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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8801984 No.8801984 [Reply] [Original]

Why is KD so good?

KD is the logical side dish to tendies, often in fact even better than the tendies. I love KD so much it is the staple of my broke-ass diet, I eat at least 2 of the bowls per meal (4-5 times a day), and happily more if I can afford it.

My parents often try to take me out of the house to eat out on weekends, probably out of disappointment in my diet, I guess it started when I invited them for the first time to my college dorm and I served them some KD from a bowl with a total of around 20 of these packets piled together in a salad bowl.

The best part is that this delicacy is only 1 dollar each.

>> No.8802001

OP I hope a giraffe sneezes on you and you get some weird disease that makes your cock fall off.

>> No.8802032

Not everyone is privileged like you to actually afford a nice meal every day, I hope you realize that rich fucks like you will be the first against the wall when the proletariat revolution comes. Everyone will be eating KD as comrades when the day of your rope comes.

>> No.8802042
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>Karl's Delight

Really made me think

>> No.8802058
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>> No.8802062
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Why aren't you been KD-pilled yet?

>> No.8802121


>> No.8802198
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$1 for 100g's of pasta and shit isn't excellent. Plus you still need milk/cream and butter if you want to make it properly. It was nice back when it was 20 cents a box but now it's meh.

Buy the bulk cheese powder and some pasta. Or go baller mode and cut up some hotdogs into it.

>> No.8802329

Microwave M&C tastes like plastic cancer, how do people eat this daily?

>> No.8802368
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>has an Internet connection

>> No.8802437

Not him, but my internet connection comes free with my apartment lease. It's shitty internet, but it's free, so who cares.

>> No.8803011

Poverty. "I can't afford butter and milk so I'll buy this instead."

>> No.8803034

If you like KD you should try this recipe:

Put however much pasta you want in a pot, at least enough for 2-3 servings

Pour enough cold water just to cover that and bring it to a boil

Once the water has almost completely evaporated add 1 can of evaporated milk and bring to a boil, then turn heat to lowest setting

Add 1.5-2 cups of your shredded cheese of choice and stir to combine

Wa-fuckin-la my niggas. Same consistency of KD with a better flavor, and only slightly more involved. Takes less than 10 minutes from the get-go and has become my go to mac and cheese recipe.

>> No.8803036
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>broke-ass diet
>2 bowls per meal
>4-5 times a day
>$1 each
>$10 a day
>broke-ass diet

>> No.8803096

>$10 a day
friend where I'm at, $10 will barely get you a single meal (ie. lunch)

>> No.8803110

I refuse to believe oats could cost that much.

Or a peanut butter sandwich. I could buy an entire loaf of bread and a 1kg jar for 10 dollars.

>> No.8803126


OP is >a fucking leaf because he calls it "KD"

so I wouldn't be surprised if everything else is actualy more expensive than the canadian national meal

>> No.8803130

Are you living on a space-station or wanting lobster for dinner every night?

>> No.8803163


>> No.8803887

Motherfucker that puts your food budget at 70$/week -- are you actually too dumb to shop for a week and make your own meals? Hell, you should be living comfortably with that kind of money.

You're not poor just fuckin poor of the mind, son.