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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 163 KB, 1600x1071, chinesefood-general-tso-chicken-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8786370 No.8786370[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are Chinese people all slim and healthy looking when their food is a bunch of sugary fried crap?

>> No.8786382

Is it currently Easter recess/holidays for schools?
I only ask as the level of moronic, underage posting here is rising.

>> No.8786390

>americanized chinese food is what actual chinese people eat


>> No.8786405

>bunch of sugary fried crap
>chinese food

choose one, i think you're describing american food

>> No.8786409

That's Americanized ""Chinese"" food.

>> No.8786412

in before waah waah old people are more willing to tolerate junk food than young people therefore quality is a scam to make me feel dumb

>> No.8786416
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Ancient chinese secret

>> No.8786419

It's not
Get a passport faggot

>> No.8786420


Most Chinese people live in staggering poverty despite China having the fastest growing "middle class" in the world. Their main diets being: rice, vegetables and fish. Other meats traditionally were expensive and only utilized on special occasions. Before or after hours/close to closing, when the workers of your local Chinese joint are having family meal, look on their plates. It'll always be vegetable fry or soup with a large bowl of white rice.

>> No.8786430
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>vegetable fry

Jesus Christ, what has America done with the English language? Next thing we know you'll be down at mcdonalds ordering "1 large fry".

The rest of the world calls it stir fried vegetables. Learn to speak English please.

>> No.8786432

Most chinks are starving third world peasants, dummy

>> No.8786435
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>words trigger me

I'm glad Cockney is a dying dialect.

>> No.8786436

I'm not certain how much seaweed the chinks consume but credibility is starting to emerge regarding the theory that seaweed can reduce fat in the body

>> No.8786441


The majority of Chinese people don't have access to that and have never seen a sea or ocean in their entire lives. Japanese people, yes.

>> No.8786442

>I may never be able to have sex with a pasty again

>> No.8786449
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holy fuck you're dumb

I bet you think most americans live on the great plains too

>> No.8786450

Dunno man, plenty of fat nips out there.

>> No.8786452


Most of those people don't have the resources to travel even 30km to an adjacent ocean/sea. Also, Chinese people are paranoid and wouldn't eat seaweed grown in those contaminated waters, shit...they don't even feed their babies formula made in China, they wholesale milk powder from Australian and American dairies.

Let's not forget the squalid poverty Chinese in general live in.

>> No.8786453
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>this is american education

>> No.8786457
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>grorious nippon

>> No.8786461

>people so poor they can't travel 30km
>people so well off they develop orthorexia and go on shopping trips to Japan because they don't trust domestic stores
Those are different people, genius. Get a passport

>> No.8786463

>this triggers the weeb

>> No.8786464

Acting even more retarded isn't going to make you less retarded :^)

>> No.8786468
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Yes, everyone in China is part of the economic explosion. SURELY all 1,000,000,000+ people have disposable income and don't live in squalid poverty.

The majority of Chinese people eat vegetables and rice, every meal, every day. Prove me wrong.

>> No.8786469

You should see the gook tourists in London mate, there's some serious ham planets there.

>> No.8786470
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More than one person thinks you're a retard Mr. Pingling.

>> No.8786472

>oh shit he called me an idiot
>better change the subject and try to "debate" something completely unrelated
First we'll need for you to admit how incredibly stupid you sounded for confusing the problems of the very wealthy with the problems of the very poor and implying that they are somehow the same people

>> No.8786475

I'm sorry I replied to you. You can carry on with your shitposting now.

>> No.8786477


>let's focus on minorities in China so I feel better about being Chinese diaspora living in Canada

No, stay on topic. The majority of Chinese people are poor, and eat rice and vegetables, every meal, every single day of their lives, seaweed being a luxury item.

>> No.8786478

10 posts before the nationalistic shitposting started. Not bad for this board really.

>> No.8786481

>No, stay on topic.
I did, you didn't
The majority of Chinese people are poor,
And yet go on junkets to buy foreign made baby formula for their little emperors because "Chinese people are too paranoid to buy local food". This is your argument, yes? Just wanted to be sure, thanks for confirming you're an idiot.

>> No.8786483

It was always going to degenerate into a weeb-fest in all fairness.

>> No.8786484


Entrepreneurs buy the formula in bulk then sell it back to their own people. Wealth in China is about as common as straight teeth in Canada. The vast majority of Chinese people are obscenely poor, and subsist on a diet of rice and vegetables.

>> No.8786491

It's funny, because the only mention about anything related to "weebs" in this thread was from you.

>> No.8786495

>STILL arguing that these are the same people

>> No.8786502
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One buys from foreigners, marks it up then sells it back to his own people who demand foreign milk powder products. Yes, the consumers drive the demand. Confirmed for not understanding basic economics.

>> No.8786509

>Confirmed for not understanding basic economics.
Right, they're extremely poor and eat rice and veg, but argue autistically on sina weibo over the differences between aussie and american infant formula.
>the earth is flat
>no, it's round
This is you

>> No.8786513

Saw it coming.

>> No.8786515

They're a race of skinnyfat manlets who eat like 1600 cals a day. There's a reason they aren't excelling in sports besides ping pong.

>> No.8786527
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The differences between Chinese formula and formula made in normal civilizations is that Melamine isn't routinely used in milk powder products here, poisoing and kills tens of thousands of people, including infants. That being said, most Chinese people are poor, and survive on diets comprised almost entirely of rice and vegetables.

Despite the poverty, potential for being poisoned to death is incentive enough, apparently, to "go without" so your children can "have".


This ONE event is the inspiration behind buying foreign formula. Let's not forget China is so poor that people sell organs to buy iPhones and iPads.


>mfw I don't have to sell vital organs to buy technology and baby formula.

>> No.8786532

>oh man this is not looking good for me, better add a reaction image and change the subject!
But I like how you doubled down with the "most chinese are dirt poor and eat only rice and veg while shitposting on sina weibo with their imported iPhone 7 over the best brand of baby formula

>> No.8786543


The fact that Chinese people are so poor they taint milk powder with chemicals that kill people, instead of fortifying them with actual nutrients proves that even business owners are disgustingly poor, the fact people sell their kidneys to buy iPhones is just icing on the cake for me. That being said, Chinese people almost exclusively survive on rice/vegetable based diets. iPhones are for stupid/poor people. Obviously.

>> No.8786561

Protip : They don't actually eat like that

>> No.8786563

>$1000 phones are for dirt farmers because muh /g/ brand fanboi arguments

>> No.8786565


Dirt farmers have to submit to organ harvesting to buy them. LOL.

Why couldn't your parents be successful in China, why was there a need to emigrate if not based in poverty?

Doesn't add up desu senpai.

>> No.8786572

>a random person did something crazy therefore I totally understand China
For your next act you will explain America's entire economy based on a 3 paragraph article about a woman who sued because she burned herself with coffee, and a tweet from Gwyneth Paltrow

>> No.8786582
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Prove that the vast majority of China isn't peasant level poor that survive on rice and vegetables.

Protip: you can't.

All these strawmen and nonsequitor arguments don't make your bugrace look any better.

>> No.8786588

>you need to travel to the sea in order to eat something from it
>the concept of shipping and logistics does not exist

>> No.8786589

>changing the subject again
>b-but I was actually arguing something else!
Calling me a chink isn't going to help you save face

>> No.8786591

>nobody in the background is fat

>> No.8786598


Chinese people don't commonly eat seaweed.


>muh oppression

No i didn't. Stay on topic. The vast majority of Chinese people are poor and survive on diets comprised of rice and vegetables. Meat is an uncommon luxury.

>> No.8786607

>I'll call him a SJW, that will definitely make it seem like I have a point
Can't travel 30km
Can afford $1000 phones, but it's not real money because it's not my personal preferred brand of phone

Thank you for your brilliant insights

>> No.8786613

And they put seaweed in a lot of soups.

>> No.8786620


The average Chinese person can't afford a cheap iPhone was the point. Just admit your bugrace is disgustingly poor and scrape by on rice/vegetables. Generally speaking. The worlds wealthiest person is Mexican, they're China-tier poor as well, on average.

All the buzzwords in the world can't change the fact that people leave China because the economy is centralized into a few hands and wealth is impossible to obtain unless you emigrate westward. There are no social justice warriors in China, just soulless animals.

>> No.8786625


That article states meat is a high cost luxury item. As is seaweed.

>> No.8786635

Chinks are dumber than abos. They still use sticks to eat with. Get back to me when they figure out knives and forks.

>> No.8786657
File: 178 KB, 1551x903, china fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are Chinese people all slim and healthy looking when their food is a bunch of sugary fried crap?
Obesity in China has actually markedly increased in the past several decades, with a near-perfect correlation to the decrease in carbohydrate and rice consumption and an increase in consumption of dietary fat, meat and junk food.

I hope you don't need me to explain that the reason the traditional diets of Asia keep people lean is that they are high in carbohydrates and low in fat, animal products and junk food.

It's interesting that you talk about "sugary fried crap". Americans are actually so delusional when it comes to nutrition that they think adding a pinch of sugar to a sauce is what makes fried foods unhealthy and fattening.

>> No.8786666


Obesity in China is commonly associated with acceptance of western style cuisine/franchises ie: burger king, mcdonalds, subway etc etc etc.

Once China did away with communism people stopped starving to death en masse.

>> No.8786670

>my point was something other than what it was
>also, bug race lmao
You're really not very good at this, but I've reached my arguing with retards quota for the day. Looks like you have a new special friend though, maybe you can entertain him for a bit with your antics

>> No.8786675

Correct, and Western-style eating patterns are high in fat, animal products and junk food and low in plain carbohydrate sources like rice and potatoes.

>> No.8786677


So just to clarify you cannot disprove the fact most chinese people live in squalid poverty and survive on rice and vegetables. Alright. Thanks for adding topics which provided me an opportunity to shitpost senpai.

>> No.8786680


All American cuisine developed by combining high calorie luxury items together as a means of showing off essentially. Especially sweets.

>> No.8786682

>Ching chong, ching chong
Go back to your opium den, chink

>> No.8786966

Why? I'm not from the UK or even Europe. What is your point?

>> No.8786987

I would love to try "real" chinese or mexican food, but you don't want to go to P.F. Chang's or some Mexican place that is well decorated, because that shit doesn't matter.

I know it's /ck/ and it's a given, but with Chinese, Mexican or Indian food, learn to make it at home. They're soups and stews and stir-frys, the hardest part is getting the ingredients together.

>> No.8786989
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Canada is a commonwealth territory, nothing more. You are subjects of HRM Queen Elizabeth, house of Windsor. Her face on your money is a daily reminder that you belong to her.

>> No.8787046

they stay slim by practicing karate

>> No.8787057

What the fuck is that?

>> No.8787060

her royal majesty

>> No.8787063
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>> No.8787070


>> No.8787075

Have you seen an average chink?

>> No.8787097

The China Study.

>> No.8787272

That's cause the Japanese shame society helps them contain their fatties, most only come out at night where there's fewer people to stare disapprovingly, and no small children to chase them around like exotic animals.

Another reason why Shame society>Blame sociey

>> No.8787283


>shame society

Sumo are praised for their obesity and Geisha smear bird shit on their faces to appear more white. Try again.

>> No.8787288


Native Americans are East Asian though, and Chinese railroad indentured servants introduced refined heroin to westerners. Eye for an eye I suppose, we turned them into drunks, they turned us into junkies.

Multiculturalism works really really well eh?

>> No.8787293


Because they don't use as much sugar when they cook for themselves

>> No.8787303

Not an argument!

>> No.8787314

Traditionally Sumo weren't praised, but prized, literally human show-animals with short lives of constant rituals and rules for dressing, walking, talking, eating, drinking and social contact.

As for Geisha, the old European royal courts used to paint themselves white as well, to make it clear they didn't have to go out in the sun and do work.

>> No.8787326

Not sure how accurate that labeling is because in Japan, a BMI over 25 is considered obese. I think it's 26 or 28 in China. Not sure about Korea.

>> No.8787343

what language was this written in?

>> No.8787349

Actual Chinese food, as in from China, has much less sugar and isn't really fried so much.

>> No.8787352

>knows nothing about japan
japan actually has a very serious obesity problem. your average japanese person is incredibly fat, due to the fact that they have very little muscle mass. they look normal, but are basically bags of fat and bone. look at your average japanese housewife, and they are hilariously weak, with arms like dowels. once they gain weight, their %BF shoots through the fucking roof.

t. japan pro

>> No.8787364

Yeah but the WHITE MAN, AS ALWAYS wuz smart and used lead oxide instead of bird shit.

Take that, fucking nips!

>> No.8787369

And lead piping and uranium dyed drinking glass.

>> No.8787387

>even business owners are disgustingly poor

if you're talking about factory owners, that couldnt be further from the truth.

i wish they dilluted products because they couldnt afford the ingredients. the truth is far more disturbing.

>> No.8787466

>learn to speak English

English is from England (UK) that's how they talk.