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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8769348 No.8769348 [Reply] [Original]

What was the food you ate when you were at your lowest/poorest? I'm not talking on a routine basis. Most of the world subsists on ramen, bread with lard/butter, or rice and beans. We've probably all had to do that for a few weeks at one point.

No, I'm talking THE rock bottom. Food like mustard sandwiches, steamed rice and ketchup, sugar dissolved in water, etc.

I understand that some of you may say, "Mustard sandwiches? I eat those all the time!" Obviously "rock bottom" is going to be relative to a lot of us. If you starved, then you weren't eating, so that's not a valid answer.

>> No.8769363

Breadcrumbs from a box in water, just a bit cheaper than rice (+no electricity cost), certainly cheaper than bread, and more nutritious than plain sugar (which would be the next cheapest thing)

>> No.8769376

rice with ketchup desu

>> No.8769377

>Breadcrumbs from a box in water
>cheaper than bread
On what planet?

>> No.8769384


Back in the 40s. Fried squirrels we'd catch, corn bread, greens.

>> No.8769391

I ate the exact same food, because even at my poorest I could afford to eat properly. What Third World shithole do you live in?

>> No.8769392

Sorry cu/ck/s, don't know that feel.

>> No.8769849
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Even tough I lived with low means, I made concessions to not have to feed on shit.

My go to meal when I was broke was eggs or tuna with bread a vegetable and a fruit.

I'd sell my shit car and prostitute myself at McDonalds to eat well.

Also if you live in a big city you can find affordable quality and nutritious foods. Not to mention dumster diving and food banks.

>> No.8769855

I once ate nothing but rice & eggs for a month.

>> No.8769864

A friend of mine went to Canada and was offered a job and some space to live with a madman he knew from the internet, so he went but he eventually never got the job and overstayed his visa.

He ran out of money and the autistic person he was staying with would give him anything so he subsisted on crackers and hot sauce packets.

>> No.8769872

A few dishes.

Pasta with ketchup
Rice with pepper
And a chip butty. Not because I wanted one though, but because all I had was cheap bread and frozen chips.

>> No.8769887

i used to eat ramen and banquet breakfast sausages and generic american cheese slices and flour tortillas

then i figured out you can eat a lot better at shelters and missions and go to food banks

i pity the fools who sit at home counting out change from their sofa so they can pick up food at dollar tree

>> No.8769897

Pinto beans cooked over Sterno. Yep. That was a low, bad time in my life.

>> No.8769902

Polenta, rice, bread, tea, mate, noodles, soups and stews of whatever we had at home.

>> No.8769903

Potato soup -
One potato, diced, cooked with a lot of water and a bouillon cube.

>> No.8769909

At my lowest / poorest I stole groceries.

Not proud. Thankfully I got my shit together.

>> No.8769915

you're posting on 4chan and you're in your 70s?

>> No.8769923


I used to routinely steal money out of fountains to buy dollar menu items, or put on church clothes, carry an empty briefcase into a hotel with continental breakfast and help myself to breakfast, packing as many pieces of fruit and yogurts into said briefcase then leave.

A auditor (desk clerk) will be too afraid to challenge whether or not you're actually a guest, and will never bother you while doing this. Rotate the hotels in your town, limit visits to once every 2 weeks, each, tops. Works 100% of the time.

>> No.8769933

I had plain oatmeal for breakfast and 15 bean soup and rice for dinner every day for about 3, it wasn't awful.
Months before hand a bought 25 pounds of rice, 20 pounds of oatmeal and a ton of bags of dried beans with flavor packets for I want to say like 60 bucks total from Sam's club and also . I still had a bunch of rice left over after too.

>> No.8769944

in college I stole about half my groceries, measured in dollar value.

I would buy the large cheap items like bread, and steal the small expensive items like cheese, spices, butter, etc stuffed in my big coat.
I didn't buy large expensive items because they weren't stealable.

I've never been so broke I had to eat something like the things in this thread, I'd rather shoplift than deprive myself of proper nutrition

>> No.8769949

spaghetti sauce

buddy comes over, ''anon, can I have some chili?''

''its not chili, its spaghetti sauce''


>> No.8769955

Are you my grandpa?

>> No.8769956

Literally flour and water, cooked into shitty biscuits or crackers.

Unless you count eating/drinking straight condiments and seasonings because I had no actual food after eating the flour and water and eating spoons of straight sugar.

>> No.8769957
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>> No.8769958

I once lived on biscuits made from plain white wheat flour and water, mixed into a dough and baked for 10 minutes.

It tastes exactly like you think it would.

>> No.8769966


im going back to my spaghetti sauce

>> No.8769983

Mayo bread.

>> No.8769987

saltine crackers, whiskey, hamburger helper mixed with plain noodles

>> No.8770001

Are you poor because of the drinking or are you just lucky enough to still have whiskey lying around?

>> No.8770010


>> No.8770011
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In my rock bottom, mostly pic related for lunch. No breakfast or dinner. For a year or so. Blame that for my current poor health.

It was cheap because the local chinese BBQ shop sells them cheap or give them free for poor people.

>> No.8770017
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Hungriest I've been was when I was thru hiking the Appalachian Trail. Basically ran out of food a couple of days early, and the last night before I could get to town I laid in my tent eating jelly from the bottle, then dug an empty packet of chicken Ramen noodles out of my trash bag and ate the leftover crumbs/powder.

When I immigrated to Europe I ate a lot of plain rice with soy sauce when I was unemployed, but was never really destitute.

>> No.8770020


Wonder bread dipped in powdered milk. That was everynight for a few weeks. While I was working at a goddamn string factory no less during unholy hours of the night.

Still miss that job thou ;_;

>> No.8770022

Your life sounds interesting.

>> No.8770023


>> No.8770029

Rice and mustard.

>> No.8770040

I ate Gravy sandwiches because Gravy packets were on sale for like 10 cents so i got hundreds of em

>> No.8770077
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Ahh, when you started getting welfare dosh, aka: refugee benefit. Are you one pf those people that left because of Trump?

Refugee advocate:

>so what brought you here, war, famine, human rights violations?



Refugee advocate:

>application approved, lol fugg grumpf welcome to Yurop.

>> No.8770093

Lol, no

Enjoy the rest of high school

>> No.8770098

Getting kicked out for that would be embarassing as hell

>> No.8770100

Rice/pasta with store-brand margarine. Not bad honestly.

>> No.8770101

You sure that actually happened?

>> No.8770109

i tried making a soup from flour, maple syrup and water since those were the only things available

>> No.8770121


Not an argument Jamal.

>> No.8770123

I don't live in a third world hellhole, so even if my mom had 6 kids with 4 different men (who all left her), we never went out of food.

I think I had to eat only buttered toast one morning, but that was it.

>> No.8770129
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Cock, I ate fucking cock for about an entire year.. it was the only way to put actual food on my table for me and my mentally challenged Gran ma ma. I ate all type of cock in a Taco Bell parking lot. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do anon. Not proud of my cock eating days but I would do it again in a second if need be. Same Taco Bell and everything.

>> No.8770138


Here's the thing, let's say they accuse an actual guest of something like this, the amount of shit they'd have to hear from their supervisor, corporate and potentially lawyers if the guest was offended enough to consider his civil rights violated.

No wagecuck is going to risk their job to stop someone from eating eggs, bacon, fruit and cereal they're more than likely going to throw away anyway. I did it for all 4 years of college and never got caught.

You should try it one hungry morning, you have to look/smell/act professional and don't forget the briefcase or AT LEAST a messenger bag to stow your goods away.

>> No.8770160

Rice and beans make for a pretty healthy diet though. Not that it doesn't taste bad but still

I was addicted to sugar for some time as a teen and basically ate anything in the house that had some sugar when I ran out of sweets. Like baking ingrediants for example.

>> No.8770165

Okay Tucker

>> No.8770181


>> No.8770254

It is a really good idea. And in the extremely unlikely event you were challenged, they aren't going to have you arrested. They'll just escort you to the door. I can see where if you were dressed like a professional they wouldn't even give you a second glance.

>> No.8770262

cooked simple pasta and just ground pepper over it. No sauce, or anything else. Just bland noodles that irritate your throat and breathways.

>> No.8770272

Don't most people usually come from their rooms to go eat breakfast? It'd be a little suspicious if you just strolled in the front doors then into the dining area. "Oh don't mind me, just out for my morning suitcase jog."

>> No.8770273

One time I didn't have lettuce so I made a salad out of nothing but croutons and caesar dressing

>> No.8770289

Sugar and water with a few drops of almond aroma.
Pasta and nothing (anchovies paste or simply salt and pepper)
Bake bread and eat bread and nothing
Fried slices of bread

>> No.8770292

My bet is if you look the part, they won't be paying any attention to you at all.

>> No.8770293


>front doors

There are other ways into a hotel, through the pool for instance, and absolutely no one eats in their bathrobe or pajamas in a public setting that can afford to stay in nicer hotels. Lrn2con.

>> No.8770294


wonder why you were poor shitstain

>> No.8770309

some leftover mysli and the remains of a salt/herb mix

>> No.8770310

Beer costs 0.64 euro for one liter where I live

>> No.8770317


Exactly. They're always on their phone when not helping a guest anyway, the one and only time I was approached by a hotel employee while doing this, they asked if I wad enjoying my breakfast and if I needed a complimentary shuttle to the shopping district downtown. I politely declined and went on my way.

Regardless if this was a way to attempt to do a soft reading on me I never went back to that specific courtyard marriot.

>> No.8770347

When I was a kid, after my father left, we were dead broke.
One season, a friend of my mother's squash garden grew like crazy. It basically took over the entire yard.

So one day he came by our house with several giant boxes of squash.
We ate basically nothing but squash for 3 weeks.

We did experiment a lot, and it got pretty inventive at times. Squash soups and stews, squash burgers, squash casseroles...

>> No.8770353

Aw man I did that as well. What a low point. Living like an animal. Dealing with my alcohol issues has never put me in such a blind, ravenous state.

>> No.8770449

My absolute cheapest was White Rice cooked on the stove, during the last 7 minutes of cooking I'd just drop a whole egg on top which would just Steam it on top.

And some soy sauce and that was my meal.

I still eat lazily like that at times. I just had a whole container of Baby Arugula, with Beef Jerky as a topping and Chipotle Mustard as the dressing. It taste ok.

>> No.8770521

many hotels ask for your roomnumber, i agree that its not a bad idea, but the time you have to invest to make this work seems pretty silly if you could just work for 1 hour and buy breakfast for multiple days. its kinda a niche idea for absolutely shameless people that arent allowed to work, yet still manage to look and dress unsuspicious enough

>> No.8770528

When I was a kid I had margarine spread on bread toasted over an open flame, with linden tea drank from a jar.

I still have that breakfast every once in a while when I remember about it. It tastes great.

Damn, I could really go for some linden tea right now.

>> No.8770549

Pasta and barbecue sauce. It was all I had in the kitchen and I didn't have any money.

>> No.8770553

The first time i was desperate for food a soldier gave me a case of mre's. They were all the cheese and vegetable omelet one...fuck.
That was even worse then the year i spent living out of a tent and trying to work and i was eating pika and ground squirrels i caught in dead fall traps.

>> No.8770624

>deadfall trap

Christ, if you can set an effective deadfall you'll never starve. Add in a few snares, and you'll live like a king.

>> No.8771427

I actually ate pretty good when I was at my poorest. I was living out during a time of potato surplus crop nationwide. Shit was like 80 cents for a 5lbs bag. The guy I worked for had a small chicken coop and would like me collect and keep all the eggs if I fed and watered the chickens and cleaned the coop. The bar down the road put out a free sampler/appetizer spread every weekday during happy hour. I got loads of free condiments from green valley and 7-11. And at the time Arizona Charlie's had the .49 cent breakfast buffet from like 2am to 6am.

I was dirt poor, no car and could barely make rent but I ate pretty damn good.

>> No.8771502
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bologna sandwiches. sometimes w/ condiment.

>> No.8771540

Last semester I had $7 in my bank account for a week. We were almost out of food. The only thing we had was a 30 rack of mgd someone gave us for free, some tortillas, and shredded cheese. Me and my roommate ate quesadillas and drank mgd for 4 days straight. Not awful, but some of the worst shits I've had in the past year.

>> No.8771610

So, almost enough to buy an entire kilogram of rice (~3600 calories).

>> No.8771695

Had no money at all.
Ate a 2 year old box of saltines and wormy peaches from a neighbors tree for about a week before I broke down and asked my grandfather for a small loan.

>> No.8771745

Saltine porridge. I took a bunch load of those crackers in a pot full of water with a pinch of sea salt and a dash of black pepper and a tsp of butter and olive oil. I threw in a Slim Jim I found and made a sort of paste. It was edible enough to get me through 2 days.

>> No.8772160

mayonaise inside a stale hot dog bun that had freezerburn and for dessert peanut butter licked off of a spoon

>> No.8772268

That actually sounds pretty damn good.

>> No.8772295

panda express dumpster food that i had to fight raccoons for

>> No.8772298

Probably that mustard sandwhich

>> No.8772319

Baked beans and spaghetti for about a week. I've had it pretty easy

>> No.8772334

get the fuck out of the thread; literally no one in your life likes you

>> No.8772340

>Mustard sandwich with cold cut bacon
>hamburger helper
Grew up with this stuff and I thought mummy bought this because I liked it. Turns out money was tight. Now were still in the same position but now I'm a piece of shit uneducated neet. sorry mom

>> No.8772357


>> No.8772367

You need to supply an argument to get one in return, Cleetus.

>> No.8772396

I lost my temporary home where I work abroad and am about to eat a can of tuna without cutlery in a guestroom of my boss.


>> No.8772407


Not a very tasty meal but it will fill you up.

>> No.8772423

My mom was working a lot and my dad was always out of work on contracted work
It wasn't the poorest we've been, but it was the worst I've eaten

There were only a couple boxes of pancake mix in the house. Tons of condiments and no real ingredients (at least none I knew how to use), so I just ate pancakes every day for like a week. Sometimes my mom brought home deli sandwiches, the kind that you'd find in an office party setting

I can't really eat pancakes anymore, which is fine because I've always preferred waffles better

>> No.8772439


>> No.8773296

Bag of off-brand white bread
a small tub of off-brand vegetable oil spread.

>> No.8773302

breaded porkchops were all my family ate for dinner when we had just moved out of the country and were tight on money and i guess they were pretty cheap

>> No.8773342

The seeds that settled at the bottom of the juice in a pickle jar.

>> No.8773348


>all these poorfags

Literal plebians.

>> No.8773390
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Not as bad some here but i had to eat canned pea soup for 2 weeks.
It really helps to have a panic stash of food.

>> No.8773406

Why not just have a panic stash of money?

>> No.8773409

Should always have a stash of long lasting food and water. Money won't mean shit in time of crisis.

>> No.8773411

I did have money too but had to use it.
Food stash is also good when power is out or other bad times come

>> No.8773417

During my poorest summer of my life while in college I ate nothing. That's right nothing, for the whole ~2 months of summer break

All i did was drink a couple litres of tapwater a day thats it. By the end, i could barely keep my balance and had to practically crawl to western union to pick up my September money transfer (i only got them during active school months)

>> No.8773419

15-Bean Soup. Cajun style.

With ingredients, onion, sausage, green pepper, diced tomato, it comes to only about $6 for a big chili pot. Will last me and the wife about a week if push comes to shove.

>> No.8773437

Rinsed canned beans. Id dump some spices in the can and enjoy

>> No.8773448

Even if you are really poor, you should be able to afford food, unless you have absolutely no source of income.

What's cutting into most peoples food budget is alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc.
Also poor people are usually stupid so when they get a dollar or two they'll spend it on a McD's burger or something.

>> No.8773464

Got approved for SNAP aka Nutrition Assistance aks Food Stamp yesterday and they kick in in less than 20 minutes.
Finna eat like a king, a broke king that is.

>> No.8773469

You can't survive for 2 months without food, moron

>> No.8773481


At my lowest I took a box of breadcrumbs I had left over, toasted them in a little oil with some garlic, dry parsley, salt and added a few dashes of Tabasco. I was starving and it was delicious for the first few bites, after which I felt full and couldn't eat another bite. Never again.

>> No.8773486

4chin has this many poor fags?

>> No.8773489

i go shoplifting and eat whatever i want

>> No.8773494
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Last summer I had to live on what I could forage around my house. I had rice and what early harvest I could squeeze out of my garden. But I mostly lived off of dandelions, berries, etc

oh and lots of eggs. But I had to scavenge supplimental food for them as well

>> No.8773495

Being most of the world is just getting by to barely surviving... You implying you a better person because you don't struggle?

>> No.8773497

i knew there would be bobandy in this post.

>> No.8773523

Soup made outta stock.
Potatoes and Eggs

>> No.8773537

Root vegetables
Store brand muesli

Every day for two years

>> No.8773559

bread or buns dipped in cheap lard, sandwich pie or something similar. It's travelling on budget 101

>> No.8773648

To be fair he may have come here when he was like 50

>> No.8773920

Care to explain how I made that post then? Because I am alive that's why.

And no brainless insults as a response either I want you to scientifically explain how I made that post if I am dead because according to you Im dead

>> No.8773921

I want /pol/ to leave

>> No.8773960

Are you clinically retarded or too autistic to ask people for help/food/loans? I mean I'm pretty sure you're shitposting because no one in their right mind would just accept not eating for two months but for fuck sake man, you were in college. Did you study asceticism?

>> No.8773969

>t. shameless parasite

>> No.8773970

Not him but you lying would be a scientific explanation.

>> No.8774003

Unironically just inspired my dinner... and 20+ days till I get paid

>> No.8774026

One time I was so poor between checks because of some bills and an unexpected car repair bill that I had literally only enough money to buy a sack of red potatoes, some chicken broth cubes, and a dozen eggs. That had to last me for weeks. I made some kind of "egg drop and potato soup" for two weeks before I could go grocery shopping and I ran out of pepper from my pepper shaker halfway through that period.

Not the worst ITT, I'm sure, but for me that was the lowest point.

Of course, I spent the majority of my funds then on a bottle of cheap Canadian whiskey so it's not like I was really putting my meager funds to good use either.

>> No.8774038
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When I was a teen I literally used all of my money on alchohol to party every day
so one week I literally lived on nothing but ketchup + canned corn
it was absolutely disgusting

>> No.8774560

Lying allows me to utilize a website while deceased?

How is that possible?
Are you lying?

>> No.8774715

day old bread that has been toasted with butter

>> No.8774827


DURRR lying about not eating for 2 months you fucking tard

>> No.8774843

>Lying allows me to utilize a website while deceased?
Is the afterlife equally shitty? Why are you still on 4chan?

>> No.8774857

>day old bread, the horror!

>> No.8774882

I take my bags to my car and then walk in the front door and go straight to breakfast.

Never had an issue; if I did I would just show my room key (or ID if it came to that). I work construction, so not dressed "professionally"

>> No.8774914


Just peanuts.

I like snacking on a handful of peanuts now and then, so I always have a few bags of them lying around the house. I'm a poorfag so I never have much money, but normally I have more than enough to buy decent food at least. Unfortunately, that month I had some unexpected expenses fucking me over, and at the end of the month I had literally nothing left. Except for those bags of peanuts.

So I did the only thing I could do. I emptied the bags into a bowl, divided them into daily portions, and ate nothing but peanuts for five days. Luckily peanuts have a lot of calories so I didn't starve or anything, but it wasn't exactly fun and I would never admit it to anyone if I wasn't an anonymous stranger on the internet.

I still like peanuts though.

>> No.8776228
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air sandwich. no bread.

>> No.8776250

I ate nothing but cornmeal for a while. any bulk department grain + water = weird mush you can eat.

>> No.8776265

Do you fags actually believe your white bread shit is any healthy?

>> No.8776308


Hmm... oatmeal and peanut butter. Rice with leftover sauce packets from Chinese. Never really been broke though, just short on cash with tummy grumbles.

Headed to the cheap ass veggie market. Living in a city has benefits of buying healthy stuff super cheap.

>> No.8776347

i lived off of oatmeal, canned fruits/veggies and free apples from my old highschool several years ago. my parents were divorced and both were struggling so i went without anything in our cabinets besides condiments cans and oats for several weeks. we bought 50 dollars worth of groceries every two to three weeks. I wanted both of my parents to save their money to get out of the financial crisis they were in. instead one gambled and the other cheated me out of a decent upbringing.

>> No.8776980

At my lowest it was ramen noodles for a few months. I would also steal sugar and toilet paper from my job.

>> No.8777037

-Potatoes with butter salt and pepper. Or potato and fried egg.

-Also pasta with olive oil, salt and pepper.

-Rice and soy sauce or whatever seasonings I had on hand. At times just rice.

There was also food banks though, so I didn't have to eat like that too much, or like other posts ITT. Of course I also would just go ahead and not eat for 2 or 3 days here and there at these low points. Then I got fed up with it, broke down and got on SNAP.

Thankfully though I've been past all of that for some years now.

>> No.8777052
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When I was in college I bought a 3-pack of these and ate them all within a week. Turns your shit bright green and gives you horrible gas

>> No.8777055

I should mention to that twizzlers consisted of the majority of my diet over that time period

>> No.8777060

It's a even split between ketchup sandwiches and macaroni with a can of diced tomatoes.

>> No.8777137

I had no money for food, so I picked, washed, and boiled up some dandelions.

I didn't die... they actually weren't completely terrible, but they weren't good.

>> No.8777154

Your friend sounds like scum.

>> No.8777157

My mom was a waitress at a truck stop cafe back in the early 70s, she told me about an old hobo trick where they'd buy a cup of coffee, then ask for a bowl of hot water, and make themselves tomato soup with the ketchup and saltine cracker packs at the table. Saltine porridge could go a long way.
Shoplifting from grocery stores is so scummy.
Props for that foraging, it's great when you have foragables around.
Are you a fucking retard? This isn't a health food thread.

>> No.8777184

Ugh. Jesus Christ.

We need divine intervention on this planet. I mean yeah, kids starving to death in third world countries is sad as fuck.

Know what is also sad though?

First world people eating nothing but twizzlers and circus peanuts.

Not trying to be funny here.

>> No.8777207

My mom moved us into a mobile home in fucking nowhere, Tennessee. No electricity and only cold well water. Roaches everywhere, and once per month we would have food delivered by a church that was mostly canned stuff that tasted like shit, a few goodies, and several cases of chocolate-flavored graham crackers along with huge cans of peanut butter.

The decent food was usually gone within 2 weeks, so the rest of the month was whatever was still left. I lived for days at a time on peanut butter-covered chocolate grahams. Except one month we had dozens of cans of ravioli. Store brand.

That was probably close to the worst.

>> No.8777240
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>> No.8777322


*"I want someone that triggers me to leave"

>> No.8777361

>he thinks immigration department workers are even remotely left leaning

>> No.8777369

You never moved out?

>> No.8777399

Not if you live in the city

>> No.8777404
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when my mom ran away from my brother's dad it was just 10 year old me, my 2 year old brother and my mom living in a bedroom tenement style apartment with 1 bathroom for the whole floor of 4 families. she was working 2 jobs and was on welfare with at the time got us a huge block of government cheese, KIX cereals milk eggs rice bread and other stuffs.

when she lost her jobs there was a period when the government food ran out early in the months and we ate rice and ketchup. sometimes our neighbors would give us a couple of eggs or bacon sometimes ham.

this thread hit me in the feels.

>> No.8777427

I work at a restaurant, where the FOH sometimes does BOH. I try to cover the kitchen staff's breaks and eat as much as possible while nobody is there - crab salad, kale, almonds, dried cranberries, pulled pork. When I'm not starving, I toast a baguette slice and put some fig jam and goat cheese on it.

When I didn't have many hours, I'd just eat potatoes microwaved with butter. I had some anchovies left over once that I tried to put on the- wasn't very good.

>> No.8777429

I've unironically begun to consider doing this.

But lately my staples have been: Canned spinach, eggs, and beans.

The poorfag's keto

>> No.8777431

Pleb =! Poor. Any roman citizen that isn't patrician is a pleb, that includes incredibly affluent merchants and equestrians

>> No.8777439

>Also poor people are usually stupid so when they get a dollar or two they'll
What would be the best thing to buy?

>> No.8777451

Why not make your own pea soup? Probably cheaper, definitely tastier

>> No.8777455


Booze. We all live, but we are not all alive

>> No.8777458

rice and beans

My heat went out in the middle of winter and the beans I was soaking on my kitchen counter froze solid

felt bad man

>> No.8777461

Living like this every day of your life is being a poorfag. Living like this for a month is almost a universal experience. Never living like this is just being sheltered

>> No.8777472
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I found you, you fucker.

>> No.8777479

bread dipped in tea with no milk so it doesn't taste of utter nothingness. This was my lowest

>> No.8777483

If you're fat, you can. Most prisoners who start off underweight and somewhat malnourished last 60-80 days without food. Somebody starting from good health can make two months, but it is not healthy at all, just not fatal.

>> No.8777498

Good for you man, I lived in a shitty neibourhood so our supermarkets had security guards. Anyway I played the guitar for coins and bought myself a loaf of bread when I was dying.

>> No.8777500

The veggie omelet was heinous. They're slightly better with the salsa verde. The granola was the best part. I don't even think they make that one anymore

>> No.8777518

Because he's in hell

>> No.8777540

Was never in poverty but subsisted on bacon-egg sandwitches for a couple of weeks in university. A pack of bacon, eggs, and bread made a lot of sandwiches.

>> No.8778128

hot sauce and bread.

>> No.8778146

Good shit

>> No.8778195

Bend the lid into a spoon

Worst i've ever gotten by with has been tuna sandwiches made with saltines instead of bread. The issue was we had literally no form of carbs other than those crackers, just tuna and hotdogs. It wasn't horrible, just sucked for like two weeks. My dad helped me out and got me some bread and tomato paste.

Freshman year of college I also got really sick and was stuck in my dorm. I had money but couldn't get out far enough to buy food. I found a vending machine and bought some cookies with dimes I found in my bed, then spread peanutbutter and honey on them. Again, my dad bailed me out with a box of granola bars and a gallon of orange juice.

>> No.8778634

At my poorest I'd usually make a huge pot of bean sort-of-curry with some scraps of chicken and freeze it for a week's worth of lunches and dinners. If I had a particularly bad week (or month) I'd just make it stretch - more rice, less stew.

Breakfasts would be two slices of my own bread, with a little dab of schmalz rendered from chicken skin.

Other low points include: drinking cooking wine and fishing half-smoked cigarettes out of bins.

>> No.8778662

You sound a lot like me.

>> No.8778670

hard boiled eggs, steel reserve and yellow mustard. i was crying while i ate.

>> No.8778672

Seems like he was bailing you out during HIS lowest point. Was that all he could do for you or what?

>> No.8778691

nothing wrong with drinking cooking wine

>> No.8778711

No, I never actually asked him to bail me out or told him I had no food. Sometimes he just shows up at my place with stuff he buys from sams club, these times just happened to be convenient. Also, the box of granola bars was a case of like 200. I don't know why he got such a big case but I guess that's what they sell at sams club.

The guy's fronting my tuition so that I don't need to take out studend loans, the least I can do is try to keep myself alive with as little financial help as possible.

>> No.8778714

Early in 2009 I was 18 on my own and there was a huge ice storm in my state that knocked out power, cell phone towers, roads were iced, stores were closed, water pipes were frozen, it was a shit show. The National Guard even got called in to help with everything. We were pretty low priority since we weren't highly populated. Unusual weather for a southern state.

Anyway I was already really poor and only had a job as tech support at a call center. I didn't have any money until my next check which was like a week away. The storm hit overnight. Power off, water off. I had some shit in my freezer but it was frozen and/or raw if thawed. My fridge had barebone condiments, but at the time I couldn't force myself to eat them because it was cheap generic shit.

So I was thirsty and my water was frozen. I literally had no other drinks, I just had tap water. I went outside and found ice and snow that looked "fresh" to take back inside to melt so I could have something to drink. My house was definitely warmer than outside, but it still felt like it was around 40F degrees. I had ramen blocks/cups and 2/3 of a loaf of honey wheat bread. The cups were disgusting, I couldn't eat one. The dried veggies were just too gross, you know what I mean if you've had it.

The gestalt is that I survived on dry ramen blocks and flavor packets, bread and snow/ice for three nights in the mountains. At least it wasn't mice or bugs, I guess.

>> No.8778728

I remember that, the fucking snow came, melted and refroze. Georgia was fucked, I shot a rabbit in our neighborhood to feed the 6 people trapped in our house.

>> No.8778734

Mi Goreng noodles and lots of vegemite toast.

>> No.8778766
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The weather was just so cold and shitty that I couldn't stay out long enough to hunt anything. I tried. The deer didn't even want to be out, let alone the rabbits. Not to mention constantly getting covered in ice.

Good times

>> No.8778772

Take out the beans and put in tuna or sardines and this is my actual keto

>> No.8778918

Crackers and Instant Coffee

>> No.8778955

That shit with the salt in it? It's pretty foul.

>> No.8778971

I once was so hungry I killed a cat and cooked it

>> No.8778978

How were your shits?

>> No.8778986

he's not even being /pol/, he's just retarded

>> No.8778992

When people who've never really had to go without think of the poor, they imagine Shanequa the Welfare Queen scamming the system, not shit like this. Pisses me off.

>> No.8779001

>almost a universal experience
not for some cockfags who insist it's just laziness holding us back.

>> No.8779013

I used to go to outlet bakeries (where they try to sell goods ~1 week from expiration) and beg for loaves of bread expired the day of or day before and eat that, and nothing but that. I also didn't have a car to live in, nor an apartment. It was pretty rough.

>> No.8779676


Oatmeal... microwaved.

>> No.8780046

I didn't know 4chan was 20

>> No.8780064
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can you be the dad i never had?

>> No.8780065

I subsided off of waffles and cereal form continental breakfasts in town and then a pizza buffet run by teenage stoners. I ate for free and ate well. America is a top tier country,

>> No.8780073

Hey, that's not so ba...
the horrors!

>> No.8780079

I went to the park and foraged for a week. I got potatoes, garlic, burdock, onions, mushrooms, rabbits. Shit was easy. This is a city park, too. I honestly wonder how people go hungry. There's food fucking everywhere.

>> No.8780141

I had a can of green beans and two small bags of chips today? I've had days I just eat a few peanut butter folded over. Not really poor though.

It's funny the kind of stuff that starts looking pretty good after a while. I never would eat slim jims.

>> No.8781738

white bread with hotsauce on it
not too bad desu

>> No.8781755

Nothing wrong with microwaved instant oats. I've made steel cut simmered perfectly in water. Literally a waste of time.

>> No.8781762

In college id do either easy mac and a can of tuna, or ramen with canned chicken.

>> No.8781809

Spaghetti noodles and ketchup.....its actually not that bad.

>> No.8781827

Nothing but rice

Every day

For half a year

Until we stole pepper packets from A&W

Then we had rice with pepper

>> No.8781850

Look up Spaghetti Napolitan.

>> No.8781854

public park water fountain, saw dust, wild yeast caught in a micron-filter net stolen from NYU nearby

combined into the cheapest alcohol converter you could find

>> No.8782139
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Once as a young man i accidentally spent all my wages on drugs (i got paid weekly thank God) and i stole a sachet of ready brek and a carton of uht milk of one of my co-workers to have for dinner the day before payday (i had completely random out of food and i had already spent all my money on drugs). I couldn't sleep that night due to being so hungry and ended up going to a petrol station at midnight, got payed at midnight, to get some pre made sandwiches.

>> No.8782150

This with some hot sauce.

>> No.8782186

During a bout of unemployment, I survived off of tap water for two weeks.

I was dealing with severe depression, and most of my day was spent in bed. Obviously I got up to keep myself hydrated every so often.
When you're not constantly burning energy, you can get away without eating for a while. And after the first few days, you kind of forget that you're hungry until it hits you hard around the 15th day.

>> No.8782735

How do you fuck up your life so much that you can't even borrow 20$ from your friends or family
How do you fuck up so much that you don't have any money saved for at least the purpose of buying food if something goes terribly wrong

>> No.8782754

shit im on rice and beans mode like once a day (thats all i get) right now. its pretty bad man.

>> No.8782758

was probly best for you lardo, sure didnt hurt your body was surviving off all that extra fat aint that right fatty?

>> No.8782764

>saved up for smooth transition out of college
>parents die
>had to spend all money left on food
>still no job
>no money

lul welp guess im gonna be one of those homeless guys (im terribly beta and skinny i aint gonna make it senpai).

>> No.8782768

same as your pic but I put crisps between the bread slices as well.

kinda want one now desu

>> No.8782776

I assume you managed to get a degree, get a job, any low-life job you can get that won't require commitments, go flip some burgers and in the mean time since you're not starving anymore look for a job where you use your education
Unless you wasted thousands of dollarydoos on a useless degree, then I feel terribly sorry for your parents

>> No.8782793

Been homeless since mine died.

Get diagnosed with autism and you get $2800 a year to live on and basically no one will ever employ you again.
This website has singlehandedly ruined millions of lives by putting such stigma on an inert disorder that everyone thinks we're fucking retarded and incapable of doing basic math problems or stocking shelves.
Meanwhile I waste hours at the register waiting for the real millenials to make fucking change.

>> No.8782818

>lul welp guess im gonna be one of those homeless guys (im terribly beta and skinny i aint gonna make it senpai).
A cousin of mine actually had a similar problem and ended up killing himself after six months without a job. I genuinely think that he avoided a lot of suffering, given his bleak circumstances.

>> No.8782893

Anybody that is homeless should really try to work a mom and pop restaurant. They're more likely to give you the food that is going to be thrown away at the end of the night. Just apply for the worst job there, being a dishwasher. You're already homeless, so what else can you try.

>> No.8782894

well im not gonna kill myself yet, but the option has certainly been bumped up on the list of things to do. not even in a sad woe is me way, just in an objective "well, this sucks no reason to carry on now" way

>> No.8782903


Construction companies aren't putting you up in hotels that would offer a full spread though, they always put you in the safest "no tell motel" because of cheap weekly or monthly rates. Been there done that, never a Hilton, Ramada, Holiday Inn or Marriott like the original guy was stating he visited. The motels construction workers stay at long term do bagels, fruit, yogurt, donuts and coffee. Maybe some gross "waffle" type sludge you pour out of a bin into the greasy waffleiron.

>> No.8782926

Cheap Lidl noodles with butter and salt. For weeks at a time. Mayonaisse Sandwiches so often that I won't even eat toast/white bread anymore.

>> No.8782930


>> No.8783049

Good, white bread is trash.

>> No.8783087

But Patrician = well off by default so he's still right

>> No.8783224

Fuck dude had the opposite happen had 0 money left and had to eat what was left in the fridge for a month about a week in the fridge broke on one of the hottest days of the year and my food spoiled in 2 days. Worst feeling in my life, I slowly ate my canned goods rice and oatmeal for another week until I had to crash at a friends.

>> No.8783226


>> No.8783239

I ate HP sauce on bread

>> No.8783640

All that sodium. I would be so bloated.

>> No.8783790

I ate white rice with sliced bananas and soy sauce. lost 20 lbs in a month

>> No.8784201

What a self-entitled faggot you are.

>> No.8784763

>generic american cheese slices
tried to buy this a few days ago and it tasted like plastic. I have -4.60 in my account and I still had to buy some real cheese for my sandwiches.

It doesn't get worse than sandwiches and noodles for me. white pasta and sauce if im desperate

>> No.8784821

>Shoplifting from grocery stores is so scummy.
Fuck you they throw out like 40% of their perishables

>> No.8784829

One whole month all I ate was Rice/Chicken/Salad/Beer/ and some assorted fruit, truly terrible times.

>> No.8784901

Tacobell hot sauce on saltines

>> No.8784923

>this website is responsible for that
blame autism speaks, the organization does NOT serve to embrace neurodiversity. it's main goal is to find a cure for autism

>> No.8784945

One week when I was at my lowest I only ate (drank) a single cup of coffee in four days. It was terrifying.

>> No.8785118
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rice and a single small jar of no-name sweet & sour sauce for every meal for almost two weeks straight

also no-name instant coffee with nothing in it for 2-3 days and nothing else one time

>> No.8786136

>embrace neurodiversity.
How fucking batshit are you? Are we really at the point where people are suggesting making Autism an "alternative lifestyle" rather than a fucking mental illness? This world needs to be fucking purged

>> No.8787181

Wrong. I work pre-production as a sculptor and go on location all the time for movies and get put in Holiday Inns, Marriots, Hiltons, etc that have the full spread.

>> No.8787187

Sounds interesting, what sort of stuff do you do?

>> No.8787189


>> No.8787208

Shoplifting for food isn't scummy if it's your last resort.
Shoplifting things you don't need is scummy. And don't get me in the whole "yeah maybe he was a jackass and earned his situation" i'm just talking about the basic situation.

>> No.8787618
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ayyyyy been there

i dirtbagged my food from a grocery store for a long ass time, ate pretty well looking back at it, but im clean now.

eating less well, but im not a thief anymore

>> No.8787629

When I was in college I missed a deadline for registering for a winter break job because I was distracted with finals, so I had to make $25 last 45 days

Needless to say that's not possible without theft, so what I did was I sold my Jade Lucky Curve Duofold Sr. and bought a bunch of beans, flour, yeast, and salt. I ate nothing but bread and beans for that time. The rest went to buying random cheap vegetables and limes once a week to prevent scurvy. Towards the end I realized I had enough left to get a bottle of really shitty critter wine from Argentina. It was awful and it gave me a headache. I've hated Argie wines ever since.

>> No.8787655

Just a shitload of grits.

>> No.8787858

I stayed at my (rich) bf's house for a week while his parents were out of town and they didn't know we were there. They had no groceries in the house and I survived on crackers and nutella for most of that week, even though they had a freezer full of steaks in the basement. On the last day we did end up eating some steaks.

>> No.8787950


Why not get food stamps? Seems silly to be too proud if u are already stealing or living off beans or grits

>> No.8787960

You're still lucky. my mom laughed in my face when I asked about a college fund

>> No.8787966

not everyone is an american. and most /ck/ people that have to save up hard just suck at managing their money. at least I do. I wouldn't qualify for stamps. I invest almost all my money so sometimes things like rice and beans is all I can afford.

>> No.8788006

I once went an entire week eating one bowl of ice-soup and half a carrot each day.

>> No.8788014

why be miserable now just so you can live like a king later? what if you die?

>> No.8788017

I unironically believe eternal youth will appear within my lifetime

>> No.8788055

Dude mustard and cheese sandwiches are the shit btw. Seriously, try one.

>> No.8788060

I used to work at a place that catered lunch daily (it was in a really bougie neighborhood) and i would always wrap some up and take it home. It was a bad day when i forgot the food at work, which happened like 3/5 days because i hated the job and would sprint to my car exactly at 4:59pm

>> No.8788062

Rice with KFC gravy

It's actually pretty nice but I had nowhere near enough gravy so in the end I was left eating plain rice.

>> No.8789631

never ate lunch within my 3 years of high school

>> No.8790712

I went to food kitchen. I ate once a day, but it was a decent meal. There were no reason for me to eat like what OP said despite being jobless and homeless. God bless America.