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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8784165 No.8784165 [Reply] [Original]

Stop eating breakfast.

>> No.8784170

and lunch. and wait till 7pm for dinner.

Boom. Intermittent fasting.

>> No.8784174


>> No.8784181

oh shit I do this already except meal time is 6 to 6:30

>> No.8784298
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Fuck off hipster

>> No.8784315

lel pretty much same here. save money on food and it keeps me from getting fat.
win win situation.

>> No.8784364

>be useless

I suppose if you are already—who gives a shit.

>> No.8784446

The first meal you eat is breakfast since you are literally "breaking" your "fast"

>> No.8784982

Fuck this. It's in the morning that I'm hungrier.

>> No.8784995

only because your body is used to it. you can drastically change the daily timing of your diet and your body will get used to it after a week or so

>> No.8785005

>Be husky fucker, i likes food
>Try Intermittent Fasting
>Suddenly turn into an aggressive asshole

>Can feel the frustration simmering in my skill that I've skipped breakfast.

Holy fuck.
This shit would be glorious for UFC Fighters & Soldiers.

>> No.8785019


both in high school wrestling and in boxing at a really great gym, our coaches instructed us to not eat before a match at all. because being hungry makes you sharp and mean. eat a bunch of food and you feel sleepy and gregarious. you don't actually 'need' the energy, your body is just constantly afraid you'll starve to death and so it demands food at a steady rate.

>> No.8785025

is that actually varg in <the current year>?

>> No.8785026


If you're skipping a meal then it's a much, much better idea to skip dinner. Ideally, breakfast should be your largest meal, followed by a mid-sized lunch and a small dinner or none at all.

You'll have more energy during the day and you'll sleep much better.

>> No.8785029

I didn't know anyone still ate before noon...

>> No.8785032

I don't eat breakfast but I love breakfast foods. English muffins with butter, french toast, bacon, eggs, all that shit. I'm just not hungry when I wake up. Two cups of coffee and I'm good until 11 at least.

So ... when do I get to eat all that stuff

>> No.8786297

I'm the same way, so on Sundays I often do brunch with friends.

>> No.8786639

Eat breakfast and live off that energy all day. Sleep like a baby because you don't have your guts filled with food. Wake up fresh and hungry, repeat the process.
Much better than eating late.

>> No.8786655

um no, this is retarded. eating only breakfast will leave you hungry all day. also it's completely unnatural. eating makes you tired, so it makes sense to eat your biggest meal in the evening.

>> No.8786660

I haven't eaten a thing for 143 hours. Ask me anything.

>> No.8786694

um no, it makes perfect sense. I eat all I need in that meal and it keeps me full for the rest of the day. It's not garbage foods so it doesn't leave me lethargic after eating. Natural digestion and slow release of nutrients keeps my energy up all day, then easing off in the evening when I want to relax anyway. It's the perfect rhythm.

If you want to sleep on a full stomach, get nightmares and indigestion, knock yourself out.

>> No.8786709

I start crying if I don't get to eat my fucking meals. Why are you doing this?

>> No.8786714

To reverse my insulin resistance.

>> No.8786725

more wps like this?

>> No.8786727

I hope you´re american and noone else has to pay your hospital bills when you die like the idiot you are

>> No.8786737

Are you stupid? I'm doing this so that I don't get diabetes or some other metabolic disease.

>> No.8786785

Shouldn't you only avoid sugars and carbs for that? Eating meat and vegetables should be fine.

>> No.8786791

Yeah, once I start eating I'll avoid refined carbs. This is just to kickstart the process.

>> No.8786810

I see, well good luck man. Diabetes sounds like a horrid disease so I hope you succeed.

>> No.8786818

I mean I don't actually have any diseases at this point, but I ate terribly for most of my life so I'm just trying to make sure that I don't get them.

>> No.8786820

Thanks though

>> No.8788480

i did. long time ago.

you should stop mixing food in incompatible ways and start eating monomeals.

>> No.8788568


>> No.8789014

If you're that "linguist" from the other thread I'll fucking gut you.

>> No.8789034

I eat breakfast but skip lunch.

>> No.8789039

Small breakfast large dinner master race.

>> No.8789052

>because being hungry makes you sharp and mean.

No, it makes you deficient in the sugars your muscles use for energy, making you WEAKER and have less stamina.

Those are the same dumb fucking hick/ghetto coaches that dehydrate the fuck out of their people for weigh-ins and end up killing a few or damaging the fuck out of them.

>> No.8789182

>eating makes you tired

Eating food wakes me up. Gives me the energy I need, which is why I was hungry in the first place.
Snacking all night will keep me up all night.
The only exception is certain foods known to cause the 'itis, like turkey.

>> No.8789190
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Jokes on you I eat breakfast around 12-1 so its technically lunch

>> No.8789686

You should not be giving advice.

>> No.8789697

You do realize the turkey thing is bullshit, right? It's all in your head, like all your other points.

>> No.8789801

I'll take my personal observation over your unsubstantiated conjecture any day.

>> No.8789806

This thread is retarded.

>> No.8789814

I've never once eaten breakfast

>> No.8789838

He's right, though.
>A common assertion in the US is that heavy consumption of turkey meat results in drowsiness, due to high levels of tryptophan contained in turkey.[22][24] However, the amount of tryptophan in turkey is comparable to that contained in other meats.[23][25] Drowsiness after eating may be caused by other foods eaten with the turkey, particularly carbohydrates.[27] It has been demonstrated in both animal[28] and human tests[29][30][31] that ingestion of a meal rich in carbohydrates triggers release of insulin. Insulin in turn stimulates the uptake of large neutral branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), but not tryptophan into muscle, increasing the ratio of tryptophan to BCAA in the blood stream. The resulting increased tryptophan ratio reduces competition at the large neutral amino acid transporter (which transports both BCAA and aromatic amino acids), resulting in more uptake of tryptophan across the blood–brain barrier into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).[32][33] Once in the CSF, tryptophan is converted into serotonin in the raphe nuclei by the normal enzymatic pathway.[28][30] The resultant serotonin is further metabolised into melatonin by the pineal gland.[12] Hence, this data suggests that "feast-induced drowsiness"—or postprandial somnolence—may be the result of a heavy meal rich in carbohydrates, which indirectly increases the production of sleep-promoting melatonin in the brain.[28][29][30][31]

>> No.8789844

if i eat breakfast i just get hungrier and gorge myself all day

>> No.8789856

What's a typical breakfast for you, when you do eat it?

>> No.8789861

Usually just a condom or two of cum. I eat every 3 hours.

>> No.8789867


coffee, small breakfast sandwich of sausage, egg, and a biscuit. ~9 am if i have work. but i wind up eating less all day and feeling better if i just drink the coffee and wait until 1 to get lunch.

>> No.8789872

i never eat breakfast

all breakfast foods suck

only lunch and dinner for me

>> No.8789897
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Last time I ate breakfast was like 10 years ago when I lived with my parents.

>tfw never once got hungry in the morning in my life but mom forced me to eat because muh most important meal of the day meme

>> No.8789984

Why? It keeps me full until the next meal and you can concentrate better and make better results at everything when you're full. You won't gain any weight either if you eat the right food.

>> No.8789996

I can agree with you. Eggs are 2/10 but everything else is literal shit.
I hate breakfast.

>> No.8790847

>getting nightmares by sleeping on a full stomach


>> No.8791106

Everything about the modern american breakfast is due to marketing by people like kellog, hog farmers and orange growers

>> No.8791154

That word, it does not mean what you think it means

>> No.8791166

And Bernays

>> No.8791168

It takes a lot of effort to sell people smashed corn with chemicals sprinkled all over it.
They fucking did it though.

>> No.8791236
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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, Anon. You get all dem delicious calories inside so you can go and burn them during your day and not have to worry about going hungry.

I always have a big hearty breakfast, then at lunch I just have a quick snack so it doesn't break my rhythm, and for dinner just something simple and light so I can sleep easy without a full stomach. This leaves me with a good appetite in the morning, ready to start the day again with another big healthy meal.

>> No.8792675

Are you pre-diabetic or just paranoid?

>> No.8792683


its broscience worthy of /fit/

>> No.8792693
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>eat pic related for breakfast
>dont have to eat again til late afternoon

>> No.8792718

Haven't been eating breakfast for twenty plus years.
>also, don't fucking tell me what to do.

>> No.8792743

Wop detected

>> No.8792757

is mostly about not having your belly full and end up pucking/shitting yourself after a good punch

also soccer players, athletes and similars don't drink water for the same reason, they just taste it and spit it

>> No.8793986

Both of these are stupid. Eating before bed helps most people sleep, and as long as it's healthy and you get regular exercise then there is no risk of becoming fat from it. Eating breakfast provides you with energy you need to start the day and be effective. Eating smaller meals through the day helps keep your blood sugar and energy at a constant level, and gives you a constant supply of nutrients. It's also better for helping people lose weight.

>> No.8794019

When I started showing signs of high blood sugar I suddenly switched to a low carb diet for a few days. After that it switched to insulin sensitivity and too much sugar at one time will make me feel faint.

>> No.8794577

used in context it makes sense you stupid cunt, he wants to be alert and angry, not sleepy and joyful

>> No.8794591

You're an idiot. I lived like this for four years, I've gotten fat and developed heart problems.
Since I eat only breakfast and lunch, I lost fifty pounds, and my blood pressure is finally normal.

>> No.8794613

I've not eaten breakfast since I was 16, and I'm 28 now. I usually eat an apple at about 12h30, a small lunch around 2h30pm, then dinner at 6.

I'm dropping weight quite nicely

>> No.8794644
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Err.. your results likely have more to do with skipping what is generally the biggest meal of the day. The same effect would probably be had if you portion controlled to the same degree.

Having said that, condensing meals saves time and effort that could otherwise be spent expending energy or generally being productive. Or in my case drinking alone

>> No.8794655
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Soo.. you've been "dropping weight nicely" since you were 16? Either you were 250kg at 16 or are 1kg now

>> No.8794657

I usually eat two meals a day. One about 4 hours after i get to work and the other when I get home. It happens to fit into the whole 9 hour eating schedule thing

>> No.8794662

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I've started doing what my post said since the start of this year. Combine that with cutting out energy drinks (Which I drank literally every day), I''ve been slowly losing weight this year. It's nothing major, but a nice slow/steady reduction

>> No.8794665

I weigh 12lbs. I only eat once every 6 years.

>> No.8794684
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But it's really bad to eat a big meal before you go to sleep.

>> No.8794686


>> No.8794692


>> No.8794694

>implying I ever get out of bed before 2 pm when it's just not appropriate to eat breakfast by then

>> No.8794704

I has nothing to do with time of the day.

>> No.8794706


t. a meme

>> No.8794728

Well, isn't it logical?
You eat something right after you wake up, you walk and work, meanwhile calories burn.
You eat something right before you go to sleep, you are lying down for seven hours, meanwhile you are becoming a fat piece of shit.

>> No.8794755

Its not about dehydration and its not hunger the athletes out. They dont eat at all before a fight, right before the fight they eat 1-2bananas.

works wonders

t. competetive wrestler

>> No.8794765

People generally consume more calories at a time than they burn. They do not run around with an IV drip. Calories that are not used immediately are stored and then used throughout the day. This is normal.

>> No.8794768

t. brainlet
you know nothing about nutrition and yet you prattle on like an authority. read some fucking books

>> No.8794786
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Is this a good start??

>> No.8794809


Again, intermitted fasting may explain this. Eating before bed may be ok but not ic you eat early in the morning.