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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 187 KB, 960x640, toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8766885 No.8766885 [Reply] [Original]

That's it.
It's over.
There is... no bacon left... in the whole world.

>> No.8766896

Cut in half, put some salami on that and some horseradish cheese and it's good.

>> No.8766903

but is there delicious cat?

>> No.8766970

I'll find some belly to slice.

>> No.8766974

epic thread

>> No.8766988

Good riddens.
Now if we get rid of the sriracha the maymay foods will be gone.

>> No.8767064

>the maymay foods will be gone
remove avocado, remiove adovaco

>> No.8767073

this thread has me thinking, what were the meme foods of the 90s and early 2000s? what about the 80s?

>> No.8767085

Avocado is not a maymay food to the extent of bacon or sriracha.

>> No.8767310

There's always imitation bacon.

>> No.8767319

pop tarts

>> No.8767345

that pokemon cereal

>> No.8767350

Doritos and mountain dew, I suppose.
We can only hope that bacon goes the same way soon enough.

>> No.8767412

I barely eat that shit anyway. I'd rather have an egg desu

>> No.8767461

>no bacon left in the whole world
So all the pigs die off somehow? What would bring about this calamity?

>> No.8767487

It 10,000% is you basic bitch

>> No.8767492

Google "bacon memes."
Then you will know what a true basic bitch is.

>> No.8767499

Don't you know how we harvest bacon?

>> No.8767536

From bacon plants duh faggot.

>> No.8767578

Sun dried tomatos in the early 00's. That shit was everywhere.

>> No.8767590

Except people don't actually eat all that bacon.
People DO eat all that avocado because OMMFFFGGG AVOCADO YAAAAAAS SLAAAAAY

>> No.8767645
File: 110 KB, 2000x1028, out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8767675
File: 53 KB, 728x546, IMG_0185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sick of you assholes pissing all over good food just because you've labeled it "meme." You're worse than hipsters. Let you in on a little secret, I'm working on a vlog that is going to lay the snackdown so hard on this board, you neckbeards won't be able to post another thing due to embarrassment. You're over.

>> No.8767707

Seinfeld had an entire episode on pesto

>> No.8767708

>people don't actually eat all that bacon

Yep, that's why Hardees, Burger King, and Wendy's have avocados (at all) and has no bacon (on every goddamn thing).
How crazy is it that neither of us live in opposite world, you fucking whiny little shitwad baconshill?

>> No.8767720

Whole wheat bread for the 90s. And diet soft drinks.

>> No.8767731

I'm interested.
I'm one of the lifeless NEET fags that thinks it's hilarious to constantly post McChickens.
Bring it on, for me.

>> No.8767790

Ok m8.
>puts some Mashed avocado and a fried egg over well.
Have fun with your no bacon, I suppose.

>> No.8769422

>cancer and heart disease rates drop significantly