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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 187 KB, 1300x960, chilli-peppers-red-plate-jug-milk-brown-table-t-top-view-side-view-46762158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8758575 No.8758575 [Reply] [Original]

So non whites cant drink milk, most whites cant eat chilli (without training) and no one can drink water from other regiobs

>> No.8758588

>tfw white and lactose intolerant
why live

>> No.8758594

I want this to be a real word.
Put forth a definition.

>> No.8758599

>tfw half hispanic half caucasian
>can not only drink milk but can also handle spicy af things
>have eaten carolina reapers before and drown shit in hot sauce
Wow try and keep up friendos

>> No.8758601

>mexican grandpa, other 3 grandparents are white
>not lactose intolerant
>can handle hot foods just fine
>nobody knows I'm Mexican until after their race rants
feels great

>> No.8758607

>tfw also look white besides the dark eyes
>everyone just presumes since pale af skin
thank god we're not indio scum kekekek

>> No.8758614

I'm pretty sure hispanics don't have natural resistance to chilli, they just eat so much of it from a young age that they become desensitised to spiciness.
Anyone can desensitise themselves easily, just start eating spicy stuff all the time and progressively increasing the spiciness

>> No.8758618

>tfw will never get to slather my tongue with hot sauce and lick your bare asshole while giving you a reach around
life isn't fair

>> No.8758624

idk, indonesia is bs with its spice and Malaysia is similar

>> No.8758637

>>tfw white
That's where you're wrong, Shitavious

>> No.8758645

>non whites cant drink milk
I don't get why white people made shit up like this.

>> No.8758648

Hispanics are white though

>> No.8758650

It's true the majority of people without some form of caucasian decent cannot process milk

>> No.8758668

>white people can't handle chili
>nonwhites can't drink milk
>one of the best antidotes for eating too spicy food is drinking milk
like pottery

>> No.8758731

isnt it because of tolerance, not genetics?

>> No.8758738

No it's genetics you either can or can't eat something it's like being allergic.

>> No.8758744

I guess evolution is real

>> No.8758746

Does spicy food taste nice after a while something? I don't mind a mild spice but anything else tastes like utter shit and i think a lot of people just pretend to like spicy food so they can feel different.

>> No.8758749

Spicy food can definitely taste good it depends what kind of spice you're adding and to what kind of dish like habenero sauce and burritos taste fucking amazing

>> No.8758752
File: 165 KB, 781x1023, strawberry_blueberry_bunnycats_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not a weak-willed, spineless loser who lets my tastes get governed by retards spewing racist dogma

How pathetic you ought to be to not trust your own body.

>> No.8758792


No you're the kind of loser who expresses his fetish addled mind by posting perverted oriental cartoons and then thinks he has some kind of moral high ground.

>> No.8758802

This also posts the two worst "waifu's

>> No.8758806

its an intolerance not an allergy though. of course wr can all digest lactose to begin with and cows milk actual contains about half the lactose of breast milk

>> No.8758811
File: 26 KB, 500x281, 54c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when weakwilled losers delude themselves into thinking they can influence those of strong convictions

Heh. Better luck next time. Maybe work on yourself first before attempting others.

>> No.8758814

The tendency to retain the ability to tolerate (digest) lactose into adulthood is genetic. But no, it's not nearly as simple as "Brown people can't drink milk".
As far as I know there's nothing similar for chilli. It's just what you're used to.

>> No.8758818

The only good character in that shit show

>> No.8758830

Awh, look, your inadequacy already infuriates you.

>> No.8758834

No just honesty it was a really bad show but I kept watching because she delivers the best moments seeing her was cozy can't explain it. Would get a body pillow of her. Why do you have bad taste in waifus though?

>> No.8758863

Holy fuck, what's it like being this pathetic?

>> No.8758887

I'm lactose intolerant and I just have farts a couple hours later

Do people actually get so bad that they can't drink milk?

>> No.8759072

>tfw 3/4 white and 1/8 Native American
>can't drink milk and can't handle chili peppers
>have to eat shitty Jap food seasoned with nothing but MSG

>> No.8759140


>> No.8759317

>non whites cant drink milk
Milk consumption is a northern european thing. Not even americans can stomach it.
Spicy food requires training.
And bacteria you're not used to will give you the shits regardless of where you live.

>> No.8759328

>Not even americans can stomach it

I'm a burger and I drink milk at every meal.

>> No.8759342
File: 60 KB, 1200x778, 15Smith_thumbsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw not a mulatto

>> No.8759397 [DELETED] 

It's only Asians that can't tolerate it. Niggers have a fine tolerance to lactose they even have tribes that bathe and rely on cow shit for their life. That is why whites had a hard time conquering Africa, they couldn't out-disease the niggers like they did the Americans. Spics aren't a race, there are white, nigger, mongoloid etc. spics, so they're going to have tolerance to lactose if they have Eurocuck in them. I never heard of someone dying from lactose intolerance just giving people bad shits. What I can't stand are all these fucking white kids with their allergies to everything. Whites seem to have the most autists and kids with allergies.

>> No.8759405
File: 2.12 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20170402_125403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a meme tho lactose intolrance alsobdoesnt always mean you cant drink milk. Im a brown as fuck tunisian and i enjoy milk and all diary products

>> No.8759406

>Milk consumption is a northern european thing.


Not like there's an entire southern European country with a long history of various cheeses in their food

Or a western European country with a recipe catalogue that's 50% cream based.

>> No.8759768

how does it feel being half faggot half even more faggot

>> No.8760137

not him but is that south European country italy? because you know aged cheeses dont contain any lactose

>> No.8760141

you clearly got white blood though which means you gained some good genes. seriously "brown" people are almost always mixed... obviously

>> No.8760163

You're an exception. I never met anyone lactose intolerant until I visited america. Then people were shocked at the way I had to seek out milk to keep calcium levels up.
America was colonised by weak puritans with inferior genes, who then inbred and got over-reliant on slaves doing fucking everything. Free the slaves, and you end up with a nation that can't be relied on to wash it's hands or wipe it's own backside, everyone on 5000 kinds of medication, and eating special snowflake diets because they're 'intolerant'.

>> No.8760182

>he unironically believes this

People drink a lot of milk in all over europe Anon. I swear some of the shit I read on this website makes neo-/b/ look intelligent.

>> No.8760186

My cousin get stomach cramps and the runs pretty bad if she drinks milk.
So, yes. I'd assume some have it worse than others.

>> No.8760188
File: 628 KB, 172x192, 1489083878171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can drink milk
>tfw can eat spicy food no problem

Latino's truly are the master race of this world

>> No.8760190
File: 28 KB, 234x221, chen_happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can eat chilli and drink milk at the same time!

>> No.8760193

Hardly. White people drink tons of milk. It's the blacks and the Asians that are lactose-intolerant.

>> No.8760223
File: 453 KB, 160x120, 1333256076210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw training in the hyperbolic chili chamber

>> No.8760387

Evidently, you have neither lived in or visited europe.
Go back to your flyover state.

>> No.8760405

Humans are actually supposed to lose their ability to digest milk as they age. The only reason that people can is because of a mutation in their genetic code.

People who can drink milk are literally evolved beyond the lactose intolerant plebs.

>> No.8760425

I have never met anyone who couldn't drink milk or eat spicy food what is this even about.

>> No.8760426

Everyone can drink milk.
Lactose intolerance is BS.
It's just another way to make white people feel superior.
I mean really. They don't sell milk in Asia and Africa?
Don't believe everything written on the internet.

>> No.8760430

>They don't sell milk in Asia and Africa?
They don't in Asia, no. You can find banana milk everywhere but Cheese and Milk are practically unheard of.

They don't in Africa because Africa doesn't have stores.

>> No.8760477

Nigger, you can go to any convinience store in Japan an buy milk. Same for worst Korea.

>> No.8760485

So what you're sating is that white people need to marry non white people so our children can have spicy milk?

Got it.

>> No.8760496

And do you know there are tons of soft cheeses that get liberally consumed in Italy that contain lactose, like Mozzarella or Gorgonzola?

>> No.8760523

>Same for worst Korea.
I lived there for 3 months, no you cannot. That shit is all banana milk.

>> No.8760530

I hate you Melody

>> No.8760539

Hahhah wow your must be a baby??? Only baby is drink milk hahhah

>> No.8760559

Non whites being mostly lactose intolerant is fake news
There are little to no genetics at play with spicy foods. Its all just resistance built over time. It's like saying only non Chinks can't drink mercury

>> No.8760593

t. illiterate shitskin

>> No.8760599

>Non whites being mostly lactose intolerant is fake news
I think people really overestimates the quality of medical research, especially nutrition-related ones.
Physicist here, med research are jokes. Media hyping the next cancer cure or superfood makes things even worse.

>> No.8760623
File: 19 KB, 259x286, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw mouse trials are now hugely ineffective because mice are not really all that much like humans

>> No.8760632
File: 16 KB, 532x446, F2_Collection_of_cows’_milk_by_dairies,_2015v3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He says despite the fact I've been living here all my life

>> No.8761072

>tfw 7/8ths white and native
>tfw 1/8th of me is missing
Why even live

>> No.8761123

The rest of me is a mixture of Sub-Saharan African, Southeast Asian, and East Asian blood.

>> No.8761135

t. bitchtits mcfatfuck

>> No.8761179


>> No.8761189

Eh better than half jap half ashkenazi jew, which is me

>> No.8761193

R u a grill?

>> No.8761200

I'm from South America and mcdonalds has to drop spicy products here because people hate them

>> No.8761910

This desu
Why would peple go on to the internet and tell a lie like this?

>> No.8762097
File: 141 KB, 552x325, 1db.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw from one regiob
>go to another regiob
>they have great chilli and great milk
>even the goat milk is good
>can't drink their water

>> No.8762326

have you even tried the milk in japan? theres a reason it tastes different