off a dick, fag.

>> No.8811273

What about your saliva?

>> No.8811544

Yeah, was gonna say. The shadows for the girl are a little too blurry. Is that Chloe?