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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8784109 No.8784109 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best thing to eat after smoking a lot of weed?

Like a LOT of weed.

>> No.8784111

A bullet.

>> No.8784120

blt sandwich with mayo and plenty of bacon

also this is very "dude weed lmao" which makes me cringe as someone else who smokes occasionally.

>> No.8784129

Potassium cyanide

>> No.8784137
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no joke this stuff is so good. Make sure you have water in reach though. also good protein.

>> No.8784145

A very moist dessert.

>> No.8784146


Grapes from the refrigerator. Fun to eat, taste great.

>> No.8784291
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either something very warm and cheesy or something cold and refreshing like sorbet.

>> No.8784308


>> No.8784310

The spiciest thing you can find.

Raw habaneros.

>> No.8784377

>for the man with refined tastes
Whitecastle burgers

>> No.8784380


>> No.8784382

Beer and goldfish crackers

>> No.8784383

The correct answer is to combine random things from your cupboard.
It's an adventure that might result in something tasty
>only stoner kids will get this

>> No.8784440
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if you are too stoned to even make a grilled cheese, this

>> No.8784442

A bullet.

>> No.8784449


>> No.8784451

Once I ate a bag of pizza rolls, and dipped them in canned nacho cheese.
>best fucking thing ever

>> No.8784454

more weed

>> No.8784458

desu everything tastes good on weed that's why people smoke it...

Only avoid bland food or food with too much chili

>> No.8784460

A bullet.

>> No.8784470

Burgers from your local legendary old timey burger place. Get a delivery service to pick them up for you.

>> No.8784471

Nothing. Just remember that you aren't actually hungry and that you just can't feel your stomach.
Eat later when you're normalizing, that in-between period is the best for a relaxing eat.

>> No.8784473

A bullet.

>> No.8784542

>be completely sober
>try to feel my stomach
I must be having one of those marijuana flashbacks I hear about

>> No.8784560

Are you guys talking about those bulletsalads I keep hearing about??

>> No.8784703


You can't feel it because it's obscured by a thicc layer of subcutaneous fat

>> No.8784707

use your newfound creative powers to make the best possible bowl of chocolate oatmeal ever

>> No.8784714
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Pepperoni pizza. I have one in the oven right now, I'll be baked by the time it's done baking.

>> No.8784719

Ice cream. Feels nice when your mouth is all dry, and tastes amazing.

>> No.8784728

Why does weed get all the hate but alcohol doesn't

>> No.8784735

Cheeseburger grinder.

>> No.8784736

...I may have forgotten about cereal surprise.

Yes. Do this. Mix cereals or make that chocolate oatmeal

>> No.8784765

Culture and legal status. Autists either like drinking because it quells their feelings of awkwardness or don't think much of it because it's so ubiquitous. Weed triggers them something fierce because it probably made them have a panic attack if they've ever tried it, and the taboo around it is equally triggering.

>> No.8784791

Fruit salad or just watermelon is my favorite LSD snack. I don't smoke weed by itself. I can eat 2-3 pounds of watermelon in one sitting if I feel like it.

>> No.8784864

peanut butter(natural) and jelly on whole wheat
chocolate milk
dark chocolate
KIND banana cluster granola

>> No.8784870

>panic attacks from weed
I have experienced this multiple times, does that mean I have schizophrenia?
I don't understand how weed can cure anxiety in most normies but it causes it to skyrocket in others.

>> No.8784904


Weed changes your thought process, your mind starts exploring ideas your regular mind has long developed a defensive mechanism of repression for

When you're high you lack that

>> No.8784914

I can second the lack of defense mechanisms. I have had serious panic attacks on weed. once I thought I had found out the point to life, that it was a test of we'd fall for the temptation of using drugs, and I'd proven myself a failure. Another time I felt bugs crawling inside the cast on my arm. I don't have schizophrenia, so I stopped smoking weed and started drinking a bit more.

>> No.8784934

>that it was a test of we'd fall for the temptation of using drugs

>You couldn't know this until you got high

Yeah that sounds like fun time, that's some garden of eden fruit of knowledge shit right there

>> No.8784937

Steak and pecan ice cream

>> No.8784944

Literally snack kino

>> No.8784952

Chocolate chip cookie topped with a cinnamon roll topped with ice cream topped with whipped cream topped with chocolate syrup and topped with an Oreo

>> No.8784975


Chips Ahoy + French's Mustard. Legendary.

>> No.8784983

Your own feces
It makes the high last longer trust me
And when you're stoned it doesn't even taste bad
Good luck

>> No.8784994


>> No.8785014


>> No.8785018


>> No.8785151

My anxiety goes up in certain situations. The only times I smoke are when I'm alone on long car rides or going hiking. Basically never when large crowds are involved

>> No.8785156

like pretty much anything

>> No.8785178


>> No.8785180

A cyanide breath mint

>> No.8785186

Driving while smoking weed?
People like you shouldn't be on the road.

>> No.8785191

That's only if you ruin your high by succumbing to the paranoia. Most people don't because they can a.) relax, or b.) know weed makes you paranoid.
If you get "panic attacks", then coke would probably kill you. No, really, if you can't relax, the muscles around your heart squeeze the shit out of it.

>> No.8785200

Weed exacerbates anxiety levels. If you're a generally socially panicked autismo, then smoking will probably trigger you extra hard because you're already an anxious mess.
Normies don't really have that problem because, well, normies.

Not true at all. Weed will give me uncontrollable panic attacks depending on the day, and every time I've bumped coke I felt fucking fantastic and wanted nothing more than to just talk to everybody about everything. It immediately made everything fantastic and removed any social inhibitions I felt.

>> No.8785221

I drive better high than sober desu. Less road rage and am more aware of speed limits

>> No.8785232

You must have zero chest muscles. Lucky you.
Or... you could be smoking weed that's dusted.
I'm sure if you were doing dabs or adding oil or hash, you'd have mentioned it.

>> No.8785596
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Not really that cool on a slow board.

>> No.8785657


My only thing when driving high is 65 feels like I'm going 80 sometimes LOOL

>> No.8785669

just eat whatever you eat normally

>> No.8785692

driving high is surprisingly relaxing, easy, and feels safe, even in retrospect. it sounds so wrong, but it's true. myself, and the few people ive met that smoke/have smoked, talked about how natural it feels to drive high. its like you become one with the car. you dont swerve, pass out, or get distracted, its like youre in the zone of driving. its wild.

>> No.8785706

I'm not a sweets person, salty is my terrible addiction, but whenever I smoke I get such a crazy sweet tooth
my favorite is a toasted pb&j thats more jelly than peanut butter

>> No.8785872
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some tawainese friends visted and they brought these over. A+++

any kind of chocolate with a creamy filling

>> No.8785885
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>> No.8785911


If you had schizophrenia you'd know it. 90% of schizophrenics are so fucked up from psychosis they can barely function.

>> No.8785922


>Dude don't worry I drive better when I'm high

Neck yourself, degenerate.

>> No.8785938

He's basically saying he shouldn't be allowed to drive. If he's so shitty that he needs extra "motivation" to pay attention, he shouldn't be allowed to drive. It's like an alcoholic saying he drives better drunk, it could be true because sober he doesn't pay attention at all. Probably has OCD or some disorder where he should be 24/7 medicated.

>> No.8785943

Cyanide HCl

>> No.8785974


Is it so unthinkable that a person can operate a vehicle while high? I don't do it often but can if needed. Just yesterday I sessioned with a friend,and he forgot his phone at my place. Drove it to him and drove back home with no incident.

>> No.8785980

One of us believes you, but thinks you need regular medication if you "drive better when high".
In my city, most people do it because it's a busy city and a moving target is harder for popos to clock.

>> No.8785996

Don't sound like such a faggot next time when you say you smoked with someone

>> No.8786003

He could have also sounded less lame n a straight if he said 'sesh' instead.

>> No.8786005

One time i made spaghetti at 3am with a tomato sauce mixed with garlic,soy sauce,some peppers,olive oil and some cheese,i called it the faggotini,everyone loved it and it's our official stoner night meal
If you want to know what goes well with weed,just try something at the moment .
Or you could eat a bullet

>> No.8786007

Don't do that either

>> No.8786031

Kill yourself you worthless faggot.

>> No.8786055

Your reaction times are slower that's a fact. It's probably still safer than the millions of people texting and driving though

>> No.8786088

>guys I did it one time and nothing happened, that means it's okay all times
Fuck you for putting other lives at greater risk

>> No.8786095

I miss weed.

I found eating fatty things made everything very comfy.
And even though I normally avoid (most) fat like a vampire avoids sunlight, weed made the stuff taste incredibly good, and it seemed to make the high take a lot longer to wear down.
Everything dairy is the best possible thing for weed.

Pizza is perfect. Pepperoni has plenty of fat. As does all that delicious cheese.
Burgers are good.
Ham & cheese melts.
Chocolate pudding.
Anything involving custard.
In fact, re-heat any old shit you have in the fridge.

>Retards driving while stoned
Please don't.
A dude on the internets says not to.

>> No.8786098

I'm a fat alcoholic fuck so the few times I do smoke weed I either want to eat nothing or as healthily as possible.

>> No.8786209

I legit like eating veggies after smoking a ton of weed (well, I use a vape, or sometimes THC infused soda because it's way better).

Other than that it's mostly gatorade G2 and simple shit I can't fuck up, like frozen tater tots.

>> No.8786295

Just did like 6 rips in about 5 minutes. Like literally 10 minutes ago

Should I go to taco bell, McDonald's, or wait for Winn dixieland to open

Or the gas station

>> No.8786304

Enjoy your gateway to heroin.

>> No.8786305

That's a tough one. Flip a coin on a burrito or a burger. If reading the word sandwiches sounds good, go to the gas station.

>> No.8786307

That's outdated propaganda. Opioid/etc pills are the real gateway.

>> No.8786312

Taco bell. Get a triple double crunchwrap and a cheesy gordita crunch
you're welcome

>> No.8786317

>6 rips in 5 minutes,literally 10 minutes ago

Holy God man, how are you still standing?!? You must be the ultimate bad-ass of marijuana!

>> No.8786318

Everything this.
especially the driving part.
>be me stoned
>driving with a friend, also stoned
>Go to turn left out of a parking lot
>there's a median in the way
>already in the middle of the road, with traffic coming toward my passenger side door, literally 20 feet away.
>freeze up
>manage to drive over the median in the last second and avoid crash
it would have been fine if id been sober. But i didn't think to look while high, and my dulled reflexes almost killed us, or at least my passenger.
Don't drive stoned peeps

>> No.8786321

I'm a puasy dude, it's not much for you maybe faggot, but that's my limit quite often

Sorry I'm not as underage as you

>> No.8786336

Not him, but... you do know your tolerance goes up the longer you use, right? That "underage" comment kinda blows up in your face. Plus, it's the quality of the kine, not the quality of the smoker, most of the time.

>> No.8786341

Honestly, man... you should stay away from 4chan while stoned. You'll fall into a 4ch-hole and waste ur whole buzz here.

>> No.8786360

Good point. I don't smoke too often, but that's also because I have a job not because I'm underage. Wouldn't a kid have more time to smoke?

>> No.8786366


>smoking weed past high school

Losers the lot of yeh.

>> No.8786367

More time, less money and freedom.

>> No.8786371

Ok, Nancy Reagan.

>> No.8786373

They'd have the time, but not the cash to procure da kine.

>> No.8786433

An entire chicken pot pie.

>> No.8786438


You weren't alive for that presidency.

>> No.8786476

A bullet.

>> No.8786540

Unless you're fucking blitzed out of your mind, you're literally just more cautious on the road.

>> No.8786547

Yeah, I was. Don't remember it, but I was alive.

>> No.8786550


Why reference it then? What an embarrassment. Get your reefer madness comment out of the way now so we can establish the fact you're an economically and emotionally stunted manchild.

>> No.8786580

Are you retarded? The stupid "why reference it" moment was your dumb ass thinking my age mattered. Learn about the "war on drugs"/propaganda, it's essential americian history, or does your retard ass think you can only learn shit you lived through. Moron.

>> No.8786584

Yes that's why I don't believe the Holocaust ever happened

>> No.8786587


>learn bout the gubmint mannnnn
>big brother mannnnnnn

People like you are the reason said illicit substance are illegal. Ending poverty and starvation seem to be more pertinent issues, imo.

>> No.8786606

The war on drugs costs our government billions of dollars without any real benefit.

>> No.8786690


I know you are probably memeing, but I unironically love Whitecastle burgers even when I'm not high. Their fries are also great.

>> No.8786695


Illegal migrants cost more and contribute to said illicit drug industry. Pick your battles.

>> No.8786726

Right and legalizing weed would take away a huge cash crop for those smuggling shit in.

>> No.8786734


>> No.8786744

i burp these up for hours

>> No.8786747
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It is a little-known fact that /ck/ is in fact the angriest board on 4chan. Observe as this particular autist takes time out of his day to police language on a board about food.

Btw, how do you feel about White Castle?

>> No.8786756
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I like chocolate chip cookies, and some Arizona green tea. Anything really dude. I like different stuff it all depends. Also, captcha related.

>> No.8786793

There are common antidepressants most people take that alter their mind more than cannabis and makes them feel like they are having out-of-body experiences and they still drive because you have to in life. Do you know how many Ambien zombies are driving in the morning? Drinking and driving is totally different than smoking and driving. Anyone who has been high and drunk (or even knows what they are talking about) will tell you that driving high is not as dangerous compared to other legal drugs people drive under the influence of all the time. Please, smoking weed and driving makes me drive slower and not get road rage AT ALL. Makes me and my passengers feel safer because I am calm.

>> No.8786999


>> No.8788252

I'd recommend this dish to anyone who starts this thread in particular.

Its a retarded question the answer is eat whatever the fuck you were going to eat plus a bunch of other shit.

Bacon loin with cabbage and potatoes followed by cheese, raspberries, yogurt and chocolate is the best thing to eat while stoned, as is an entire bucket of KFC with a pint of haagen daazs and 2 tubs of French onion Pringles as is whatever the fuck else you might feel like eating.

Does every single thread about stoned eating have to be started with this retarded premise?

>> No.8788483

only good answer

>> No.8788504

Literally they don't know that they have it though.

>> No.8789848

>Ham & cheese melts.
And use these as the bread.

>> No.8789859


several tombstone pizzas with heroin and root beer

>> No.8789919

ITT: A bunch of whining jive ass squares

>> No.8789945

>Instant noodles.
>Chocolate (Ferrero Rocher).
>10 packets of crisps in a row.
>Chicken fried rice from the local Chinky.