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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 74 KB, 205x204, corn tortilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8773993 No.8773993 [Reply] [Original]

How do you keep corn tortillas from tearing?

>> No.8774004
File: 278 KB, 600x400, tilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you storing them? Place them inside a cloth.

Some people like adding a tiny bit of water, some drops when you're reheating them.

>> No.8774012


1) Use them up before they get stale.
2) steam them before rolling/folding to make them more flexible.

>> No.8774081
File: 2.89 MB, 200x360, pa que sepas.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By having gramdma make them almost always

>> No.8774104

microwave them for a couple seconds

>> No.8774109

Cute, but I feel this is forced child labor.

>> No.8774111

If you mean when you pull them out of the fridge, then dont just try to pull them up directly. Lift around the rim and inwards, concentric circles.
If you mean when they are cooking and get stuck then you're putting them on too cold, let them come up to room temperature before putting them on the comal.

>> No.8774118

Not the one who posted it but I learned when I was around her age, just because my parents felt it was time. Cooking is never a bad skill to have.
Assuming the worst means that this kid is in an area where she basically has to work and that is sad, but its far from the worst thing in Latin America.

>> No.8774131 [DELETED] 
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Fuck off
Tradition outweighs law
filthy jew
Go on chase an ambulance

>> No.8774158

>Make them properly
Put them on the pan with no seasoning, just the tortilla to get it a bit crispy

>> No.8774160

Every thanksgiving about a dozen or so of the youngest members of our family get together to help my aunt make tamales for the whole extended family and as such will be able to pass on this recipe and technique to their kids and so on. It's an important part of being in our family. This is common in Central and South American cultures

>> No.8774206

lightly fry in a small amount of oil, and use two tortillas if they are thin.

>> No.8774220

1. Make your own. Its not that difficult and it actually has flavor

2. Lightly fry in corn oil

3. Make fajita meat and embrace the tearing

>> No.8774221

1. Buy fresh
2. Always use two for your tacos
3. Heat them in a pan or on a griddle/grill, anything but the microwave. It fucks them up for some reason

>> No.8774268

And you don't use oil to just warm them like other people are saying, unless you're making a tostada

>> No.8774291

>not that difficult
>mix masa and water
>flatten and cook

Hold up there mr. haute cuisine! You really expect /ck/ to master that?

>> No.8774294

lewis is a faggot

>> No.8774309

I warm my tortillas in the microwave all the time. It is not that bad. Old tortillas are still not gonna be as good as fresh ones anyway.

>> No.8774314


Don't listen to these guys, making corn tortillas isn't technically hard, but it is a massive pain in the ass. Without gluten holding it together, the raw dough rips very easily while rolling and transferring to the pan.

Just buy a decent brands and lightly heat in a dry pan.

>> No.8774325

>It is not that bad
It's way worser than warming them on a dry pan. Try it, you'll see

>> No.8774407
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oh no that child is learning how to cook for herself and not be a basic bitch who spends $500 eating out every week

>> No.8774411

nobody got time for that

>> No.8774420

It's a couple minutes while you're prepping the other ingredients. It's worth it. You don't have to do one at a time if you only have a small pan. Throw a small stack in there and just flip them around until warmed

>> No.8774511

I agree that pan/comal is better, but 3 day old tortillas, stored in the firdge are not gonna be good anyways, and I can warm as many tortillas as want in the microwave in under a minute.

If I cared that much I would just buy fresh tortillas everyday. Or masa and make make own.

>> No.8774528
File: 21 KB, 489x328, ef36c195d8f4e91ff137a83d5db19573608b8da78e405f54dbd2a93fe2eb1020[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh golly the child learns the valuable skill of cooking after being put through manipulation, forced labor, and having her naivete taken advantage of for monetary gain!




>> No.8774540

This is the post of someone whose mommy and daddy paid for everything and never had to do a chore in their life.

>> No.8774555


and this is the post of someone who got stockholm syndrome'd into thinking it was ok that his abusers did what they did because he gained "character" from it

sorry for you already

>> No.8774564

Parents were using their children to do household chores for centuries
It's why they didnt grow up to be spoiled, resourceless brats like you obviously did. When society eventually collapses it's a good thing to know you'll be the first to die because you clearly can't provide for yourself

>> No.8774578


teach a kid some life skills sure, why fucking not, but if you make the kid do it to help you earn money, which by the way, should be the burden only the parents should bear, that ain't right now is it?

never shoulda raised a kid if they were just going to let it suffer with them

irresponsibility is what it is, plain and simple

>> No.8774590

Look at the bright side, at least they are using the kid to prepare some tortillas and not as a child prostitute.

>> No.8774598

What about pre-WWII farming in the US? The kids all worked the farm as soon as they were old enough to walk and that was a money making venture.

>> No.8774603

>make them suffer
nobodys making them work in a fucking coal mine
They're learning how to cook for fucks sake you dip shit
And if learning how to cook is suffering then his point is spot on and you're just a spoiled little shit

>> No.8774617

If you have a thin pan and a gas stove, it literally takes a minute.

>> No.8774663

Make your own or if you're using store bought do not heat them in a oven or stove top, just microwave them.

>> No.8774704
File: 565 KB, 240x180, john 316 something something 909090 723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hold up

Fucked advice scraych that its all wrong

>> No.8774743

There's "make your kids do household chores" and then there"s "you can't go to school Johnny, you need to go out and work the fields to support the family!"
The second one is the reason we have child labor laws, publicly funded schools, and the requirement that children go to school.

>> No.8774749

have you ever tried heating them in an oven? they dry out and tear if you do. I guess you could wrap them in a damp towel if you don't have a microwave. I just make my own because it is easy as fuck and not wasteful.

>> No.8774791


>> No.8774803


They reheat perfectly in an oven. You simply have to put them in a closed container, like a pan with a lid on it, or wrap them in foil.

>> No.8774818
File: 2.80 MB, 400x225, taco time.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a comal or grill for my tortillas almost always
sometimes right over coals thats about it

>> No.8774833

yeah same idea of keeping the moisture in them. the only time I ever need to reheat tortillas is at work where I can't make them fresh. just easier to use the microwave there.

>> No.8775041

Those tortillas ar too white for me. I prefer yellow, or blue.

>> No.8775337

>that pic
>that histrionic comment

get a grip drama queen

>> No.8775620
File: 2.94 MB, 484x504, 1489522670530.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yellow corn is sweet corn
Sweet yellow corn is pig feed so they fatten up fast
Yellow tortillas made from sweet corn are not so good unless your feeding pigs

>> No.8775645
File: 60 KB, 450x600, 63BDEF7B-9EA3-4ADC-AE53-30AC76ACDEF2-234-0000000CCDFCEDD1_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double up. Problem solved.

>> No.8775659

fucking tool.
get a tortilla press

>> No.8775681

what in the unholy fuck. what that paste in the beginning. seriously huehues, someone needs to teach you fuckers some cuisine.

>> No.8775712

fucks sake

>> No.8775785
File: 2.31 MB, 390x277, fair dayz 064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys kill me

All ill say is dont knock it till you try it.

I myself find it less than appealing, still my cousins love it like crazy most particularly the female ones .... its kinda like an ice cream deal.

>> No.8775964

explain what it is

>> No.8776013

Sweet corn on the cob with mayo on the outside then sprinkled with cheese and spices. Disregard all the other weird shit thats goin on at the end.
Its actually pretty good..

>> No.8776200

All tortillas are supposed to be warmed through on the griddle.

>> No.8776748


I can't take anything you say seriously because all I hear is shrieking about "tendies" and "no salad mom"

>> No.8777168

>A study published by Brazil’s Ministry of Health showed some worrying findings. Looking at the BRICS, Brazil has the third largest (52.5%) overweight population (those with BMI 25 or greater), only behind South Africa and Russia. Alarmingly, more than half of Brazil’s population has become overweight, compared to 43% in 2006.

get it together hues, you'll be the hngghngghs soon.

>> No.8777189


>> No.8778488
File: 494 KB, 300x169, brothermanb bill 048.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its looking like corn on the cobb with creama/mayo mix, then covered with parmesan type cheese likely cotija and further spiced with several chile powders... that is something similar to corn in a cup known as ezquites something very popular

I myself prefer roasted corn with cheese, chile and whatever fat dressing as its much tastier to me.

>> No.8778503

I have a toaster oven with a steam setting, so I use that. It works well for corn tortillas, for flour tortillas it makes them soft and pliable like the steam baskets at chipotle, just takes a little longer because it has to warm up.

>> No.8778554
File: 114 KB, 420x420, 1491455420742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By buying flour ones because corn tortillas taste like shit.

>> No.8778713

What's so appealing about doughy, flavorless, fattier wraps?

I bet you like white bread, too...

>> No.8778885

What's so appealing about grainy, bitter, disgusting "street tacos"?

>> No.8779598

Whole grain tortillas aren't good, I agree, but corn tortillas have more nutritional value and have a better taste

With sandwich bread, however, the more grains the better

>> No.8779703
File: 979 KB, 170x300, start feb 184.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Street taco and tortillas and corn tortillas are not always the same stuff

Good corn tortillas have a somewhat popcorn flavor when slightly toasted aside from being wholesome and nutritious

>> No.8781119

>Tradition outweighs law
Indian detected.

>> No.8781123

I microwave for a few seconds in the bag, makes them so moist and flexible, make beautiful taquitos.

>> No.8781212 [DELETED] 

Victim of jewish law looking to victimize more folks

>> No.8781911

uh...warm them? Why is this even a question

>> No.8781919

Tradition is stagnation. Stagnation is slow death.

>> No.8781941

Life death tradition whatever its all history
ill keep my traditions alive and well
You can keep pondering the meaning of life while buying canned food and sloping shit into a microwave or whatever convenient unnatural purposely cancerous thing you do

>> No.8782187

Why eat corn when flour tortillas are infinitely better?

>> No.8782335

She is doing things with her family, that shit worked for ages and it's god tier for providing closer bonds between the family.
What's wrong with you, were you raised be a nany or something?

>> No.8782345

Lol even got a modelo

>> No.8782423

How fat are your cousins?