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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8782420 No.8782420 [Reply] [Original]

Describe your ideal rules that all restaurants should follow:

>Children must be barred entry after 7pm.
>Tables must not be packed in too tightly. I hate overhearing other people's conversations. Customers deserve a degree of privacy.
>Strict dress code for staff. Women must wear skirts.
>Pregnant women should not work as waitresses or in any front of house role.
>People with visible tattoos or piercings should not work as waiters or in any front of house role.
>Waiters must not be obtrusive. I hate when waiters ask me if everything's ok when I'm eating. They should be nearby and come when called, but not overly friendly.
>Customers who dress nicely should receive a discount.
>There must not be too many windows. I don't want passersby to watch me eat or lip-read my conversation.
>Music must not be too loud.
>Red wine and beers must be served room temperature unless it is specifically requested cold.
>Smoking must be banned.

>> No.8782430

>Smoking must be banned

Nah. Fuck you, buddy. There's almost no place left to smoke in this town.

>> No.8782436


Killing yourselves slowly shouldn't affect the lives of others at all

>> No.8782438

Seating should be racially segregated.

>> No.8782442

You seem autistic.

>> No.8782443

>People like OP must be barred from entry at any time

>> No.8782448
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>Women must wear skirts
sounds like a fast track to harassment lawsuit

>> No.8782458

No fat chicks after 7

>> No.8782462

I really just wish people would talk more softly.
When you are sitting directly across from another person why do so many people feel the need to be so fucking loud.
I believe if people at other tables can make out the details of your conversation you are speaking to loudly.

>> No.8782469

I can see the fedora through monitors.

>> No.8782477

Your idea of a good restaurant probably involves a soft play area and free soda refills.

>> No.8782478

>Serving any beer at higher than 14C
You disgust me.

>> No.8782516

Smoke at home, faggot. There needs to be a ban on smoking outside too, fucking stinkers stinking up the fresh air.

>> No.8782538

Looks like someone's been beat by the 'tism stick one too many times

>> No.8782543

no singles

>> No.8782618

>waitresses should have at least D cup sized tits
>waitresses should always go topless, and preferably wear crotchless panties
>pregnant waitresses are encouraged to supply milk for customers' coffee, tea, or direct feeding

>> No.8782624

You are correct, except for...
>Waiters must not be obtrusive.... (It's not obtrusive, there are other tables in the restaurant besides you, so we can't just stand by all the time)
>Customers who dress nicely.... (seriously?)
>Beers room temperature... (you're right baout red wine, though)
You think those three things because you are retarded in some way, but I agree with all of those restrictions on FOH waiters. Too bad we live in the illustrious era of "muh feelings piercings and tattoos don't make me work less hard :^))))"

>> No.8782626

>Private settings versus general open space
>Dim lights, relaxed atmosphere (dim open to close)
>Chill spot with couches for post dinner drinks and relaxation

>> No.8782636

This made me kek and wake up my sleeping child.

>> No.8782638

you are literally autistic

>> No.8782642

I hate eating a perfectly good restaurant and then
some smoke-fag decides to sit next to my table and all I smell is burnt shit.

>> No.8782713

>No kids past 19:00
>Waitress dress code: Black shirt.
>Tip not mandatory, but appreciated.
>Tinted windows
>Designated Smoking areas, for example second floor, or outside tables left of the door.
>No Music
>No autists

>> No.8782720

This doesn't change the fact your fedora collection is stacked on your head.

>> No.8782721

>tip not mandatory, but appreciated
It already is you fuck

>> No.8782722

>Pregnant women should not work as waitresses or in any front of house role.

Enjoy having your restaurant shut down for violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

>> No.8782723

Not everywhere.

>> No.8782724

Do you plan on paying your employees a living wage, or are your waiters all going to make 2.13 an hour?

Because I can tell you that you're gonna have staffing issues if you tell customers they don't have to tip.

>> No.8782725

Then it isn't a tip. A tip is separate from the bill and completely optional.

>> No.8782733

You do know if they don't make min wage in tips, the employer has to make up for it, right?

>> No.8782734

Of course employees get a living wage, everything else would be retarded.

A tip is a reward for outstanding behaviour.

>> No.8782743

>Live in New York
>TWW is $7.50
>Lol flyovers

>> No.8782750


But most of the time they make way more in tips, since tipping is more or less socially mandated.

It's an extreme rarity that an employer will have to pay minimum wage to their waiters.

>> No.8782752

Flaming is not allowed on this board. I am new here but have read the rules. I'm not allowed to say if I reported you, but you can expect to be banned within the hour. :)

>> No.8782762

Every table should be in a fully enclosed space with a door, completely sealing you off from the other diners and outside world. There can be a button to use to summon a waiter if you need them. I absolutely hate being seated in a table in the middle of an open restaurant, it makes me feel exposed and vulnerable from all directions

>> No.8782853

>expecting to retain staff that have to put up with retarded adult-children on fucking minimum wage

Lol no.

I've never worked in food service and honestly would prefer to live in a place where the bill was 1 up front price and the staff were paid fairly from there, but, in America that is just (typically) not the case and if you're too autistic or poor to cooperate then just stay home.

>> No.8782861

No coloreds after 7

>> No.8782867

You strike me as someone who doesn't go to restaurants that often, or outside for that matter. also what's up with your desire for tepid beer? do you have really sensitive teeth?

>> No.8782871

consider eating at home

>> No.8782881

No shitting in the urinal

>> No.8782950

This can be accomplished by requiring customers to make eye contact and speak audibly

>> No.8782961


>> No.8782975

said no one paying new york taxes/prices? or you're bridge and tunnel... sooooo... your self-hatred is cyclical

>> No.8783002

Where the fuck do you live that you can still smoke indoors?

>> No.8783023
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>>Customers who dress nicely should receive a discount.


Everybody's allowed to eat dress however they want, faggot.

>> No.8783042

It doesn't.

>> No.8783050

Except it does. I don't know what's so hard to get about "breathing in smoke that someone else has exhaled is almost as bad as smoking"
I wish you could meet my dad. His house is literally yellow. He has to throw out his computers every 3 or 4 years because the smoke combines with dust and forms this rancid tar that gets all over the internals and starts gumming up the fans.

>> No.8783051

So waiters 'deserve' more than minimum wage?

>> No.8783057

So what's your point?
That waiters should get paid more than minimum wage on top of all the tips they get, or that it doesnt matter?

My roommate works at Denny's and pulls in $600 a fucking week from tips.

>> No.8783058
File: 9 KB, 292x173, GoBackToPol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> No kids
> Volume limit. If you disturb other customers, you will be ejected.
> Relaxed dress code
> Smoking area away from the entrance, out of earshot of the restaurant and with fans to blow the smoke away.
> Tipping available on the card machine
> Call button for a waiter
> Soundproofing on walls to prevent echoes
> No vegans allowed



> Image related

>> No.8783064


I personally think that smoking is fucking disgusting. That being said, I also believe that people should be able to do what they want with their own body. Their body, their choice.

I find the smell of a nearby smoker to be fucking vile. But I don't for a moment believe that it affects my health. Perhaps if I were locked in a small closed space with a bunch of smokers then it might be believable, but the occasional exposure to smoke if you go to a bar or restaurant? No fucking way that's affecting my health to an appreciable degree.

>> No.8783067

>Waiters must not be obtrusive.... (It's not obtrusive, there are other tables in the restaurant besides you, so we can't just stand by all the time)
>I can't tell if someone is happy or not simply by looking at them

Dense autism, right there

>> No.8783068

Don't stand right in front of them and let them shotgun you then, you fucking retard.
A cigarette doesnt smell any worse than you wearing too much cologne because you wanted to impress your date, and in all probability you wouldn't even notice it if you weren't aware somebody was smoking.

Don't lump all smokers in with your trailer trash dad who has no sense of cleanliness.

>> No.8783069

Bonfire smoke contains carcinogens at thousands of times the concentration of cigarette smoke, and there's a lot more of it. One night at a bonfire is worse for you than a lifetime of secondhand smoke.

>> No.8783079

But it does.

>> No.8783085

>A cigarette doesnt smell any worse than you wearing too much cologne
>You read correctly. I'm equating a carcinogenic drug with a fragrance designed to be pleasant.

>> No.8783094

What about bartenders, waiters and foh staff that are around it for 8 hours a day? Should they be forced to quit or damage their health because people cant wait an hour or walk outside to smoke?

>> No.8783101

>>Strict dress code for staff. Women must wear skirts.

>> No.8783104

>unironically uses 24 hour clock
>no autists

>> No.8783112

>Strict dress code for staff. Women must wear skirts.
>Pregnant women should not work as waitresses or in any front of house role.
>People with visible tattoos or piercings should not work as waiters or in any front of house role.
You're a cunt.

My list of actual ideals:
>The place has to be fucking clean, including the employees, but especially the kitchen, restrooms and tables
>No screaming children or babies
>Comfortable seating and ample table space, as well as space for staff and customers to navigate between tables and the restrooms
>No smoking, fuck you if you don't like it
>Prompt service. If you're not fast when I'm hungry you're useless to me
>Actual quality coffee and tea
>Fresh flowers
>Music should be quiet, to allow for conversation
>A suggestion box for customers, which should be read by, but carefully considered by the staff

>> No.8783117

>Women must wear skirts
Lmao, why?

>> No.8783122

counts as public disturbance to me desu

>> No.8783123

>You're a cunt.
for wanting the waiting staff to be presentable?

>> No.8783129

You can have piercings or tattoos and be presentable. I'm not saying hire Enigma to wait tables, but a nose ring or a hand tattoo can be perfectly fine.

>> No.8783179
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no ketchup for anyone over the age of 10

>> No.8783231


>> No.8783237

No source, can't you read?

>> No.8783238
File: 656 KB, 1152x768, 2016-10-25 08.02.58 1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mad fresh bistro in fort myers florida

>> No.8783267

>Designated area for families with kids, sound proof
> Sufficient space in between the tables to maintain conversation privacy
>Call button for waiter
>The area should have very dim lights, with a little chandelier over each table
>You receive a discount if your order is late
>Toothpicks in every table (damn braces)
> All soda must come from glass bottles
>All food options must have a half alternative. A normal sized (not american) portion is too much for me
>Comfortable chairs and air conditioning
In my country is already illegal to smoke indoors

>> No.8783282

>Every country is the same

>> No.8783365

Is that a fucking pun

>> No.8783410

>Bonfire smoke

Oh yeh those pesky bonfires everywhere

>> No.8783437

Hahahhaa what do you know, he wasn't

>> No.8783448

>all employees paid regular wage, tipping not needed or encouraged
>If it's predominately a burger place fries always come with the burger no "a la carte" bullshit or "comes with chips(Utz) sub fries for 2.25"
>Given water no matter what with the option for another drink
>Complimentary side when entering depending on the style of restaurant, (breadsticks, rolls, chips, peanuts)

>> No.8783456

I very rarely eat ketchup on my fries but this is bullshit.

The people pay for the food let them do what the hell they want to it. It's YOUR job to give them a dining experience they enjoy it's not your job to tell them how the food should be eaten.

>> No.8783459

t. future lymphoma patient


>> No.8783460


How can OP ever recover?

>> No.8783472

You're a fucking tard. Smoke is literal torture and you faggots with your ammonia gas sticks need to back the fuck up.
I smoke 20-30 a day but I've wised up to the fact that cigarettes create that noxious shit and have been smoking little cigars with pressed tobacco paper for a couple years.
But cigarettes are fucking disgusting and they smell like straight shit.

>> No.8783495

holy fucking autism batman

>> No.8783498

>order a beer
>waiter brings it to the table
>it's warm
>"all our beer and wine is served at room temperature"
>"i can put it in a ice bucket for you and bring it back when it's cold"
>get beer back after 20 minutes
yeah fuck off buddy. are you asian? who drinks warm beer? otherwise the list is alright

>> No.8783505

Death is a release from the crime that is life.

Smoking helps with that so I see no problem with it.

>> No.8783508

>too dumb to count higher than 12

>> No.8783518

Good food
Good atmosphere is a plus but not required
Friendly service
Reasonable prices
No kids
No smoking

You guys are all picky manchildren, jesus

>> No.8783541

>You guys are all picky manchildren, jesus

>Describe your IDEAL restaurant

>> No.8783637
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>third world countries are relevant

>ugh why is tradition so dumb
>I operate on a higher intellectual level m'lady, see how different I am?

>> No.8783642

Have you never been to one?

>> No.8783665
File: 86 KB, 840x927, pussy cook handling ketchup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food servant refuses to serve what you order

Sue that fucker.

>> No.8783672
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Okay OP, you win

>> No.8783691

Never in a restaurant, no.

>> No.8783693
File: 339 KB, 213x199, 1459772477684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pregnant women are disabled
>women are literally one cream pie away from being considered as bad as retards and cripples

>> No.8783715

Nigger some carcinogens smell delicious like red meat.

>> No.8783718

But if you've been to one at all you've inhaled more carcinogens than you ever will in a lifetime of going to restaurants that allow smoking you faggot hypocrite.

>> No.8783722

>Northwestern Europe is 3rd world
haha aite Tucker

>> No.8783730

well I like women modest and not looking like streetwalkers, how about you

>> No.8783735

>3rd World

>> No.8783741

>overrun by islam
>first world

>> No.8783752
File: 13 KB, 241x263, do i even need to reply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8783758

europe isn't 1st world

>> No.8783818

well, by the book definition Switzerland IS a third world country. its not a 'developing country", but it is a neutral fence-hopper

>> No.8783845

No, by the book 3rd world means "not allied with NATO or Soviets" and since soviets don't exist anymore the term is fucking retarded.

>> No.8783862

1st 2nd & 3rd world are NATO, Warsaw pact and unaffiliated.

Though I get what you are saying, Western Europe is just a polished version of Eastern Europe. Cramped, everyone lives in dog boxes, tiny cars, lots of shitty muslims and ethnic enclaves.

>> No.8783867

well, was or is switzerland allied with one of them? no? well, I guess its YOU who's retarded.
to reiterate:
>nuurgh-uh, you're retarded

>> No.8783874

children aren't allowed to have food dishes with rice.

>> No.8783895

The Swiss never joined NATO specifically but worked closely with them many times. Partnership for peace etc.

>> No.8783897



>> No.8783918

oh, please, those fencehoppers work closely together with anyone who can pay. literally three quaters of their people work in the service sector, they bend over backwards and get tips from every side. and it works out for them. but they still are as neutral as it gets. they're not allied with anyone but bank accounts

>> No.8783958

Who the fuck goes to resurants for this to be a fucking problem?

If you go to any resturant that is fancier than your avarage cafe/lunch joint more that 3 times a year you literally need to kill yourself.

>> No.8783972

Yes, having a kid is not only a pain, but crippling.
At least past 5 months.

>> No.8783974


>> No.8784037

this asians are ok (no mainland chinese though) ,but the others can sit in teh chimpanzee area.

>> No.8784045

>Northwestern Europe is 3rd world
In five years, yeah pretty much

>> No.8784046

Wow nice, I really believe that.

>> No.8784061

>Will never eat at MUMMY MILKIES the cafe.
Tell me to pull the trigger ck.

>> No.8784068

You should really uptight maybe you need to go out and mingle amongst the rest of human kind.

>> No.8784114

>beer must be served at room temprature

Holy shit. I wish I was as braindeadretarded as OP

>> No.8784116

t. flyover

>> No.8784144

tfw u have a nice mommy gf that feeds you milkies and cummies

>> No.8784148

Man, that went from reasonable to asshole pretty quickly. Good job OP.

>> No.8784221

Fuck off to reddit

>> No.8784232

Parties requesting booths or private seating areas must fill them to capacity, no exceptions.

>> No.8784244

Then fucking smoke at home. Keep your nasty habit out of places people eat.

>> No.8784262

You sound like a cuck.

>> No.8784503

Yeah. I don't want to sit with no racist white people lmao

>> No.8784515

Of course soda refills should be free. A glass only costs them like 7 cents, and they charge $2-3.

>> No.8784609


The autism ... it burns

>> No.8784630

I actually agree 100%, you seem to be a decent person

>> No.8784631

>> Smoking area away from the entrance, out of earshot of the restaurant and with fans to blow the smoke away.

You can be in a 4000sqft space with windows and ceiling fans every 10 feet, and I guarantee a non-smoker on one side will still smell that shit coming from the other side. Just because there's not a cloud being blown in your face, doesn't mean it's not an offensive smell.

Barring smoking from most indoor establishments was absolutely the right choice. I say that as a smoker of 20 years, who just quit in January of '16.

>> No.8784633

>customer with lazy eye comes in
>gets banned for not looking waiter in the eye

>> No.8784641

>doesn't smoke
Find me literally a single bartender that doesn't smoke. I fucking dare you

>> No.8784647

>enact no smoking at restaurant rule
>all the BOH staff leaves except for the one faggot who only smokes weed

>> No.8784652

>thinking you're entitled to any food you want because you sit down at a table

>> No.8784661

>> All soda must come from glass bottles

Fun fact, soda in glass bottles is less carbonated than from cans or 2 liters. It's a safety issue. This is a problem for people that like their cokes poured over ice, like myself. They're pretty much flat at that point unless you rinse the ice first (so remove particles and sharp edges that trigger bubbling), and pour at an angle to the side of the cup from a 1/4" distance.

>> No.8784686
File: 82 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nose rings look retarded and hand tattoos pretty much mean you have a sub room temperature IQ and will be on some form of tax payer assisted life, welfare, prison or nuthouse is up to you... oh wait fuck I'm actually replying to a tripfag.

>> No.8784695
File: 3.03 MB, 359x202, 1484354425005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, please tell me you're just baiting

>> No.8785051

Patrician gourmetorium

>> No.8785071

This. Respect the rules, respect the mods

>> No.8785120

As long as he speaks audibly, he's still in.

>> No.8785207

you haven't been to a grungy hippy place then. There's this place I go that has a hipster waitress with nose rings and holy fuck I have never been so aroused in my life.

>> No.8786220

>beers must be served room temperature
what the fuck

>> No.8786242

cold beer has less beer flavor. Any beer that's "best served ice cold" basically tastes like shit and is just for chugging.

>> No.8786320

No you capitalist plebe, the customer isn't always right and you can deny service to anyone.

>> No.8786325

Beer is majority water, anon.

>> No.8786330

yeah, pretty much this.
nice touch on the coffee/tea. Would not have thought of that

>> No.8786335

-OP must be forcefully subdued, beaten, murdered, and cooked into a hearty stew
-this hearty stew should be poured out in the gutter
-homemade limeades

>> No.8786337

Not everyone builds bonfires out of treated pallets, you Jersey shore grease ball.

>> No.8786346

>nose ring can be perfectly fine
how about kys, they are fucking disgusting.

>> No.8787661

Food must be reasonably priced.

That's it. Fuck restaurants, in 99% of the cases I can make better food and waste a lot less money/time/effort in the process. What's even the point?

>> No.8787701

Good. Smoke at home you selfish prick, people don't want to breathe that shit.

You want to get lung cancer go ahead but don't make others suffer from your shitty addiction.

>> No.8787708
File: 46 KB, 500x500, demi-lovato-nose-piercing-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks B. <3

Oh I meant for customers. Staff are one thing, but as a customer keep that shit away from me when I'm enjoying a meal.

Fuck yeah dude. :D

Fuck you and your boring sense of aesthetics you sack of rat shit!

>> No.8787713

THIS is what you take issue with?
You and OP should go choke on each other's dick so you'll die from something else than cancer.

>> No.8787721

>but the occasional exposure to smoke if you go to a bar or restaurant? No fucking way that's affecting my health to an appreciable degree.

>I don't understand what cumulative damage is
It's ok to be a clueless and ignorant but please don't share your idiotic opinions with other people.