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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8807519 No.8807519 [Reply] [Original]

How should i make my eggs this morning /ck/?

>> No.8807528

With a kiss.

>> No.8807534

How sweet <3

>> No.8807536


>> No.8807539

over easy is best way

>> No.8807554

Boiled or fried?

>> No.8807584


>> No.8807586


>> No.8807587

You tell me

>> No.8809300

take slice of bread
cut hole in slice
put knob of butter in pan
put slice in pan
crack egg into slice-hole
break yolk
cook until egg is set
cook to preferred doneness
salt and pepper to taste

egg in breadhole

>> No.8809305

Scrambled of course.

>> No.8810598

over hard, serve with soy sauce and hot pickles

>> No.8810980

>Chicken abortions

>> No.8810982


>> No.8810987
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>> No.8810990

They're more like chicken periods

>> No.8810993

>extremely common ingredient in cooking
>can be cooked 100 different ways based on what you like
Yeah what a neanderthal

>> No.8810994

>This morning
>implying third worlders have evolved to the point of being able to cook
enjoy your raw eggs

>> No.8811576
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>no one has suggested poached yet

>> No.8811856

Should have used them last night to make brioche dough, then you could be eating that instead.

>> No.8811865

I just tell the waitress to do whatever.

>> No.8811886

I've been making a lot of omelettes recently. I need a bigger pan though because I like 4 eggs

>> No.8811935
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not en every day technique, but i like to do this once or twice a week

purchase a couple of sous vide machines from amazon, ebay, whichever suits you best. they really are the most versatile machine that everyone should have in their kitchen. perfect for all foods, from pears to rice.
you want to go ahead and use at least 7 eggs for this method otherwise you wont get the yield youre looking for. separate the whites from the yolks, and place into separate bowls (duh)
whisk the whites to get a bit of air into them, and do the same for the yolks to bring them together into what is effectively one giant yolk
now the problem with the giant yolk, is that it does not retain its original shape. its a liquid, not a nice sphere of yolk. this is easy to fix. soak a little gelatin in water to activate it, and boil it down in some water. once it has dissolved, let it cool, and then add it to your yolk mixture
pour some canola oil into a large bowl or tube container. i use a large vase, but obviously that isnt technically a kitchen item. it just worked well due to its volume and shape. put the oil into the fridge, and let it cool down so it is more viscous.
take your gelatin yolk, and pour it into the chilled oil. this will create a giant yolk sphere, which you can then fish out with a slatted spoon. place the giant yolk into a bag for vacuum sealing. place the whites in to bag in the same way. vacuum seal both.
have the sous vides set to 35 and 45 for whites and yolks respectively. place the bags into the appropriate baths, and cook for 1 hour 35 minutes a piece.
remove both from the baths, remove from bags, and get a plate out for service
lay the whites onto a plate, and then lay your giant yolk into the centre of the whites, and voila! you have yourself a perfectly cooked, giant egg.]

like i said. not for every day, but twice a week is fine. great way to eat eggs.