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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8764822 No.8764822 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /ck/!

These are mushrooms. Specifically psilocybe cubensis. They're edible! However, not a lot of people have an acquired taste for them.

Know any good recipes to integrate these mushrooms into? Preferably a mushroom heavy dish, but one that masks the original taste.

Bonus points if you know any recipes that would completely disguise the mushroom element completely, as I'm trying to "surprise" someone.

>> No.8764837

I'm fairly sure the act of cooking shrooms actually destroys the psychedelic chemicals in them, so if you're planning on getting high off this food you're out of luck.

>> No.8764844

Put them on a burger.

>> No.8764863

>be me
>don't like mushrooms
>people would always be trying to trick me into eating mushrooms
>could always tell immediately
Dang it OP, stop it.

>> No.8764868

You are shit. Your ideas are shit and you must be at least 18 to use this site.

>> No.8764869

Fuck off druggie

>> No.8764886
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>> No.8764890

i put them in a ceasar once and it put me off ceasars for a decade

>> No.8764894

If you're going to poison someone, it's generally not a good idea to talk about it online.

>> No.8764896

>let's feed someone a strong psychedelic disguised as food
>I am sure no serious harm can come out of this and this action is definitely not illegal

>> No.8764900

Anon, my drug is the experience of cooking. The only shrooms I use is mushrooms. The only weed I need is dill weed. The only crack I worry about is the one on my plate. The only rock I have to have is rock salt. Get some help. It's uncool to be a fool on drugs.

>> No.8764904

>The only shrooms I use is mushrooms.
yea, I thing you're speaking for all of us on this one

>> No.8764906

Good post Mrs Reagan

>> No.8764913

I'm not a druggie and I don't even like or use psychedelic mushrooms. I'm trying to fool my girlfriend into taking them so I can make sure they're legit since I just got done growing them. First batch I've ever done. I'm trying to sell them.

>> No.8764915

Make a stacked pizza.
Put the mushrooms on top of the tomato sauce, then stack all the other toppings over them.

>> No.8764923

anon, I hope for your own sake that you're behind 7 proxies right now

>> No.8764937

Thank you, I'll just go with this.

>> No.8764951

Why don't you just ask your gf to try them for you instead of giving them to her without her consent?

>> No.8764958

Because I want to fuck her while she's zoned out of her skull.

>> No.8765016

So you're a druggie and a rapist
>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.8765023

The only cooking I'll be doing is cooking up an alibi.

>> No.8765028

Isn't me.

Anyways, the reason why I want to "surprise" her is because she doesn't do any form of any drugs whatsoever so she'd flat out tell me no if I asked. She's never even smoked weed.

>> No.8765037

There's a difference between sneaking food someone doesn't like into a meal and sneaking drugs into a meal for someone that doesn't want to do drugs.
One is being an asshole. The other is being a dangerous asshole.5500 head

>> No.8765042

If this isn't bait you're legitimately an awful human being

>> No.8765063

>as I'm trying to "surprise" someone
you're a horrible friend if you're trying to feed someone drugs without them knowing

>> No.8765070

How many layers of irony my dude

>> No.8765081

Don't sneak hallucinatory psychedelic drugs into someone. They're relatively harmless if you're prepared mentally, but to have the effects happen when you're not expecting it would be damn dangerous. Most likely they would think they were going insane and could seriously harm themselves or someone else. Don't do this.

>> No.8765102


i tricked my friend into smoking salvia like 15 years ago and it was pretty hilarious

>> No.8765133

No that's pretty much the same thing considering food allergies exist.

>> No.8765188

Jesus christ how autistic/psychopathic are you OP?

She's seriously not going to enjoy it if she doesn't understand what's happening to her or why, and she definitely won't if she's never so much as smoked pot before.

Hope you get raped up your dickhole with a screw in prison if you do this.

>> No.8765236

OP here

You dumb faggots all fell for my b8 like the retards that you are

Just know that I'm having a serious giggle at your stupid asses

>> No.8765249

>I was just pretending to be a retard
So epic.

>> No.8765266

oh shit I wasted half a minute of my life posting in a mildly entertaining thread on an american cooking board
le epic trolle!!

>> No.8765269

>i was only pretending to be reatrded : the post

>> No.8765272

Cry more you stupid faggots, your tears sustain me

>> No.8765279

I'm the real OP. I'm pretty much done with this thread now that I got the advice for a pizza.

Are you this board in life to just revive my thread for shits and giggles? Have fun with it, though. Just letting you fellas know, it ain't me.

>> No.8765282

kek there we go

>> No.8765286

*it ain't me starts playing*

>> No.8765288

Stop impersonating me

>> No.8765291

Real OP here, I'm literally sucking my own cock right now, brb coming in my mouth.

>> No.8765292

Uh huh, I feel so epically trolled right now.

>> No.8765297

>I feel so epically trolled right now.
Probably because you actually were

>> No.8765300

Do you like taking my hard throbbing (You)s you slut?

>> No.8765308

At least sautée it first.

>> No.8765311

Your gf is a fucking moron for dating a retard like you and I actually think she deserves all the misery that befalls her fate in your presence now.

>> No.8765330

Salvia lasts five minutes

Shrooms can last 4 to 8 hours

Neck yourself

>> No.8765362
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>neck yourself

>> No.8765426

Daily reminder that cooking magic mushrooms is illegal.

>> No.8765432

Fuck you dont do this

>> No.8765981

just make a tea. its an ez and good way to mask the taste and you'll get fucked up

>> No.8765993

I think in shitposterese it means kill yourself.

>> No.8766016
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don't surprise someone with a 8hr trip. take them yourself or ask someone who would be interested in purchasing them to try a free sample.

>> No.8767469 [DELETED] 

So much this. I actually want to try shrooms because supposedly they do a good job at reducing major depression. Unfortunately they are impossible to find where I am (short of going out into the wild and picking them myself, which I don't know how to do).

As soon as I'm able to travel again I'm going to Laos. I hear that the "backpacker" party areas have them easily available.

>> No.8767501

So much this.

And I actually want to try shrooms because supposedly they do a good job at reducing major depression. Unfortunately they are impossible to find where I am (short of going out into the wild and picking them myself, which I don't know how to do).

As soon as I'm able to travel again I'm going to Laos. I hear that the "backpacker" party areas have them easily available.

>> No.8767508


no bake brownies or fudge that doesn't get more than warm. powder the shrooms and mix it in. peanut butter variants would cover the taste best, since shrooms taste a bit like gravelly rotten peanut butter.

>> No.8767533 [DELETED] 

I don't think anyone would recommend fucking with illegal drugs in a foreign country. Natives will turn you in for a couple dollars. Some of those SEA countries have the death penalty for possession. Even if it were a prison sentence, I have the distinct feeling you can't begin to imagine what a Laotian prison would be like.

Just go to Oregon in the spring. The costal ranges have a shitload of those things and in Portland you could hook up with people that know.