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File: 313 KB, 1500x1125, Anova-Steak-Guide-Sous-Vide-Photos15-beauty-thumb-1500xauto-423558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8788109 No.8788109 [Reply] [Original]

Is steak the ultimate meme food?

>Doesn't have a lot of flvaour but people kid themselves into thinking it's good because it's expensive
>If you're eating it rare you might as well go outside and bite into a cow you find in a field
>Nerds eat it to "prove" how "manly" they are

>> No.8788120

>Doesn't have a lot of flvaour
why do you say this? I can't think of a cut of meat that has more flavor.

>> No.8788121

>Is steak the ultimate meme food?


>> No.8788127

>I dont know how to cook steak therefore I must judge all steaks by the sloppy piece of barely fried meat I have on my plate
It's commendable to realize a shitty steak is awful.
It's stupid to not try and improve it.

>> No.8788357
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>> No.8788382

>t. ate one well-done steak with ketchup that mum and dad forced me to eat and it was icky

>> No.8788399

>doesn't have a lot of flavor

Sorry your mommy only serves you overcooked round steak, asshole.
Instead of trying to convince people your plebian tastes are correct, why don't you just say "I don't like steak and I don't care who knows it". At least that way, you just look like a picky eater, and not some dumb sonofabitch.

>> No.8788558

>doesn't have a lot of flavor
>doesn't like rare steak

>> No.8788580

Steak is the Equalizer. All you need is the cost of entry. Going out for steaks is something everyone understands, while fine dining restaurants would trip some people up. Steak you can just buy your way into and enjoy even if you don't know shit about food. It's one of the few upscale dining experiences that sidesteps class tells. You could have grown up dirt poor, but if you have an extra hundred in your pocket you can walk into a good steakhouse and enjoy a steak without looking like a rube.

>> No.8788581

pork is better than beef imo but yeah beef is great

>> No.8788588

expensive steak is expensive because it is scarce and expensive to prepare and takes some skill to cook


>> No.8789220

>Doesn't have a lot of flvaour

What are you talking about?

There isn't another meat that has as much flavor

>> No.8789270

I think steak is really over-rated, too. I've had some tasty steak, I just don't think it's tasty enough to warrant the price tag. So I just don't eat it. If the wife wants to go to a steak place, I'll get a burger, ribs, or a huge salad (steak places have amazing entree salads). There's always something else to eat.

I know that one day someone is going to shit in my cheerios for going to a steak place and ordering a salad, though. Any day now.

>> No.8789285
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>Doesn't have a lot of flvaour

>> No.8789288

No way. I love a good pork chop, but you have to season the shit out of it. A quality rib eye needs nothing but salt and a few cracks of pepper.

>> No.8789322

Medium rare ribeye is best for cost/marbling/flavor/texture, yes? We're all in agreement?

>> No.8789338

>he buys supermarket pork
Yeah with supermarket pork you might as well buy chicken breasts.

>> No.8789342

No to both.

>> No.8789574

Former butcher here, you'd be amazed at the number of people who think that sausage and bacon comes straight from the pig w/ no ingredients added and hence think pork is flavorful

>> No.8789584

Steak is a meme food.
It's like, "I'm going to order steak because it's manly and don't cook it because that'll ruin it LOLOLOL".
I don't get the hype.
I enjoy steak, but I never crave it.

>> No.8789588

I love the new and interesting ways that you millennials come up with to announce that you are a faggot

>> No.8789593


I bet you wear skinny jeans.

>> No.8789612

I'm gathering that's the type of person I replied to.

>> No.8789614

Probably. To be fair though, i was in my young to mid 20's before I figured it out.....but I also didn't realize until I was 22 that spice racks were for more than decoration in "rich people's houses" (which I found out later that what I though was rich, was really middle class, and sometimes even lower-middle class lol)

Thanks for reading my blog faggots

>> No.8789617

>Someone has a different opinion to me, better offend him over the internet anonymously! I'll call him a faggot, that'll surely do it! I feel really good about myself now!

And no.

>> No.8789618

>I don't get the hype

You're hipster. We get it.

>> No.8789620

>but you have to season the shit out of it
So you don't like pork then, you just like salt, pepper etc
This is the line of reasoning that people who don't put milk or cream in their coffee use. Sounds dumb? Because it is.

>> No.8789625

It's painful to see how it is to tell an US post from anyone else

>> No.8789626

Not him but it's not an opinion. Saying good quality steak doesn't have natural flavor is objectively wrong. Saying overcooking a steak doesn't ruin the flavor is objectively wrong.

You salt and pepper even a good quality rib eye dumb ass. But pork chops usually need more than that, cayenne pepper, butter, etc. Pork just isn't a naturally flavorful meat: deal with it.

>> No.8789632

>Pork just isn't a naturally flavorful meat
Why eat it then?
>This car tire has no flavour but it tastes ok when you drown it in seasoning
That's you.

>> No.8789636

>Why eat it then?
Because it tastes good when prepared properly?

Why are you even on a cooking board if you're against any type of seasoning? Go be a dumb ass somewhere else and enjoy your bland food.

>> No.8789647

You don't like food you like seasoning. Go eat oregano and enjoy pretending you like pork.

>> No.8789648

I would rather eat beef stew than this raw meat.

>> No.8789654

You should try cooking. Properly seasoned food will taste completely different than any of the seasoning by itself. The sum > the parts. I've seen an Anon vehemently against seasoning once before on this board and he was a total moron. I'm going to assume you're the same person so enjoy your final (You).

>> No.8789661


>> No.8789664
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>Why eat it then?
because i can't eat fucking steak everyday. >>8789625
it is painful to see how it is to tell an ESL post from anyone else
yes, we all agree.

>> No.8789694

Lamb is way more flavorful

>> No.8789704

Different type of flavor, but I'd somewhat agree. I prefer the taste of steak over lamb but they're both GOAT.

>> No.8789754
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Don’t you realize that there are enough people to hate in the world already without you working so hard to give us another?

>> No.8789757
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First off, fuck you for using meme like that. It does not mean what you think it means you god damn crusp.

Second, no.

>> No.8789759

For me, steak has more flavor the more done it is (up to a point). Eating it too rare it the flavor just isn't there.

>> No.8789766
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>> No.8789940
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>> No.8790141
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someone this defensive could only be a millennial

>> No.8790156

I agree that lamb is much more flavorful, but I much more enjoy the flavor of steak

>> No.8790180

>ruining that steak with that suicide-teir condiment
just buy A1

>> No.8790195

>You salt and pepper even a good quality rib eye dumb ass. But pork chops usually need more than that, cayenne pepper, butter, etc. Pork just isn't a naturally flavorful meat: deal with it.
>listing butter as a seasoning
Maybe I need to just leave this place.

>> No.8790305

>being this much of a city dweller

>> No.8790547

Where I'm at, it's whatever is on sale between ribeye and NY strip.

>> No.8790897


See you aren't being specific enough.

The true meme is T-BONE. which is a flavorless piece of shit with a useless ass bone in it.

>> No.8790920

>people in the thread has never had berkshire pork.
If your pork is pale pink, bland, and chewy; you've eaten CAFO pork.

I guess 20-somethings haven't been on the earth long enough to have good life experiences.

>> No.8790946

Wasted breath, if you talk about CAFO vs non-CAFO you usually get banned for "trolling" and all your posts get deleted

Around these parts if you can think of anything nicer than protein products from Cargill Meat Solutions, you're a PETA extremist who is obviously either trolling or insane

>> No.8790955


Isn't the bigger problem that Americans don't treat their pork chops correctly?

A little brine and a little basting goes a long fucking way.

>> No.8790979

I think it's mainly that American Pork is raised to be lean. It started in the early 70's/80's with the "other white meat" program; so they became the "other chicken breast". A pork loin has less fat/calories than a skin on chicken breast and just as bland.

>> No.8791203

Yeah, if you don't salt and pepper your steak you should probably leave this place and go back to McDonald's.

>> No.8791215

God why are you fucks always so obsessed?

This. Pork loin is fucking lean, there's no flavor there. Lean meats = need more seasoning. Not fucking hard.

>> No.8791232


Pick one

>Takes skill to cook

Pick one

It's cheese on toast level

>> No.8791237

get better steak, google "best butcher [city name]" and get a cut with the bone still in it. Season it properly and "reverse sear" cook it. use the meat drippings to make a pan sauce with some butter, white wine, minced garlic, and sliced mushrooms.

>> No.8791951

Nigger, you're fucking retarded. I've worked in the meat industry for years, a good porterhouse including a wide strip and robust tenderloin with the right marbling is better than any other cut on the animal when cooked as is.

>> No.8792087

>robust tenderloin
All chefs know this is the pleb cut. Buy a hanger, outside skirt, flatiron if you want flavor.

>> No.8792128


>can't cook
>thinks steak isn't flavorful

You should probably just stick eating shit tier fast food like taco bell.

>> No.8792144
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>no flavor
>cooked past rare

You Don't Say.jpg

>> No.8792228

Steak is a cow and lamb is a sheep, neither are a goat.

>> No.8792294
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>steak is expensive

Filet mignon maybe but there are numerous affordable cuts of steak around.

>> No.8792453

Agreed Sir Anon. If I'm not eating steak for my Sunday dinner (having a rib eye tonight) it's lamb.

>> No.8792460

>ruining a steak with ANY condiment
You are either cooking a steak improperly or using inferior cuts of meat if you use any bottled sauce on it anon.

>> No.8792469

True pork loin is lean and flavorless. That's why I recommend pork shoulder blade steaks instead.

>> No.8792490

>He bought into the bone meme
Shoulder BUTT not shoulder BLADE ok. Praise Boston.

>> No.8792498

Actually it's bacon. Steak is actually tasty and filling

>> No.8792596
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Was talking steaks/chops not roasts anon. The bone in shoulder blade steaks is incidental, they come with a decent amount of fat/flavor.

>> No.8792611

T. Someone who never made a butt chop

>> No.8792654

If you think steak doesn't have a lot of flavor then you're doing it wrong and it's your fault, I make a bad ass steak and I know lots of other people do too so you've only got yourself to blame.

tl;dr git gud

>> No.8792744

No that's vegetarian/vegan food.

>> No.8792769
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, McChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me...it's the McChicken the most cost effective mouth watering chicken sandwitch on the market it has lettuce,mayo,buns and most importantly chicken!

>> No.8792776

what the fuck is that on the side? A roasted pineapple?

>> No.8792777

It's a low effort quick to make protein
That's all I'm asking from it

>> No.8792783

I tend to get lamb chops instead since the supermarket near me typically has some in the reduced section. Cook them almost exactly the same and they taste just as good. Now that there's good weather (UK) I'm barbecuing almost every day.

Yeah Bacon is great as an ingredient or a side but it can't be the main protein portion of a meal.

>> No.8792910

You are correct anon since my butcher doesn't sell them. I'm just commenting on what I've personally cooked.

>> No.8792923

>I tend to get lamb chops instead since the supermarket near me typically has some in the reduced section.
What type of lamb chop anon? My personal fav is shoulder lamb chop (and the reduced price section of the meat department is where I head first whenever I'm in the market).

>> No.8793431

Honestly I agree with you OP. I don't think cattle were really used for beef much before the modern period. Traditionally there were used for dairy. All of my studies of pre-modern European cuisine points to pork being the staple meat.

>> No.8793481

why wasn't it sheep?
damn white people are dumb.

>> No.8793576

Why would it be sheep? Pigs are fatter than sheep and can be pastured in a forest on things like nuts and mushrooms whereas sheep eat grass mostly.

>> No.8793589
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If everyone in this thread died right now the world would probably be a lot better. Nah better, make it the whole board.

>inb4 "lol you're in too !!!"

>> No.8793603

Okay actually I am getting mixed results on whether pork or mutton is fattier so ignore that. Still I believe the environment for pasturing them played a part. Of course in areas like Iceland without ideal pasture for pigs you find the population was pretty much dependent on mutton. Also I have read that pigs reproduce faster so that may have been important too.

>> No.8793606

Pigs were the last domesticated animals.
Sheep, cattle, horses were all domesticated before pigs.
Nomads didn't like pigs and pigs weren't domesticated until farming practices took off.

>> No.8793639
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>grandma loves lamb
>decided to buy some and cook it with her
>i could barely stand the taste when it finished, thought i fucked up or something because it tasted funny
>grandma says that it was literally the best lamb she's ever had

>> No.8793655

so you admit it was flavorful, just not a flavor that agreed with you?

>> No.8793681

It kind of sucks when you did a good job, but since you've never eaten lamb before the taste is all funny.

>> No.8793755

>not well done steak

Enjoy your parasites

>> No.8793777
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A tangy dab of Worchestershire sauce goes great with the savory juiciness of a good steak.

>> No.8793780

>>grandma says that it was literally the best lamb she's ever had
You realize that you may have received a different response from someone who isn't a grandparent, right?

>> No.8793849

but I don't like steak
you chew it forever and it never ever chews down, it's like jerky but without the flavor

>> No.8793864

Enjoy your paranoia.

>> No.8793871

Then you need to eat better steak.

>> No.8794134

This picture makes me cringe because they didnt let the steak rest and now all the juices are out

>> No.8794166

You're obviously eating steak that's been horribly overcooked. Try medium-rare, if rare isn't your thing.

>> No.8794227

Tbf crystal brand steak sauce is really tasty. I eat cheap steak at work and it is a great combonation

>> No.8794252

This thread is filled with poor people. Price for steak is ridiculous but it tastes sooo good.
It does even need herbs just a little grounded peppercorn and a bit of salt.

>> No.8794259


USD $5/LB is hardly what I call expensive.

Go to a restauraunt and you can expect to pay 4 times that for a lower quality cut.

>> No.8794264

i had a good steak once

>> No.8794282

Are you retarded? Do you think he only eats his own steak?

>> No.8794296

>Doesn't have a lot of flvaour
first off, spell it right shit head, secondly, steaks have the most pronounced taste of all cuts of meat
>if you eat it rare just bite a cow
do you not know anything about how or why food is prepared? flavor, texture, and safety. people juggle these around to what they consider a good mix, most people land on medium rare, but others prefer rare, that's fine on them, because when a steak is rare it's seared and therefore safe to eat unlike biting a cow
>people eat steak to prove they're manly
fucking what? Do you think there are people out there too afraid to eat a steak because they don't think they're manly enough? Do you think anyone anywhere thinks that about anyone?

>> No.8794531

>stepdad has souv-vide
>everything is literally perfect when he cooks
>cook on my own once i move out
>everything comes out like shit
really joggles my noggle

souv-vide is like cooking cheat-codes, shit is unfair

>> No.8794632

Are you a spic mother?

>> No.8795025

You have poor cooking ability and should leave

>> No.8795038

>Traditionally there were used for dairy
Guess what they did with the calf whose milk they used :^)

>> No.8795047

Im so glad steak memes are not a thing where I live.
Burgers sure are weird.

>> No.8795050


>> No.8795224

And all you have to do to cook with cheat codes is boil water, dump water in a cooler, put food in a zipblock and dump the food in the cooler.

>> No.8795287

wait til he hears about beef or pork tartare

dat nigga gon flip n shiet

>> No.8795301


I threw a lamb in the oven 2 months ago, it was fucking delicious.

I seared a steak today to perfection. It tasted like a burger. Both choice cuts.

Lamb is the ne plus ultra.

>> No.8795303

fucking love wooster sauce

>it's like jerky
stop eating overcooked meat anon

>> No.8795311

Stop it anony you will hurt his feeloings