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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8802794 No.8802794 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there no women chefs?

>> No.8802802

The majority of /ck/ is female, and there are plenty skillful women chefs

>> No.8802815

Case in point. Women are useless and soulless attention seeking cunts who pretend to like things for attention. Makes sense that they'd shit up this sort of cooking forum.

>> No.8802817

Yes but at the highest level it is all men. I thought women were supposed to be good at cooking? What are they doing sitting at home all day? Kinda raises some questions

>> No.8802826
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>> No.8802827

Playing with their tits and their ass at the same time.

>> No.8802829

Men are more ambitious. But there are also top level female chefs

>> No.8802850

does anyone else hate women? i wish i was gay

>> No.8802856

>hate women
>I wish I was attracted to women
Really makes you think

>> No.8802860

If there are, they usually specialize in patisseries.

>> No.8802872
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3 stars.
But yes, women mostly go into pastry

>> No.8802884

>The majority of /ck/ is female
This meme needs to end.

>> No.8802887

First time i've heard it.
Obviously bait.

>> No.8802894

Not a meme. Objectively true

>> No.8802901

their hands are slightly warmer than men and it disturbs the food

>> No.8802910

It's probably true.

>> No.8802914

because being a chef means you need to be able to run a kitchen and pragmatically organize orders and staff
women just cry and storm out because they LITERALLY JUST CANT RIGHT NOW! when they end up in the weeds

>> No.8802921

Then you need to lurk more.

Just stop.

>> No.8802925

/cgl/ and /ck/ are right next to each other, bruh. Think about it.

>> No.8802932

Post feet.

>> No.8802938

Where the fuck do you live? My last chef was female and shortly she left the sous was female too. Both of them would get their hands dirty as much if not more so than the senior cooks. No one in the kitchen gives a damn what genitals you have so long as you don't either.

>> No.8802948

Just because you're a weak man raised by weak women doesn't mean that all women are as mindless as the woman who raised you. You've clearly never worked under an alphabitch in a restaurant.

Anyways, you guys forgot about Giada and Cat Cora.

>> No.8802952

what about laura in the kitchen.

i would have sex with her

>> No.8802955

no no no, you see...women are physically incapable of handling stressful situations logically as well as me. This is a combination of estrogen as well as the size of the corpus callosum in the female brain

>> No.8802965

Tell that to the waitress i didn't tip the other day.
Oh fucking boy was i laughing; she looked like she was going to cry.

>> No.8802966

>muh strong women
know how women feel the need to use a qualifier by specifically saying they are strong
I'm a strong woman! my mom was a strong woman!

women need to make a point to say it. Men are strong by default

>> No.8802992


>> No.8803007

Reminder that people on this board who are unnecessarily hostile come from tumblr and are trying to be in epic screencaps of this board that circulate there.

>> No.8803046

20 year old waitress just trying to make some money to put herself through college =/= woman who has made a career in the restaurant industry and actually desires to be there and actually cooks

Usually women who make a point to say "I am a strong independent woman" are only fooling themselves on the matter. It's usually SJW's trying to promote feminism when the modern feminist movement is literally cancer to women because it perpetuates that women are fragile by nature ("mansplaining" for example) when this only pertains to the feminists themselves. Although, men are strong by stereotype but this is not always the reality. I would argue that men are emotionally weak for hiding their feelings until they all boil over and said man decides to go into your kitchen and break all your IKEA dishes screaming like a blue butted baboon on the Discovery channel. But that's just my experience.

>> No.8803056

The heat of a kitchen is bad for baby

>> No.8803097
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>REEEEE women belong in the kitchen! Make me a sammich!
>Why are there no female chefs?

Pick one

>> No.8803102

women can cook, but they can't chef. There's a difference

>> No.8803104

Susan Boyle

>> No.8803106

Wrong, pastry normally goes into them.

>> No.8803122


>> No.8803159

I do this.

>> No.8803168

It's really not true. /ck/ is easily more men, but this board also does hold a higher female percentage than most other boards.

>> No.8803186

posts like this are the reason this board is dying

>> No.8803207

Isn't it obvious? Women are subhuman. Men are better at everything. Duh.

>> No.8803211

The majority of the /ck/ challenge winners have been female. As well as t h e organizers.

>> No.8803248


no, it isn't, and no, there aren't.

there literally are not. women can NOT handle the demanding pace of a restaurant.

they're not mentally built for it. period.

>> No.8803251 [DELETED] 

have you ever in your life interacted to a woman, specifically to a mother of multiple children?

>> No.8803254

have you ever in your life interacted with a woman, specifically to a mother of multiple children?

>> No.8803273


lol, that's the dumbest shit i've ever read..

have you ever been to r9k?

and have you ever been around any strong women long enough to see how they operate? the TRULY strong women will never make it a point to convey their strength. a truly strong woman never bitches or complains, they just get shit done.

>> No.8803331

I thought there were plenty female chefs.

>> No.8803415

if you ever find yourself as kitchen staff, you will quickly learn how incompetent women are.

>> No.8803431

>My last chef...
What is exception to the rule?

All BoH women I've worked with end up quitting or being leads. Never inbetween. They're either exceptions or exceptional.

>> No.8803439

It's a hellish slog working in/managing kitchens and it leaves no room for having a life. It's like working on the oil rigs, why are there no women there? Because it's the exact opposite of everything a woman prioritizes.

It's not that women can't make it as chefs, it just isn't worth the sacrifices to the vast majority of them.

If you want to understand why women act the way they do in the workforce, look up "Jordan Peterson - Women In High Paying Jobs"

>> No.8803444

>What is exception to the rule
Stupidest fucking thing I've heard all day

>> No.8803458

That's idiotic. My chief of prep is a woman and my anchor grill cook is a woman. Neither one of them get flustered when they're in the shit.
I did have to fire one woman for walking off the line but she was a jangly drug-addict.

Shut the fuck up. You don't have anything to contribute to this conversation.

>> No.8803656


>> No.8803665

I had a conversation about this with Sara Moulton. VIA cheftalk. Years ago.

>> No.8803667 [DELETED] 

I know a guy who used to work on oil rigs. On paper, it might have some appeal to someone with zero education and zero other options (maybe a convicted sex criminal or something like that). The number of deaths and maimings seems way out of line for the compensation, especially considering that most of those guys spend it all on hookers and blow when they're on shore because "every day might be my last"

Probably the reason women don't flock to those jobs is they don't want to get gang raped and then have it covered up by management, there's a reason why women are flocking to tech and it's not because "the social justice warriors are in league with the jews to take muh safe space away" like /g/ believes

>> No.8803683

lol I think you meant /gif/, not /jews/
I mean /g/
I mean ... GTFO
You don't work in the industry, so stop guessing.

>> No.8803685 [DELETED] 

>I know a guy who
>waah waah you don't know what it's like
But that's what I said, idiot
Don't you have a hooker to be beating or something?

>> No.8803694


>> No.8803696

because instead of pursuing a career a lot of them have to take care of children you retard

>> No.8803702

I'm looking.
Not quite sure how to go about employment cooking on a man made island.

>> No.8803705

>in this thread butthurt women
Can't you just go fix your hair or something? instead of replying to this thread?

>> No.8803727
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I'm actually looking for a oil rig/alaska/antarctica job cooking.
Please, if you have an "in", get at me.

lol wut?

I know how to get along with people. That's what is needed.

>> No.8803731

The kitchen and front-end staff would hurt their fee-fees

>> No.8803736

It's like when /pol/ ends up on /po/

>> No.8803739


Eugenie Brazier was the first woman to earn 3 Michelin stars, and the only Chef man or woman to hold 6 simultaneous Michelin stars. She mentored many great Chefs including Chef of the Century Paul Bocuse whose life inspired the Disney/Pixar movie Ratatouille.

Other than Eugenie Brazier I can't think of a notable Female Chef that has existed anywhere, at any time.

>> No.8803742
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Cora is dyke filth, essentially a man and Giada is Hollywood royalty Billionaire Heiress money who learned to cook out of boredom. Literally no other reason. She's a TV host, with no restaurants, businesses or otherwise associated with food. She was a means through which Foodnetwork gainen a male audience with flip-floppin' titty shots and subliminal sexual innuendos. All her cookbooks are ghostwritten filth.

>> No.8803774

I love how even asking a question these days is construed as sexist

Fuckin leftist retards

>> No.8803778

Probably the same reason most college professors are men. Women (if married) aren't typically the bread winners, and their jobs are more supplemental income. From the ones I've talked with, they're pretty okay with not putting their entire life into their job

>> No.8803783

>ask a question as a pretext to shitpost about your discomfort around women
>waah the leftists
MGTOW is the answer, the problem is you can't transcend desire

>> No.8803787

Because becoming a top-level chef involves a multi-year hazing where you work 80+ grueling hours a week for poverty wages for years while your $60k CIA student loan gathers interest.

A better question would be why so many fields that you're not an idiot for getting into, like computer science, actuary and dentistry, have so few women.

>> No.8803792

Women are inherently lazy. This is taken to the extreme when they're mildly attractive. This is the reason you only see ugly women in a working kitchen

>> No.8804148

id put the stones to to Brooke and Casey from Top Chef

>> No.8804223

Pretty sure she's got at least one restaurant on the Vegas strip

0 clue about its value

>> No.8804226


>ITT incel wundervirgins vent their insecurities about the opposite sex, so long as it's tangentially cooking related

>> No.8804231

>Why are there no women chefs?

I'm 28 and married and my wife fucking can't fry eggs sunny side up. In fact, before her, the last 3 women I've seriously dated couldn't cook to save their lives.

IMO, modern white women are so fucking spoiled they've lost all of the skills their mothers & grandmothers used to have.

>> No.8804242


The millenial feminist white girl snowflake...
> Can't do what men do today
> Can't do what women did yesterday

>> No.8804245

>IMO, modern white women are so fucking spoiled they've lost all of the skills their mothers & grandmothers used to have.
Please don't take your american bullshit out on the actually white women.

>> No.8804249

There are tons of women chefs? What are you talking about?

>> No.8804250

>I'm 28 and married and my wife fucking can't fry eggs sunny side up

Should have married a nice Asian or Latnia girl. They treat you right, unlike fucking self centered 'Merican women. And you can bet your ass they can fucking cook up a 5 course dinner.

>> No.8804255

Literally all of my college professors were women and 60% of the college population was female.

>> No.8804259

It's not a meme if it's true, dawg.

>> No.8804260

>IMO, modern white women are so fucking spoiled they've lost all of the skills their mothers & grandmothers used to have.

lol. Niggers can have all the fucking spoiled white princesses and deal with their laziness.

I got me a nice pinay who loves to do home stuff. It's fucking adorable how excited she gets cooking new dishes for me.

>> No.8804264

You know women, not made for the kitchen.

>> No.8804268

I'm from rural canada, everyone goes to work on the oil rigs, me, women, mums and dads. Don't know where you're from, but that's the way it works here.

>> No.8804269


>> No.8804272

Computer science major here, my classes are about 60% male and 40% female. In my experience, the women are usually smarter because they have something to prove.

>> No.8804275

>who is Nigella Lawson

>> No.8804278

I'm in dental school right now, our 1st year class has 25 women and 10 men. I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.8804281


Listen up /ck/ Virgins.

This guy gets it.

>> No.8804282

>Nigella Lawson
not a chef? a chef is a professional cook that leads a team of other cooks in a restaurant. yo don't get to be a chef just cause you've been on tv or the newspaper

>> No.8804284

What kind of /ck/ virgin fag actually thinks they'll find a nice little white girl wifey that will cook and make a great mother????


The fucking virgins on this board are hilarious.

>> No.8804290

>>who is Nigella Lawson

All the great female chefs out there, Alice Waters, Liz Falker, and you pick a fucking celebrity tv show chef.


>> No.8804301

>What kind of /ck/ virgin fag actually thinks they'll find a nice little white girl wifey that will cook and make a great mother????

Nobody. Try to keep up with the thread.

>> No.8804314

I stopped falling for the gf meme a long time ago so not a chance.

>> No.8804360

I'm studying computer science, stats, and dentistry, and my classes only have female students (me included). better think twice before you make an outrageous claim sweetie!

>> No.8804428

You're either a cuck or a grill

Which is it?

>> No.8804431

My grandmother makes god-tier food.
Brb, calling her up and telling her that.

>> No.8804433

The majority of /ck/ is female

>> No.8804443


>> No.8804477

here's the answer for why there's no female chefs. any woman who can cook is too busy shitposting here. any guy who can cook is too busy working minimum wage washing dishes. ck is only populated by females who HAVE to blog somewhere and McChicken posters

>> No.8804496

There are a lot compared to most boards, but it's not the majority

>> No.8804499

Over 50%

>> No.8804500


>> No.8804509

I don't buy it.
The only board I would believe that to be the case is /cgl/

>> No.8804513

They're becoming lawyers instead.

>> No.8804516

What about /u/? Havent been there in a decade but it was exclusively turbodykes back then. Also maybe /fa/.

>> No.8804536
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Modern women were "liberated" from the kitchen and all household chores by the second-wave feminism of the 1960's and the continuing fall out of the failures of that wave of feminism.

Instead of promoting the idea of "women can work too" the second wave feminists often denegrated women who still chose to work in the home and learn traditional "womens work" skills such as cooking, cleaning, sewing, and child care - among others...

The key failure in this approach was that many of the skills were already being learned by men that were just interested in life skills or interested in these things as a profession. This meant that women that didn't atleast try to pick up some of these life skills now look rather inferior to potential mates now later in life. And what's worse is that many uneducated, unsuccessful men will still marry some of these girls and neither of the two of the mating pair will have these life skills and pass them onto their children which is a sad state indeed.

This could be argued to be offset by some women having so much professional success outside the home that they make so much money they can hire cooking and cleaning staff for the home. In these cases the female (as some single males would have done in the past) has substituted one valuable life skill for another and is able to trade both through fiat currency exchange on the free markets. Unfortunately this situation is an exception and not the norm because many women chose to become teachers or social workers and many other low wage positions. People in these positions have to work a full 40 hours a week plus they have to do their own housework and thats the real issue here.

The second wave feminist plan was a utopia of free market capitalism and equality - but in practice it has yielded what we have in modern day society - which is women that are just wholly unprepared for the working world and the house keeping world. It's been a lose lose for everyone.

>> No.8804559

He said "Post feet". Can you not read ?

>> No.8804562

Very high stress job.

>> No.8804572

There are a lot of grills in the industry, I have met and worked with them

If they're serious about cooking, they're kinda like powerlifters in that they might be able to kick your ass at what they do but they're simultaneously qt

>> No.8804573

OK, but this has nothing to do with why women fpr the most part are not (and never have been) pro chefs.

>> No.8804577

Not even close.

>> No.8804580

As in dental hygienist or full fledged dentist?

>> No.8804581

Especially in pastry. Lotta women in pastry

>> No.8804596

Idk about them but the specialized dentist I visited for years had like 5(7 including secretaries) women and 1 man. the man was the top dog though.

>> No.8804598



Social workers*****

>> No.8804600


Julia Child
Amanda Freitag
Tiffani Faison
Barbara Lynch
Eugénie Brazier
Clare Smyth

That's just a handful off the top of mt head, do you just not know anything about chefs who aren't on the Food Network?

>> No.8804605

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoqo_UNb08E this girl <3

>> No.8804613



>founded in 2014 ny intermediaLLC and FNTRestaurantGroupLLC

So daddy paid for it and food network runs it, uses her face only for branding purposes.

>> No.8804616

When the orders start coming in they just freak out over the pressure and leave.

>> No.8804618

>Nobody mentions the queen
What about Rachel Ray you fucking retards

>> No.8804639

Wrong forum, but I like this picture. It's my new desktop.

>> No.8804652

Tv personality != chef

Chefs run kitchens

>> No.8804667

Every poster on 4chan is male until proven otherwise. Even then I wouldn't rule out that the person is a trap even with a feminine face, boobs, and timestamp.

>> No.8804669

>Computer science
>40% female

maybe in your chinese cartoons lmao

>> No.8804675

That's been the case in my classes too.

Incidentally, I'm also in the graduating class where they decided to dumb everything way the fuck down and basically give everybody an automatic A because local businesses were complaining not enough people were graduating.
So thanks, women, you've made my degree worthless.

>> No.8804680


the kitchen of a home is far less demanding than the kitchen of a restaurant. they can handle serving meals to 4-6 people with lots of time to do it.

even then most don't do it all that well.


i'm married with children.


take your nation-destroying insanity elsewhere. when women defy traditional gender roles en masse, the countdown timer to complete social collapse has begun.

>> No.8804707

Let us be reminded that a cook != chef. Thanks for your time.

>> No.8804818


It's not the wrong forum. It explains the lack of female chefs. Second wave feminism taught all women through-out the 60's, 70's, and 80's that they should be ashamed of being a house wife and/or cooking.

We are still living with the bad decisions of those times.

>> No.8804821
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use this one next.

>> No.8804830

>See a top chef who's a woman
>She almost always happens to be a lesbian

actually makes me think

>> No.8804856
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Forcing little boys to learn to sew and cook in HomeEc also didn't help, only exacerbated modern emasculation of men. Also masculinity is "toxic" and must be discouraged.

Inb4 turbodyke gordita mod deletes these comments and bans posters.

>> No.8804863

I've actually talked to several male chefs about it, and from what they say, it seems that there tends to be a lot of discrimination against female advancement in professional kitchens.

>> No.8804876


>hiring the liability of a sexual harrassment lawsuit

Might as well hire a basketball american while you're at it

>> No.8804878

sure you did Hillary

>> No.8804944

if I win this month's contest im gonna post a pic of my dick in the thread just to stop this meme

>> No.8804986

Pro chef going on 10 years here. Women don't have what it takes. They can cook, and plate and do the food often better than their male counterparts. But the pressure, speed and raw physicality of the job is often where they come up short. That's why you see them as bakers, and pastry chefs. There is A LOT of testosterone in a pro kitchen. A lot of shit talking, ball busting, women are a little more delicate than men in those areas. The women you do see on the line are tough chicks. Tattoos, about half the time they're gay. Girls also get territorial if there are too many in one kitchen. We have two girls at my restaurant. Both have been to prison. That might give you an idea. Kinda rambling but I'm off today so I'm already high. I'm happy to answer more questions.

>> No.8805006

Ever had chefs explode with pressure and leave in the middle of a run? How did the kitchen handle it?

>> No.8805017

I imagine most women don't want the work hours either right? Being a chef seems like the kind of job that burns you out fast.

>> No.8805026

>The majority of /ck/ is female

If it weren't for all the McChicken and fast food threads I might actually believe this.

>> No.8805035

No one wants to see your baby carrot

>> No.8805066

To add insult to injury, I have a greater chance of being hired for having a vag and a CS degree than you with your dick and CS degree.

>> No.8805086
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The pressure of working in a kitchen with 50 orders coming through every 10 minutes is immense. It needs an almost military level of dicipline and organisation to cope with it which most women can't handle.

Women can be great cooks even famous but being a chef is an entirely different ball game.

>> No.8805159

You sound like a totally normal human being.

>> No.8805164

Have you seen some of the pictures dudes post on this site?

>> No.8805166

This isn't even a clever joke.

>> No.8805171

What are you so afraid of?

>> No.8805178

clever girl

>> No.8805181

Women don't seek jobs where they are required to do real physical work for the entire day, everyday.

>> No.8805208

Every woman i have worked with has been a slow, sloppy, lazy cry baby unable to handle pressure and always trying to half ass clean to get out faster. Sure, 80% of the men are the same way but 100% of the women are just awful

>> No.8805220

Never. You don't make it to Chef if you're a little bitch who folds when things get rough. I've seen people faint, tempers explode and people fight, or just walk out. The people who break under pressure usually aren't the Chef.

Nobody should want to work these hours. Kitchen folk are a peculiar breed. You burn out so fast. We are all addicts and fuck up, for the most part. The rush of service is what we crave. But yeah dude, I opened a new place a few months back. I worked 75 hours a week for 3 months and lost 30 pounds. Its a tough life boys, I'm at my ropes end. Looking to move on.

>> No.8805251

>being a chef is a shit exhausting job like plumber or contractor that attracts dull minded men

>> No.8805271

>gf can't cook to save her life
>is a mechanic
>I don't know shit about cars
>professional chef

>> No.8805275

Kek everyone in this thread has mommy issues. I know plenty of hard working women and I get along with all of them.

>> No.8805285
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Here's a goldstar for that opinion bro.

>> No.8805294

>m-muh holes!
Not a virgin, and women can't handle the kitchen. Since yesterday, when the last one walked out crying, there's not a single woman in my whole back of house.

>> No.8805310
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>> No.8805334

>Stefan "Women are completely inferior to men" Molyneux

Really oils my onions bro.

>> No.8805341

there are women chefs, you just can't see them because you are too busy staring at FOH women since they dress for you.

>> No.8805353

KEK that image did not work in my favor.

>> No.8805356



>> No.8805359

Because any woman who is good at cooking will have to fight off rich husbands with a spatula.

>> No.8805491

Because it's a blistering hot, humid, intense, abusive, dirty, and degrading job that gives no one special treatment. I've worked with a few badass women, but a vast majority don't even make it through their first 5 years. Being in culinary school, you'd see a high number of drop outs being the women, and in industry very few make it. The numbers of failures are going up more and more too, with cakes and cupcakes being so popular, every emptyheaded white bitch wants to be a pastry chef. I've been in fine dining for years, we get their applications in so much, they just go to the bin, sometimes we'll use them as dish washers if we're in need; they always leave after a week or so because they're above it, guess no one told them there's years of bitch work before you start seeing some good opportunities.

The public idea of what a chef does is what they see on TV, fun times, cute recipes, (trashy) "creative" food, being social and friendly, and it seems to bright and cheery. It blows my mind though, anger and intensity bring in the views to the networks; but regardless the public idea is the opposite of the reality of it.

Women, for the most part, have a very coddled existence and life. They don't have to work for much, and they expect it all. Since when does a job that's progression is 100% based on work ethic and going above and beyond, dirty, low paying, intense as hell, judgemental and sometimes ruthless sound like something they'd want to do. If one of the cooks put up a shit plate, I'd tell them. Telling a women how horrible they actually are is a pretty new experience to them... Doesn't go so well over. Plus most cooks and chefs are perverts.

>> No.8805504
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>with cakes and cupcakes being so popular, every emptyheaded white bitch wants to be a pastry chef.


This is so true.

>> No.8806048

Dated a Latina girl a few years ago. She was the most useless pile of shit you could ever imagine. The only 'cooking' this bitch was capable of was wrapping up a burrito wrap really well. That was about it

>> No.8806063

>with cakes and cupcakes being so popular, every emptyheaded white bitch wants to be a pastry chef.
Did this make sense in your head?

>> No.8806070

>there's years of bitch work before you start seeing some good opportunities.
Why is that?

>> No.8806076


not if you're on here you didn't

>> No.8806191

Dentist. The hygienists are all women. There's one guy, but that's only because his wife is a dentist and she wants to hire him in her practice.

>> No.8806214
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>everything in this post

>> No.8806243
File: 131 KB, 1080x1080, 6633071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is not a single board on 4chan that is majority female

>> No.8806569

Why would he post that? This isn't /lgbt/.

>> No.8806573

/cgl/ bruh

>> No.8806688
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>they're pretty okay with not putting their entire life into their job
Then why are birth rates in the developed world so low hmmmmmmmmmm?

>> No.8806715

>Why are there no women chefs?
Women don't receive the same kind of critical "peer review" men do.
No feedback, no cooking skills.

>> No.8806723

My buddy has always said, "i'd be gay if it wasn't for the sex"....

personally, I've slept with I guess around 80 people and dated well over 100......I hate women; they are all either pretty and dumb/crazy or intellectual and ugly (or no sex drive)

>> No.8806728


agreed. i am woman

>> No.8806796

i interned at a michelin restaurant im female it was way too stressful for me never again basically I imagine a lot of women feel the same i just do baking now

>> No.8806880

you made this thread knowing it would be like this, but you did it anyways

>> No.8807701

There's nothing a woman can do that a man can't do better, including being a woman.

Just ask /lgbt/

>> No.8807781


>tfw finally found androgynous as fuck femboy, 1 in a million face, model tier, literally like andrej pejic or more andro, that I was actually attracted to
>without the, I thought, inconvenients of women (illogical thinking, uninsteresting, crazyness in general...)
> . . .
>turned out to be a schizo in the end

Sigh, there's just no hope m8.

>> No.8807791

How's that arts degree working out for you?

>> No.8807803

I see basic bitches getting McDonald's more than anyone.

>> No.8807812
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So women are absolutely abysmal at cooking and everything else because some guy cracked a joke on the internet?

Sounds like female logic.

>> No.8808163

How it's always been, the industry is about hard work and dedication to build ones self up. You don't just come out of culinary school and land a chef du partie position at a high end establishment. Look into the brigade de cuisine, the culinary world is one of the few that directly rewards personal effort, doing crappy work is just apart of starting out. No chef is going to let some greenie work a Sautee station, they're going to be put on prep if they are lucky, and prove themselves before they are allowed to progress.

>> No.8808255

>Why are there no women chefs?
Ratatouille had a frenchie

>> No.8808268
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>> No.8808271

Women can't cook.

>> No.8808279

>Yes but at the highest level it is all men.

Not even the highest level men are needed m8.


Mysteriously absent from JewTube...

>> No.8808305

that's a guy

>> No.8808418

Without using Google, name 10.

>> No.8808422


>> No.8808425

I've never been with a woman that can actually cook.
My ex used to get me to make food for her, and I can't even cook that well.

>> No.8808840

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE dickie get the fuck off our board

>> No.8809101

'men are strong by default' is the most Chad thing i've heard in a long time

>> No.8809104

what did she mean by this

>> No.8809112

you're retarded if you don't know most of /ck/ is titties
why do you think this board is so fucking autistic. only women are this catty

>> No.8809128

>IMO, modern white women are so fucking spoiled they've lost all of the skills their mothers & grandmothers used to have.

white girl cunts are the fucking worst.

they good for fucking & use as jizz rag. that's bout it.

>> No.8809177


>> No.8809182


Second this. I've slept with many women and had many relationships and I'd come to the conclusion that I wouldn't even have a female as a friend if I wasn't fucking her. They are all shitty people

>> No.8809201


>> No.8809233


That's because the matriarchy is keeping down the oppressed males.

>> No.8809242

Wanting to be female doesn't make you female

>> No.8809246

I do know. I am one

>> No.8809260

Sure women can sorta cook, but they're too emotional to hold a job except as "diversity" hires.

>> No.8809294
File: 263 KB, 904x417, 1487123327488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dick shaming whores go away

>> No.8809597

>white girl cunts are the fucking worst.
>they good for fucking & use as jizz rag. that's bout it.

Entitled little princesses with zero skills & full of entitlement. fuck em.

>> No.8811251

my god that is a throwback