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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 138 KB, 649x831, XXPIYB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8766989 No.8766989[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you have your gf or wife cook often for you? If so, how good is the cooking? Mine sucks at it.

>> No.8766994

Come on OP, you know most of us are either single or femanons and also single.

>> No.8767030

GF cooks for me once a week, she is amazing at it. Just planted a garden yesterday, and shopping for engagement rings. Life is looking up, lads.

>> No.8767041

I'm a girlfriendless fucking loser

>> No.8767044
File: 230 KB, 916x711, ck never change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8767048

to be honest, just for being a "nice guy" you don't deserve a shit, ain't no one deserves a loyal woman for his own, you have to earn it.

>> No.8767077

>people are unironically subscribed to a page called "guy humor"

>> No.8767086

Sorry, /co/ brought me here, didn't realize /ck/ was one of those boards.

>> No.8767088

those eggs are burnt, and what the fuck is she doing with that cup? this image is dumb.

>> No.8767104

She's rimming the glass. Shouldn't use a plastic cup, but what do you expect?

>> No.8767107

>random fucking cup
>cremated eggs
>in with raw fucking bacon
>a plate with a fancy swirl of pulverized and dried feces
>coil stove

>> No.8767108

>guy humor
>it's not humorous


>> No.8767110

I'd let her rim my ass if you know what I mean.

>> No.8767111

It says good guys not nice guys. Being nice is easier than being an all around good person.

>> No.8767116

GF is making tacos for me right meow.
Will later have GF's taco.

It's a win win

>> No.8767119

This. Nice is an affectation. Goodness involves living an ethical, outward-looking lifestyle.

>> No.8767166

>turkey bacon

Fucking open hand slap that bitch and leave.

>> No.8767195

Men aren't funny and never have been.

>> No.8767217
File: 1.61 MB, 500x281, nikumi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>certified red seal
>he just wants tendies, fries, burgers (no veggies)

>> No.8767277

/ck/ isn't. That Anon is shitposting.

>> No.8767327

>unironic fast food threads dominate
Idk about that anon.

>> No.8767356

why do i keep seeing people (probably just 1 person) going around talking about /co/ so much?? make like your board and go back to your fantasy land.

>> No.8767368

I've seen newfags, but at least lurk a week.

>> No.8767371

No. I've never understood this "grills cook for you" meme. Cooking is a man's job, and if you can't make yourself some food your aren't a real man imo.

>> No.8767408

If you can't get your dick wet, you're not much of a man either though.

>> No.8767425

im talking about here, specifically on ck, in a time span longer than the last week..

>> No.8767426

define kinky

>> No.8767437


>If you can't get your dick wet,

Never really had a problem with that, and I've never asked a girl out in my life. I just never understood the "grills cook" meme. Men are always better cooks, I'm a better cook, and I enjoy cooking, so fuck off. I'll cook for my lady friends because I want to, and I'll eat them out; even if I didn't they'd somehow flock to me in a perfectly adequate quantity.

>> No.8767440

>OP image
She put the bacon in after cooking the eggs, and the now cooked eggs are touching the raw side of the bacon. There's going to be some cross contamination here.

>> No.8767450

And the eggs are already burnt. God damn spic

>> No.8767456

Fucking hell, those are eggs?
I thought she just fucked up a pancake, jesus christ

>> No.8767459

I like cooking and am better than her, she makes me drinks and feeds me doritos then does the majority of the cleanup

>> No.8767773

I love to cook, have more experience cooking than her. Often times when she visits I make her a nice, hearty meal, and after that I fuck her mercilessly.

So yes, it's a mutually beneficial relationship.

>> No.8768195
File: 142 KB, 876x1280, pqhhuujk1ynx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's your cooking waifu,/ck/?

Mine is Nikumi. I want to be her cooking assistant and listen to her yell orders at me until service is over. Then she'll sheepishly apologise for being so mean and I'd eat her "meat" out on the kitchen counter before impregnating her with future culinary geniuses.

>> No.8768200

I want to cook for a gf. Too bad I'm a lesbian who will never find love.

>> No.8768204

Heh...night with me baby and you won't be a lesbian anymore ;-)

>> No.8768207

Don't be so down on yourself. I'm sure you're a lovely woman.

>> No.8768216

Come to Amsterdam and ill be your gf

>> No.8768220


>> No.8768248

Hiroshimoot merged the two boards for a day as an April fools joke. Both boards directed to /cock/. There were other mergers too:

There were more those are just what I remember rn.

Generally all instances of merged communities got along and had a pretty cute day of cross boarding bantz while pol and mlp self imploded.

>> No.8768255

No such thing as a loyal woman.

>> No.8768313
File: 897 KB, 928x700, 1491194410149[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while pol and mlp self imploded.
that's only true for the first 2 hours.
The horse fuckers drove away the shills and redditors and the actual /pol/ threads were a lot better than usually.

>> No.8768338
File: 674 KB, 1803x1398, read it left to right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or femanons and also single
that feel is calling.

>> No.8768343

mlp here. can confirm that pol is hot for our degenerate /d/ abused pussy.

>> No.8768348

>being a dyke

>> No.8768354

I don't believe anyone deserves anything in this shit world either, but I'm detecting a poignant fish smell and having visions of a roast beef vagina dentata so back to Jezebel with you, axe-wound.

>> No.8768370

>cooking bacon without a shirt

>> No.8768612

Well most of the posters are from the US of A and talk about fast food or whatever is a meme in California/Chicago.

>> No.8768636

It's not even a joke. Just a statement

>> No.8768736
File: 51 KB, 599x700, 1409223976458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ck suck because the discussion of thread is not ontopic most of the time.
my wife can cook recipes but she cant creat new ones. she is able to cut vegetables rly nice and fast. i like her food but i think she is no cook. neither am i^^

>> No.8768770


>> No.8768771

My GF basically handles all the cooking. Most of it is good. Sometimes the meals are a little light (like soup) and not filling enough but in general I've been happy.

Been reading CK more to try to develop my own cooking skills. If I could start just doing basic stir fry or something like that it would go a long way.

>> No.8768777



>> No.8768786

Its a bloody mary, underoo

>> No.8768813

She's making him a michelada. Its like a bloody Mary but with beer and clamato instead of vodka and tomato juice.

Surprisingly one of the few benefits of having a Mexican girlfriend is she makes these for me after nights of drinking. Of course this is after she gets mad at me over stupid shit and knocks me out with a frying pan or stabs me with a screw driver. But you win some you lose some, and sadly I like crazy

>> No.8768822

been with my girl 10+ years she never made me anything. not even a cup of tea. but it's all good

>> No.8768827
File: 5 KB, 237x213, images (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times do you think guy "humor" has posted this picture of Will Ferrell with some unrelated quote on it? 50? 100?

>> No.8768830

Man, I met this incredibly gorgeous girl here in Australia. She seems to like me a little bit because of my cooking I think. The thing is I have no chance because fat...

I seriously wouldn't mind cooking for a girl every day, I did it for my extended family for years.

>> No.8768843

S-same, w-where are you from? p-pls respond

kek'd :-DDDD

>> No.8769028

/outsoc/ was a lot worse than /mlpol/

>> No.8769032
File: 28 KB, 390x310, 1450082500259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of course the pcfat is a lonely virgin

>> No.8769037

fucking roasted

>> No.8769044

I miss the cocks board. I think we should hang out with co more often, they're on the same step in the spectrum as us.

>> No.8771065

She's putting lime on solo cup
There's something burnt next to something raw in a pan
"Cooking" shirtless

That bitch would be in my house only if she's a pool cleaner

>> No.8771077

My beautiful girlfriend and I make our meals together.

>> No.8771092
File: 50 KB, 588x350, bro[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's meant to be bro humor. The type of dude that would say something like "sorry babe, it's just a guy thing."

>> No.8771128

I will only ask politely this one time. Normies, please leave my board.

>> No.8771159

>being poor

>> No.8771198

I don't get the joke.

>> No.8771203

You have to go back

>> No.8771349

She's okay but she has to follow directions so her cooking is pretty uninspired.

Honestly I prefer to cook anyway. I'm better at it and enjoy it. She does all the other matronly shit though like cleaning and the laundry. I haven't hung up a shirt in two years.

>> No.8771393



She's very traditional. She's Mexican so the food is usually pretty great. Today was charisso?, eggs, and homemade tortillas.

>> No.8771413


>> No.8771443

Mom makes me tendies.

>> No.8771466

>cooking bacon topless

>> No.8771495

Lol, sounds like some kind of ashkenazic jew food
>sorry can only eat charisso. It's kol niedry tonight

>> No.8771512
File: 57 KB, 650x525, Flowers in a pan by George M. Groutas CC BY 1.0 (treehugger 42 flowers you can eat )flowers.jpg.650x0_q70_crop-smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish I have a husband to cook for a do kinky stuff to. In return for cooking everyday I want a neck massage/back-rub.

...but seriously (not that the above isn't also a serious wish ;_;) cooking at eating for one really sucks. If I was planning meals for four people I would be able to have a lot more variety and freshness.

...and I wish I have a husband and children I could make bentos for, there is just no point in making something cute when I'm eating alone. : /

>> No.8771532

Gf is half Mex

Her family's dinners kill it, bbq 10 months out of the year, tamales for Christmas, etc

>> No.8771555

>roleplaying as a woman on /ck/

>> No.8771556


>> No.8771561

t. roastie

>> No.8771563

It's some kind of sausage.

Same here. Soups, steaks, bbq, etc.

>> No.8771582

The only "cooking gf" I'd want is someone who does the dishes as she's working on it. I fucking work and manage to have a soapy dobe and clean my utensils and shit properly as something is cooking.
of course it's easier to just make a bunch of shit than it is to clean it, but I don't own that dishwashing machine so it's a constant battle of "do I really want to dirty two pants and a pot for a meal i'll eat in 15 minutes"

>> No.8771612
File: 871 KB, 200x224, 1482507373044.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been reading CK more to try to develop my own cooking skills

I've got some bad news for you.

>> No.8771780

This isn't /rk9/ or /k/, this will be one of those boards where most posters would be women.

Other boards that tend to have a lot of owmen are /adv/, /an/, /c/, /h/, /ic/, and /y/.

/rk9/ and /pol/ is pretty much the ONLY boards that is almost entirely male AND hostile to females, even then, there are some women on /pol/. Alas the are the ones that earns 4chan infamy.

>> No.8771787
File: 31 KB, 598x448, stop posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correction: that tend to have a lot of women

Timez for me to go to sleep...
.....alone ;_;

>> No.8771792

she sucks but she tries and its cute

>> No.8771799

I am a boyfriendless loser, but I do know how to cook.

>> No.8771801

Mine would find a way to burn water. She outright refuses, even when i'm sick. Our deal is that I cook, she cleans and everyone is happier for it.

>> No.8771811

Women can't cook and they certainly don't post on 4chan

>> No.8771848


/lit/ and /fa/ have a lot of women too

>> No.8771864

Do you make her cum before bed?

>> No.8771897

Daaaaaaaaamn! That edge

>> No.8771941

Correction that womens have alot of tendies.

Time to wake up

>> No.8771957

Ill be your bf. Are you below obese on the bmi scale and less than 35 years old?

>> No.8771962

hell yeah, how's the food?

>> No.8771975

My bitch cant cook at all but microwave eggs im like gtfo my kitchen bitch and pull your panties down

>> No.8771981

>didn't realize /ck/ was one of those boards

More like /c9k/, amirite?

>> No.8771985

Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.8772010

Because men typically have more important things to do than cook. Men cook on Sundays only

>> No.8772015

You're probably fat and/or ugly. Work on that first.

>> No.8772028


>> No.8772033

She make a lot of pasta dishes now?

>> No.8772043

I've now decided to live my life based on this post.

>> No.8772203
File: 40 KB, 600x436, broccolitree-600x436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My wife never cooks; says she doesn't get any enjoyment out of it. Besides that she teaches, so her evenings are always taken up with marking, lesson plans, etc. I don't take my job home, so that leaves me to be the cook & homemaker.

On one hand I'd love to have the archetypal housewife, but on the other, I love cooking and nest-building, so it's not such a bummer.

>> No.8772226

Only a matter of time before she gets plowed by some 15 yo mixed race boy with superhuman testosterone levels and a cucumber sized hog. Your 3 inches and an apron can only keep her around so long

>> No.8772273


Pretty unlikely, but if that ever did happen, she'd fucking starve.

She can't cook to save her life.

>> No.8772286
File: 111 KB, 588x588, 1484602393281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCKING this so much

what is it with women and not cleaning as you go

every fucking available surface gets colonized by mountains of dirty dishes til they have absolutely no room to work and then they're aghast at all the washing up at the end

it's like a clean workstation is a foreign fucking concept to them

>> No.8772301

>knocked up high school gf
>is amazed she's a royal piece of shit
>sticks around for ten fucking years despite her being a royal piece of shit
>resorts to legitimate physical and psychological abuse instead of dealing with problems like an adult

honestly, you deserve her

>> No.8772309

>all the make up just to wear a bra and cook inside
What the fuck is the point?

>> No.8772323

Its from a photo shoot

>> No.8772347

Cool Story Bro

>> No.8772491

On the internet nobody knows you are a cat

>> No.8772717

I do that!

>> No.8772721

japanese ex-gf was shit at cooking
shit at making love
shit at most things that i cared about desu, probably explains why i broke up with her

every time she tried to cook something i had to leave the room, because she would come THIS close to chopping off a finger or starting a grease fire or something, couldn't handle it

>> No.8772725

>japanese ex-gf
masturbating in front of a kid on the bus doesn't make her your "gf" you fucking weeb

>> No.8772729
File: 564 KB, 490x653, skirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8773171

>On one hand I'd love to have the archetypal housewife, but on the other, I love cooking and nest-building, so it's not such a bummer.

It sounds like the two of you are well-matched.

>> No.8773178

>Only a matter of time before she gets plowed by some 15 yo mixed race boy with superhuman testosterone levels and a cucumber sized hog. Your 3 inches and an apron can only keep her around so long

You are confusing porn with reality again.

Most women don't actually lust for the gardener, our hairdresser maybe, but he's probably gay, and even if he isn't, it's still a fantasy. The cheaters, in men and in women, are the outliers.

>> No.8773466

This shit is cringy as fuck. Who writes these, neckbeard virgins without life experience? It's awful.

>> No.8773474

My girlfriend brings me baked goods pretty often. She makes really good banana bread.

>> No.8773493

>I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."


>> No.8773512

It worries me that even your fantasies of a relationship are abusive, anon.

>> No.8773530


Mine dirties up half the fucking kitchen everytime she cooks and then I have to spend 2 hours cleaning it up because "Teehee I cooked, you clean!"

Bitch, I would have rather had a #2 with a coke for $6 than eat a homecooked meal then had to clean for 2 hours.

When I cook, I clean as I go and the only dirty stuff left at the end is the stuff we use to eat the meal itself.

>> No.8773549
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, S6300060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you.

Why do I have such a strong suspicion OP looks like this?

>> No.8773651

>not longing for a bride (male)

The fuck you even on 4chan?

>> No.8773663

Reminder that that online cheating plattform turned out to be all rich high-performer alpha males talking to bots with female avatars

>> No.8773695

I've never met a woman who can cook that's around my age (mid 20s). I see more men who cook though.
Combine this with women who wont clean either and make a mess in the house as well as everybody being broke I understand the fall in marriages and children being had.

>> No.8773711
File: 305 KB, 754x1530, women beta ready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women only respond to a dominant male. If you show any signs of weakness or a hint of beta they will leave you are take advantage of you because they know they can get away with it. Which is why after they are done with the cock carousel they realize they can no longer get away with the shit they used to based on their looks so they have to settle with some poor fucking emasculated beta male with lost of money.

>> No.8773723

I feel sorry for the people who have to tolerate having you in their life.

>> No.8773728
File: 609 KB, 960x618, woman clothes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does not make what I said any less true

>> No.8773732
File: 264 KB, 867x1000, woman nation wreckers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's because it oppressive to them and they dont want to fill in the roles they were made for because it is sexist bigoted and racist. They are too busy being sexually liberated and doing anything some cis-het male can do

>> No.8773733

I'm not really bothering to debate what you said because I know it'd be like talking to a sexually frustrated brick wall.

You do realise that post is satire btw, right?

>> No.8773739

>TFW your evidence for women being terrible is a piece of fiction from over two millennia ago.

>> No.8773740
File: 151 KB, 771x928, modern women 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am open for you to tell me what I am wrong about and explain why I am wrong.

>> No.8773752

All of your positions are informed by your own poor relation to women, not any form of empirical observations. Have you ever dated a woman, anon?

>> No.8773753

kek, that fucking pic. Hilarious.

>> No.8773771

I like how you people think all women are awful feminazis who want to destroy masculinity but also post images like this and act like they represent those same women.

>> No.8773773
File: 1.37 MB, 1860x1880, women in military 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of your positions are informed by your own poor relation to women
> not any form of empirical observations
Ok then, give me some examples to back that up.

>> No.8773783
File: 270 KB, 1438x1968, woman gawker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean there are certainly outliers to the norm I wont deny that.

>> No.8773795

Everything you're posting. It's all isolated examples of women being terrible. You've managed to delude yourself into thinking that a bunch of examples of women being awful online somehow constitutes a worldwide standard for women's behaviour, despite there being no fucking evidence to support that.

>> No.8773806
File: 2.56 MB, 520x8843, woman murders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok then show me some empirical evidence that women as a whole arent inclined to be nations wreckers and are in fact good people.

>> No.8773807

I'm 26 and few people I know can genuinely cook (or care to do so). A college friend (who was a celiac so maybe related) cooked damn well, on top of being a white boy who learned Viet cooking from his then gf's family. A recent roommate would cook often but all his food was pig disgusting southern type junk like slathered in grease or butter or salt so I'm not sure if he can actually cook. I also hated him for not putting away my shit and he got cucked (literally) so alls well ends well. Few women I know cook regularly but just as few men. At the end of the day I think it just comes down to enjoying cooking, since in our society it's not really a survival requirement anymore.

>> No.8773810

kill yourself

>> No.8773814

That's... not how the burden of proof works at all. Or how research works. Did you ever go to school, anon?

>> No.8773816

Fucking gross fag.

>> No.8773822
File: 104 KB, 474x575, woman you go gurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are telling me I am wrong and I am to just believe you without anything else but your word alone?

>> No.8773827

Well it seems to be working for you.

If I wanted to throw out more anecdotal bullshit like you are I could point to the quality relationships I've had with women, and those my friends have had, but I don't really think there's any merit to that, as dedicated as you are to the weird ass approach.

>> No.8773835

Most women are pieces of shit. Anyone can go outside and see that for themselves.

>Women complain about "muh body image" but are only interested in tall and muscular men.
>Most women are sluts that use their tits/puss to get what they want.
>Women demand equal pay, even though it's proven that men outperform them in almost every field.

>> No.8773837

Most men are pieces of shit. Anyone can go outside and see that for themselves.

>> No.8773838
File: 3.27 MB, 3056x3483, woman in combat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throw out more anecdotal bullshit
>but I don't really think there's any merit to that
Ok then give me some non-anecdotal evidence. I am still open to be proven wrong and be called a basement dwelling virgin for being wrong.

>> No.8773841

You're the one who started with the wild claims. Onus is on you to provide evidence, that's how the burden of proof works.

>> No.8773843

Post feet

>> No.8773849

I'm not the poster you've been "arguing" with, but a picture is not an argument you fucking moron. Also, the onus is on you to prove all women are terrible as you claim and when challenged, your only response has been "okay so prove it to me that I'm wrong or else I'm right. Also here's another picture I like that supports my claim without me saying anything". That's not how debating works.

You're clearly a sexually frustrated loser who has a whole folder full of cherry-picked woman-are-awful pictures. You probably spend way too much time online and are too afraid to lose weight and venture outside of your shitty basement/apartment because you've concluded it's a waste of time because of all of your stupid pictures.

>> No.8773851
File: 1.80 MB, 1713x1790, sentry on women in combat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I say shit
>that shit you are saying is wrong
>ok why is it wrong
>it just is ok

>> No.8773852

>what is reading comprehension?
Dumb whore

>> No.8773855


wew lad

>> No.8773856
File: 13 KB, 1061x591, 1430265246329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8773860


>> No.8773865

>Most women are sluts that use their tits/puss to get what they want.
And this works because men are pieces of shit who are easily swayed by any vagina that comes their way. How can you call that exclusively the moral failure of women?

>> No.8773870

>You say shit
>Provide no evidence
>It's just true okay

>> No.8773871

This is true. Most people are pieces of shit, but men are superior to women in almost every way except for nursing and prostitution.

>> No.8773872

They're the ones in control of it, how are you going to bait a tiger and then call it a faggot for trying to eat?

>> No.8773878
File: 34 KB, 252x240, 3650E2D1-67F8-4853-AA9F-57FACB6C18E7-1376-00000135475480CC_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8773880
File: 873 KB, 500x500, patriarchy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it can't be any more valid than what you are doing. Why dont you teach this sexualy frustrated loser how to debate? I am such a fat faggot living with my parents, I think all women are the devil and I am literally Hitler.

>> No.8773889

So men are just mindless animals who shouldn't be held accountable for their own actions?

Somehow women aren't looking that inferior.

>> No.8773894
File: 853 KB, 2045x1470, women nemo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am providing evidence you just dont want read any of it and are just ignoring it and putting it out of your mind because it makes you angry and you dont know why. Now it is your turn to show me something

>> No.8773906

>can't be held accountable for their own actions
That's women. Men are held accountable for what they do. If your dumbfuck self gets tricked into a relationship with a woman, too bad so sad, you're the dumbass. You thought you were going to get love and laid and happiness, how retarded is that?
She was the instigator by putting herself out there and will get away with everything she ever does for owning a vagina.

>> No.8773916

Anon, quick question; how familiar are you with the scientific method?

>> No.8773925

>That images
Jesus christ talk about having no understanding of how the world works.

>> No.8773926


Oh man I am so sorry. I dont think women are shit anymore. Thanks for showing me otherwise.

>> No.8773936

Please stop dodging my questions, anon.

>> No.8773943

I have no interest nor motivation to teach you anything as clearly you think you know everything. You also don't seem to understand the difference between "valid" and "sound".

>> No.8773944

The scientific method question was for a reason. You seem to not understand what constitutes usable evidence.

>> No.8773948

>that pic

>> No.8773953

No I dont think I know everything. So far you guys are just explaining to me on what I am doing is incorrect debating and attempting to insult my character without doing much else.

>> No.8773956

Gawker and Jezebel have (well, had) different editors and writers.

Like, same parent company =/= same agenda. Plenty of media conglomerates operate opposing newspapers, for example.

>> No.8773966

>guy humor
>it's not humorous
So it's spot on

>> No.8773972

Should have probably added on how much their vagina smells like a barn animal.

>> No.8773994


>> No.8774009

Maybe so, and so far all you're doing is posting picture after picture expecting us to read all of that shit as though it's your own original thought and a valid substitution for your own argument. It isn't. Like I said before, a picture is not an argument. You can post pictures you've saved all day long in this thread and you will still have said absolutely nothing yourself.

Also, like I said, I have better things to do than to sit here and try to convince an anonymous stranger on the internet that all those pictures he saved are wrong. There is no net gain for me and I don't really care about you at all. I'm happily married, my wife can cook great although she acknowledges that I'm the better cook, which I am, yet we're both happy together. Keep being bitter....maybe it will make you happy some day.

>> No.8774011

I like how she just gives a look of 'thats not fair!'

>> No.8774014

Damn there are a lot of chicks on /ck/

>> No.8774022

My gf allways tries to cook nice stuff but if its to hard she will most likely fail. But lately she has been doing easier stuff and it has been working good, but i couldnt care less as i enjoy cooking, and also enjoy how happy she is when i cook.

>> No.8774033
File: 1.30 MB, 1000x4624, women jobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting us to read all of that shit as though it's your own original thought and a valid substitution for your own argument
So how does that work then? Any argument that provides other sources is just null and void? That does not make any sense.

Also the time and energy you just spent in making that post could have been to explain and show me why I am wrong by giving me some evidence that women aren't shit.

>> No.8774042

I started seeing a girl recently and every time she's come to my house she's brought me some surprise baked goods. Pretty sweet.

Still haven't had her cook for me or vice versa, but I'm sure it'll happen eventually.

>> No.8774047

>giving me some evidence that women aren't shit.
What form would such evidence take? A longitudinal study into the shittiness of an experimental group of women?

You need to define your parameters better.

>> No.8774070
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How about the kind of jobs they take, or why having women trying to be equal as men ruins the military from the inside out. Or how they can get by the government with a slap on the wrist where as it will be more sever for men under the same circumstances. Or how they create and environment that is destined to collapse on itself. I should not have to hold your hand through this and you could have been providing such things yourself instead of taking the time on telling me you dont have time for this.

>> No.8774103

ITT: /r9k/

>> No.8774121

7 years ago when I had a Mexican girlfriend this was true.
She cooked me breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
She also did whatever I wanted in the bedroom.
Looking back, dunno why I ever let her go.
Maybe I just hate myself.

>> No.8774133

>drillers of earth

What a baller name for that job.

>> No.8774145

>muuuhhh callhouunnn

what is with pseuds and pop psychology experiments from 60 years ago?

>> No.8774218

Those aren't women on /fa/, anon.

>> No.8774228

Nice to see you got so many with this pasta.

>> No.8774279

i feel like these people actually want women to be stereotypical feminazis so they can say "oh she was a crazy sjw" when they get rejected for being a fat sexist neet

>> No.8774348
File: 170 KB, 416x356, 1433116404516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy projection, batman

>> No.8774351
File: 13 KB, 600x338, microsoft edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being an abuser
>thinking it's okay


>typing that bullshit power fantasy one-handed on a Mongolian throat-singing forum

get fucked

>> No.8774403

The OP did say "good guys" but your point makes sense. Just by 'being' something doesn't mean you deserve anything, whether it is a good guy bad guy smart guy whatever. You have to do something in order to get something.

I guess good guy deserves a good woman and they can both sit around and do fuck all for each other except 'be good'

fuckin lame

>> No.8774897

/ck/ is a great shitposting board. I think its a lot of irony and snobbing from the topic as well as the larger than normal amount of alcoholics

>> No.8775077

>m-muh vagina!

>> No.8775131
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, meat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this board supposed to be about cooking?

>> No.8775162

how does she cover up the taste of arsenic and rat poison in your food anon? does ground glass and spiders interfere with the texture of the food she makes for you?

>> No.8775253

Rude. I already have accepted my forever alone status, you don't have to rub it in.

>> No.8775396

>Food & Cooking
fuck off back to /r9k/ and /r/incels, you sad pathetic creatures

>> No.8775734

Easy there buttblasted femanon, you're biting down too hard on that pasta

>> No.8775777

Yeah, cause /co/ is full of guys with gf's

>> No.8776374

I'm female and I hate moust females I know. They are either retards or retarded sluts or both

>> No.8776381


Wife and I meal prep on Sundays for the week, then cook dinner together when we get home from work after we walk the dog. We cook for each other on special occasions. We're both competitive distance runners so our meals are fairly repetitive and consist of basic nutritional staples, but we're both halfway decent cooks when we have the time.

>> No.8776982
File: 131 KB, 375x500, 5884375541_be690667cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


owl man