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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 600x360, IMG_1050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8809715 No.8809715 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't like your steak rare, you're a fucking faggot

>> No.8809722
File: 16 KB, 240x320, ok cola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess I'm a fucking faggot then

I can eat it I guess, I don't really mind the taste, but I dislike the mushy texture of raw meat

>> No.8809724

Medium rare. Fight me.

>inb4 well done with ketchup.

>> No.8809735


>> No.8809748

Rare is where the taste is the best. Fuck medium rare, don't half ass steak. Just go full rare

>> No.8809749
File: 80 KB, 557x475, niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I had a good steak

>> No.8809759

I have had uncooked steak before and the taste is good, but the juices are freely flowing. That's why rare is best. Taste is phenomenal while the juices have room to move.

>> No.8809766

I like my steaks cooked medium ass medium.

>> No.8809770

Jesus fuck that isn't even rare, that's blue rare. The juices are still locked into the meat. Needs a tad more on the grill

>> No.8809772

Don't be such a pussy, anon.

>> No.8809785

Sorry anon, but medium rare > rare. Medium rare lets the fat melt and add flavor.

>> No.8809788

Medium rare master race.

>> No.8809795 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 300x168, IMG_0890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off nigger, rare is better

>> No.8809805

Sorry to burst your bubble, but no.

I bet you like filet better than ribeye too. Stop being a woman and go where the flavor is.

>> No.8809807

Rare - Medium depending on the cut

>> No.8809808

If you're OP, you're a fucking faggot

>> No.8809819

Fuck you bitch, I definitely prefer ribeye to filet. You are probably the type of dude to say T Bone is better than Ribeye foh

>> No.8809820 [DELETED] 

Rare is how numales eat their steak, they think it makes them "manly," like beards, NES games, and shitty hipster beer.

>> No.8809825

Rare ≠ Raw

>> No.8809827
File: 463 KB, 1510x1123, sousviderare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sous Vide rare master race checking in, pic related

>> No.8809831

This. Leaner cuts I like rare, fattier cuts get more cook time.

>> No.8809833

If I was the type of dude to say that, why wouldn't I have said it then?

You must have picked up a brain parasite from your undercooked steak.

>> No.8809835

That rare is fucking RAW

>> No.8809839

No that's rare. Blue looks gelatinous.

>> No.8809840

If I wanted my come back I would've wiped it off your mom's chin

>> No.8809843

>Rare ≠ Raw

Raw is rare, with the outside singed.....and there is nothing wrong with it faggot

>> No.8809853 [DELETED] 

Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

>> No.8809867
File: 34 KB, 1280x720, IMG_1051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off my thread faggot

>> No.8809887

That would be Pittsburgh rare, or black and blue.

Rare is the earliest point at which all the proteins are cross-linked. It goes from a transparent, gelatinous state, to an opaque, rigid state. It's easier to see in fish, compare raw smoked salmon to cooked salmon for example.

>> No.8811018

steak is shitty anyway. it has good texture but that's it

>> No.8811027

I like my steaks, or any other decent cut of beef, anywhere from actually raw, to mid rare.
I love the taste of rare lamb, but it's far too chewy for me.
Had mid rare dog once... chewy as fuck.

>> No.8811042

>What are you doing?

Cooking. Ever heard of it?

>> No.8811070

>another foodie manchild defends eating raw food thread

>> No.8811091

*chomps down on another nugget*
*licks the bbq sauce pack clean*

Y-y-you fags... don't even get.... raw is better..... *wheeze*
*guzzles diet soda*

>> No.8811172

These shit images piss me off because the bacteria juice from the uncooked garbage is contaminating the cooked meat at the bottom.

>> No.8811180

Last time I checked, I was not a meatball.

>> No.8811184

Medium rare over pit grill>
medium rare over new propane grill
full rare thrown into the middle of an oak bonfire in a cast iron skillet>>>>>>
power gap>>>>>>
medium on any of the former methods
I like pink but I like char almost as much.

>> No.8811186

I can see why you think that, because its so fucking lean and the sear is wonky as fuck. Color alone tells me it all got heated at least.

>> No.8812180

I like my steak medium because for some reason I prefer meat to be at least slightly warm

>> No.8812184

Medium-rare is warm throughout anon.

>> No.8813030
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Well Done


>> No.8813043
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>> No.8813130
File: 158 KB, 1126x844, 1459207348765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody ever get "medium well" for anything? I understand medium for burgers but if people are so freaked by pink don't they just go full retard, skip over medium well, and get well done?

>> No.8813150

yasss only MEN like rare steak, well-done is for boys.

>> No.8813154
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>> No.8813163
File: 40 KB, 401x389, chops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I went to one of those classy, top notch, steak joints in Atlanta (Buckhead) where they sniff their own farts.

The place I am talking about it called Chops Lobster Bar. It is a sister restaurant to Chops in Atlanta. In addition to steaks at this location they have an ice bar with a lot of cold fish and oysters/mussels... It's supposed to be a great restaurant.

The waiter comes out and starts talking about how we should sniff his farts and love it. About how the restaurant cooks everything underdone slightly because the meat is soooo high quality and they can't have anyone ordering meat the way they like it cooked and have a fair expectation of what will come out based on the norms in the cooking industry. No... evidently this place has to be special because its run by snowflakes. Its an entire restaurant based on the idea that all the cook staff are Asperger raw fags and that the idea of cooking a steak the way someone else actually wants it cooked would cause autistic screeching from the kitchen that would set the place on fire.

So after his little speech about how "their" medium was more like medium rare, and "their" medium rare was more like rare, and their rare was more like sushi grade beef slightly warmed over - i asked for my steak medium well. He looked at me funny... As if I had three heads. I wanted my steak medium, and as he just had explained it, i needed to order it medium well to get it that way.

this is getting long and retarded and thinking about how stupid and faggy the whole experience was is making me sad so i'll shorten it up.

the steak came out overly well done. well past what would be considered well cooked. it was tough and dry. I was on a work outting and it was paid for by the boss man, so i didn't want to complain - but that shit cost the company about 45 bucks.

Fucking disaster.

>> No.8813188
File: 42 KB, 800x682, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I really enjoy risking getting some tasty parasites because I want to eat some raw meat.

>> No.8813194

Fuck off gook

>> No.8813198

sounds like the waiter is bad at his job

>> No.8813201

you're extremely unilkely to get parasites out of any mea other than unchecked wild game or extremely shitty, trash-tier "meat"

>> No.8813350

The only acceptable choice is the fully cooked one. Rest is for retards.

>> No.8813738

Triggered snowflake who drew this comic aside, the last panel caught me off guard.

>> No.8813765

I like my steak rare, just out of preference. I don't see why people always have to quarrel about it, if you like your steak bleedy that's fine, if you like your steak cooked all the way that's fine too. What's the point, can't we just enjoy a slab of fucking meat without arguing over how much blood is in it?

>> No.8813816

When I was little, I loved my steak very well done, like the entire surface of the steak needed to be charred before I would even think about slathering it with ketchup.

Now, I barely cook my steaks at all. Three to five minutes on the grill, juuuuust enough to get a sear on the outside, then it goes on the plate.

>> No.8813826

>If you don't like your steak rare, you're a fucking faggot
I like mine still bleeding, so I would say one step before rare.

This is how Brazilians like their meat.

>> No.8813917

put me in the screencap xD

>> No.8813925

who cares, red meat is gross anyway

>> No.8813949

Who said I'm a gook? I'm whiter than snow.

>> No.8813957

Medium rare is good, fuck off

>> No.8813971


>> No.8813994

My tolerance for rarer steak has gotten better over the years. However I can only manage a medium. Anything below that has a texture change and really not something pleasant in my mouth.

>> No.8814053
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>> No.8814062

Female detected.

>> No.8814064
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>> No.8814065

Needs another 30 seconds. Maybe a minute. Also too much shit on the potato. Otherwise, very good. 7.5/10.

>> No.8814097
File: 782 KB, 1944x1296, steak medium well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anyone eating raw steaks is getting memed, and is a faggot. you are a faggot. if you have ordered anything less than medium well you should kill yourself so that you don't spread your fucking faggotry. i wouldn't let you around my kids.

pic related. a GOOD steak. although personally i like mine to have carbonization around the edges.

>> No.8814351

That's a nice opinion

But it's wrong

>> No.8814375

medium well is literally perfect

>> No.8814377

Medium rare is the optimal temperature for a good cut. Medium well is okay if your steak is trash tier.

>> No.8814403


other way around

>> No.8814418

Nope. It's science. Medium-rare gets the juices flowing and the fat melted without destroying the texture of the steak.

>> No.8814434
File: 90 KB, 500x492, 1492220460943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



yeah, fuck off faggot.

rare steak tastes like shit. its embarrasing how many people don't even realize it, or realize it and eat rare anyways in order to be 'more manly'. meat tastes best cooked. period.

>a steak is science

american fucking education, people.

>> No.8814438
File: 81 KB, 652x774, 1429915243657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

europoor fucking obsession, people

>> No.8814440


>the science of steak

correct me if i'm wrong: in american schools, they just show kids TV shows during science class, like 'the science of steak' 'the science of twinkies' 'the science of burgers'

>> No.8814444

Even in dogshit public schools that's pretty rare.
All our classes would just show movies and stuff for days after finals where we were still required to attend school, but that was it.

>> No.8814445
File: 120 KB, 922x692, photo_2017_03_30_13_56_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic obsessionpost

>> No.8814779

take your ketchup and leave

>> No.8815326
File: 72 KB, 810x800, 1b4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8815329

you know that's not an american tank, right?

>> No.8815331


My personal favorite was "The Science of Donuts".

>> No.8815333

Classic obese post.
Nice American tank as well, retard.

>> No.8815353

I prefer rare but can eat anything up to medium without any complaints.

>> No.8815364
File: 222 KB, 1024x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a Russian tank you absolute fucking mong.

>> No.8815367


>> No.8815425
File: 2.96 MB, 3264x2448, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I cooked a steak it came out like this.

Is this rare or medium rare?

>> No.8815443

it's not even rare, it's medium

>> No.8815447
File: 947 KB, 1280x1840, 1490913438866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I heard the "snowflake" line at all (outside of Fight Club) until every leftshit started complaining about it.

>> No.8815452
File: 1.86 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was pretty good.

>> No.8815459

Looks like medium rare to me.

>> No.8815467

I hope you smothered it in that delicious looking ketchup

>> No.8815926

The correction answer is that it depends on the type of steak. Something with very little fat and connective tissue is best served rare, to maintain the tenderness. However, the fats don't melt fully until about medium rare, so for a steak that is more fatty, medium rare is preferable, especially if you can cook it sous vide. It will be a little less tender, but it will have better flavor.

Anything beyond medium rare loses tenderness and gains nothing. If you like a less tender steak, that's fine I guess, but then buy a lower quality steak, as the only reason there is to buy an expensive steak is to maximize the tenderness and flavor.

>> No.8815936

This desu, it's almost...rubbery? At least, that's the impression I get from rare steak. Medium rare is ideal for me, has a nice, meaty texture while still retaining flavor.

>> No.8815988

I like well done. Medium well at a pinch.
I don't care about your opinion.
I will buy whatever steak I like and cook it how I please.
Your faggots and memes mean nothing to me.

I'll also cut the fat off and throw it in the bin, where it belongs.
What are you going to do about it?

>> No.8816072

>What are you going to do about it?
leave you the fuck alone. you're obviously mentally ill

>> No.8816076

we get it, you are a man child, go away

>> No.8816085
File: 159 KB, 435x419, 1311704000383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I order it rare when I go out but I don't complain if it comes out medium rare. I always low-ball my temps when I order because most cooks over cook everything.

Mexicans are bros to work with but they can't cook meat for shit.

>> No.8816106

Black and blue, I mean well charred on the outside (with a little demerara sugar to help it along) and tepid in the centre.

>> No.8816125
File: 32 KB, 600x342, cover-raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare. Otherwise you lose some flavor. Pic related.

>> No.8816293

If steak wasn't so expensive, we wouldn't even be talking about this because it's just not good enough to get this excited about.

It falls into the category of foods that are overpraised for reasons other than taste. Like lobster, which was a shit-tear peasant-food a few hundred years ago because the world knew it was nasty.

>> No.8816301

You. I like you. Full homo.

>> No.8816306

Perception is a factor. Lobster was shit-tier peasant food because it was cheap, looks like a gross bug, and people weren't preparing it properly (poor people would just pick up dead ones lying on the beach and make lobster stew).

A good steak really is something to get excited about, as is a good lobster. It's all in the quality of the meat and how well it's prepared.

>> No.8816314


Please be gentle.

>> No.8816346

>no sear
>surface looks like soft dog chews
>good steak

>> No.8816363
File: 313 KB, 849x566, round-steak-medium-rare-cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait how do you even get that "rare" and "medium" rare" and "wait" doneness? When I sear them, there's a distinct partition in the middle that indicates the doneness. Were these cooked in the oven?

pic related are how mine come out

>> No.8816365

>that photo
>medium rare
that's rare

>> No.8816376
File: 508 KB, 2760x2190, l6xLmcN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what medium rare looks like btw

>> No.8816387

There we go, the only picture I agree with.

>> No.8816410
File: 38 KB, 900x900, fdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8816430

>chicken medium rare chicken strips

>> No.8816436

I call it partially cooked.
Medium is the way.

>> No.8816471

If you don't like your steak raw, you are a fucking faggot.

>> No.8816490

if you don't like your steak practically burned and well done, you are a fucking faggot.

>> No.8816900

That's fucking rare you retard, and barely, cooked that 5 mins less and you're bordering on blue.

>> No.8816936

Rare is red. That is pink. That is medium rare.

>> No.8816955

No, that's definitely rare. Medium rare has less red than that.

>> No.8817098

you're a fucking faggot.

>> No.8817111
File: 547 KB, 1097x1176, 20170308_191144-1097x1176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like a nice charcoal grilled ribeye, medium rare

>> No.8817114
File: 265 KB, 1343x1007, 20150704_162534-1343x1007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally prefer rare to medium rare, no matter the cut

>> No.8817127

>order an overcooked steak
>get an overcooked steak
You have nobody but yourself to blame.

>> No.8817154
File: 305 KB, 1343x755, 20160226_165637_001-1-1343x755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was just following the waiters advice. If what he said is true I would say the waiter is at least partly to blame.

I like my steaks medium rare

>> No.8817441

I'll order my steak however I want

If I pay for it and tell you to cook it with a benzene torch and then take it off the grill and stomp on it, you do it, cuck.

>> No.8817462
File: 505 KB, 591x388, Steak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I went too far with the rare meme

>> No.8817512


>> No.8817558

>go to shoe store to buy shoes as a gift
>salesman claims "our shoes are actually a bit on the small side, so if you are a size 8.5 you need to buy 9
>follow salesman's advice and buy 9

>shoes are completely normal and thus end up being too large


>> No.8817562

>doesn't try on the shoes
faulty analogy m8.

>> No.8817590

>Le Well done steak means overcooked dried out garbage meme

Maybe if you're a shit cook who throws the meat in the pan and let's it sit for 20 minutes

>> No.8817603

You can cook a steak well done and have it be juicy, but you've definitely destroyed the texture.

>> No.8817696

Hahaha wow, drumpf btfo.

>> No.8817715

Why are europoors so fucking retarded? Yes you are wrong, you giant tool.

>> No.8817722

Rare chicken is an actual thing. Just rinse it with vodka. It's not gonna make you sick most likely.

>> No.8817783

Rare, medium rare or medium, I don't really mind if it's one of those.

>> No.8817801

I'm a girl btw (male).

>> No.8817922

I too enjoy my steak bubbling slightly on the outside. More like a hefe than an mgd

>> No.8817936

>you're a fucking faggot
CAll me a faggot then. I like my food cooked, and cooked fully.

It's like they say:
If it's worth doing, then it's worth doing well. (well done)

Either way, to each his own. Enjoy your parasites.

>> No.8817946

>Sliced beets, potato, greens.
Fuck off vegetarian.
Oh, those aren't beets...

>> No.8817950

Medium Rare > all

If you like Rare you are a degenerate.

>> No.8817968

I bet you like runny eggs, sushi, and roe.

Cook your food, this is a board about cooking.
Go somewhere else with your raw paleo-vegan diet.

>> No.8817977


I eat burgers everday, try-hard fag baka

>> No.8817979

Do you not like the taste of char?

>> No.8818004

I like the taste of your mom.

>> No.8819629

Apparently President Trump likes his steak well done and with ketchup

>> No.8819636
File: 179 KB, 600x511, sadpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you donate a kidney and afterwards learn you can never eat medium rare steak or sushi again

>> No.8819758

this is the best pasta

>> No.8819804
File: 43 KB, 500x478, dude what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this shit
are liberals really this out of touch?

>> No.8819809

Looked about right to me. How is it wrong?

>> No.8819871
File: 322 KB, 1200x1604, beef-2.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never understood this made up controversy. Why would I let someone else tell me how I like my food to taste.

I personally prefer rare but have had well done. It got that name for a reason, people like it.

Its legitimately a different flavor and contrasts with any dressing a bit differently. That seared meat flavor is very popular.

Why people pretend to get bent out of shape over fully cooked steak makes no sense. Thats like telling people how thick their milk shake should be.

>> No.8819889
File: 335 KB, 760x995, Vilhelm_Pedersen,_Kejserens_nye_klæder,_ubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was right on the money, too. I guess he's just assblasted because his orange tinted emperor is a plebe.

>> No.8819901

what the comic claims to have happened
>people find out trump likes his steak well done with ketchup
>people make fun of him for it
>trump supporters try to claim that's the correct way of eating steak

what really happened
>people find out trump likes his steak well done with ketchup
>people unironically use it as an argument against trump, write many articles about it, and blow it out of proportion like with everything else
>trump supporters make fun of said people for doing something so absurd

>> No.8819906

"medium rare" is the reddit answer, basically what you pick when you want to seem sophisticated but don't really know anything about steaks. neither do i but i pick medium, sometimes i order well done as the contrarian option.

>> No.8819912

fine, if that breaks the analogy for ya put it as a super good closeout sale from on online retailer or something

>> No.8819921
File: 53 KB, 1083x675, lodge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like sous vide without putting a finishing sear on the outside

>> No.8819925

>this screaming hissy fit over a comic
You sure proved it wrong

>> No.8819933

>the dumbest baitiest OP possible
>150 replies

>> No.8819948
File: 640 KB, 200x157, delta dirac ------function------.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screaming hissy fit

>> No.8819954

Raw and while it screams moo!

>> No.8820005

What's the best temperate to set your pod to? I cook my steak at 125° F for an hour then set it in a 600° cast iron pan for a minute on each side.

Now that it's getting warm I used my charcoal grill again but I think I like it the other way better.

>> No.8820024


As in a dog color?

>> No.8820072

>dog color
as in dog collar?

>> No.8821754

that's raw

>> No.8821904
File: 57 KB, 558x277, The sickest shades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't like his meat raw

My ancestors laugh at you.

>> No.8823916

>inside beef
Did you know you were terminally retarded?

>> No.8823941

I agreed. I can almost eat it raw but would miss out on that cancerous carcinogen that is my guilty pleasure.

>> No.8823989
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>> No.8823991


>> No.8824036

That's pretty much what I do. I set it to 128 and do 550ish, 45 seconds per side

>> No.8824062

I don't eat steak enough to care
you people and your reddit authoritarian stances on food can go to hell

>> No.8824092
File: 47 KB, 540x540, c3bc2469764c521d06dd511c9ef7d821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me I need to have

Rare/Medium rare (I can't really tell the difference imo)
Fillet Steak
Cooked in garlic butter
Served with home made mushroom sauce
Tea spoon peppercorn

Boom. You have an explosive steak right there without comprimising on any of the natural flavour.